Cop Universe

Chapter 116 Naruto Murder Case

Chapter 116 Naruto Murder Case
In the Science and Technology Museum of Chinese University, there is a very interesting device here, which is the vertical wind tunnel machine.

The reason why this device is very interesting is that it can be found in many flight experience halls.

After wearing protective gear, tourists enter the vertical wind tunnel machine, and with the help of the strong wind blowing from the bottom, they can float in mid-air and experience the fun of flying.

Many skydiving enthusiasts and gliding enthusiasts also use this equipment for training.In addition, the vertical wind tunnel machine can also be used as scientific research equipment.

At this time, in this vertical wind tunnel machine, a woman has been blown into the air at a height of more than four meters. It is the kidnapped Serena.

She was in a coma, without protective gear on her body, and there was some blood at the corner of her mouth, obviously her internal organs were injured.

The wind in the wind tunnel suddenly weakened, and Serena, who was blown in the air, fell directly and hit the ground heavily, another mouthful of blood flowed out of her mouth.

Falling from a height of more than four meters, although he was not wearing protective gear, as long as he was not very unlucky, it should not be fatal, and injuries are certain.

But if you fall a few more times, it's not necessarily true!

In the control room of the wind tunnel, Yang Lixin watched this scene coldly, and then he pressed the switch again to increase the wind force of the wind tunnel, blowing Serena into the air again.

At this moment, the door of the wind tunnel control room was suddenly knocked open, and He Jiahui and Ma Jun rushed in with several police officers.

"Police, don't move!" He Jiahui yelled, and the gun in his hand was aimed at Yang Lixin.

Seeing the police rushing in, Yang Lixin was taken aback. He hurriedly wanted to escape, but found that there was nowhere to escape. The only exit was the place where the police rushed in.

Ma Jun rushed forward, pressed Yang Lixin to the ground, then took out the handcuffs and put them on Yang Lixin's hands.

Although Yang Lixin is also a young and strong guy, but a nerd who studies law, he is no match for the ceiling of the police force. He didn't react at all, and he was subdued by Ma Jun.

Ma Jun looked at Serena, who was still floating in the wind tunnel, and let out a sigh of relief. This time, she was caught at the scene of the crime, which was regarded as stolen goods.

"Rescue people immediately!" Ma Jun ordered, and the other police officers immediately shut down the wind tunnel and rescued Serena.

"People are still alive!"

"call the ambulance!"

At this time, Yang Lixin also came back to his senses. He looked at Ma Jun, then at He Jiahui, and asked, "How did you find me?"

He Jiahui stepped forward and asked, "Mr. Yang, do you think that we should be looking for the crime scene related to Mu now? For example, a venue with the name of Mu, or sending people to search the mountain to check Is there a hanged person in the tree?"

Yang Lixin didn't answer, but the doubt in his eyes clearly confirmed what He Jiahui said.

He Jiahui thought for a while, and he felt that it was necessary to review the entire case in front of Yang Lixin, and it would be best if Yang Lixin could explain some details of the crime.Because what Yang Lixin said now can also be used as evidence in court.

If the details of Yang Lixin's crime can be confirmed during the process of communication between the two parties, the prosecutor will have more evidence to convict Yang Lixin in court in the future.

If Yang Lixin really kept silent, after he met his lawyer, another kind of rhetoric might appear, which would bring variables to the conviction.

So He Jiahui said: "The reason why I was able to find you is because I deduced that killing people with the five elements is just a cover, your real method of killing people is not metal, wood, water, fire, earth and five elements, but fire, earth, thunder, water, and wind!

The first deceased, Chen Zishuo, was burned to death, corresponding to fire; the second deceased, Fang Moxuan, was buried alive, corresponding to earth; the fourth deceased was drowned in a pond, corresponding to water, there is no problem with these.

Only the third deceased, Liu Baorui, was wrapped in metal wires before his death, which appeared to correspond to gold, but in fact he was struck to death by lightning, which could also correspond to thunder.

After figuring this out, the fifth crime location must have something to do with the wind.It is not easy to find places related to wind, and there are not many ways to kill people with wind, but it happens that there is a wind tunnel in the Science and Technology Museum, so we came here to find it. "

"Normal people think of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. Why do you think of thunder and wind?" Yang Lixin asked again.

"Because I've seen Naruto too." He Jiahui chuckled, and continued, "We've done some research and found that you like anime, especially Naruto, and you often post your favorite figures on your social media. A character from Naruto.

There are five shadows in Naruto, which are Hokage, Earth Shadow, Raikage, Mizukage, and Kazekage. The ninjas in it use the attributes of ninjutsu, which are also these five.Since you like Naruto so much, it is understandable to use these five attributes to kill people.

It's just that you are very smart. When you chose the method of killing, you deliberately used some methods to confuse the public, such as matching the death method of the victim with their name, so that the police thought it was gold, wood, water, fire, and soil. The five elements kill.

In this way, when you kidnap the fifth target, the police will go to find the crime scene related to Mu, and you can commit crimes here with peace of mind! "

"Unexpectedly, you can think of so many!" Yang Lixin smiled wryly and shook his head: "Since you have also seen Naruto, then we also have common hobbies, and I feel a lot better when I was caught by you! "

He Jiahui continued: "The matter should start with the event that will be held on the first floor of the Student Activity Center on June 6. The animation fan group you belong to plans to hold an animation carnival, and has applied for the venue in advance.

But the day before the event, the property management office gave the event venue to the student union to hold an ocean protection exhibition, and your animation carnival was forced to cancel. This should be your motive for killing people, right? "

Yang Lixin remained silent, he neither denied nor admitted.

He Jiahui didn't want Yang Lixin to remain silent all the time, so he deliberately said: "I'm just curious, it's just that an event was canceled, it's not a big deal, there's no need to kill someone!"

"It's not a big deal? From your point of view, it's certainly not a big deal, but do you know how much preparation we've made and how much effort we've put in for this animation carnival!" Yang Lixin finally spoke. .

"Since you have already put in all your effort to prepare, why don't you postpone the event? This way at least your preparations won't be in vain." He Jiahui said.

"Late June is already our last chance! In July, some people have to prepare for the final exam, and some people have to prepare for graduation to find a job. Who has the mind to hold an animation carnival!"

Yang Lixin paused, and then said: "We don't want much, we just want to show what we love, even just once! But they deprived all of this!"

"They? They are the five victims you selected, right? Then what is your criteria for selecting them? Cai Zhixiang, the director of the property management office, became a victim. I can understand that he gave the activity venue to the student union, but others What about people? Why did you kill them." He Jiahui asked.

"You also think Cai Zhixiang should die, right?" Yang Lixin sneered, and continued: "We have already reserved the event venue in advance, Cai Zhixiang should respect the spirit of the contract and let us use the venue!
But he gave the venue that belonged to us to the student union. I went to him to argue, but he told me that protecting the ocean is more meaningful, and the animation carnival is a meaningless event!

How can he define what makes sense?What doesn't make sense?For me, holding an animation carnival is also meaningful!
Even if he thinks that protecting the ocean is more meaningful, is this the reason for his breach of contract?Because what I have to do is more meaningful, so I can trample on the spirit of the contract at will, can I break the contract at will?

If Cai Zhixiang breached the contract, he should bear the price of breach of contract.Since the law can't make him pay, then it's up to me.I am safeguarding the spirit of the contract and justice! "

Speaking of this, Yang Lixin had a crazy expression on his face, and his mental state was also a little abnormal.

He Jiahui decided to strike while the iron was hot. He then asked, "What about the other four victims? They didn't violate the spirit of the contract, and they shouldn't pay the price for breaking the contract. Why did you kill them?"

"They should die too!" Yang Lixin took a deep breath, calmed down, and continued: "After our activity venue was taken away by the student union, I went to the student union and hoped to discuss with them whether the activity venue could be given over to the student union. Give us.

When I went to discuss with the student union, I accidentally overheard that the president of the student union, Chen Zishuo, and the vice president, Fang Moxuan, were discussing how to divide the money!

It turned out that they were not really keen on public welfare when they organized the ocean protection exhibition, but they collected money to help an environmental protection organization called Friends of the Ocean!

Do you think it's ridiculous?Those of us who really love animation want to hold an animation carnival, but these shameless people who take money to do things take away the event venue in the name of public welfare!
Our love, our dedication, our painstaking efforts, the meticulous preparation of so many of us, just because someone else gave us a favor, it was in vain.They trampled on other people's love and hard work for money, do you think they should die? "

"So that's it." He Jiahui pretended to be suddenly enlightened, and then asked: "Chen Zishuo and Fang Moxuan took the money, what's the matter with Liu Baorui? Why did you kill him!"

"Because he also benefited from it!" Yang Lixin continued: "Liu Baorui is in charge of the financial affairs of the student union. If Chen Zishuo and Fang Moxuan want to share the money, they have to go through Liu Baorui, so they gave Liu Baorui 5000 yuan as a favor fee. Since Liu Baorui is also participant, then he deserves to die too."

"How did you know this? You also accidentally eavesdropped?" He Jiahui asked again.

"It was from Chen Zishuo." Yang Lixin continued: "I tied Chen Zishuo, but I didn't kill him right away, I wanted to hear his apology, I wanted to hear his confession with my own ears!
It was also at that time that he revealed everything, including the dirty deal with Friends of the Ocean, and how they split the money.Since Liu Baorui also took the money, he is also an accomplice, damn him! "

He Jiahui nodded. Of course he knew that Liu Baorui had taken 5000 yuan to benefit him. He deliberately asked this question in order to make Yang Lixin voluntarily admit to killing Liu Baorui.

Then He Jiahui continued to ask: "From Chen Zishuo, you learned that Friends of the Ocean paid for it, so the person in charge of Friends of the Ocean has also become your target?"

"If she hadn't paid for it, the student union wouldn't have held any marine protection exhibition, and our venue wouldn't have been taken away. She's the culprit of everything, so she deserves to die!" Yang Lixin snorted coldly.

"So, at the very beginning, you didn't think about how to kill people. It wasn't until you identified five targets that you thought about how to kill people?" He Jiahui asked.

"I originally wanted to give him a happy death. When I was determined to kill five people, I decided to kill them in the Naruto way, so that they could experience the charm of 'ninjutsu' for themselves!!" Yang Lixin said emotionally Get excited again.

Then he took a deep breath again, calmed down, and continued, "Coincidentally, three of them have fire, earth, and gold in their names, so I decided to direct the police's attention to the five elements. The direction of killing.

After planning everything, I burned Chen Zishuo, the president of the student council, to death. I knew that it was impossible to leave too many clues at the scene of the fire.Then I hibernate, waiting for the opportunity to kill Fang Moxuan.

Three weeks later, the typhoon came, and my opportunity also came. Before the typhoon came, I buried Fang Moxuan alive, and when the typhoon passed through, all traces of the scene would be washed away.

After that came Liu Baorui. I was paying attention to the weather forecast from the meteorological station every day, and finally I waited for the lightning warning from the meteorological station. I decided to take this opportunity to kill Liu Baorui. "

"We've checked the surveillance. Liu Baorui went to the building where the crime happened by himself. After he got off the elevator on the eighth floor, he never showed up again. Did you ask him to go there?" He Jiahui asked.

"I can make an appointment with him, thanks to your police!" Yang Lixin smiled triumphantly, and continued: "Didn't Liu Baorui be called by your police to assist in the investigation? He received a favor fee, so he must be worried about criminal liability. .

So I asked Liu Baorui to meet in the name of providing legal assistance.I am a master of law school. When Liu Baorui learned that I was willing to help him and give him some legal advice, he would naturally not refuse. "

"At the same time, you also asked Zhang Xingjie to be your scapegoat, right?" He Jiahui continued to ask.

"I knew the door and lift cameras would be filming everyone entering that building, so I needed someone to help me lure the police.

Zhang Xingjie had taken an elective course on Taoism last semester, which talked about Yin Yang and Five Elements, so it was perfect to use him as a scapegoat.

So I also made an appointment with Zhang Xingjie, as long as you investigate in the direction of the five elements killing people, you will definitely find Zhang Xingjie! "

Yang Lixin paused, and continued; "Later, you called everyone who appeared in that building to record statements, and I was sure at that time that Zhang Xingjie had entered your field of vision for investigation.

So I threw Liu Baorui's mobile phone into the trash dump where Zhang Xingjie lived. The mobile phone was still intact. If someone finds it and turns it on, it will definitely be locked by your police. At that time, your police will also find Zhang Xingjie body. "

"What about Cai Zhixiang? There is no water in his name. Don't you worry that it will arouse the suspicion of our police if you throw him into the pond and drown him?" He Jiahui asked again.

"Shui and Mu are not included in the names of the remaining two people, which makes my plan not so perfect, but I have successfully misled you by killing the first three people!"

As Yang Lixin said, he let out a long sigh, and continued: "I had already taken Cai Zhixiang's cell phone, and planned to throw the cell phone into the garbage dump where Zhang Xingjie lived, so that you would think that Zhang Xingjie was the murderer.

Unfortunately, that night, Zhang Xingjie was hospitalized because of acute appendicitis!After I learned about this incident, I knew that Zhang Xingjie was no longer a scapegoat. "

He Jiahui nodded. The recording pen he carried with him had already recorded the conversation between the two people. Yang Yongxin himself admitted that he had killed the first four victims. In addition, the fifth victim was stolen and obtained. The evidence is already very strong. Completely, Yang Lixin's conviction is already a certainty.


In the court, He Jiahui and Ma Jun both wore suits and sat in the gallery.

As the police who personally arrested Yang Lixin, they had to testify in court as witnesses.

In He Jiahui's view, whether or not he testified himself will not affect the outcome of the trial, because the chain of evidence provided by the police is too complete, and a sentence of life imprisonment is inevitable.

Just when the prosecutor thought he had a chance to win, Yang Lixin's lawyer suddenly took out a document.

"Your Honor, this is the defendant's mental evaluation report, which clearly shows that my client has mental problems. So I request the court to let the defendant receive mental treatment first!"

He Jiahui in the auditorium was taken aback for a moment.Ma Jun complained in a low voice: "What's the situation? Pretending to have mental problems, do you want to get rid of the crime?"

"Serial murderers are basically antisocial. This kind of person has more or less mental problems. It is not surprising that lawyers make a fuss about this."

He Jiahui paused for a moment, and continued: "However, using this reason does not help him get rid of the crime, but the place where he is detained will be changed from Stanley Prison to a mental hospital."

"Killing four people and seriously wounding the other one, it's too cheap to only send him to a mental hospital!" Ma Jun said.

"In general, it is impossible to stay in a mental hospital for a period of time. After a period of treatment, the patient's condition improves, and he should be sent back to Stanley Prison." He Jiahui said.


At 06:30 in the morning, the bell of the mental hospital rang, and it was time to get up.

As the serial murderer, Yang Lixin enjoyed the treatment of a single room.

The nurse passed by the door of Yang Lixin's room and saw that Yang Lixin was still sleeping inside, so he knocked hard on the door and shouted, "Hey, it's time to get up!"

However, Yang Lixin remained silent.

"Get up, can't you hear me?" The nurse shouted again, but Yang Lixin in the room still didn't respond.

The nurse was a little impatient. He took out the key, opened the door of Yang Lixin's room, came to Yang Lixin's window, and directly lifted Yang Lixin's quilt.

"Are you deaf? Wake you up, can't you hear..."

The nurse's voice stopped suddenly, because he found that Yang Lixin curled up motionless on the bed with a painful expression.

The nurse was in a bad mood, he subconsciously sighed at Yang Lixin's snort, and found that Yang Lixin was no longer breathing.


 I have something to do during the day, sorry for the lateness.Thank you guys for subscribing.This case is considered to be over, and it is also the longest case so far. There are many foreshadowings and hidden clues in the front, and it can be regarded as being recovered here.Tomorrow, I will take a day off to clear the customs and deal with the next case.

(End of this chapter)

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