Cop Universe

Chapter 137 Ignored Doubts

Chapter 137 Ignored Doubts
Kenjiro Murakami claimed that he killed for money, which was indeed a bit beyond Ho Jiahui's expectations.

And for the police, this motive for the killing is not good news.

Paying a murderer means that behind the murderer, there is another person who paid for the murder. Then the police still need to catch the mastermind who paid for the murder before they can close the case.

"Are you short of money?" Miao Zhishun asked. At the same time, he took out his mobile phone and checked the price of Bitcoin. He found that six Bitcoins were really profitable!

Murakami Kenjiro continued to explain: "Who is not short of money! In order to go to college, I took out a student loan of 400 million yen from the bank.

Although student loans do not require interest repayments, the principal still has to be repaid.If I repay 400 yen every month, it will take me six and a half years to repay the [-] million yen!This means that after I graduate, I will have to live a hard life for six and a half years!
And I also need to live. I rented an apartment near the school. When I was in Japan, I had to work in a convenience store every day so that I could earn living expenses and rent and maintain my policy life.

Coming to Hong Kong as an exchange student this time is indeed a good opportunity for me. It can make my resume look better. However, I can’t work to make money for half a year, and I have spent all my previous savings. I even asked the finance department The company took out a loan at a high interest rate.

I was still worried about how to face those creditors after returning to Japan. At this time, I received a courier. In the courier was a mobile phone, an old-fashioned Nokia button phone.

Then an unknown number called and asked me if I wanted to make a lot of money.Of course I wanted to make money, so I asked him what he was doing, and he said that if he let me help him kill Ma Jinan, he would give me six Bitcoins as a reward.

Bitcoin is a virtual currency that can also be traded into Japanese yen in Japan. More importantly, it can avoid customs.If I have these six Bitcoins, I won't have to worry about creditors, I can pay off my student loans, I can even rent a better apartment, and my life will be greatly improved.

Moreover, I will return to Japan next month. There is no extradition treaty between Hong Kong and Japan. As long as I return to Japan, even if the police in Hong Kong find me, there is nothing they can do to me!At worst, I just need to stay in Japan for the rest of my life.

So I agreed to him and was willing to help him kill people. Then he gave me a virtual currency account with six bitcoins in it. He asked me to change the password of the account, which was equivalent to giving the account to me.

But this account also has a verification password for withdrawing virtual coins. I need to kill Ma Jinan before he will give me the verification password and let me withdraw these six Bitcoins.

After that, I designed and killed Ma Jinan, and that person kept his promise and gave me the verification password for withdrawing virtual currency.After I got the Bitcoin, I originally planned to return to Japan early, but in the end, you called me here and found out that I was the murderer. "

Miao Zhishun then asked: "The person who asked you to kill Ma Jinan, was he a man or a woman? Can you still remember his voice?"

"I don't know. We all use that mobile phone to communicate, and he takes the initiative to call me every time." Murakami Kenjiro shook his head: "As for the voice, I can hear it. That person should be using translation software. Talk to me.”


Although the murderer was caught, because it was a paid murder and there was a mastermind behind the murderer, the case still needs to be solved.

Miao Zhishun immediately led people to search Murakami Kenjiro's residence, hoping to find more clues there.

The next day, Miao Zhishun called and synchronized the case information with He Jiahui.

"We searched Kenjiro Murakami's residence and found the old-fashioned Nokia push-button phone he mentioned. This phone used a space card and had only been contacted by one number. This number should have been used by the murderer, but Also a space shuttle.

We also checked the courier company. They did send express delivery to Kenjiro Murakami, and the time matched Murakami Kenjiro's confession, but the sender information of the express delivery was false.We have no way to find out from the courier who sent this mobile phone. "

"Have you checked the Bitcoin account?" He Jiahui asked.

"I also checked and found that this account was registered in Angola, and the person who opened the account was a man named Mario Fernandez. Angola was once a Portuguese colony, and there were many people named Fernandez. This clearly shows that it is a black account in name." Miao. Zhishun said.

"That means the person who paid for the murder didn't leave any useful clues?" He Jiahui asked.

"That's why I called you. I want to hear what good ideas you have." Miao Zhishun said.

"Then we still have to start from the life circle of the deceased. Murder is nothing more than those situations. Killing for money can eliminate the murder for money, and then only the possibility of love killing and vendetta remains."

He Jiahui pondered for a moment and then said: "Kenjiro Murakami once mentioned that when the other party contacted him, he used translation software. This means that the person who paid for the murder was definitely not a Japanese, but a Xiangjiang person.

Since a person from Xiangjiang wanted to hire a murderer, why did he find a Japanese instead of a local killer in Xiangjiang?There are two possibilities. One is that he doesn't have enough money to hire a local killer in Xiangjiang; the other is that he can't find a local killer in Xiangjiang.

Let’s talk about the first point first. Based on today’s price of six Bitcoins, it would cost more than 100 million Hong Kong dollars.The employer only spent 60 yuan on the paid murder case I handled before. If it costs more than 100 million yuan, he should be able to hire a killer in Hong Kong.

Moreover, Bitcoin is easier to trade and does not take up much volume. It can escape the supervision of various governments and be used in foreign countries. This has more advantages than cash. Criminals are definitely more willing to accept Bitcoin.

Therefore, the possibility of insufficient money can be ruled out, which means that the real culprit behind the scenes who hired the murderer cannot find the local killer in Xiangjiang.

If you have money and can't find anyone, it can only be a lack of channels. I guess the real culprit behind the scenes must have a relatively clean life circle. He has no interactions with illegal elements, so he can't find professional killers. "

"Listening to what you said, the scope of the investigation can be narrowed down a bit." Miao Zhishun continued: "This afternoon, I plan to go to the deceased's house and ask about his parents. Do you want to go together? If there are more people, maybe we can find out More details."

He Jiahui thought for a while and replied: "Okay, let's go together. I'll wait for your call!"


In the afternoon, He Jiahui and Miao Zhishun came to the home of the deceased Ma Jinan and met his parents.

Ma Jinan's father works in the Health, Welfare and Food Bureau, also known as the Department of Health. He has reached a relatively senior position in the Department of Health.Have certain social connections.

Ma Jinan's mother, on the other hand, works in a financial company and receives millions in dividends every year, making her a high-income group.

If the couple loses their beloved son, they are crying incessantly.

"Mr. Ma, Mrs. Ma, please express your condolences." Miao Zhishun first comforted him a few words, and then said; "We have caught the person who killed Ma Jinan, and he is Japanese exchange student Kenjiro Murakami. But after our investigation, Murakami The reason why Kenjiro killed Ma Jinan was because he was hired by others, that is to say, there may be a real culprit behind the scenes. The purpose of our visit this time is also to hope that you two can provide more clues so that we can arrest the real culprit as soon as possible. !”

"Sir Miao, if you have any questions, just ask! As long as I can catch the murderer, I will do anything you want!" Dad Ma said.

"Since this case was a paid murder, we can rule out the possibility of financial murder. So we considered the possibility of love murder and vendetta. I would like to ask, does Ma Jinan have any emotional disputes?" Miao Zhishun said. asked.

"I really don't know about this. I never interfere in his daily love life." Dad Ma shook his head: "My son is already in his 20s and has already grown up. Adults have their own freedom in love. Who he wants to associate with is his own business. As parents, we can only care about him occasionally."

Mama Ma said, "Jin An would sometimes talk to me about having a girlfriend, but he wouldn't go into too much detail. At most, he would just talk about the girl's basic situation and hobbies. I didn't listen. He mentioned that there were emotional disputes."

"According to what you two know, has Ma Jinan offended anyone?" Miao Zhishun asked next.

"Probably not!" Dad Ma shook his head and continued: "Our Jin'an is still a student and has not entered the society. How can he offend anyone! And a family like ours will not be like those who are not trivial. People come and go!”

Miao Zhishun thought for a while and then asked: "Do you two have any enemies?"

"You mean, someone wanted to take revenge on us, so they killed Jin An?" Dad Ma asked in surprise.

"Mr. Ma, don't get me wrong. When we police investigate a case, of course we have to think of possibilities, so that we can get closer to the real culprit." Miao Zhishun explained.

Dad Ma thought for a while and replied: "I work in the Department of Health. When I was young, I was in a front-line position. I would often seal down restaurants or rented houses with unqualified food hygiene. This would definitely offend some people.

But that was more than ten years ago.In my current position, I no longer need to work on the front line. The people I interact with are all management personnel and have a certain social status. They should not buy murderers to kill people! "

Mama Ma also replied: "The financial company I work for serves customers with a minimum investment of HKD 500 million, and our company's investment returns have been positive in recent years. I helped my customers make money. It's impossible." Offending people.”

Miao Zhishun nodded again. A family like Ma Jin'an's, even if it offended someone, would not be the kind of enemy that would easily take people's lives.

It’s not that people with money and status don’t commit crimes, but that the cost of committing crimes is too high and not cost-effective.

At this time, He Jiahui next to him asked: "Mr. Ma, Mrs. Ma, can I go to Ma Jinan's room and take a look?"

"Okay, it's over there, I'll take you there." Mother Ma stood up and led the way: "Since Jin'an's accident, we haven't touched his room. Every time we enter his room, I I always feel that he is still alive and may come back for dinner soon.”

Mother Ma said and couldn't help crying again.

He Jiahui walked into Ma Jinan's room. In addition to the bed and desk, the room also had a wardrobe and bookshelf. There were also some sundries in the corner of the room. In terms of area, it was relatively large.

The hobbies and personality characteristics of a person can be analyzed from the types of books he usually reads, so He Jiahui walked to the bookshelf and began to look at the books on the shelf.

In addition to the books, there are also several trophies placed in the middle of the bookshelf, which should be those that Ma Jinan usually obtains.

Ma's mother introduced, "Jin'an has loved sports since he was a child. These are the awards he won in competitions. There are long-distance running competitions, swimming competitions, and triathlon competitions. He is really an outstanding child..."

Mother Ma said and started crying again.

He Jiahui comforted him, and then walked around Ma Jinan's bedroom. He turned around and left without finding any clues.


On the way back to the police station, He Jiahui and Miao Zhishun began to communicate about the case again.

Miao Zhishun analyzed: "From the information provided by Ma Jin'an's parents, the possibility of a vendetta does not seem to be high. Children from a privileged family like Ma Jin'an should not offend those who want to kill someone as long as they do not do evil. life man.

Next, I plan to investigate from the aspect of love murder. A rich young man like Ma Jinan should have had many girlfriends!
Check whether Ma Jin'an had any emotional disputes during his lifetime, whether he had one foot in two boats or an improper relationship between a man and a woman.

By the way, I remember the poisoning case you mentioned before. The deceased was poisoned by his friend because he cheated on him, right? "

"Yes, you also saw the photo of the deceased in the extreme sports club at that time. He was handsome and sunny, and I heard that he was good at picking up girls. He hooked up with his friend's women over and over again, and it was three times in a row. .”

He Jiahui paused for a moment, then continued: "There is a saying that rabbits don't eat grass on the edge of their nests. This guy just eats the grass on the edges of his nest. He even secretly filmed a video of playing poker, but the person involved found out!"

When He Jiahui said this, he suddenly stopped talking. His expression condensed slightly, as if he realized something.

Miao Zhishun also noticed the change in He Jiahui's state, and he quickly asked: "Have you thought of a new clue?"

"It's not your case, but the poisoning case! I suddenly realized that in that poisoning case, I overlooked a suspicious point. The murderer saw the video of himself being raped, so he decided to kill the deceased!

But those poker videos were secretly recorded by the deceased, and even the woman playing poker with him didn't know.Although playing poker is not illegal, filming secretly is, so the deceased will definitely hide these videos well and will not leak them out.

How did the murderer get these videos?It can't be that the deceased took the initiative to send it to the murderer!And if someone else sent these videos to the murderer, who could that person be?How did this person get the video? "

Having said this, He Jiahui said, "Sir Miao, please send me to the West Kowloon Police Station. I want to re-examine the murderer of the poisoning case!"

 Thank you all for your subscriptions.I didn’t think about how to connect several cases in a reasonable way, so I’m even later, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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