Cop Universe

Chapter 127 Live Teaching

Chapter 127 Live Teaching
An ID card was found inside the killer's coat.

Ma Jun did not present his ID card in front of several witnesses. He went outside before taking the ID card.

"Hu Tao, 25 years old." Ma Jun looked at the information on the ID card and said, "Go and check this person named Hu Tao.

After that, Ma Jun returned to the store and continued to question the witness Li Yonghui.

"Mr. Li, after you took off the deceased's coat, did you look through the pockets of the coat?" He Jiahui asked.

Li Yonghui quickly shook his head: "No, it belonged to the murderer. It must be an important evidence. How dare I look through it! At that time, I put the coat next to the street lamp, and then I didn't touch the coat. .

After the police arrived, they also took the initiative to go to the street lamp to take the coat away.My other colleagues should have seen it, they can testify for me. "

"Then when you heard the scream and turned around, the murderer had already stabbed the deceased, and when the murderer fled, he passed in front of you. I wonder if you could see the murderer's face clearly? Do you know this person?" Ma Jun continued to ask.

"I don't know that person, but I can see his appearance clearly. He is a young man in his 25s, with small eyes and thick lips." Li Yonghui said.

"Then please go to the police station and help us make a puzzle." Ma Jun continued.

"No problem." Li Yonghui nodded.

"Mr. Li, I have another question. You are someone who has been in contact with the murderer. Did you see in which direction the murderer fled?" Ma Jun continued to ask.

"I see, he fled to the alley over there, but the man ran very fast, I was brought down by him, and when I stood up again, he had disappeared into the alley." Li Yonghui replied.

Ma Jun immediately ordered: "Go along that alley, check the vicinity, and focus on the trash can, maybe you can find the murder weapon."

Ma Jun then called a second witness.

"My name is Liu An. Ye Haowei (the deceased) and I are colleagues. We are in the same group." After the second witness introduced himself, he talked about the case:
"We just finished a big project, so the whole group came out to celebrate, everyone drank a lot of wine today, so after dinner, they planned to go home separately.

We walked out of the restaurant, and when we were saying goodbye at the door, a man suddenly jumped out from the side of the road and stabbed Ye Haowei. The incident happened so suddenly that we didn't realize it at the time, and the female colleague even screamed in fright.

Then the man started to run away, just running in the direction of our boss Li Yonghui. Then Li Yonghui reached out to grab the man, but he failed to grab him and was brought down by the man instead.

After Ye Haowei was stabbed, he fell to the ground. He kept bleeding. We quickly called the police. It took only two or three minutes for Sir A, who was patrolling nearby, to come over. Then they called an ambulance, and then the ambulance. and other sirs also came. "

"Then do you know the murderer?" Ma Jun then asked.

"I don't know." Liu An shook his head.

"Then can you come to the police station later and make a puzzle about the murderer?" Ma Jun continued to ask.

Liu An showed a troubled expression; "The light at night was a bit dark, and I was too flustered at the time, and I didn't see the other party clearly, but it must be someone I don't know. Let me do the puzzle, I really remember I don't know."

"Then do you remember that Mr. Li Yonghui tore off the murderer's coat?" Ma Jun asked again.

Liu An thought for a while, and answered, "I seem to have a little impression. I remember that Li Yonghui put that coat beside the street lamp, and it was taken away by the police."

Ma Jun asked several other witnesses, and the answers they got were basically the same. They all said that the murderer rushed out suddenly, stabbed the deceased to death, and then ran away, and no one knew who the murderer was.

At this time, the forensic doctor and forensic evidence also came to the scene and started their work.

Ma Jun walked up to He Jiahui and asked, "From what we know so far, this is just an ordinary murder case, and it should not be difficult to solve. Do you still want to intervene in this case?"

"I don't want to interfere, but look at Gao Jing's excited face! After all, this is the first case she has encountered. If our team doesn't follow, she will be disappointed." He Jiahui said.

Ma Jun nodded, and said, "I found an ID card in the murderer's coat. It belonged to a man named Hu Tao. Let's check it from this ID card."


Early the next morning, as soon as He Jiahui walked to the door of the office, he saw Ma Jun walking over with a tired face.

"Didn't you say yesterday that you wanted to file a case? How can you say that the person disappeared!" Ma Jun said complainingly.

"I have to rest well before I can solve the case with energy!" He Jiahui said, and asked with a smile: "Have you been busy all night again?"

"Nonsense, it's not like you don't know that 48 hours after the incident is the best time to solve the case. Of course we have to stay up all night! It's not like you. After saying that you want to help, you go home and sleep." Ma Jun said replied.

"Then I'll treat you to coffee as an apology." He Jiahui took out his mobile phone and prepared to order coffee.

"Let's buy coffee later, everyone has been busy all night, and now they are all asleep on the table, let them rest for a while!" Ma Jun's voice paused, and then said: "Sync the case with you, I also I need to squat for a while."

"After a busy night, what new discoveries have you made? How is the investigation of the man named Hu Tao?" He Jiahui asked.

"This Hu Tao has a criminal record." Ma Jun went on to introduce: "He used to be in a club. He had a criminal record at the age of 17. He was sentenced to social service orders many times. The most recent one was for wounding and was sentenced to three years in prison. He was just released half a year ago."

"Are you sure this Hu Tao is the murderer?" He Jiahui continued to ask.

"When the crime happened, it was relatively dark, and it happened suddenly. Several witnesses said that they did not see the face of the murderer clearly. Only Li Yonghui, who tore off the murderer's coat, had positive contact with the murderer, so he still remembered the murderer's face. look.

We asked Li Yonghui to come to the police station and made a puzzle for the murderer, which turned out to be very similar to Hu Tao's appearance. We also found photos taken by Hu Tao when he was released from prison and showed Li Yonghui. He confirmed that the murderer he saw was Hu Tao. "Ma Jun answered.

"The murderer has been identified so quickly? The case went well! Then, the next step is to arrest this Hu Tao." He Jiahui said.

Ma Jun continued: "I will go to Sir Huang soon and ask him to sign the arrest warrant. In addition, I also notified the Criminal Intelligence Division and asked them to help find Hu Tao's hiding place."

He Jiahui bowed his head and pondered for a moment, and then asked: "Have you investigated the deceased's interpersonal relationship? Is this Hu Tao in the deceased's interpersonal network?"

"We asked the deceased's family overnight. They didn't know Hu Tao, nor had he heard of Hu Tao's name. The deceased's colleagues also didn't know Hu Tao. As far as we know, the deceased Ye Haowei was related to the murderer Hu Tao. During the period, there was no contact." Ma Jun replied.

"There is no connection between the deceased and the murderer, so it is very likely that he was hired to kill someone! If this is the case, there must be a mastermind behind the murderer.

We have to catch this Hu Tao as soon as possible. If the time is too long, the mastermind will probably find a chance to get rid of the crime. "He Jiahui said.

"That's what I thought too, so next, I plan to check the deceased's interpersonal relationship to see if he has any enemies." Ma Jun said.

"Have you checked the deceased's social media?" He Jiahui continued to ask.

"No, I haven't had time yet." Ma Jun replied.

"Give me the social media account, and I'll check the deceased's social media." He Jiahui took the initiative to take on a task.


Back in the office, Gao Jing was already looking eager to try.

"He sir, I heard that the serious crime team has been busy all night and has found a lot of clues. Then what should we do?" Gao Jing asked.

"Based on the ID card in the murderer's pocket, the serious crime team locked down a suspect named Hu Tao. This person still has a criminal record and was just released from prison half a year ago. He hasn't been found yet. Wait until someone is found. , Sir Ma will arrest people." He Jiahui replied.

Gao Jing hesitated for a few seconds, but still said bravely: "He sir, I don't think this man named Hu Tao may be the murderer, there are still many doubts in it." "You want to say that such an important thing as an ID card , Why did the murderer fall into the coat, and the coat was ripped off, all of this seems too deliberate, right?" He Jiahui asked.

Gao Jing nodded, and He Jiahui explained with a smile: "You, a newcomer to the serious crime team, can think of these doubts. How could a senior inspector with rich experience in handling cases like Sir Ma not think of them!
But when we handle a case, the first thing we need to look at is evidence, not suspicion.Because our energy is limited, it is impossible to investigate every suspected matter at the same time, so we can only give priority to the direction of evidence for investigation.

For example, in this case, the ID card found in the murderer's pocket is solid evidence, which has pointed out the direction of our investigation. It is impossible for us to abandon the clear direction of investigation and investigate some kind of speculation without evidence, right?

If no clues can be found in the investigation direction guided by the evidence, then we will investigate other doubtful points. This is how case investigation is, evidence must always come before suspicion. "

"I understand." Gao Jing nodded again.

He Jiahui continued: "We are not idle. Our team's task is to investigate the deceased's social media and see if we can find any clues. I have already asked for the deceased's social media account. I will leave this job to you Already!"

"Thank you sir, I will work hard!" Gao Jing was immediately full of energy.

This was Gao Jing's first official task after entering the serious crime team. She seemed to be extraordinarily attentive. She carefully recorded every post the deceased made on social media.

In one morning, Gao Jing had compiled the information on the deceased's social media into a table.

Looking at this densely packed form, He Jiahui sighed helplessly, and then asked: "Gao Jing, you have been looking at the deceased's social media all morning, have you found any clues related to the murderer?"

Gao Jing was stunned, showing a bewildered expression. Obviously, although she recorded every piece of information, she did not find any clues related to the murderer.

He Jiahui then asked: "Are you thinking, with so much information on social media, so many things the deceased has done, and so many people he has met, how do you know which one is related to the murderer?"

Gao Jing immediately nodded: "Sir He, the messages that the deceased usually posted on social media were nothing more than his daily life, such as what he ate, what he played, and what he did. I think it's all normal and I didn't read it. Which one is related to the murderer!"

"Our police check the social media of the deceased, not just to see what he usually did, but to collect information about the deceased through his daily life.

For example, what specialties and hobbies did the deceased have, what did he like and dislike, was there any pattern in his daily life, his work and rest habits, consumption habits, eating habits, etc.

This information can outline the complete life circle of the deceased, and what is completely irrelevant to this life circle may be the clues we are looking for, and may even be the key to solving the case. "He Jiahui explained slowly.

Gao Jing nodded half understanding, apparently not fully understanding.

He Jiahui went on to explain: "For example, a person's usual spending habits are relatively conservative, but one day he suddenly spends extravagantly, which means that he probably got a lot of money, so we need to check his financial situation. , to see where his money comes from.

Another example is that a person usually eats relatively light food, but on a certain day, he posts a photo of eating Sichuan cuisine. If he eats alone, he will definitely not give up his usual eating habits to eat Sichuan cuisine, then we can Go and find out who is the person who ate Sichuan food with him. "

"I understand!" Gao Jing nodded immediately.

"Then let's apply what we have learned." He Jiahui started to teach on the spot, and he then asked: "First ask the simplest question, does the deceased have any hobbies?"

"The deceased liked sports very much. Many of the messages he sent were about exercising." Gao Jing replied immediately.

"Then from the fact that the deceased liked to exercise, what important information did you analyze?" He Jiahui continued to ask.

Gao Jing thought for a while, then subconsciously asked, "Is the deceased in good health?"

"People who exercise regularly will definitely be healthier, and this can be answered without analysis."

As He Jiahui said, he moved a chair and sat down beside Gao Jing, then pointed to the form that Gao Jing had compiled, and continued:
"According to the records in your form, the deceased had gone diving in Saigon many times, traveled to Australia, experienced diving in the Great Barrier Reef, and took pictures of coral reefs underwater.

Here you have recorded again, the deceased went to the mainland for fun on weekends, experienced skydiving at the skydiving base in Guangzhou, and even hired a third party to shoot, and posted the skydiving videos on the Internet.

There is also this one, go surfing at Big Wave Bay; this one, go paragliding; this one, go skydiving; this one is mountain biking.When you combine these, you can analyze a lot of information.

First of all, these are extreme sports, which shows that the deceased must have been very courageous and had some adventurous spirit in his character. Otherwise, it would be impossible to engage in dangerous sports such as skydiving or paragliding.

Secondly, although the deceased loved sports, in the information about sports he posted, there were almost no group sports, all of which were single-person sports.This shows that the deceased was a relatively self-centered person.Now we can outline the character of the deceased.

The third point is that the financial situation of the deceased should be very good.Because extreme sports are inherently expensive, he will definitely spend a lot of money to experience so many extreme sports.

It's like going to the mainland to skydive, and then hiring a third party to shoot, the cost of the trip is more than 5000 yuan.If you go to paragliding, you also have to charge by the minute.Not to mention going to Australia's Great Barrier Reef to shoot coral.

And judging from the frequency of his experience of extreme sports, his financial situation must be very good, otherwise it would be impossible to support such frequent experience of extreme sports.Now we also know about the financial situation of the deceased."

Gao Jing, who was next to her, cast her admiring gaze, and she said, "A sports-loving person can analyze so much information, no wonder my brother said you are a detective!"

"Actually, it's not difficult. It's nothing more than collecting information, then selecting and summarizing the information, and then analyzing it. Once you're familiar with it, it's easy to find the rules." He Jiahui continued to explain.

Gao Jing nodded half-understanding: "Listen, I understand, but I still don't know what to do."

"I don't know what to do, so I'll go eat first. I'll think about it after I've filled my stomach." He Jiahui pointed to the wall clock on the wall. It was already twelve o'clock at noon, and it was time to eat.

The lunch break for office workers in Xiangjiang is only one hour, which is enough to go out for a meal.That's why there are so many tea restaurants on Xiangjiang Street, because the tea restaurants serve meals very quickly without wasting time.

It takes almost an hour for office workers to go to a tea restaurant to eat, plus the time of going back and forth. If they go to a larger restaurant to eat, the food is served too slowly, and there is no time at all.

And there is a special canteen in the police station, where the police officers will settle their lunch, which saves time compared to going to a tea restaurant.

After buying the food and just looking for a seat to sit down, He Jiahui directly started the second wave of on-site teaching.

"Look at the food I bought today, what information can I see?" He Jiahui asked, pointing to his plate.

Gao Jing stretched her head to look, and answered, "You bought a steamed eggplant with minced meat, does that mean you like eggplant?"

"Then I can't like to eat meat?" He Jiahui asked with a smile.

"The only meaty dishes in the restaurant are minced meat and steamed eggplant. You didn't choose anything else, so you must like eggplant." Gao Jing said, showing an expression of waiting for praise.

"Not exactly." He Jiahui continued: "I don't necessarily like to eat meat, and I don't necessarily like to eat eggplant. One possibility is that I don't like other dishes. Only eggplant and meat, I don't reject it, so I choose Steamed eggplant with minced meat."

Gao Jing nodded suddenly, and He Jiahui continued to ask: "Besides, what else did you see?"

"This..." Gao Jing hesitated.

"Let me give you some hints." He Jiahui pointed to the soup that Gao Jing bought.

"I see, you don't like to eat celery!" Gao Jing replied immediately.

"Why do you think I don't like eating celery?" He Jiahui continued to ask.

"Today's soup is pork bone soup with shredded pork and celery. You bought steamed eggplant with minced meat, which means you don't dislike pork, but you didn't buy the soup, which means you don't like celery, am I right?" Gao Jing said with an expression of begging for praise.

"That's right, a child can be taught!" He Jiahui nodded in satisfaction, thinking to himself, although this Gao Jing is beautiful, she is really not a vase, she is quite smart, she can see through!
 I felt a little unwell yesterday. I slept all day and didn't update. I hope everyone will be happy.

(End of this chapter)

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