Cop Universe

Chapter 124 These Are the Truth

Chapter 124 These Are the Truth
He Jiahui asked, "According to what you're saying, besides the four of you, is there a fifth person involved in this case?"

"I don't know if he is alone." Zhang Zhancai shook his head.

"What do you mean?" He Jiahui continued to ask.

"I haven't seen him at all." Zhang Zhancai continued to introduce: "After the company I started with my friend closed down, I returned to the original company and continued to work until one day, I received a letter.

In that letter, Wang Hai told me about Wang Hai deliberately fabricating fake news in order to gain traffic, which led to the bankruptcy of my company. At the same time, there was a time and a place in the letter, saying that if I want to know more about Wang Hai’s bad deeds, please contact me. Get there on time.

So I arrived at that place according to the time given in the letter.It was an abandoned script-killing studio.It was also there that I met Guan Rujun and Zhou Chengkang.

After talking with each other, I realized that the three of them had been hurt by the fake news fabricated by Wang Hai, and they also received a letter before they came here.

At that time, we were thinking that the person who sent us the letter should be the same person. He must have invited us here to unite us and take revenge on Wang Hai, so the person behind the scenes also appeared immediately.

However, we waited for more than two hours without waiting for the person behind the scenes. It was not until we were about to leave that we found an extra package at the door.

We don't know when the package was put at the door. The recipients on the package were the names of the four of us, so we opened the package. "

When Zhang Zhan said this, he picked up his cup and took a sip of water, while Ma Jun asked eagerly, "What's in the package?"

Zhang Zhancai put down his water glass, and continued, "There are five items in the package, including a wad of cash, a bottle of capsules, an envelope, a script of script killing, and a "Bible."

"You mean the Bible?" He Jiahui immediately became vigilant. This was a familiar routine.

"Yes, it's the Bible. I read it, and it's just an ordinary Bible." Zhang Zhan nodded.

He Jiahui immediately took out his mobile phone, found the picture of the black angel wings logo, walked up to Zhang Zhancai, and asked, "Is there such a pattern on the package?"

Zhang Zhancai made a careful distinction, then nodded again: "I remember, there is a pattern on the package, it seems to be this."

"This guy really showed up again!" He Jiahui took a deep breath, and continued: "Go on!"

Zhang Zhancai went on to say: "We counted that stack of banknotes, and it was 50 yuan. And that bottle of capsules contained an instruction manual, which said that the capsule contained a hallucinogen.

Adults only need to take one capsule a day, and they will start to have mental problems after five days, mild hallucinations after ten days, and severe hallucinations after 20 days.

As for the script of the script killing, it tells a story of revenge. The four people in the script play different roles to avenge their enemies.And the revenge method used in the script killing is the method we use.

In the last envelope, there were a few pieces of paper, including a job advertisement for a housekeeping company, a job advertisement for a property management company, and detailed information about the building where Wang Hai lived, including Wang Hai living on the [-]th floor D, And the original tenant of D on the [-]th floor is due to expire in half a year.

After we saw these things, we realized that we could take revenge on Wang Hai according to the content of the script.Guan Rujun can apply for a housekeeping assistant. Zhou Chengkang has studied repairing and has a maintenance license, so he can apply for a property manager.

I am an electrical engineer, and Sun Xiaoling is a make-up artist. One of us can make tricks, and the other can play tricks, and both of us can frighten Wang Hai and make him nervous.

So the four of us unanimously agreed to use the 50 in the package to complete revenge on Wang Hai.Next, Guan Rujun went to apply for a housekeeping assistant, and Zhou Chengkang also went to apply for a property manager.

Guan Rujun rejected several employers, and finally waited until Wang Hai wanted to hire a domestic assistant. Zhou Chengkang also used the reason of being close to home to work as an administrator in the community where Wang Hai lived.

We waited for half a year until the tenants on the [-]th floor D quit the lease, so we rented the [-]th floor D.You all know what happened next. "

"Has the person behind the scenes contacted you again?" He Jiahui asked immediately.

"No." Zhang Zhancai shook his head, and continued; "After that, we never received any letters or packages."


After the interrogation, Zhang Zhancai was temporarily sent to the detention room.

Ma Jun asked, "Zhang Zhancai has already explained the case, who should we ask next?"

"Ask that make-up artist Sun Xiaoling! She and Zhang Zhancai pretended to be a couple to rent a house. They need to get acquainted with each other. Now that Zhang Zhancai has confessed, it should be easier for Sun Xiaoling to break through." He Jiahui said.

So the two went to Sun Xiaoling's interrogation room.

"Ms. Sun, Mr. Zhang Zhancai has fully confessed." He Jiahui immediately released his big move.

"What kind of confession, I don't understand!" Sun Xiaoling was much calmer.

"This is a copy of Mr. Zhang Zhancai's statement, with his signature on it." He Jiahui said and handed the copy of the statement to Sun Xiaoling.

Sun Xiaoling looked at the copy of the confession and quickly read it. Her expression had changed slightly, but she still tried her best to suppress her emotions.

He Jiahui continued: "Ms. Sun, you don't have to doubt the authenticity of this statement. The statement recorded by the police is to be submitted to the court as more evidence in court, which means that it belongs to the category of legal documents.

Forging legal documents is a crime. I am a policeman, and I became a sheriff at such a young age. The horse sir next to me is a senior inspector. It is impossible for us to make fun of our own jobs.So this confession is true. "

These few words of He Jiahui immediately broke Sun Xiaoling's psychological defense. Since her accomplice had already confessed, there was no need for her to hide any more.

So Sun Xiaoling also narrated their crime process, which was basically the same as Zhang Zhancai's description, the only difference was the motive.

Just listen to Sun Xiaoling's introduction: "I was ignorant when I was young, and I didn't study hard. I skipped classes all day in middle school and became a little girl. Later, I barely got along until I graduated, so I came out to work.

I have worked as a salesperson in a convenience store, a waiter in a tea restaurant, and a foot-washing girl in Footwashing City. Later, when I was a beer girl, I learned makeup from the sisters in the nightclub, and then changed careers to become a makeup artist.

In the makeup artist industry, I'm a newcomer and I'm not well-known, so I can only accept some scattered jobs, but I can finally get by.

Once I got a job to do makeup for a bride. Because there will be weddings and other ceremonies during the day, the bride needs to make up early, so I have to go to the bride's residence after four o'clock in the morning.

But what I didn't expect was that when I was waiting for a taxi on the side of the road, I was photographed by Wang Hai's leaking news.Trans News did a story about women who have fallen off their feet, and they put that picture of me in the story, saying I was a woman who had fallen wrong just after get off work!

Other makeup artists read the story and really thought I did that, and spread the word.After that, it was difficult for me to get a job, and there were even some unruly people who asked me to put on makeup in name, but actually wanted to..."

When Sun Xiaoling said this, she was already crying out of grievance.He Jiahui immediately handed over a tissue and asked Sun Xiaoling to dry her tears.

Sun Xiaoling calmed down, and then said: "Later, this incident spread to my family. Because I used to be a little sister, no matter how I explained, my family didn't believe me. They thought I had gone astray. My father doesn't even want to recognize me as a daughter!

All this is because of Wang Hai!He knew that the topic of stumbled women could attract the attention of more male readers, so he deliberately made side reports on this aspect to attract traffic.His leaked news has traffic, but my life has been ruined! "

"So it's because of fake news again." He Jiahui nodded.At this moment, he even had a feeling that Wang Hai's death was not wronged.

He Jiahui took out the pattern of black angel wings again, and said, "Then have you seen this pattern?"

Sun Xiaoling carefully identified it, and then said: "The package containing the money and hallucinogens has this pattern on it!"


Next, He Jiahui began to interrogate Zhou Chengkang, the elevator manager.

Seeing that the two accomplices had already confessed, Zhou Chengkang no longer concealed the truth and confessed the case honestly.

"When I was young, my family owned a steamed stuffed bun shop, and the steamed stuffed bun shop's business was pretty good at that time, and my parents could save some money every year.

Until one day, a gossip tabloid suddenly spread a rumor that our steamed stuffed bun shop crushed cardboard boxes, mixed them with steamed stuffed buns, and sold them as steamed stuffed buns.

This news was very eye-catching, and soon many newspapers reprinted it, and many people believed it to be true. After that, customers stopped coming to our house to buy buns, and some people called us a black-hearted shop.

At that time, the Food Department and the Department of Health came to inspect and found no problems. We use fresh ingredients at home, and it is impossible to use cardboard boxes as steamed buns filled with meat.The Food Agency and the Department of Health have also released findings.

But the public doesn't believe it, they still think that our steamed stuffed bun shop just makes cardboard stuffed stuffed buns.So our steamed stuffed bun shop closed down, and the neighbors also scolded my parents for making black-hearted money.

My father was so angry that he had a stroke. After treatment, he lost the ability to work. Our family relied on my mother to do part-time jobs all by herself, and the financial income also plummeted.So after graduating from middle school, I didn't go to university, and went directly to work to support my family.

It’s been so long since the stuff about the carton buns, I had already put it down, but one day, I received an anonymous letter, which told me the truth about what happened back then.

It turns out that Wang Hai was spreading rumors throughout this matter!At that time, he had not founded News, but was working as a paparazzi in a gossip tabloid. In order to get promoted, he deliberately fabricated the news about cardboard buns to attract the public's attention.

In the end, relying on the fake news of the cardboard buns, Wang Hai got his promotion as he wished, but my whole family almost collapsed because of Wang Hai's rumors!

I could have gone to university and found a good job, but because of him, I could only work early to support my family.Do you think he deserves to die! "

"That letter also made you go to an abandoned script killing studio, and then met three other people, right?" He Jiahui asked.

"Yes." Zhou Chengkang sighed softly, and then said: "I am very grateful to the person who sent me the letter. If it hadn't been for him, I still wouldn't know that it was Wang Hai who was responsible for our revenge. Take revenge!"

"But he also led you into the abyss of crime." He Jiahui said.

"But at least the truth can be exchanged! Isn't it?" Zhou Chengkang smiled slightly, and continued: "If Wang Hai didn't die, who would know that he was the one who made the carton buns back then?
This matter may continue to be concealed, and my parents will be wronged for the rest of their lives!Well now, Wang Hai is dead, and you have caught me too.

I can tell in court, in front of everyone, why I killed Wang Hai and tell him about the rumors he spread and slandered our family!

At that time, everyone will know that my parents did not use cardboard boxes to steam buns, they were framed by Wang Hai's rumors, they are innocent! "

Looking at the relieved smile on Zhou Chengkang's face, what He Jiahui felt was the bitterness and helplessness of ordinary people.

The so-called spread rumors, and refute the rumors, even if the rumors are officially refuted these days, there are still many people who are unwilling to believe them, and ordinary people are slandered by the disaster, and they don't even have a chance to defend themselves, so they can only swallow it silently!


The last person to be interrogated was Guan Rujun, a housekeeping assistant.

Seeing that the other three confessed, Guan Rujun didn't continue to hide. She explained the case and also told her own story:
"I have a daughter, she got leukemia, she was only 20 years old at that time! We had chemotherapy several times, but the effect was not good, the doctor said only bone marrow transplantation. Unfortunately, she still did not find the right bone marrow in the end, leaving we go.

My daughter is a very optimistic person. Even though the chemotherapy did not work, she was not discouraged. She also posted pictures of her own treatment on the Internet to encourage other patients not to give up.

However, Wang Hai's leaked news took the photos my daughter took in the ward to spread rumors, saying that the female college student went to a nightclub to get drunk, had sex with many strangers, got pregnant by accident and gave birth to a child!

She was such a positive and optimistic person during her lifetime, yet she still had to be insulted like this after her death!I can never accept this happening!I want to return my daughter's innocence! "

Looking at the hatred in Guan Rujun's eyes, He Jiahui could feel that Guan Rujun should be the most painful one among the four during the entire revenge process.

Different from the other three, Guan Rujun was the deceased's domestic assistant. She had to face the deceased every day, facing the enemy who spread rumors and slandered her daughter Qingyu.

She has to cook for the enemy, wash the clothes for the enemy, and do housework for the enemy.She has to put on a smiling face every day, and forbears not to show the slightest hatred, so as to gain the trust of her enemies.

In this world, perhaps only mothers can bear this humiliation and suffering...

 Thank you for your subscription. This case is over. I will ask for a day off tomorrow to deal with the next case.

(End of this chapter)

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