Cop Universe

Chapter 13 Finding Doubts

Chapter 13 Finding Doubts
He Jiahui stared at the footprints, looking thoughtful.

Qiu Junxuan leaned over and asked in a low voice: "Jiahui, you have been looking at this footprint, is there something wrong with this footprint?"

"It's not easy to describe, I just think this footprint is a bit strange!" He Jiahui replied.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps in the distance, and a student policeman ran over panting, and said, "Sir Li, we have found the tourists who climbed the mountain!"

"Then it should be possible to confirm the identity of the deceased!" Li Wensheng expressed joy: "Leave two people to protect the scene, and the others will follow me back!"

Everyone returned to the place where the dead fell, and someone could hear heart-piercing wailing from a long distance away.

"Go away, let me go, that's my dad! Dad!"

A middle-aged man was trying to get close to the body, but was stopped by the school police.

"Sir, please be sorry, but you can't go there for the time being, we have to protect the scene."

He Jiahui remembered that this middle-aged man was also one of the mountaineering tourists.Seeing that he was crying so hard, he should be a relative of the deceased.

Another middle-aged man in his 40s was brought in front of Li Wensheng.

"Li sir, this is Mr. Yu. Mr. Yu organized this mountain climbing activity." The student policeman introduced.

"Mr. Yu, right? Don't be nervous. I'm Police Chief Li Wensheng. I have a few questions I want to ask you." Li sir said.

"Li sir, you can ask!" Mr. Yu nodded.

"The deceased climbed the mountain with you. You should know the deceased, right? Can you tell me about the deceased?" Li Wensheng asked.

"His name is Xu Guangshan. He seems to be 65 years old this year. Before retiring, he was the principal of Yingjie Middle School. We are both mountaineering enthusiasts. We often go out to climb mountains together. Before we went down the mountain, we would have dinner together. I didn't expect this Principal Xu had an accident this time." Mr. Yu said regretfully.

Li Wensheng then asked: "We met you once on the way to climb the mountain. I remember that you were still with the deceased at that time. Did you separate later?"

"Yes, we are separated." Mr. Yu continued; "The more we climb up the mountain, the more difficult the road is. After all, Principal Xu is getting old and can't keep up with his physical strength, so he gradually falls behind. He asked us to go first. Go, don't wait for him, we separated at that time."

"It's not very safe to leave a 65-year-old man alone in this barren mountain!" Li Wensheng said.

Mr. Yu hastily explained: "Principal Xu is not alone. Principal Xu's son-in-law, Mr. Zhang, also stayed with Principal Xu. With a son-in-law beside Principal Xu, we thought nothing would happen to him."

"Ms. Zhang, is that the crying middle-aged man over there?" Li Wensheng pointed to the wailing man not far away.

"Yes, he is Principal Xu's son-in-law. His name is Zhang Dongsheng. He also works in Yingjie Middle School. He seems to be a math teacher." Mr. Yu replied.

"Then what happened after you separated?" Li Wensheng continued to ask.

"We were also worried that someone would have an accident, so before we separated, we agreed on the time and place for the gathering. When the time came, we didn't see Principal Xu and Teacher Zhang at the agreed place."

Mr. Yu paused, and then said; "There is no mobile phone signal in the mountain, and we can't contact them, so we can only wait at the agreed place. After waiting for about 10 minutes, we saw Teacher Zhang come back alone. .”

"What about Principal Xu?" Li Wensheng asked immediately.

"At that time, I didn't have time to ask, but Teacher Zhang was the first to ask us if we had seen Principal Xu. Then Teacher Zhang told us that he and Principal Xu were lost." Mr. Yu said.

"Lost? What's the specific situation?" Li Wensheng continued to ask.

"Teacher Zhang said that on the way to the mountain, he wanted to make things easier, so he asked Principal Xu to wait for him, but when Teacher Zhang finished the convenience, he turned around and found that Principal Xu was gone.

So he began to look for Principal Xu everywhere, but he couldn't find it. Then Teacher Zhang thought that Principal Xu might have arrived at the meeting point, so he rushed over. " Mr. Yu said.

"What about after that? Have you looked for Principal Xu?" Li Wensheng asked again.

"Of course we have to look for him. Although Principal Xu has always been in good health, he is a 65-year-old man after all. We were also very worried that something might happen to him, so we started looking for him.

But you also know that it is not easy to find one in the mountains.Later, when we met your student police, we found out that something happened to Principal Xu! " Mr. Yu explained slowly.

"According to this, the last person to see Principal Xu was his son-in-law, Teacher Zhang."

Li Wensheng looked at Zhang Dongsheng who was still crying not far away, and it seemed that he had to wait for him to calm down before asking about the situation.


People from the East Kowloon Crime Squad soon arrived at the scene.

The leader took out his police officer ID and said, "I am Miao Zhishun, Senior Inspector of the East Kowloon Crime Squad. Did you find the deceased? Take me to see your officer."

Li Wensheng saw Inspector Miao Zhishun from a distance, and immediately went up to meet him: "Miao sir, long time no see!"

"Ah Sheng, it turned out to be you! I heard that you were going to be an instructor at the police academy, but I didn't expect to meet you here." Miao Zhishun also recognized Li Wensheng.

"Do you know each other?" Another instructor next to him asked.

Li Wensheng introduced: "When I was in the crime team, Sir Miao was my chief!"

"At that time, I had just passed the inspector promotion test, and I was still a rookie inspector. Ah Sheng was already a senior police chief in the serious crime team. Ah Sheng taught me a lot back then." Miao Zhishun said modestly.

Li Wensheng continued to introduce: "Miao sir has the nickname of 'gun king'. Back then, there was a sharpshooter in the gun club, who suffered from schizophrenia, killed several senior officers in the police force, and finally died under Miao sir's gun."

"I've heard about the case back then. I heard that the psychopath was not only a sharpshooter, but also a master at modifying guns. He changed the pistol into a magazine with [-] bullets. Several of our .[-]s were suppressed by him with firepower. So it was shot to death by you, Sir Miao! Sir Miao is really powerful." Said another instructor next to him.

"It's an old story! In that incident, several of our brothers died..." Miao Zhishun sighed, then changed his voice and continued: "Ah Sheng, let's talk about the old days later, let's introduce the case first. Bar!"

Li Wensheng introduced: "The deceased is in front, and the scene has been protected. It is suspected that he fell from the cliff above. I went up to the cliff and found footprints. I also sent people to guard it.

At present, the identity of the deceased has been determined. He was a mountaineering tourist, and all the other climbers have been found, including the deceased's son-in-law. "

"The forensic doctor will follow me to look at the corpse, and the forensic evidence will first go to the cliff to collect footprints." Miao Zhishun immediately made arrangements.

Seeing that the forensic evidence was about to go up the mountain to collect evidence, He Jiahui stepped forward and asked, "Mr. Li, the forensic evidence is not familiar with the way up the cliff, so let me take the forensic evidence there!"

Li Wensheng nodded: "Okay, take the forensic evidence up there, and listen to the arrangement of the forensic evidence after you go up, remember not to touch things randomly, so as not to damage the scene!"

"Understood!" He Jiahui nodded.

Forensic is a young guy who looks about 25 or [-] years old. He Jiahui reckons that Forensic at this age should not have much experience.

He Jiahui came to the forensic brother and introduced himself: "My name is He Jiahui, and I will take you to the cliff where the deceased is suspected to have fallen."

"I'm Gao An, a chemist from the Forensic Evidence Department, I'm sorry." The other party said.

"Gao sir, did your forensic department send you alone?" He Jiahui asked.

"Originally my master was going to come here, but he needed to climb a mountain to get here. My master was getting old and was afraid that he would not be able to arrive at the scene in time, so he sent me here. I am young and have good physical strength." Gao An explained with a smile.

"Gao sir, I see you brought two toolboxes, let me get one for you!" He Jiahui offered to help.

"Thank you. But there are fragile items and precision instruments inside, so I'll take them myself." Gao An politely declined.

He Jiahui continued to persuade: "The road to the cliff is not easy. You are not familiar with the road conditions, and it is inconvenient to carry two toolboxes. If you fall down, the loss outweighs the gain, and the work progress will be delayed."

"Okay then, I'll leave this box to you, but don't drop it." Gao An handed one of the toolboxes to He Jiahui.

The two of them went one after the other, and He Jiahui chatted for nothing on the road, and soon became acquainted with Gao An.

After all, He Jiahui is an experienced old criminal policeman. In the past, in order to obtain useful information when solving a case, he often made friends with strangers. A young man like Gao An with little social experience naturally couldn't resist He Jiahui's tricks.

"Gao sir, there are footprints ahead." He Jiahui stopped and pointed to the road.

Gao An bent down to look at the footprints on the ground, then took out two sets of shoe covers from the toolbox, handed one set to He Jiahui, and put on the other set himself.

"It looks like there is only one person's footprints. You will follow us later, don't destroy these footprints." Gao An ordered.

"Okay, I'll try to step aside." He Jiahui quickly agreed.

Gao An took out a digital camera and began to take pictures of the footprints, and then took out a ruler to measure the size of the footprints and the stride between them.

The footprints stretched all the way to the edge of the cliff. Gao An also took the camera and took pictures all the way to the edge of the cliff.

Gao An looked around, took pictures with the camera, and said to the recorder: "There is only one person's footprint, which means that only one person has come up here, and there are no extra items on the cliff, and there are no traces of fighting.

After a while, I will extract these footprints and compare them with the shoes of the deceased. If it is confirmed that these footprints belong to the deceased, then it will be confirmed that the deceased fell from here, and the possibility of homicide can also be ruled out. "

He Jiahui listened silently at the side, but his eyes were fixed on the pair of footprints closest to the edge of the cliff.

That was a very complete pair of footprints.

"This Gao An is still young and inexperienced, so he ruled out the possibility of homicide so easily without discovering such an important doubt! But this method, that is, to fool the rookie, can't fool me!"

He Jiahui had already discovered the doubts, and his mind quickly started to think.

"In the current situation, the scope of the murderer can basically be pinpointed, but the most critical evidence is still lacking. If I were the murderer, where would the evidence be placed?"


Gao An finished the forensic sampling work, walked down the cliff with He Jiahui, and returned to the place where the body was found.

"Did you find anything?" Miao Zhishun asked.

Gao An stepped forward and replied: "Only one person's footprint was found on the cliff, other than that, no personal belongings were found, and no traces of a fight were found.

I have collected footprint samples, and next I will sample the shoes of the deceased, and then compare the shoe prints to confirm whether the footprints on the cliff belong to the deceased. "

"Okay, I'll wait for your report." Miao Zhishun said.

At this time, the forensic doctor also finished his work, and Miao Zhishun immediately asked, "Have you found anything about the forensic doctor?"

"The death time of the deceased was probably between one hour and two hours. The preliminary judgment is that the skull was severely impacted, resulting in skull fracture and intracranial hemorrhage. The deceased's ribs were also fractured, accompanied by internal bleeding. It should be when the deceased fell to the ground. The impact injury." The forensic doctor replied.

"Are there any scars from the fight?" Miao Zhishun asked again.

"On the surface, there are no scars caused by the fighting, but to confirm, an autopsy is required!" the forensic doctor replied.

He Jiahui next to him listened silently, secretly thinking that Miao Zhishun's idea of ​​solving the case was not a problem.

There are three key points in the detection of the high-falling death case. The first is the forensic autopsy.Through the characteristics of the scars on the corpse, the height of the fall can be estimated, so as to clarify the location of the fall.

In the wild, this may not be very useful, because the location of the crash is obvious at a glance.But in a city full of tall buildings, it is very important to confirm the location of the fall.

In addition, the forensic doctor can also confirm whether there are other injuries on the body caused by the fall.

If there is, then it cannot be ruled out that the deceased was beaten and thrown downstairs, or forced to jump off a building, or committed suicide because of being violently treated.

The second key point is the inspection of the fall path.

The fall path includes three parts: the initial fall point, the landing point and the fall line.The falling point is the last position of the deceased before falling, where the last information of the deceased can often be found, which is very important for judging the cause of death of the deceased.

For example, whether there are footprints at the starting point of the fall, how many people's footprints, whether there are traces of trampling, whether there are traces of fighting, whether there are blood and hairs, are all very important evidence.

The inspection of the landing point is mainly to see whether it matches the location of the initial fall point, and whether there are corresponding traces on the ground where the landing point is located, and whether there are any objects related to the deceased around.

The fall line is the route the deceased took in the air. If there are things such as branches, wires, clotheslines, awnings, etc. on the path of the fall line, they will come into contact with the body of the deceased, and useful information may be left on them .

The third key point in the detection of high-falling cases is to inquire, including interrogating the deceased's relatives, friends, colleagues, neighbors, and witnesses at the scene of the crime.

The purpose of the inquiry is mainly to find out whether the deceased committed suicide, whether he had any grudges with others, whether he had any financial disputes, whether he had any emotional entanglements, whether he had any mental illness, and whether he had any abnormal behavior recently.

Sure enough, after listening to the forensic report, Miao Zhishun planned to ask the relatives of the deceased.

"I heard that the son-in-law of the deceased is here. He should know more about the situation of the deceased. Let's find him to make a statement!"

 If you have a recommendation ticket, please give me one, thank you very much.The theoretical knowledge of solving crimes in this chapter comes from the textbook "Criminal Investigation".


(End of this chapter)

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