Cop Universe

Chapter 39

Chapter 39

He Jiahui passed by the long-haired drunk, and instantly realized that there was something wrong with the drunk.

But He Jiahui did not stop to investigate the drunk, but continued to walk forward with Brother Feng.

After walking a certain distance and making sure that the drunk could not hear the two of them talking, He Jiahui said, "Brother Feng, there is something wrong with that drunk just now!"

"What's the problem?" Brother Feng asked immediately.

"He smells wrong!" He Jiahui replied.

"A drunk, smelling of alcohol all over his body, what's wrong? Isn't all drunks like this?" Brother Feng asked with a smile.

"I think the smell of alcohol on his body is a bit stinky." He Jiahui replied.

"Hehe, don't drunks smell like alcohol? Have you ever seen a drunk who smells good?"

Brother Feng continued: "I know you killed Brother Longhu, how could there be so many top ten thugs for you to catch, you are just an ordinary drunk, don't be too suspicious!"

At this time, Brother Feng obviously regarded He Jiahui as the kind of young man who had just made great achievements and wanted to continue to make great achievements, and would treat anyone he saw as suspicious.

He Jiahui explained: "The smell I'm talking about is not the smell of food, but a pungent smell, which feels like the smell of formalin."

"Formalin?" Brother Feng was stunned for a moment, and jokingly said: "Isn't that used to soak corpses? This person smells of formalin. Could it be that this person is a zombie?"

In the middle of the night, mentioning zombies on the deserted streets is indeed a bit creepy.However, these words came out of Brother Feng's mouth, but they were somewhat funny.

He Jiahui explained: "Brother Feng, I'm not kidding you, it really smells like formalin. This formalin is actually an aqueous solution of formaldehyde."

"Formaldehyde is poisonous, I know that, this drunkard has filled himself with formaldehyde solution, right? That's not to poison himself to death!" Brother Feng still didn't take it seriously.

He Jiahui had no choice but to continue: "As far as I know, industrial alcohol also contains formaldehyde."

"No one is stupid enough to drink industrial alcohol! That stuff is also poisonous, and you will become a fool if you drink it." Brother Feng continued: "Have you seen "Drunken Master 2"? Huang Feihong drank industrial alcohol and burned his brain !"

"He may not be drinking, maybe he is carrying it? Don't forget that he has a wine bottle in his hand." He Jiahui continued to remind.

"Put denatured alcohol in a wine bottle? What are you trying to do?" Brother Feng said, his face changed suddenly, and he realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Could it be that he wants to set fire!" Brother Feng exclaimed.

"I don't know, but if the bottle in his hand is filled with industrial alcohol, at least he can be sure that he doesn't intend to do good deeds!" He Jiahui replied.

"Go, go and check him!" Brother Feng said and was about to turn around.

However, He Jiahui stopped Brother Feng: "Go and check him now, even if the bottle in his hand is filled with industrial alcohol, it's useless. It's not illegal to take a bottle of industrial alcohol for a walk on the road, and he can find any excuse to get away with it." .

I think we should not disturb him yet, and follow him quietly to see what he is going to do. If he really wants to set fire to it, we can arrest him immediately, which can be regarded as both stolen goods! "

"Good idea!" Brother Feng nodded approvingly, then looked up and down He Jiahui, and thought to himself:
"I can't see it, this young man looks talented, but I didn't expect him to be a sixth child!"


He Jiahui and Brother Feng followed the drunk quietly, but due to the distance, the drunk didn't notice them either.

If it is during the day, this kind of long-distance tracking will definitely lose it, but after two o'clock at night, there is no one on the street, even if it is across a street, the target will still not be lost.

I saw the drunk man walking crookedly, and when he passed a corner and confirmed that the police couldn't see him, his footsteps instantly became normal, and he didn't look drunk at all.

"Sure enough, there is something wrong with this person!" said Brother Feng who was watching secretly.

The drunk made it clear that he was not drunk, but after seeing the police, he pretended to be drunk, deliberately confusing the police, which must be the rhythm of doing bad things.

The drunk walked up and down in front of an unremarkable shop and stopped.

This small shop only had a simple signboard with six big characters of "Chemical Paint Hardware" written on it, and a small signboard next to it, which said that it undertakes indoor and outdoor decoration, water and electricity installation, telephone XXXXXX, etc.

This kind of small shop is very common in old residential areas. If the nearby old houses need to be refurbished, or the water and electricity are re-arranged, or repaired, they will find this kind of small shop, which is much cheaper than looking for a specialized decoration company.

The drunk stood in front of the small shop, looked up at the signboard, and then looked to the left and right, obviously checking for passers-by.

After confirming that there were no witnesses, he directly spilled the liquid in the wine bottle on the shutter door of the shop.Then he threw away the wine bottle, took out two other wine bottles from his clothes, and sprinkled the liquid money inside again at the door of the small shop.

Immediately afterwards, he took out a lighter from his pocket and prepared to light it.

At this moment, a shout sounded: "Police, stop!"

Brother Feng has already rushed out.

When the drunk saw the police approaching, he was too frightened to light the fire, so he ran in the opposite direction.

"Police, stop!" Brother Feng continued to shout.

He was caught by the police when he set the fire, so of course he would not be caught without a fight.

However, another figure suddenly appeared in front of the drunk.

It was He Jiahui who came.

When the drunk was standing in front of the small shop, He Jiahui had already confirmed the target of the drunk who wanted to set fire, so he chose to outflank the drunk from another road, just blocking the drunk's escape route.

Facing the attack from both sides, the drunk was quickly cornered, unable to resist at all, and could only be caught without a fight.

Brother Feng took out the handcuffs, handcuffed the drunk man, and said cheerfully to He Jiahui, "I haven't caught a thief for many days, and today I just met an arsonist when I was partnering with you! Is this considered lucky? Or unlucky?
I heard that Uncle Biao also partnered with you on the first day, and he met the Dragon and Tiger Brothers of the Top Ten Thieves.Today is your first day on the night shift again, right?You kid should not be a disaster star descending to earth, right?Why do thieves like it so much! "


Brother Feng reported to the main station that an arsonist was caught, and a police car came to take the drunk away not long after.

Colleagues from the forensics department also came to the scene to take samples and collect evidence.According to the work flow, He Jiahui had to write another report and hand it to the superior after the patrol was over and returned to the police station.

In the early morning, He Jiahui finished his night patrol and returned to the police station to start writing a report. When the report was finished, He Jiahui handed it to Brother Feng.

Brother Feng looked at the rather long report, smiled helplessly, and then said: "Jiahui, this report doesn't have to be so serious, just keep it simple."

"Why? Isn't the more detailed the report the better?" He Jiahui asked.

Brother Feng opened his mouth and replied: "There is no need for that, people will be released anyway!"

"Release him? Why?" He Jiahui frowned.

It was hard to catch someone, and he got the stolen goods at the same time. How can I let him go!

 After reading it, everyone, don’t forget to give a ticket, thank you for passing the test!
(End of this chapter)

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