Cop Universe

Chapter 111 Locking on the target person

Chapter 111 Locking on the target person
He Jiahui and Ma Jun came to the Chinese University with a team from the crime team.

"Uncle Hua, go and confirm the identities of these fourteen suspects. Sir He and I will go to the Faculty of Arts and ask the professor about the five elements of Taoism." Ma Jun ordered.

Chinese University has courses in Religious Studies and Theology, which are all part of the Faculty of Arts.

The two came to the Faculty of Arts, and the person in charge of the Faculty of Liberal Arts recommended a professor surnamed Wei to them.

"Our Faculty of Arts offers a course of religious studies, but the research of our scholars is not religion itself, but the relationship between the development of religion and human society.

For example, religion and politics, religion and culture, religion and science, religion and living customs, etc. These are actually more inclined to sociology than to explore the content of religion itself.

If the two sirs wanted to understand the five elements theory of Taoism, they had no choice but to go to Professor Wei.We only have Professor Wei here, who has quite profound research on Chinese Taoist culture.

Professor Wei's grandfather was originally a Taoist priest, and later came to Xiangjiang because of the war, and returned to vulgarity, married and had children.So Professor Wei also has some family background.

Professor Wei also likes Taoist culture very much. He has been to many Taoist holy places in the Mainland, had in-depth discussions with the local Taoist priests, and practiced in Taoist temples in the Mainland for a period of time. "

As the person in charge introduced, he brought the two of them, He Jiahui, to Professor Wei's office.

"Professor Wei, these two are police officers from the Regional Serious Crime Unit. They came here to ask questions about Taoism." The person in charge introduced Professor Wei to the two.

After introducing each other, He Jiahui took the lead and asked: "Professor Wei, we are here this time to ask you some questions about the Taoist Five Elements."

"Five elements, what aspect are you referring to?" Professor Wei asked.

"Isn't the five elements just gold, wood, water, fire, and earth? Does it also include many aspects?" Ma Jun asked.

"Of course. Speaking of the five elements, it's very complicated!" Professor Wei saw that both of them were laymen, so he took the initiative to introduce:
"The theory of the five elements, generally speaking, is gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, but when it is subdivided, it includes directions, yin and yang, eight trigrams, time, seasons, heavenly stems, earthly branches, the human body, and so on.

For example, the orientation, the east is wood, the south is fire, the west is gold, the north is water, and the center is earth; another example is the eight trigrams, Qian and Dui are gold, Li is fire, Zhen and Xun are wood, Kan is water, Gen and Kun For soil.

It is also like the seasons, spring belongs to wood, summer belongs to fire, long summer belongs to earth, autumn belongs to metal, and winter belongs to water. These are the five seasons in a year as the ancients said.

There is also time, the moon of Yin, Mao, and Chen belongs to wood, the moon of Si, Wu, and Wei belongs to fire, the moon of Shen, You, and Xu belongs to gold, the moon of Hai, Zi, and Chou belongs to water, and Chen, Wei, Xu, and Chou belong to earth. .

The five elements on the human body are also divided into many types. The common one is the five internal organs theory of traditional Chinese medicine. For example, the heart belongs to fire, the spleen belongs to earth, the lungs belong to metal, the kidneys belong to water, and the liver belongs to wood.

There is also the theory of the five sense organs, that is, the tongue belongs to fire, the mouth belongs to earth, the nose belongs to metal, the ears belong to water, and the eyes belong to wood; in the theory of five bodies, the veins belong to fire, the flesh belongs to earth, the skin belongs to gold, the bones belong to water, and the tendons belong to wood... ..."

Professor Wei just gave a preliminary introduction, and he said a lot.

He Jiahui was a little lucky, but luckily he brought the recorder with him. If he used a pen to record, let alone the content, even words like 'Xun', he couldn't even write them.

As expected of a university professor, Professor Wei has top-notch lecture skills, no lesson preparation, no handouts, and he talked on and on for half an hour without a break.

He Jiahui couldn't take it any longer, he quickly found an opportunity, interrupted Professor Wei, and asked, "Professor Wei, is there any ceremony related to the five elements?"

Professor Wei nodded: "Of course there is. Since ancient times in China, there have been ceremonies to worship the gods of gold, wood, water, fire, earth and the five elements. There is a record in "Zhou Li" that sacrifices to the five sacrifices with blood. It is said that the five sacrifices It is the official of the five elements.

It is also mentioned in "Hanshu" that the ancients would worship five sacrifices, namely, the wood god Jumang, the fire god Zhurong, the metal god Lishou, the water town Xuanming, and the earth god Houtu. "

"Then will living creatures be used in this kind of sacrifice?" He Jiahui asked again.

"That's for sure. The ancients used living animals to sacrifice to the gods. It was a common thing. In front of the gods, they killed a pig or a sheep to show their piety. The sacrifice of cooked food was done by the poor." Wei Wei The professor nodded.

"Will living people be used for sacrifice?" He Jiahui asked again.

"It must have existed in the pre-Qin period. Didn't there still be a sacrificial burial system until the early Ming Dynasty! But this belongs to the historical category." Professor Wei said.

"Then let's not talk about history, let's just talk about the theory of the five elements. Among the sacrifices of the theory of the five elements, is there a situation where the sacrifices are performed directly with the method of the five elements.

For example, if I want to sacrifice to the god of water, I drown the living things used for sacrifice; or in order to sacrifice to the god of fire, I burn the objects of fire used for sacrifice to death. "He Jiahui asked.

Professor Wei thought for a while and said, "It is possible to sacrifice the sacrifices to the god of water and throw them into the water. But to sacrifice to the god of fire, there is no need to burn the sacrifices to death, right? According to this, to sacrifice to the god of earth, you have to sacrifice Goods buried in the soil?
After the sacrifice is over, how do you eat?Also, what about Jinshen and Mushen?Do you use a metal or wooden skewer to wear it and eat it?No, roasting and eating requires fire, wouldn't it be a sacrifice to the god of fire! "

"Professor Wei, you just said that after the sacrifice, the sacrifice should be eaten?" He Jiahui asked immediately.

"Of course, the productivity of the ancients was low, and the livestock that were raised with great difficulty, of course they had to be eaten after the sacrifice!" Professor Wei nodded, and continued:

"For example, in the Zhou Dynasty, after the sacrifice of the emperor of Zhou, the meat used for the sacrifice would be distributed to the princes, and only the princes with high status were eligible to eat this kind of meat. Watch the fire outside."

He Jiahui thought about it, even if someone would sacrifice a living person in ancient times, they probably wouldn't eat human flesh, so the kind of sacrifice that Professor Wei mentioned was not the answer He Jiahui was looking for.

Professor Wei also noticed that He Jiahui hadn't been able to ask the main point, so he said, "You two sirs, if you want to ask something, you may as well just say it directly. Of course, if it is necessary to keep it secret, I will definitely not tell the third person. "

"Okay, then I won't go around in circles." He Jiahui continued: "Our serious crime team is investigating a serial murder case recently. The case was committed by the same murderer. Three consecutive victims died in three ways. And they are all related to the five elements.

The first dead person was burned to death by fire, the second dead person was buried alive by earth, and the third dead person was tied up with iron wires and died from lightning strikes. The names of the three people also contain fire, earth and gold respectively. "

"He sir, are you talking about the case that happened in our university?" Professor Wei asked.

Good things don't go out, but bad things go a long way. There were three consecutive murders in the Chinese University. Professor Wei must have heard of it.

"We don't think the death of the three people should be a coincidence, so we wondered if it might be related to the five elements of Taoism, so we came here to ask for advice." He Jiahui said.

Professor Wei thought for a while, and answered: "After more than 2000 years of development, Taoism has many schools. There are Zhengyi, Quanzhen Tao, Zhendao, Taiyi, etc., and one Zheng school is divided into Zheng Tao. [-]. Lingbao, Shangqing, Jingming, etc.

All of the things I have mentioned still have sects of orthodox sects, and these sects spread to the common people, gradually evolved into different inheritances, and what form they finally formed must be full of strange things, and it is hard for anyone to say.

Maybe there will be such a inheritance, and there will be a ritual or sacrificial activity, which is to kill the living according to the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth.

So if you ask me, whether the death of these three students was caused by someone performing some kind of ritual according to the five elements, I think it is very possible! "

Professor Wei did not give a definite answer, He Jiahui was a little disappointed.

Professor Wei went on to say: "If the murderer really killed people according to the five elements, then he must be someone who understands this aspect. In fact, there are not many such people in our Chinese University.

You two should know that most of our courses here are taught in English. People who come here to receive higher education will receive more English education since they were young.

They don't know much about traditional Chinese culture like Taoism, and they are not very interested.Many students' families believe in Christianity, and they will not come in contact with Taoist culture.

I remember that last year, I offered an elective course on preaching Taoist culture. There were [-] students in the school, but only about [-] people signed up, and three of them were foreigners. They just signed up out of curiosity. "

The last few sentences of Professor Wei's introduction instantly caught He Jiahui's point, and he immediately asked, "Professor Wei, did you talk about the Five Elements Theory in this elective course?"

"Of course there is. Yin-yang, gossip, and five elements are all unavoidable topics in Taoist culture." Professor Wei replied.

"Professor Wei, can you give me a copy of the courseware of your five elements class?" He Jiahui asked.

"No problem, it's all in the computer, give me some time, let me look for it." Professor Wei agreed.

"In addition, please give me a list of the more than 20 students who have chosen this course." He Jiahui continued.

"No problem, do you need anything else? I'll help you find it together." Professor Wei asked.

"I need these for the time being, please trouble Professor Wei."


He Jiahui took a list of more than 20 people and looked through it. Sure enough, there were three foreigners' names among them.He Jiahui directly crossed out the names of the three people with a pen.

Seeing this scene, Ma Jun asked, "Just because he is a gringo, do you rule out their suspicion? What if you meet a gringo who understands the five elements?"

"I remember that among the fourteen suspects who entered that building on Saturday, there was no gringo, right?" He Jiahui paused, then continued;

"After Uncle Hua confirms the identities of the fourteen suspects, check with him to see if there is anyone with the same name."

The two returned to the police station first, waiting for news from Uncle Hua.

Chinese University has 2000 students and more than [-] faculty members. It does take some time to confirm their identities based on a surveillance photo.

Fortunately, today’s technology is relatively advanced. Even the search engine has the function of image search and recognition. Although the database of Chinese University is not as easy to use as the search engine, it can still be compared to the person in the photo after spending some time. who.

When it was time to get off work, Uncle Hua finally returned to the police station.

"Of the fourteen suspects, the identities of eleven of them have been confirmed. For the other three, one wore a peaked cap that covered the upper half of his face, and the other two wore masks that covered his mouth. More advanced The facial recognition system can find it."

As Uncle Hua said, he put a file bag on the table, and then said: "I have brought the materials for the eleven people I found. There is a girl among them, and I think the suspicion can be ruled out.

This girl is only 1.5 meters tall and once suffered from anorexia. Although her condition has improved after treatment, her weight is still only a little over [-] kilograms.It is impossible for her to move a grown man from the eighth floor to the rooftop. "

"Then there are ten people left." He Jiahui took the file bag and opened it to check the information inside.

Suddenly, a name came into He Jiahui's field of vision.

"Zhang Xingjie, a computer student. I remember that in the list that Professor Wei gave us, there is also a person named Zhang Xingjie!" He Jiahui asked.

"It seems that there is such a person." Ma Jun said and took out the list, and sure enough he found Zhang Xingjie's name on it.

"Excited, outstanding Jie, with the same name, check the student number." Ma Jun took the list and checked it with the information.

The student numbers really match!
"It's the same person!" Ma Jun heaved a sigh of relief, and then beamed with joy: "We finally found him!"

He Jiahui said: "Don't rush to judge. The information we have so far can only prove that he is interested in Taoist culture and entered the building where the crime occurred on the day the deceased disappeared. We have no evidence to prove that he It is the murderer. What's more, among the fourteen suspects, there are still three whose identities have not been determined."

"That's right, I was too happy too soon! But after searching for so long, I finally have a definite clue. I'm really happy."

Ma Jun's expression still couldn't hide his excitement, and he continued, "Tomorrow we will call this Zhang Xingjie over for questioning, maybe when he gets nervous, he will show his flaws!"

He Jiahui waved his hand: "I think we can't just ask Zhang Xingjie alone, the other suspects should also be called together for questioning, we can't miss any clues.

If the murderer was Zhang Xingjie, if he was only asked to come here alone, he would surely realize that the police had already locked him down, and he would probably not explain anything by then.

And if the murderer is not Zhang Xingjie, we will only call Zhang Xingjie alone, but we will startle the snake. The murderer will think that we are the purpose of screening, and he will be more vigilant.

On the contrary, it is more like a routine behavior for us to ask a few more people to come over for questioning. Whether the murderer is Zhang Xingjie or not, his vigilance will be much lower. flaw. "

Ma Jun nodded approvingly: "Okay, I will do as you said!"

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(End of this chapter)

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