Cop Universe

Chapter 58

Chapter 58
It's time for awards again.

These officers at the scene were all familiar faces to He Jiahui, and this was the third time they had met in more than a month.

He Jiahui also lost the joy of being awarded an honor for the first time in his heart. It is meaningless to have too many medals.

He walked up to Chen Jiaju and saluted with a serious face.

Chen Jiaju looked at the familiar young man in front of him, and thought to himself: I have seen him three times this month, and I have not met my own son so frequently.

Subsequently, Chen Jiaju awarded a medal to He Jiahui.

"Police Officer 66622 He Jiahui, on behalf of the government, I will present you with the Bronze Bauhinia Medal!" Chen Jiaju said.

"Thank you, sir! I will continue to work hard, do my best, and do my best to uphold Hong Kong's legal system and protect the safety of citizens!" Ho Ka Fai saluted again.

In Xiangjiang's same honor system, the Bronze Bauhinia Medal belongs to the seventh level, which is one level higher than the Bronze Bravery Medal that He Jiahui received for the first time.

The Bronze Bauhinia Medal is mainly awarded to people from all walks of life who have served the society for a long time and have made outstanding performances, that is, outstanding and representative figures in all walks of life.

Members of the disciplined services are rarely given the Bauhinia Medal, since the disciplined services already have the Medal of Valor.

But He Jiahui was an exception, because not long ago he had just received the Bronze Medal of Valor and the Police Medal of Honor, this time he could only be given the Bronze Bauhinia Medal.

Chen Jiaju nodded with a smile, but he was thinking in his heart that if He Jiahui solved another major case this year, there would really be nothing to reward him.

The Bronze Bauhinia Medal goes up to the Medal of Excellence, which is an honor given to the six major disciplinary forces and the chief executive of the Independent Commission Against Corruption. As far as the police force is concerned, if you want to get the Medal of Excellence, you must be an inspector at least.

It is not impossible for a police officer to obtain the Medal of Excellence. He only needs to die in the line of duty and be posthumously awarded the title of Inspector.

"Die in the line of duty?" Chen Jiaju looked at He Jiahui's lively posture, and looked much tougher than himself.

Thinking about being busy with work all day, staying up all night with hair loss and poor skin, it doesn't look like he can live past He Jiahui!

When He Jiahui was accepting the medal, Cao Dahua also came to the police headquarters and knocked on the door of Li Wenbin's room.

"Please come in!" Li Wenbin's voice sounded, and Cao Dahua pushed the door open immediately.

"Sir, Cao Dahua, West Kowloon Region, report to duty!" Cao Dahua puffed up his chest and saluted seriously.

"Okay, I'm so familiar, so don't come here. Your beer belly will burst the police uniform with this salute!" Li Wenbin pointed to the chair in front of him, and continued: "Ah Hua, you should lose weight .A dignified management of the police force must pay attention to its image.”

Cao Dahua sat down with a smile: "I will retire in a few years, what image do I need! It's not like you, sir, you will be promoted in the future!"

"I'm very busy today, so I don't have time to chat with you!" Li Wenbin lowered his head, looked at the documents in his hand, and said, "Do you know why I called you here today?"

"If you ask me to come, there must be no good!" Cao Dahua replied directly.

"In your West Kowloon Division, there is a newcomer named He Jiahui, who has been very popular recently! But I have received two complaints, both related to this He Jiahui." Li Wenbin said with a straight face.

Cao Dahua's expression tightened slightly, he put away his laughing and joking expression, and asked with a straight face: "Mr. Li, since He Jiahui came to West Kowloon, he has made great achievements repeatedly.

He killed the Dragon and Tiger brothers among the top ten gangsters, and took away the drug dealer's factory. Two days ago, he even captured the photographer Bart among the top ten gangsters. All the officials at all levels praised him! "

"Don't rush to defend your people, listen to me first." Li Wenbin raised his head and said, "The first person to complain is Sir Jiang from the Narcotics Investigation Division.

Jiang sir has been involved in the case with Lin Kun, you should have heard of Lin Kun, not to mention Xiangjiang, in the entire Southeast Asia region, he can be regarded as a big demolisher.And what He Jiahui lost in Kwun Tong was Lin Kun's factory! "

"No wonder, I was still wondering at the time, ordinary house demolishers don't have this strength, it turned out to be him!"

Cao Dahua nodded suddenly, and then continued: "He Jiahui took away Lin Kun's factory, Jiang sir should thank him, why should he complain?"

Li Wenbin continued: "Because it is already within the scope of the Narcotics Investigation Cobb's control. Originally, the Narcotics Investigation Bureau planned to monitor it for a long time, hoping to catch big fish for a long time. But it was taken away by He Jiahui and destroyed the Narcotics Investigation Bureau. deployment."

"He Jiahui can't be blamed for this! He doesn't know about the deployment of the Narcotics Investigation Bureau. And as a policeman, he can't be indifferent when he discovers drug dealers!" Cao Dahua immediately defended He Jiahui.

"But he can ask for support! If he had reported to his superiors in time, he would not have destroyed the deployment of the Narcotics Investigation Section!"

Li Wenbin paused, and continued: "What's more, the drug manufacturing factory is in East Kowloon, not your West Kowloon jurisdiction."

Cao Dahua was taken aback for a moment, he somewhat understood Li Wenbin's intentions.

Li Wenbin continued, "The second complaint came from the Kowloon East Region, and it was about He Jiahui's cross-district handling of the case."

"Sure enough, handling cases across districts is Li Wenbin's focus!" Cao Dahua thought to himself.

"The place where He Jiahui caught the photographer Bart was in an industrial building in Yau Tong, which is also under the jurisdiction of East Kowloon, right? Including the Kwun Tong drug factory incident, He Jiahui has already handled cases across districts twice in a row. "Li Wenbin said with a serious face.

"Mr. Li, He Jiahui..." Cao Dahua was about to continue defending He Jiahui, but Li Wenbin waved his hand and interrupted Cao Dahua.

After listening to Li Wenbin continue to say: "Ah Hua, I know what you want to say, if the police see a thief, even if it is not in the area they are in charge of, they should go to catch the thief. This is the duty of the police.

I understand this truth, and I agree!But as officers, we can't just think about problems with the simple thinking of police and catching thieves, we have to take care of the overall situation.

Just think about it, if each of the headquarters handles cases across districts, East Kowloon goes to your West Kowloon to handle cases, and New Territories North goes to New Territories South to handle cases, wouldn't the entire police force be messed up?

So you may not have an intuitive feeling. Let’s talk about the West Kowloon Region. If the Sham Shui Po Police Station goes to patrol the Kowloon Bay area, will you, a senior superintendent of West Kowloon, readily agree? "

Cao Dahua could understand Li Wenbin's difficulties. Even if the police officers cross-districted cases, even if the final result was good, it was still a matter of principle for the chief of the police department.

The police force is a disciplined force and needs to act in accordance with the regulations. Although the regulations are dead, they are also the fundamental basis for the normal operation of the police force.If everyone acts against the rules, the entire police force will be in chaos.

The chief officer of East Kowloon lodged with Ho Ka Fai across districts to handle cases, most likely in order to save some face, but the management problems exposed behind this are something that the top police force must pay attention to.

To put it another way, if the top police officers let He Jiahui's behavior go unchecked, then police officers in other divisions will follow suit. Everyone will go to other divisions to handle cases in order to make meritorious service, and the entire police case handling system will be seriously affected.

It is also for this reason that Li Wenbin attaches great importance to cross-district handling of cases.

Cao Dahua thought for a while and decided to do Tai Chi first, so he said: "Sir, the problem you mentioned is not easy to solve, because most of the time, our police officers can't help themselves.

Take the time when He Jiahui caught the photographer Bart as an example. At that time, He Jiahui came to the jurisdiction of East Kowloon to hunt down a fugitive wanted criminal. He Jiahui did not run there on his own initiative.

Where the wanted criminals go is not a matter for us police to decide, it can only be where the gangsters go and where the police chase them!You can't just stop chasing the wanted criminal because he ran out of his jurisdiction?

As for calling for backup, sir, you are also a front-line police officer, and you know that many times you have to act in a hurry, and there is no time to call for backup! "

"That's why I brought you here to find a way to solve this problem!" Li Wenbin paused, and then said: "At least I have to give the police an explanation!"

"Account? How should I explain it? Can't I be relegated to the Ministry of Communications like I did to Zhou Xingxing back then?" Cao Dahua said.

"Let him go to the Ministry of Communications, it's not a bad idea!" Li Wenbin thought for a while, and then said; "I think this is really a good idea. The management of the Ministry of Communications is much stricter than that of ordinary police officers. He Jiahui should be allowed to go and study hard. Let’s see how to become a member of the disciplined service.”

"But he has only been a patrolman for a month, so let him go to the Ministry of Communications? This is not appropriate! He can't even ride an iron horse, how can he become a traffic policeman!" Cao Dahua said.

"That's more appropriate. Let him learn to ride an iron horse first, at least stay in the driving school for a while, so he won't cause trouble for us anymore!" Li Wenbin said with a smile.


He Jiahui walked into Butter Crab's office, just about to salute, Butter Crab waved his hands with a smile: "It's just the two of us, we don't need those, sit down!"

Butter Crab is notoriously kind. Even in front of his subordinates, he has no airs. In the Sham Shui Po Police Station, many senior police officers who are familiar with Butter Crab do not treat him as an officer.

But this kind of unique outlook on life makes Butter Crab quite prestige, and the entire Sham Shui Po Police Station cannot do without this good old police sergeant.

Butter Crab also plans to stay in Sham Shui Po for the rest of his life. For him, the police sergeant has already reached the top. Working in a familiar environment like Sham Shui Po is definitely better than going to an unfamiliar police station.

He Jiahui also understood the good-natured personality of Butter Crab. He said "Thank you, sir", and sat down in a chair.

Butter Crab said, "I just came back from the regional police station. Superintendent Cao Dahua praised you very much! Based on your excellent performance in the past month, Superintendent Cao decided to promote you exceptionally."

"Are you going to promote me to be a police chief?" He Jiahui joked.

"What do you think? You have only been a policeman for a month, and you want to be a sheriff? In the era of the four major detectives, you couldn't get promoted so quickly if you bribed the British with money!"

Butter Crab paused, and then said: "Superintendent Cao decided to promote you to the West Kowloon Communications Department!"

"The Ministry of Communications is also a police officer in uniform, and their usual job content is to patrol the streets. Is this considered mediocre at best?" He Jiahui asked subconsciously.

"What do you know? Now you patrol the streets, you walk on two legs, and when you go to the Ministry of Communications to patrol the streets, you ride an iron horse. Can this be the same? According to the normal procedure, you have to be a patrol policeman who has worked for more than one year to have a job." Opportunity to be selected to the Ministry of Communications, you have only worked for a month, and you can go to the Ministry of Communications, isn't it considered an exceptional promotion!" Butter Crab explained.

In Hong Kong dramas, it is often seen that a certain police officer is demoted to become a traffic policeman directing traffic and posting tickets.The demoted police officers are basically plainclothes police officers.

Plainclothes police officers have more power than uniformed police officers, so the police officers are transferred to the Ministry of Communications. If the position is not promoted, it is equivalent to demotion.

But for grassroots patrolmen, if they were transferred to be traffic policemen, they would definitely be promoted, which was equivalent to upgrading infantry to cavalry.

Just talking about the daily patrol work, riding a motorcycle is definitely much easier than walking.

Since there is only one traffic department in each region, the patrol area of ​​the traffic police also covers the entire region.This is also much larger than the patrol range of ordinary patrolmen.

He Jiahui thought about it carefully, being a traffic policeman riding an iron horse is indeed better than being a patrolman pressing the road with the soles of his feet.

Especially those batches of BMW R series motorcycles, with their magnificent appearance and good power, they must be very majestic to ride on them.

What's more, this is also an order from the superior, and it must be carried out.As a disciplined force, the police must obey their superiors and cannot bargain.

Thinking of this, He Jiahui asked, "Sir Huang, when will I report to the Ministry of Communications?"

"Next Monday!" Butter Crab continued: "This weekend, I have to hold a farewell ceremony for you. Although you have not been here at our Sham Shui Po Police Station for a long time, you are still a member of our big family! In the future, if you If you become an officer, that’s why our Sham Shui Po Police Station went out!”

"Thank you, Sir Huang!" He Jiahui stood up gratefully and saluted.

Butter Crab looked at He Jiahui again, and asked, "How tall are you? Are you six feet?"

"Barefoot is exactly six feet, and it can be a little higher with shoes on." He Jiahui replied.

"That's the golden height riding an iron horse!" Butter Crab said enviously.

He Jiahui said, "Sir Huang, don't worry, my legs are long enough to ride an iron horse!"

"That's not what I'm talking about." Butter Crab's voice paused, and then said: "You are tall, if you go to the Ministry of Communications, you will have the opportunity to participate in the selection of blue helmets!"

(End of this chapter)

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