Cop Universe

Chapter 64 The real culprit is him!

Chapter 64 The real culprit is him!
He Jiahui concluded that this was not suicide, but homicide.

Someone at the scene has already reacted, and of course there are also people who don't understand what's going on, such as Dajun sir.
Dajun sir asked: "Jiahui, didn't you say that the deceased committed suicide? Even the last words were recorded. Why did he kill him again?"

"Because no fingerprints were found on the chair that the deceased used to hang himself!" He Jiahui continued: "If I were to hang myself, I would definitely leave my fingerprints on the chair when I moved it.

But now there are no fingerprints on the chair that the deceased used to hang himself, which means that someone wiped off the fingerprints on purpose, and this person is definitely not the deceased.

Just imagine, will there be no fingerprints on your chair?And a person who is about to hang himself, how can he have the time to wipe off the fingerprints on the chair?So there is only one possibility, this is not a suicide, but a suicide scene faked by the murderer!

I think the murderer hanged the deceased from the ceiling, and then moved a chair, pressed the shoe prints of the deceased on the chair, pretending to hang himself.

During the crime, the deceased cleaned up the scene and wiped off his fingerprints so as not to leave evidence of his own murder.But the so-called one hundred secrets one sparse, he still left a loophole.

When the murderer cleaned up the fingerprints, he also cleaned up all the fingerprints on the chair. He ignored that if the deceased committed suicide by hanging, he would need to move the chair, which would also leave fingerprints on the chair. "

"So that's it!" Dajun sir nodded, and then continued: "In this way, the wife of the deceased is still the most suspected of committing the crime. This is her home, she has the key, and she is most likely to commit the crime here!

It is possible that the wife of the deceased killed the deceased, and then in order to remove the suspicion, Bu Suizhen took the three videos and showed them to the police to prove that he had only faked the scene of the accident.In fact, she was the one who killed him! "

"It's unlikely!" He Jiahui immediately vetoed this point of view: "If the murderer is the wife of the deceased, then there is no need for her to clean up her fingerprints. This is her home, and it is reasonable for her fingerprints to appear anywhere in her home." of.

After the murderer forged the suicide scene, he cleaned up the fingerprints on the scene, which meant that the murderer was someone who shouldn't be here.And considering that the doors and windows have not been destroyed, the murderer did not enter by force, so he should know the deceased. "

"You mean an acquaintance committed the crime?" Cheng Feng pondered for a moment, and then said: "It should be like this, with an acquaintance, it is possible to kill the deceased without any precautions, and then hang it from the ceiling.

It seems that we still have to start with the cause of death.Immediately notify the forensic doctor. During the autopsy, we must pay attention to whether there are other fatal injuries on the deceased. "

"Cheng sir, I think the deceased was hanged by that rope." He Jiahui said.

"Is this unlikely? The deceased was a living person, and he was a man. If someone wanted to hang him, would he not struggle and resist? But there was no sign of a fight at the scene."

Cheng Feng paused, then continued: "If the deceased is strangled to death first, and then hung to the ceiling, then there will definitely be two kinds of strangle marks on the neck, the strangle marks of being strangled, and the strangle marks of being hanged." Scars are different!"

"Cheng sir, don't forget that the forensic doctor once said that the deceased had drunk alcohol before his death. If the deceased was already in a state of drunkenness and his consciousness is not very clear, then even if he was hanged, he would be powerless to resist!" He Jiahui said.

"That's why you asked the forensic doctor just now, did you find any used wine bottles in the room?" Cheng Feng showed a sudden realization expression,

But then he sighed helplessly: "If it is an acquaintance who committed the crime, then we have to investigate from the deceased's interpersonal relationship, and the scope of investigation will be huge!"

"Actually, there is a ready-made clue." He Jiahui said with a smile.

"What clue?" Cheng Feng asked immediately.

"Cheng sir, please show me the video of the last words recorded by the deceased before." He Jiahui said.

Cheng Feng immediately asked someone to fetch Chen Xiaomin's cell phone from the evidence, and found the last words.

"Cheng sir, look at the current state of the deceased. His face is flushed and he is very agitated. Does it look like he drank a lot?" He Jiahui asked.

Cheng Feng nodded: "Indeed, judging from his appearance and the way he spoke, he was indeed drunk, and he was already a little drunk."

"Looking at the distance and angle of the shooting, it is obvious that the deceased did not take a selfie with his mobile phone, but someone took a selfie with his mobile phone." He Jiahui continued.

Cheng Feng took a closer look and found that it was really the case. The deceased was a little far away from the camera lens. If it was a selfie, you had to use a selfie stick.Considering the drunken state of the deceased at the time, this video should be taken by someone else with the deceased's mobile phone.

He Jiahui went on to say; "Those who can take videos for the deceased must know the deceased and meet the requirements of acquaintances.

According to my previous speculation, the deceased was hanged because he was drunk and lost the ability to resist.In this video, the deceased was already drunk, and if he drank any more, he would definitely pass out.

This also means that the person who took the video of the deceased's last words is very likely to be the last person the deceased saw, that is, the murderer! "

"It makes sense! But there are so many people, how can we find the person who took the video?" Cheng Feng continued to ask.

He Jiahui played the video again: "Cheng sir, listen carefully, in this video, apart from the voice of the deceased, there are also some noisy conversations.

This shows that this video was shot in a public place.If we can find this public place, we can find clues to the murderer!
As for where this public place is, Cheng sir, I don’t know if you still remember, but in the deceased’s wallet, there was a receipt from a restaurant, and the time of the receipt seems to be noon today! "

"Bring the dead man's wallet!" Cheng Feng ordered immediately.

The subordinates immediately found the deceased's wallet from the evidence box, and found the receipt from it.

"The ticketing time is 1:40 noon, which is 7 minutes after the deceased sent his last words." Cheng Feng said immediately: "It's only been a few hours, and the monitoring must still be on. Let's go to this restaurant and check the monitoring. The murderer will be found!"


Standing in front of the restaurant, Cheng Feng looked disappointed.

It is said to be a restaurant here, but it is actually the kind of indoor food stall, even the chairs are made of plastic.

The people who come here to eat are also the most low-level civilians. Those who wear big pants and flip-flops, if they wear a suit and tie and bring them here to eat, it will look uncoordinated.

The key is that this kind of food stall for civilian consumption has no monitoring installed at all!
Cheng Feng's hopeful heart fell to the bottom in an instant.

Without monitoring, Cheng Feng had no choice but to call the shop owner to inquire about the situation.

"Boss, have you seen this person?" Cheng Feng asked while holding the photo of the deceased Wang Zhenhao, which Cheng Feng took at Wang Zhenhao's home.

The boss looked at the photo, shook his head, and said he hadn't seen it.

Cheng Feng continued: "Boss, think about it carefully."

"Sir, it's not that I don't want to tell you, it's that I really can't remember. I have so many guests here every day, and everyone is pretty much the same. I can't remember who is who!" The boss said with a embarrassed face.

"This person just had lunch with you at noon today." Cheng Feng reminded.

"Today at noon, I also entertained a lot of guests!" The boss replied.

Cheng Feng had no choice but to take out the receipt and hand it to the boss: "Boss, take a look, this is what he ordered for lunch today."

Looking at the menu details on the receipt, the boss finally remembered: "Sir, please bring out the menu earlier. I have the impression that this menu was made on that table!"

The boss pointed to a table near the wall, and then said: "I remember there were two people, one of them drank a lot of wine, and even cursed people!"

"What did you scold?" Cheng Feng continued to ask.

"I was busy calling for business, so I didn't listen in detail. It seemed that I said something stinky, let someone die, 300 million and so on. We often encounter this kind of drunk and crazy people here. As long as you don't call Get up, don't affect others, we don't bother to take care of it." The boss replied.

Cheng Feng nodded. Aren't these words all from the last words video?It seems that the last words video was recorded here.

Then Cheng Feng looked at the environment in the restaurant, and compared it with the background in the last words video, it was indeed the same place.

"It seems that the last words were recorded here, and the person who ate with the deceased should be the person who took the last words, that is, the murderer!"

"Boss, do you remember what the person who ate with him looked like?" Cheng Feng asked immediately.

"Well... let me think about it..." The boss thought for a long time, and then said: "It's a man, probably in his 30s? He looks less than 40 years old. Not fat or thin, just an average person."

"What else? What about his appearance?" Cheng Feng continued to ask.

"Look, I really can't remember. There are so many guests here in a day, how can I remember so many!" The boss said.

"What about his clothes?" Cheng Feng asked again.

"The clothes are also ordinary, just a T-shirt and jeans." The boss replied.

The information provided by the boss is the same as if it was not provided.Three 40-year-old middle-aged men, neither fat nor thin, T-shirts and jeans, there are too many people like this all over the street.

"Boss, if you think about it again, is there anything special about this person?" Cheng Feng asked hopefully.

"Sir, I really can't remember. Do you have a photo? You need a photo of that person, maybe I can recognize it." The boss said.

"Nonsense, I don't need to ask you if I want a photo!" Cheng Feng complained in his heart.

The boss doesn't know the person who ate with the deceased, and he can't describe his appearance. The clues to the case are broken again!

"It seems that we have to start with the other guests who were eating at that time. If we can find other guests, maybe we can describe the appearance of that person. But the boss can't remember the appearance of the guest at all. Where can he find other guests? The only one method, we can only post notices to collect clues." Cheng Feng thought silently.

Post a notice at the entrance of the restaurant, looking for customers who have lunch at noon today, hoping that they will take the initiative to contact the police to provide clues.Although this is a very primitive method, it is also the most effective method Cheng Feng can think of at present.

Cheng Feng didn't notice that when he was trying to find a way, He Jiahui had already quietly walked out, took the recorder on the motorcycle, and returned to the restaurant.

"Boss, since there is a photo, can you recognize it? Come and see, is it this person?" He Jiahui handed the recorder's screen to the boss.

The boss looked at it, then nodded his head: "Yes, it's him! It's him!"

"Look carefully, don't admit your mistake." He Jiahui said.

The boss said affirmatively: "If you ask me to tell me what that person looks like, I can't tell, but if you ask me to recognize the photo, I will definitely not make a mistake. Especially for this kind of guests who have been drinking, I am afraid They escape orders, so every time I meet this kind of customer, I will pay more attention to it!

I still remember that the drunken customer was already a little unsteady after paying the bill. I asked if I should call a taxi to take him home. It was this guy who said there was no need to call a taxi and then helped him to leave. "

"Thank you boss!" He Jiahui handed the recorder to Cheng Feng again, and said, "Cheng sir, we are looking for the person who took the last words of the deceased! Isn't it surprising?"

Cheng Feng looked at the person in the recorder, and instantly showed a puzzled expression, and couldn't help sighing: "How could it be him!"

The police officers from the serious crime team gathered around one after another, Dajun sir also looked out curiously, and when he saw this person, Dajun sir also had a puzzled expression on his face.

The person on the screen of the recorder is the reporter Huang Guangguang!


Holding the phone in his hand, Cheng sir asked anxiously, "Where is Huang Guangguang? Is he still in the police station?"

"Cheng sir, Huang Guangguang finished his notes and left half an hour ago!" The other party replied.

"Send me his address immediately!" After Cheng Feng finished speaking, he said to his subordinates: "When we have Huang Guangguang's address, we will arrest him immediately!"

Huang Guangguang had been ruled out of suspicion before, but he only provided false information to the police when reporting the case, which at best was an obstruction of justice.

This is not a felony, so after he was taken to the police station, he completed the record and was released.Before the judge makes a judgment, it is enough to report to the police station regularly.

Huang Guangguang, who finished the notes, was naturally sent back.

Before Huang Guangguang's address was sent, Cheng Feng asked, "He sir, how did you guess that the person who photographed the deceased's last words was Huang Guangguang?"

Cheng Feng's address to He Jiahui changed from "senior brother" to "He sir", which is obviously a recognition of He Jiahui.

He Jiahui explained: "I'm not just guessing. There is a small detail, I don't know if you still remember it. When Huang Guang reported the crime, he once mentioned that he saw the deceased riding a motorcycle, shaking , like drinking wine!
In the third video of Chen Xiaomin, she called Huang Guangguang to help report the case, but Huang Guangguang told the police that the deceased rushed off the bridge because the advertisement banner blocked his view, and did not mention that the deceased had been drinking.

That is to say, the sentence that Huang Guangguang said when he reported the crime, that the deceased was staggering on the motorcycle, as if he had drunk alcohol, was added by himself!Later, when I mentioned that the deceased did not brake, Huang Guangguang took the initiative to mention that the deceased might have been drinking.

So the question is, why did he add such a sentence?Why does he keep reminding us that the deceased had drunk alcohol?The possibility I can think of is that Huang Guangguang knew from the beginning that the deceased had drunk alcohol before he was alive!

So I deduce that Huang Guangguang was the one who drank with the deceased and helped him film the video of his last words, that is, the last person the deceased saw! "

 Thank you for subscribing to parents of food and clothing!

(End of this chapter)

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