Cop Universe

Chapter 122 A Murderer

Chapter 122 The Four Murderers
In the serious crime team, Ma Jun called the whole team to listen to He Jiahui's analysis of the case.

He Jiahui stood in front of the whiteboard and talked eloquently: "The forensic test has confirmed that the vegetable soup residue found on the ground of restaurant D on the [-]th floor is the same as the oil stain on the sole of the deceased's shoe.

The shoe prints found on the balcony guardrail of D on the thirteenth floor also matched the shoes of the deceased, so it is now certain that the deceased did not jump from the twelfth floor D where he lived, but on the thirteenth floor D down!
I think everyone must have a question, the deceased obviously lived on the [-]th floor D, why did he go to the [-]th floor D to jump off the building?The answer is actually very simple, the deceased took the [-]th floor D as his home! "

He Jiahui said, took out a few photos, pasted them on the whiteboard, and continued: "These photos were taken by the forensic department on the [-]th floor D, which is the home of the deceased.

I took these photos and went to the master who moved D on the [-]th floor to confirm, but they said that they were photos of D residents on the [-]th floor.And I have also observed the decoration of D on the [-]th floor, which is exactly the same as D on the [-]th floor.

So when the deceased entered the [-]th floor D, and saw the exact same decoration, the same furniture, and the same layout as his own home, he naturally regarded it as his own home.

No one would make the decoration, furniture and furnishings of their own home exactly the same as other people's homes. Obviously, someone on the thirteenth floor D deliberately built it to look like the twelfth floor D. "

"Why did the tenant on the thirteenth floor D do this?" Yang Zai asked immediately.

"Of course it's to kill the deceased!" He Jiahui paused, and then continued: "I think the various supernatural events that the deceased encountered during his lifetime should have been arranged in advance by the tenants of D on the [-]th floor.

For example, there is blood coming out of the water pipes, for example, the TV will automatically turn on, for example, the bed will keep vibrating, it should all appear in the room D on the [-]th floor, and it is the ghost of the tenants on the [-]th floor D.

After encountering these supernatural events, the deceased immediately went down to find the security guard. The security guard went back with the deceased to the twelfth floor D where the deceased lived. The water pipes, TV and bed were normal there.

Therefore, when the security guard went to check and found that everything was normal, he would think that the deceased had hallucinations, and the deceased would become more and more suspicious whether he had encountered something dirty or was haunted by ghosts.

Coupled with the fact that the deceased had taken hallucinogens, it was more likely to have hallucinations, man-made ghosts, coupled with the effects of drugs, and finally caused the deceased to have mental problems, and then committed suicide by jumping off the building.

After the deceased jumped to his death, the murderer worried that the real crime scene would be exposed on the thirteenth floor D, so he immediately hired a moving company to remove all the furniture on the thirteenth floor D. "

"Sir He, according to what you said, the tenant couple on the thirteenth floor should be the murderers!" Uncle Hua asked.

"They are probably not lovers, but partners, a temporary partner formed to kill the deceased. I remember the security guard once said that the two of them are not close." He Jiahui said.

Uncle Hua continued to ask: "Sir, there is a loophole in your analysis. The deceased obviously lived on the twelfth floor, so why did he go to the thirteenth floor? You can't tell the difference between the 12 and 13 buttons in the elevator, right?"

He Jiahui smiled slightly and said, "What if the deceased pressed the button on the twelfth floor, but the elevator stopped on the thirteenth floor?

Most people think that the elevator will stop at the floor they pressed, and then walk out of the elevator directly.The same is true of the deceased. When he stepped out of the elevator, he didn't realize that he was actually on the thirteenth floor.

He would go directly to Block D, enter the password, be able to open the door, and then see the exact same scene as his own home, so he would naturally think that this was his home. "

"I remember that when the unlocking expert used the unlocker to open the coded lock, the codes for D on the [-]th floor and D on the [-]th floor seem to be different, right?" Uncle Hua continued.

"The password can be changed. D on the thirteenth floor can remove all the furniture, so changing the password is not a normal operation." He Jiahui continued:

"I think the password for D on the thirteenth floor was the same as D on the twelfth floor. After the deceased fell, the tenants on D on the thirteenth floor also changed the password when they moved."

"But if the deceased pressed the button for the [-]th floor, why did the elevator stop at the [-]th floor?" Uncle Hua asked again.

"Of course someone has tampered with it." He Jiahui paused, and continued: "The murderer is not only the couple who rented the [-]th floor D, but also the property manager in charge of the elevator!

Whenever the deceased came home, although the deceased pressed the twelfth floor, the elevator operator could control the elevator to send the deceased to the thirteenth floor and guide the deceased to the thirteenth floor D. "

"That means there are three murderers in this case!" Uncle Hua nodded suddenly, and then asked, "When will we arrest people?"

"Don't worry, there is still evidence that hasn't been shown." He Jiahui pointed to a computer next to him, and then said: "I have transferred the surveillance video of the elevator, and I will show it to you."

As He Jiahui said, he came to the computer and played a video. In the video, a man walked into the elevator. It was the deceased Wang Hai.After he pressed the button on the [-]th floor, the elevator went up all the way, then the elevator stopped, and Wang Hai also walked out.

"Have you written down the time he took the elevator?" He Jiahui asked.

"Remember it." Everyone said one after another.

He Jiahui clicked on another video. The same deceased Wang Hai walked into the elevator and pressed the button for the [-]th floor. The elevator went up all the way, then stopped, and Wang Hai walked out.

"Have you written down the running time of the elevator this time?" He Jiahui asked again.

"It was a second slower than the first time!" Yang Zai said first.

"Yes, after accurate measurement, the difference in the running time of the two elevators was 1.3 seconds. If the deceased went to the same floor, it should have taken the same time. How could there be a 1.3 second difference!"

He Jiahui continued: "In 1.3 seconds, the elevator can go up one more floor, and there are more than one similar surveillance video. In other words, someone deliberately manipulated the elevator to send the deceased to the thirteenth floor."

Previously, it could only be regarded as He Jiahui's reasoning, but with the surveillance video in the elevator, it can be used as direct evidence, proving that the deceased was indeed deliberately led to the [-]th floor D, and the police can already arrest him.

"I have another question." This time it was Ma Jun who asked the question, and he continued; "Although we can prove that the deceased jumped from the thirteenth floor D, we can also prove that the deceased was deliberately led to the thirteenth floor. Floor D.

But the deceased never found out that it was not his residence, which was somewhat unreasonable.Even if the decoration and furniture of the two houses are exactly the same, there must be many details that are different.

For example, the clothes in the closet and the shoes in the shoe cabinet, which are available in the deceased’s residence, must also be available on the thirteenth floor D, and even the way they are placed must be the same. If you can't find your shoes in the store, you will wear them right away.

Another example is daily necessities, such as shampoo, shower gel, toothpaste, etc., and D on the [-]th floor must also use the exact same one as the deceased's residence.Otherwise, when the deceased finds that it is not a daily necessities that he usually uses when washing, he will definitely become suspicious. "

"You're right, a fourth person is needed to cooperate, that is to say, there is a fourth murderer in this case!" He Jiahui paused, then continued;

"Don't forget, there is a person who knows everything about the deceased's house! She even knows what brand of shampoo and toothpaste the deceased used."

"You're talking about Guan Rujun, the housekeeping assistant!" Ma Jun immediately understood.

He Jiahui nodded: "Yes, it's her! When we recorded the statement for Guan Rujun, the domestic assistant, she once explained the daily work process.

She said that the first thing she did every day was to buy the ingredients for the day, as well as some daily necessities, that is to say, the shampoo, shower gel, toothpaste, etc. used by the deceased were all bought by Mr. Guan Ru.

After she went to the deceased's house, she began to wash clothes and clean up.That is to say, Guan Rujun knew the clothes in the deceased's closet very well, and she even folded the clothes neatly and placed them.

Not to mention other sundries, the fruit and vegetable drinks in the refrigerator, the bowls and chopsticks for eating, the cups for drinking water, and the towels for washing, these are all arranged by Guan Rujun.

If Guan Rujun was also involved in this case, she could have made the thirteenth floor D exactly the same as the deceased's residence, including all the details.Because Mr. Guan Ru took care of the deceased's residence. "

"It seems to be the reason." Ma Jun nodded.

He Jiahui continued: "Mr. Guan Ru also said that after she prepared dinner, she would wait for the deceased to return before she left. We can imagine if Mr. Guan Ru arrived at the [-]th floor D in advance, prepared the meal and waited for the deceased to return.

And when the deceased was led to the [-]th floor D, and saw his domestic assistant preparing meals and waiting for him, would he still suspect that this was not his residence? "

When you go home, if you see someone you know is waiting for you at home, no one will think that you have walked through the wrong door.

He Jiahui continued: "There is another very important point, Guan Rujun is responsible for cooking dinner for the deceased, she is the person who is most likely to inject hallucinogens on the deceased."

After listening to He Jiahui's analysis of the case, Ma Jun began to review the whole process: "According to your analysis, there are at least four murderers in this case, namely the two tenants on the [-]th floor D, the elevator manager, and the housekeeper. Assistant Guan Rujun.

They first rented the thirteenth floor D above the deceased, and then arranged it exactly the same as the deceased's residence, and then used the elevator operator to guide the deceased to the thirteenth floor D, making the deceased mistakenly think that it was his home.

Then they pretended to be ghosts on the thirteenth floor D, making the deceased think that he was haunted by ghosts, and at the same time gave the deceased hallucinogens to cause mental problems.In the end, the deceased could not bear the mental pressure and committed suicide by jumping off the building D on the [-]th floor.

When the police were investigating, they would think that the deceased was a psychopath who committed suicide by jumping off a building in his own home. In this way, a murder case could be packaged as a suicide case. "

"That's right, it's a pity that there is always a secret in a hundred secrets. These murderers must not have thought that the deceased accidentally spilled vegetable soup, and his shoes were also stained with vegetable soup. This gave us direct evidence. It proves that D on the [-]th floor is the place where the deceased jumped off."

He Jiahui paused, then continued; "There is another point that can support my inference. Do you still remember the magic stick that we caught? He once mentioned that he helped the deceased set up a feng shui array at home.

After the feng shui formation is done, the deceased will no longer be entangled in dirty things.This is because after the feng shui array was set up in the deceased's residence, there were a lot of feng shui decorations, but the [-]th floor D did not have these decorations.

If you continue to lead the deceased to the thirteenth floor D, the deceased will see through immediately if he cannot see the feng shui ornaments.So the murderers need time to collect Feng Shui ornaments of the same style and re-arrange the [-]th floor D.

That is, in those few days, the deceased was not led to D on the [-]th floor, and he returned to his residence to rest. There was no ghost there, so there would be no various supernatural events, and the so-called dirty things would disappear. up.

And when the murderers collected all the Feng Shui decorations and arranged the thirteenth floor D to be the same as the deceased's residence again, they began to guide the murderers to the thirteenth floor D again, and at this time, various supernatural events naturally happened again.

The deceased will also think that the feng shui array has failed, and then go to the magic stick, drink the water of the talisman, and stick the talisman again.But it still couldn't resist the murderer's deliberate pretending to be a ghost, and finally had a mental breakdown and jumped off the building to commit suicide. "


The police quickly identified the two tenants and the elevator operator, and then arrested four suspects.

"The two tenants on the [-]th floor D, the man's name is Zhang Zhancai, he is not a programmer, but a mechanical and electrical engineer. The woman's name is Sun Xiaoling, a makeup artist.

As for the elevator operator, his name was Zhou Chengkang.We are investigating the background of the three people.Their motive for the crime is not yet known. "Ma Jun introduced.

He Jiahui thought for a while, and said: "This kind of joint crime by multiple people is nothing more than two situations. The first situation is that there is a mastermind who hires them as accomplices to commit crimes together.

The mastermind may or may not have been one of them.If this is the case, we only need to let one of the accomplices speak, and it will be a breakthrough in the entire case.

The second situation is that the deceased was their common enemy, and they all wanted to kill the deceased, so they conspired to commit the crime.And there is a key foundation for multiple people to commit crimes together, that is trust!

There must be some understanding among several co-conspirators, otherwise it would be impossible to form trust to commit crimes together.If this is the case, we also only need to let one suspect speak, and we may break through the entire case.

I think that before the interrogation, we can let them know that their accomplices have also been caught by us, so as to give them a psychological hint that their accomplices will confess before they do.

Faced with this situation, if he was just an accomplice, he would definitely not carry it to the end. He should soon confess the mastermind to obtain a reduced sentence.And if it is a conspiracy to commit the crime, other people will be confessed in order to obtain a reduced sentence. "

"What an insidious trick!" Ma Jun looked at He Jiahui with admiration and thought to himself: A tough guy like me who is used to punching hard will never learn so many tricks in my life!

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(End of this chapter)

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