Cop Universe

Chapter 16 He Jiahui's Case-solving Teaching Part 2

Chapter 16 He Jiahui's Case-solving Teaching Part II
Sure enough, there was a pair of sneakers in the hiking bag behind Zhang Dongsheng.

Gao An, the forensic witness, immediately put on his gloves and took out the sneakers. He looked carefully and said, "It's the same model and the same size as the pair on the deceased's feet!"

"Mr. Zhang, why don't you explain why you have a pair of sneakers in your bag?" He Jiahui asked.

"I was worried that my shoes would break on the way up the mountain, so I brought an extra pair of spares, can't I?" Zhang Dongsheng argued.

"Then why is it the same model as the one on the deceased's foot?" He Jiahui continued to ask.

"What about the same style? I like the sneakers of my father-in-law, so I bought the same style!" Zhang Dongsheng was still arguing.

"Mr. Zhang, what size shoes do you wear? The shoes in your bag don't seem to match your shoe size! On the contrary, they match the deceased's shoe size. How can you explain that?" He Jiahui sneered asked.

"This..." Zhang Dongsheng was stunned, and continued to defend: "Actually, these shoes are for my father-in-law. I was worried that his shoes would be broken during the mountain climbing, so I prepared an extra pair!"

Zhang Dongsheng was obviously completely panicked, and his words became more and more inconsistent.

However, everyone is not a fool. Zhang Dongsheng's excuse actually confirmed his suspicion.

He Jiahui showed a helpless expression. He sighed and said, "Mr. Zhang, it seems that you don't know anything about the current technology. In the face of modern technology, your excuses are too weak.

You should know that even the same kind of soil will have different changes under different environments, such as sun exposure and wind blowing, not to mention the soil will be mixed with tiny particles such as pollen and seeds. It can be tested.

Forensic evidence only needs to sample the soles of your shoes and compare them with the soil on the cliff to prove whether the soil on the soles is the same as the soil on the cliff.

If the soil on the soles of these shoes is the same as the soil on the cliff, and the soil on the soles of the deceased is also the same as the soil on the cliff, it will prove the inferences I have just made.

Only one set of footprints has been found on the cliff. If the soles of two pairs of shoes are stained with the same soil, and the shoes are of the same style and size, the only explanation is that the owner of one pair of shoes forged the footprints. "

"The person who forged the footprints is either the deceased or you." He Jiahui said, looked at the deceased not far away, and then said: "You can't expect a dead person to forge the scene, can you?"

These words broke the last trace of luck in Zhang Dongsheng's heart. There was a ray of despair in his eyes, and then he sat on the ground with his legs spread out.

"That's right, I killed my father-in-law, I pushed him off the cliff!" Zhang Dongsheng finally admitted his crime.

"He is your father-in-law and your relative, why did you kill him?" He Jiahui asked curiously.

Zhang Dongsheng raised his head and sighed: "It's all my fault. I lost a bet, and I owed a gambling debt. In order to pay off the debt, I took out a usury loan. Afterwards, I couldn't pay the interest. So I went to ask my father-in-law , I hope he can lend me money.

But my father-in-law refused to lend me money!If he doesn't have money, I won't blame him for refusing to lend it to me, but he is obviously rich, and his savings plus pension are tens of millions!All he had to do was lend me a little and he would help me out.

But he didn't lend me a penny, he just wanted to see me die!Do you know how vicious those loan sharks are?Those people can't get the money, they will really kill me!I don't want to die, and I don't want to have my arms and legs chopped off!

So I can only kill him so that I can get his inheritance to pay off the loan sharks.In addition, I bought an insurance policy for my father-in-law, and the beneficiary is my wife. If my father-in-law dies unexpectedly, I can still earn a fortune!
So I planned today's game. I knew my father-in-law likes to climb mountains, so I bought a pair of new shoes for him, and then said how about trying the shoes, and invited him to climb the mountain.Then lead him to the cliff and push him down.

Next, as you said, I cleaned up the traces of the scene, put on another pair of shoes prepared in advance, and forged the footprints by stepping back, making the police think that my father-in-law slipped and fell down the mountain. "

He Jiahui nodded slightly, and then said: "But you didn't expect that there are loopholes in your forged footprints, and it is impossible to be complete footprints when you stumbled and fell down the mountain.

When I raised this doubt, you hurriedly said that Principal Xu committed suicide because he missed his dead wife, and the purpose was to guide the direction of the police investigation. "

"Yes, I said that my father-in-law committed suicide because he missed his mother-in-law, but you are more suspicious of me, right? You met my father-in-law before and chatted with him. I overlooked this point, and I was self-defeating!
Zhang Dongsheng showed an annoyed expression, and heaved a long sigh: "It's my fault that I chose to do it today, and I met you school policemen!"

"It has nothing to do with luck. Skynet is full of laxity. If you break the law, you should be punished by the law! Even if you don't meet me, the police will discover your crime and bring you to justice." He Jiahui said coldly .

What he said made Miao Zhishun beside him blush. He really planned to treat this case as a fall off a cliff. If it wasn't for He Jiahui, he might have let the real culprit go.

To demonstrate embarrassment, Miao Zhishun took out the handcuffs, stepped forward and handcuffed Zhang Dongsheng's hands, ready to take him away.

Zhang Dongsheng didn't move, but asked, "Can you tell me how you suspected me? Even if it makes me understand!"

He Jiahui hesitated for a moment, and finally explained: "At the beginning, I didn't suspect anyone, until I saw the footprints on the cliff, I began to suspect that this was a murder case.

Footprints can analyze a lot of information, such as stride characteristics, footwork characteristics, etc., and through stride length, footwork and footprint size, a series of characteristics such as height, fat and thin, gender, age, etc. can be analyzed.

For example, the physiological differences between men and women can be shown in the footprints. Generally, the steps of men are larger and the indentations are heavier. Most of the footprints have digging marks and throwing soil.

Women's steps are smaller, the landing and landing are stable, the indentation will be more even, and the edges of the footprints will be more neat.In addition, in the length of footprints, men are generally longer than women.

In terms of age, generally in the footprints of young people in their 20s, the indentation on the forefoot is relatively heavy, the indentation on the heel is relatively light, the indentation on the front toe is large, and the scratch on the heel is less.

And around the age of 30, the indentation of each part of the footprint will be more uniform, and scratches will begin to appear.By the age of 50, the footsteps will start to widen, the outturn of the step angle will increase, and the indentation of the heel will become heavier.

There is also height. For a taller person, his center of gravity must be higher, and his lower limbs will be longer. When walking, his feet will take long strides, his steps will be loose, and his body will shake from side to side. This will cause heel deviation Press, there is an imaginary edge on the outside of the toe.

Short people have a low center of gravity, short lower limbs, small steps and short steps when walking, and compact steps. They are used to taking big strides.

I estimated the height of the deceased to be about 1 meters, but the footprints you left at the scene did not match the footprints of a man in his 70s with a height of about 60 meters, so I began to suspect that these footprints were Forged! "

The student policemen next to him were stunned. They never imagined that a single footprint could analyze so much information.

Gao An, the forensic witness, felt that if every policeman did this, his job would be lost.

Miao Zhishun leaned closer to Li Wensheng and asked in a low voice, "Does your police academy teach such profound courses now? Thanks to the fact that I went to the police academy more than ten years ago, otherwise I wouldn't be able to graduate at all!"

"How can the police academy teach such weird things! Besides, these things can't be used as evidence in court!" Li Li Wensheng responded with a cold snort.

He Jiahui ignored the mutterings of others, and continued: "Although the footprint analysis theories I mentioned just now have scientific basis, they can only be used as a direction to solve the case, but they cannot be used as substantive evidence to accuse the suspect.

After all, everyone's walking habits are different. If a big man has short legs, or his legs are injured, or he has arthritis, his footprints will be affected.So I just suspected the cause of death of the deceased at that time, and there was no actual evidence to confirm it.

It wasn't until later that I followed Sir Gao from the Forensic Department to the cliff and saw all the footprints, especially when I saw a pair of complete footprints closest to the cliff, I was sure that the deceased did not fall by mistake. It was him.

It was also at that time that I thought of the murderer's method of committing the crime, but I still had no evidence, and I kept thinking about how to find evidence.And when I came down from the cliff and saw Mr. Zhang, I knew that the evidence was there! "

There was a ray of doubt in Zhang Dongsheng's eyes, and he asked, "There are several people here, why do you doubt me? How do you know that those shoes are in my hiking bag?"

Zhang Dongsheng's words also revealed the doubts of everyone present.

"You were the last person to see the deceased. If the deceased was killed, you are the most suspected person. Of course, I suspect you first."

He Jiahui pointed to the mountaineering bag again, and replied: "The reason why I guessed that the pair of shoes are in this bag is because you have been carrying this mountaineering bag since I met you.

Climbing here from the bottom of the mountain requires a lot of physical strength. Even those of us professionally trained police officers will unload our backpacks after arriving at the destination to reduce some weight and allow our bodies to rest.

The physical fitness of ordinary people is definitely not as good as that of us student policemen. To be able to walk here must consume a lot of physical energy. If there is a chance to rest, they will definitely take off the backpack instead of carrying it on their back.

You can look at these companions who came to the mountain with you, they have all taken off their backpacks, but you have been carrying the mountaineering bag on your back, don’t you think it is very heavy?
The possibility I can think of is that there are things in your bag that are important to you, so you dare not take off the hiking bag easily, so you would rather bear the weight of the hiking bag than carry the bag on your back.

Here, except for the police and the student police, they are all disciplined forces, and no one will steal your things.So the question is, what is it in your bag that makes you so cautious that even the police don't trust it?
The answer is that pair of sneakers you used to fake the scene! "

"So that's it. I thought my plan was flawless, but in your eyes, it was full of loopholes!" Zhang Dongsheng sighed.

"There is no crime in this world that is seamless. As long as you have done it, there will be loopholes!" He Jiahui said.

Miao Zhishun next to him waved his hand and said to his subordinates, "Take him away!"

Seeing Zhang Dongsheng being taken away by the serious crime team, Qiu Junxuan came over again and asked, "Jiahui, I have another question, what if Zhang Dongsheng didn't put those shoes in his bag, but found a place to throw them away?" , or burn it directly, then don’t we have no evidence to arrest him again?”

"That pair of shoes is the most direct evidence of Zhang Dongsheng's crime. If it were you, would you throw such important evidence around? If someone picks it up, it will expose his falsification of the scene. By then It is not difficult to infer that he killed Principal Xu."

He Jiahui paused, and continued: "Many murderers will not leave the murder weapon at the scene, but will take the murder weapon away, the reason is the same.

Those shoes are the direct evidence that can convict Zhang Dongsheng. They are more harmful to him than the murder weapon. Nothing is safer than carrying them with you.

As for burning the shoes, he would certainly have done so, but not here.Sports shoes contain petrochemical components, which will not only produce thick smoke when burned, but also have a strong smell.

The smoke and smell will attract the attention of others, and there is a risk of being discovered. If someone sees the smoke or smells it and thinks it is a forest fire, then Zhang Dongsheng is at risk of being exposed?

So Zhang Dongsheng didn't dare to take the risk of burning the pair of sneakers here, so he could only bring the shoes with him.I guess his plan was to take the shoes away and destroy them privately so that no one would notice. "

"It makes sense, I've learned it again." Qiu Junxuan suddenly realized and nodded, at this time he had already cast his eyes on He Jiahui in admiration.

He Jiahui didn't continue this topic either, he could think of a more clever way to hide the pair of sneakers.

For example, come to the spot in advance, and dig a hole nearby. After forging the scene, bury the shoes directly in the hole, so that it becomes difficult for the police to find the pair of shoes.When the wind has passed, come back and take away the shoes and destroy them.

It's just that Zhang Dongsheng didn't think of such a method.

Miao Zhishun, the senior inspector of the serious crime team next to him, also looked at He Jiahui with admiration, and said to Li Sir: "Ah Sheng, the ability of the student police is much stronger than when we were in the police academy. The police academy can solve the case.

I heard that there was a murder case in your police academy a few days ago, and it was also solved by a student policeman. Today's case was solved by the student policeman. People can retire! "

"Mr. Miao, although our batch of student policemen are all excellent, he is the only one who can solve the case." Li Wensheng pointed to He Jiahui, and then said: "His name is He Jiahui, and the murder case in the police academy last time was also a crime." He broke it!"

"Oh?" Miao Zhishun looked He Jiahui up and down, and then said with a smile: "Your name is He Jiahui, right? I remember you. Be good as a policeman in the future, and I will transfer you to our serious crime team if I have a chance!"

"Thank you, Officer Miao!" He Jiahui hurriedly expressed his thanks.

All the school police officers cast envious glances.

Xiangjiang Police has both uniformed police and plainclothes police. The most uniformed police are the patrol police officers on the street. In addition, there are mobile units, stormtroopers, airport special police, and Flying Tigers.

The plainclothes police mainly include the serious crime team, O Ji, narcotics investigation bureau, CIB, commercial crime investigation bureau, etc.

Due to the division of labor, under the same police rank, plainclothes policemen generally have greater power than uniformed policemen, and in terms of promotion speed, plainclothes policemen are also promoted faster than uniformed policemen.

Because uniformed policemen often directly carry out orders issued by their superiors, they rarely have the opportunity to solve cases, while plainclothes policemen are the main force in solving cases. Most cases are solved by plainclothes policemen, and it is easier to accumulate credit.

For young policemen, being able to take off their military uniforms and enter the serious crime team is definitely a win at the starting line.

 The role of Zhang Dongsheng played by Mr. Qin Hao left a deep impression on me. Here, a murderer named Zhang Dongsheng is designed to push his father-in-law down the mountain. It can be regarded as a small tribute!Do I still have a chance?

(End of this chapter)

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