Cop Universe

Chapter 118 Ghost Killing?

Chapter 118 Ghost Killing?
He Jiahui had seen the pattern of black angel wings before.

Previously, an anonymous person pretended to be a courier and sent Yutian Biology's illegal clinical trials in India. The envelope had the same black angel wings.

At that time, He Jiahui had been thinking about who sent these materials, and he had guessed that it was done by Yutian Biological's opponents.

But until the serial murders at Chinese University were solved and everyone's confessions were checked, no one found who sent the document.

This also became the only doubtful point in that case, but since the case was solved and the real culprit pleaded guilty to the law, no one would go into the matter of suspiciousness.

Now the pattern of black angel wings reappeared, immediately alerting He Jiahui.

Ma Jun on the side asked, "Did you find a new clue?"

"Look at the pattern of angel wings!" He Jiahui handed the parcel to Ma Jun.

"This pattern looks familiar. I must have seen it somewhere." Ma Jun said.

"Do you still remember the black material of Yutian Biology? The envelope where the black material was stored at that time also had the same pattern on it." He Jiahui replied.

"Could it be a coincidence?" Ma Jun asked.

He Jiahui shook his head: "I don't think it's a coincidence, I even have a feeling that someone is behind the scenes, manipulating everything. When Wu Meiqi is interrogated later, ask about the origin of this package, maybe there will be clues.

According to my guess, there was a mastermind behind the scenes, taking advantage of Wu Meiqi's desire to avenge her son, sent the package to Wu Meiqi, and then led him to kill Yang Lixin.

The recruitment advertisement for the mental hospital was the man behind the scenes telling Wu Meiqi that he could go to the mental hospital to apply for a cleaning job, and take this opportunity to get close to Yang Lixin.

The capsule box, as well as the instructions inside, told Wu Meiqi that the capsules inside could be used to replace the medicines that Yang Lixin took daily to poison him to death. "

"This is tantamount to helping Wu Meiqi formulate a murder plan." Ma Jun nodded in deep agreement, and then asked, "What is that "Bible" about?"

He Jiahui hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I guess that's the choice for Wu Meiqi."

"What choice?" Ma Jun asked immediately.

"The "Bible" represents God and also forgiveness. The people behind the scenes gave Wu Meiqi poison and the "Bible" at the same time, so that he can choose between revenge and forgiveness."

He Jiahui continued: "Either choose to sneak into a mental hospital, poison Yang Lixin to death, and avenge his son, or choose to pick up the "Bible" and forgive Yang Lixin! Obviously, Wu Meiqi chose revenge!"

"Hearing your analysis, why do I have a chilling feeling! It seems that I am about to face a very powerful opponent!" Ma Jun said.

He Jiahui nodded approvingly: "I also have this hunch. If there is really a mastermind behind the scenes, it will definitely be more difficult to deal with than any criminal!"


In the interrogation room, the police just started questioning, and Wu Meiqi explained her crime history:
"Yang Lixin was killed by me! He killed my son, and after he produced a report of mental problems, he can live in a mental hospital and eat and drink every day! Why?
Killing people to pay for their lives, and debts to pay back money, this is a matter of course.Since he killed my son, I will kill him to pay for my son's life, one life for one life, really fair!

"Then how did you kill Yang Lixin?" He Jiahui asked.

"You should have found out, right? I went to apply for a job as a cleaner in a mental hospital. Then, while the nurse was not paying attention, I secretly changed Yang Lixin's medicine, and directly poisoned him to death!" Wu Meiqi replied.

He Jiahui said: "Isn't this the plan you came up with yourself? We found a package at your residence, which contained a capsule box, a "Bible", and a job advertisement for a mental hospital. These things are Where did it come from?"

"This was given to me by God! God also felt that Yang Lixin deserved to die, so he gave me poison and showed me the direction to poison this scum!" Wu Meiqi said excitedly.

"Ms. Wu, have you ever thought that the "Bible" is not God's will, but someone behind the scenes wants to tell you, you can also choose to forgive Yang Lixin?" He Jiahui asked.

"Forgive? Why didn't he forgive me when he killed my son?" Wu Meiqi sneered.

He Jiahui sighed lightly: "Ms. Wu, I can understand your feelings. But you also graduated from Form [-], so you shouldn't believe in the nonsense that God gave you poison, right? How did you get that package?"

"I said, it was given to me by God! It was God who asked me to avenge my son! All this is God's will!" Wu Meiqi still repeated the same concept.

He Jiahui could feel that Wu Meiqi had lost her mind now.

"Although it was to avenge her son, she killed someone after all. There must be uneasiness and guilt in her subconscious, so she needs to find a reason to justify her killing, which is also killing someone for herself. And excuse. God's will is obviously the reason she found for herself, and she is also using this reason to paralyze herself." He Jiahui said in a low voice.

Ma Jun next to him nodded: "Then ask her about the details of the case first, and verify the chain of evidence. As for the package, let's learn about it from other people."

The "others" Ma Jun mentioned was Wu Meiqi's husband, Mr. Fang, who was also Fang Moxuan's father.

Since Wu Meiqi had already explained the details of the crime, when Mr. Fang was called to the interrogation room, He Jiahui directly asked about the source of the package.

Mr. Fang also did not hide anything, but directly explained what happened.

"Since our son was murdered, my wife has always refused to accept the reality. He has been in a state of trance, talking about his son every day. It was not until you caught the murderer that his condition began to improve.

But later, when she heard that the murderer was only locked up in a mental hospital, her spirit collapsed instantly. At that time, I took her to see a psychiatrist, and the psychiatrist prescribed some medicine for her. Take medicine to stay calm.

It was at this time that we received a mysterious package without the sender's information, and we didn't know who sent it.

We opened the package and checked. Inside was a Bible, a capsule box, and a job advertisement.The capsule contained a pill, along with instructions for use, which said it was a poison and that it looked like a drug called ziprasidone.

The job advertisement is an advertisement for a cleaning staff in a mental hospital.Seeing this, my wife thought it was God's will to let her sneak into a mental hospital, and then use this poison to avenge our son.

I tried to persuade her and tried to counsel her, but it didn't work. She went to a mental hospital to apply for a cleaner. "

As Mr. Fang said, he sighed with melancholy: "Actually, I didn't resolutely stop her, maybe I also hope subconsciously that she can avenge her son!

After my wife entered the psychiatric hospital, after several observations, she found that the drug called ziprasidone was exactly one of the drugs that Yang Lixin was taking.So she took an opportunity to secretly use the poison to replace the real ziprasidone and poison Yang Lixin to death.

This morning, my wife came back from the mental hospital, and she told me that she had avenged her son.Only then did I know that she had poisoned the murderer of our son.

Knowing that the police would be on us soon, we went for a meal together and then went to our son's columbarium.Then you will arrive. "

He Jiahui nodded: "That is to say, you don't know who sent you this package?"

"I don't know. There is no sender's address on it. I also tried to check with the courier company, but they told me that there is no information about this courier." Mr. Fang replied.

"It's the same as what I encountered before." He Jiahui nodded silently.


Wu Meiqi has already confessed to her crime, and with the capsule box found in her home and Mr. Fang's statement, the chain of evidence is complete, and the case is considered solved.

Huang Qifa walked into the serious crime team office with a smile on his face.

"Unexpectedly, this case was solved in only one day. I was going to hold a briefing on the case, but now it's changed to a briefing on the closing of the case!"

The murderer of the serial murder case was poisoned to death. It was a hot news in the first place, and many reporters also reported on it.The attention of public opinion is relatively high, and Huang Qifa also has relatively great pressure to solve the case.

Now it only took one day to catch the murderer and solve the case. Huang Qifa is naturally the happiest one.Not only can the burden on his shoulders be lifted, but he can also brag about it in front of the media.

However, He Jiahui's face was gloomy, and he couldn't see the slightest hint of happiness.

"Are you still thinking about the pattern of the angel's wings?" Ma Jun guessed what He Jiahui was thinking.

He Jiahui nodded: "Who sent the package has not yet been found out. The person who delivered the package clearly provided a murder plan, which clearly shows that there is someone behind the scenes instigating the murder! If the case ends like this Now, is the man behind the scene still looking for it?"

"Even if you find out who is behind the scenes, so what? It's not illegal to send the Bible and job advertisements. At most, you can sue him for illegally possessing and transporting poisonous and dangerous goods. They didn't tell Wu Meiqi to kill Yang." Lixin."

Ma Jun shrugged, and continued: "The most important thing is that the serial murder case at Chinese University was quite a sensation. The serial murderer was murdered, which has attracted a lot of media attention. The higher authorities want to close the case quickly. An explanation from the public."

"It seems that if you want to find out who is behind the scenes, you can only wait for the pattern of the angel's wings to appear again!" He Jiahui said helplessly.


Footsteps sounded from the corridor, and He Jiahui knew it was Ma Jun coming.

Then there were two knocks on the door, and Ma Jun pushed the door open and came in, and said, "Would you like to come out to the scene with me?"

"What case?" He Jiahui asked.

"The falling case is still in a high-end residential area. I heard that many beautiful female white-collar workers live there. Are you interested in going to have a look?" Ma Jun asked.

"In order to tell me to come over, even beautiful female white-collar workers were pulled out. It seems that I have to go." He Jiahui smiled, stood up, and followed Ma Jun to the scene.

The crime scene is located in a mid-to-high-end residential area. The environment of the residential area is very good, with a swimming pool and a court, and there is a small park next to the residential area.

He Jiahui looked at the surrounding greenery, and said, "The house price here must be more than 2 a foot!"

"I remember that three years ago, the quotation here was already 5000 yuan a foot, and it should have risen again now." Ma Jun said.

"The owners who can live here must be rich people. I can't afford to live in this kind of place." He Jiahui said.

Twenty-five thousand Hong Kong dollars per foot is equivalent to 23 yuan per square meter. Even a police officer at the inspector level needs three months' salary to buy one square meter.

The two continued to walk forward, and soon came to the scene of the crime.

It was in front of one of the residential buildings, and there was a male deceased lying on the ground. This man was about 40 years old, a little thin, and it could even be said to be thin and haggard.

There was a pool of blood under his body, and blood oozes from his mouth, nasal cavity, and eyes, which should be caused by intracranial and visceral hemorrhage after the fall.

He Jiahui looked at the condition of the corpse, and then at the high-rise residence above, thinking that the deceased should have fallen from a balcony on a certain floor.

"The person is already dead. It seems that he fell from a high place, but it is not sure whether he slipped and fell, committed suicide, or was pushed down."

He Jiahui looked around again as he spoke, but found no suspicious falling objects, so he asked, "Are there any witnesses?"

"There is a witness." Ma Jun said, calling the witness over.

The eyewitness was a pregnant middle-aged woman, facing the police's questioning, she said: "I was out for a walk, and suddenly heard a 'bang' from here, so I came to check.

Then I saw the psychopath lying on the ground with blood flowing out.I hurriedly called the security guard over, and when the security guard arrived, they wouldn't let everyone get close. "

The security guard was also called over and asked about the situation at that time:

"I was in the security room at the time, and Mrs. Chen (pregnant woman) came to me in a hurry, saying that someone had fallen from upstairs. I came to check immediately, and then I saw Mr. Wang lying on the ground, surrounded by blood.

I immediately called an ambulance and called the police.I also stopped other owners and kept them away.Soon the sirs patrolling around and the ambulance came. The ambulance confirmed that Mr. Wang was dead, and then your serious crime team also came. "

"The Mr. Wang you mentioned is the deceased, right? Do you know him?" He Jiahui asked immediately.

"Mr. Wang is the owner of our place. Of course I know him. I usually greet him when we meet." The security guard paused, pointed to his head, and then said, "But Mr. Wang's place doesn't seem normal. !"

"You mean that the deceased had brain problems? What exactly do you mean? IQ problems? Mental problems? Or other problems?" He Jiahui asked immediately.

The security guard replied: "I'm not a doctor, and I'm not sure if he's mentally ill, but recently, he often said that there are ghosts haunting him, asking for his life, and he has become obsessed. of!"

"Ghost killing? Has this become a supernatural event?" He Jiahui thought to himself.

 I originally planned to write another case, but temporarily changed the order of the cases, so it is later, sorry.Thank you all for subscribing.

(End of this chapter)

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