Cop Universe

Chapter 56

Chapter 56 Exactly the Same

He Jiahui once again heard the term "Top Ten Bandits".

"The dragon and tiger brother who I just killed is also one of the top ten thugs, and it is less than a month now! The chances of meeting two top ten thugs in one month are a bit high. Is it a block on the street? Bricks, can hit a ten big gangsters?"

Thinking of this, He Jiahui asked: "Mr. Miao, are you saying that this guy is also one of the top ten thugs? Photographer Bart? Is it his name or his nickname?"

Miao Zhishun didn't notice the word "also" in He Jiahui's mouth, he stared at He Jiahui in surprise, and said, "You don't even know who are the top ten thugs? How did you become a policeman?

The list of wanted criminals, counted from top to bottom according to the amount of reward offered, isn't it the top ten criminals?Even if you don't usually read the list of wanted criminals, you always read gossip magazines, right? "

"Miao Changguan, I have just graduated from the police academy and have only been a policeman for a month. As for gossip magazines, I don't usually read them much. I usually read online novels. There is a bad guy named Guanzhanjiang, who has a lot of typos. Many, catching insects is very interesting!" He Jiahui explained with a smile.

"You are such a good boy, you don't even read gossip magazines." Miao Zhishun shook his head helplessly, and then introduced: "Assassins will definitely not use their real names, so every assassin will have a code name, like Yanzu, Guanxi and the like."

He Jiahui nodded, put aside whether this code name sounds good or not, handsome is really handsome.

Miao Zhishun continued; "This guy's code name is Bart. Our police don't have much information about him, and he acts very cautiously. We have never photographed his face or left fingerprints." and other information.

According to the information we have, this Bart once worked as a mercenary in Africa, so he received training from a mercenary organization.Later, his organization was besieged because of the massacre of civilians, and he also escaped from the mercenary organization.

Then he becomes a killer.At the beginning, it was just the unknown one, but later it became famous because it killed a club leader nicknamed "Two Guns", and everyone on the road knew that there was such a killer.

And when he kills, there is a feature that he will record the whole process of killing, and then send the video to the employer to prove that he has completed the task.It also gave him credibility. "

"Assassins still respect credibility?" He Jiahui asked subconsciously.

"Nonsense, the more shady something is, the more credible it must be. Think about it, if the employer is tricked by such an illegal act, it is impossible to call the police!

The employer can't go to the police to report the case, saying that I bought the murderer and paid all the money, but the killer took the sister-in-law and ran away with the money!Therefore, many employers would rather spend more money than find a reputable killer to do the work. "

Miao Zhishun paused, and then introduced: "Bart made a video recording when he killed someone. The original purpose was to prove that he had completed the task, but then it gradually changed.

There are some employers who, seeing videos of their enemies dying, feel a sense of revenge.There are also some people, just seeing the other party die is not enough, they will ask Bart to torture the target, so that the other party will suffer more pain before death.

Ah Bart will also perform inhuman torture on the target according to the order of the employer, and will also make a video of the process and send it to the employer.I won't talk about the specific torture, I'm afraid you will have nightmares at night, anyway, it will make life worse than death! "

"Sounds so cruel!" He Jiahui let out a long sigh.

Ordinary killers would directly give pleasure to the individual, but killers like this who torment people and even shoot videos are 100% psychopaths.

Miao Zhishun continued to introduce: "We didn't know this at first, but later our police caught a club boss and found several videos from him, all of which were videos of Ah Bart's torture and murder.

Afterwards, we interrogated the club boss, only to find out that there is such a killer who can shoot videos, code-named Bart, and at the same time, the Taoist also gave him the nickname "Photographer"! "

He Jiahui nodded suddenly, and then asked: "Then how much is the reward for this photographer, Bart?"

"It's almost 2000 million Hong Kong dollars!" Miao Zhishun replied.

"So many!" He Jiahui was shocked.

In the previous Dragon and Tiger brothers, the two together offered a reward of 1800 million Hong Kong dollars, but this Bart alone has a reward of 2000 million Hong Kong dollars, which is much more expensive than the Dragon and Tiger brothers.

Miao Zhishun continued: "It seems that you really didn't read the list of rewards for wanted criminals. Which one of the top three is not a reward of over [-] million!"

He Jiahui subconsciously looked at Bart who was still unconscious on the ground, and asked, "Where is this guy worth 2000 million?"

Miao Zhishun continued to introduce: "Because many of the people he killed were big bosses of the society, and even some of the leaders of the society.

The vendetta between the clubs is very serious. Apart from the competition between the clubs for territory and business, there is also the competition within the clubs.

Most of the time, it is inconvenient for members of the community to do it by themselves.For example, internal competition for superiority, no matter whether it is killing the boss or killing the same family, there is no way to explain it internally. At this time, hiring a killer is a better way.

Ah Bart took a lot of business from clubs, and afterward the employer would naturally not admit that he was the killer he found, and clubs also want face, and of course they can't treat it as nothing happened when their boss is killed.

But the club couldn't find the real employer behind the scenes, so they had to seek revenge from the killer, so Ah Bart carried a lot of hunting orders from the club, which added up to 2000 million Hong Kong dollars!
And according to the news from O's, many associations issued bounties to arrest Bart, and at the same time hired him to do things, don't you think this is ironic?

These members of the club are full of loyalty all day long, and they keep saying that they want to avenge their elder brother or their classmates, and those who shout the loudest may be the ones who hired murderers! "

He Jiahui nodded, he could roughly imagine the scene, the boss crying in front of the mourning hall to kill the killer to avenge the boss, and immediately pay the killer the balance when he turned around.

Miao Zhishun continued: "You are a police officer, so you can't go to the society to collect the bounty, right? So unless you resign immediately, don't count on the 2000 million.

But this time you caught the photographer Bart, which is also a great achievement.It's a pity that you have just joined the police force, otherwise, your boss will definitely recommend you for the next promotion test! "

Beside, Miao Zhishun's subordinates said: "Not long ago, Brother Longhu of the Ten Great Bandits was killed. I heard that the senior brother who killed him won the Bronze Hero Medal, or is he the first brother?" ' Presented in person! Surely you can do the same."

The subordinate said, took out his mobile phone, and continued: "The news and public relations department must be on the official website of the police force. Let me look for it for you. Well, I found it, this is it! Look, there is another The photo of the brother awarding the honor!"

Miao Zhishun was busy handling cases all day long, and hadn't read the news, so he turned his head to watch.

"Look at this honored brother, he is very young, about the same age as you!" The subordinate said, looking up at He Jiahui, and then said: "It looks quite like you too!"

"They look very similar." Miao Zhishun nodded, then looked up at He Jiahui, his expression froze suddenly.

"How do they look alike? They are exactly the same!"

 Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommendation ticket, thank you
(End of this chapter)

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