Cop Universe

Chapter 78 alibi

Chapter 78 alibi

The Outlying Islands Police Station is under the management of the Marine Police Headquarters, and the most important thing for the marine police is a boat, so before waiting too long, the marine police sent a boat to bring the forensic doctor and evidence.

Since the Marine Police Corps does not have a special forensic department and forensic doctors, the forensic doctors and forensic evidence this time were all transferred from Kowloon.

He Jiahui personally ran to the pier to pick up the man, and when the marine police boat docked, He Jiahui immediately went up to meet him.

"I'm Sheriff He Jiahui, I'm here to pick you up." He Jiahui said.

"Why is it you! You have become a police chief! Remember last summer, you were still a student police officer!" A voice sounded.

He Jiahui turned his head to look, and found that the person who came was an old acquaintance, the young forensic witness Gao An.

When He Jiahui was still in the police academy, Gao An was the forensic evidence in the case where the son-in-law pushed his father-in-law off the cliff.

This time, he was going to an outlying island, and those older forensic evidence probably didn't want to come, so he sent Gao An over again.

"Gao sir, we meet again." He Jiahui stepped forward, intending to take the forensic toolbox from Gao An.

"Ladies first, you'd better help the lady behind with her things." Gao An smiled and pointed behind him.

Behind Gao An is a tall beauty, dressed in business attire and looking very capable, holding a toolbox in her hand.

"This is Dr. Wen Jiaxi from the Forensic Medicine Department." Gao An introduced.

"Female forensic doctor! It's not ordinary." He Jiahui sighed secretly in his heart. As a veteran criminal policeman, he certainly knew that it was not so easy for a female forensic doctor.

Xiangjiang's forensic doctors do not belong to the establishment of the police force, but belong to the establishment of the Department of Health, but they are usually managed by the police force.The Forensic Medicine Division is headquartered in Kowloon, and there are also Forensic Medicine Centers in Hong Kong Island and the New Territories.

He Jiahui stepped forward and said, "Doctor Wen, let me help you get the toolbox!"

Probably because He Jiahui was very young, Wen Jiaxi wanted to tease him, so he said, "He sir, I am a forensic doctor, and here are all things used to dissect the dead, aren't you afraid?"

"I'm not that superstitious." He Jiahui smiled slightly, and continued: "Besides, if we find out the truth for the deceased and bring the murderer to justice, the deceased should thank us under the nine springs."

The strangeness in Wen Jiaxi's eyes flashed across. Based on her knowledge, the young police officer had never seen much of the world and could not stand the intimidation of the forensic doctor. However, He Jiahui in front of him was calm and calm, with a serious expression on his face. The behavior of the old policeman of the crime team.

Gao An said, "Doctor Wen, you can't scare him! When Sir He saw the corpse, he rushed ahead of you forensic doctors! In the case of falling off the cliff last time, the condition of the deceased was ugly enough. Everyone else hid far away, but Sir He stared at the corpse for several times, looking at it non-stop."

"I can't tell, Sir He is quite courageous." Wen Jiaxi said with a smile.

He Jiahui explained: "I learned a little forensic knowledge before, so I couldn't help but want to take a look at the corpse. Of course, what I learned was only superficial. Compared with the real forensic doctor, that is Guan Gong dancing in front of him." Big knife."

There are no cars on the island, and several people can only go there on foot. Fortunately, the apartment where the crime happened is not far from the pier.

While walking, He Jiahui also introduced the case by the way.

"At present, it can be confirmed that it was a homicide. From the outside, the deceased was hanged, and the clothes on her body are intact. She should not have been violated before she was alive. Of course, the specific situation needs to be determined by the forensic doctor.

Since the doors and windows in the room are intact and there is no sign of damage, there is a high possibility that an acquaintance committed the crime.At present, we have identified several suspects. If we can confirm the time of death of the deceased, it will be very beneficial to our subsequent investigation. "

As He Jiahui said, he looked at forensic doctor Wen Jiaxi.

Wen Jiaxi understood what He Jiahui meant, and she said, "He sir, I will determine the time of death of the deceased as soon as possible."

Several people came to the B&B where the crime happened, forensic Gao An and forensic doctor Wen Jiaxi immediately started working, and He Jiahui continued to follow Gao An as an assistant.

Gao An picked up a lady's wallet and found the ID card of the deceased Zheng Jiazhen and several thousand yuan in banknotes.

"The luggage hasn't been turned over, and there are thousands of dollars in the wallet, so it doesn't look like robbery." Gao An said.

He Jiahui said: "Gao sir, first check the suitcase for me to see if there are any shoe prints of the deceased."

"Do you suspect that you hanged yourself by stepping on a suitcase?" Gao An looked at the room and said, "Indeed, apart from this suitcase, there is nothing in the room suitable for hanging yourself by stepping on it. The height of the sofa matches, but it's too big , and moving into the bathroom is too troublesome."

As Gao An spoke, he took out the reagents and began to inspect the suitcase.

He Jiahui said: "The sofa should not have been moved. I have observed the position of the sofa legs, and there is no dust mark. If the sofa is moved, there will be dust marks."

Gao An quickly completed the inspection of the suitcase, and then he said;
"There were fingerprints on the suitcase, but they were in places such as the handles and switches, where normal handling of the suitcase leaves marks. No shoe prints were found on the outside of the suitcase."

"So the deceased didn't hang herself by stepping on a suitcase. She was probably carried and hung on a rope." He Jiahui frowned slightly, and his doubts increased a little.

Then He Jiahui walked to the bathroom. At this time, the body had been put down, and Wen Jiaxi was conducting a preliminary autopsy on the deceased.

Seeing He Jiahui approaching, Wen Jiaxi said: "I did a preliminary inspection, and there were no obvious wounds on the body of the deceased, and no fatal wounds were found on the head. It seems that she was never violated before she was alive.

There was only one strangle mark on the neck of the deceased. Judging from the appearance of the deceased and the strangle mark on the neck, the deceased should have been hanged. "

"When she was hanged, was she awake or in a coma? Can this be detected?" He Jiahui asked.

"I can't do it here. I have to go back to the forensic department for an autopsy, and then pass pathological experiments to confirm whether the deceased was poisoned or took drugs." Wen Jiaxi said.

At this moment, the dead man's hands that had been tied behind his back had been untied. He Jiahui looked at the strangle marks on the dead man's wrist, and saw blood.

So He Jiahui said; "It can be confirmed now that when the deceased was tied up, he struggled very fiercely."

"How do you know?" Wen Jiaxi asked.

"Her wrists were already bleeding from the rope, which shows that she tried very hard to break free from the rope. She must have been awake at that time."

He Jiahui pointed to the rope that hanged the deceased again, and continued: "It's actually very simple to know whether the deceased was awake or unconscious when he was hanged, just check the wear and tear of the rope.

If the deceased was awake, then she would definitely have struggled fiercely, and the rope hanging from the ceiling would be severely worn. "

After hearing these words, Wen Jiaxi glanced at He Jiahui in surprise. He Jiahui didn't act like a young police officer at all, but more like a veteran in handling cases.

He Jiahui looked at the deceased's feet again, and the rope binding the deceased's feet had also been untied.And she wore socks on her feet, and a pair of ordinary sneakers outside.

"Gao sir is right, you are really not afraid at all, you have to go around a few times." Wen Jiaxi said jokingly.

"I'm also looking for clues!" He Jiahui then asked: "Can the time of death be determined?"

"I have measured the liver temperature, and based on a preliminary judgment, the time of death was between two in the morning and four in the morning." Wen Jiaxi replied.

"The temperature of the air conditioner in this room is relatively low, will it affect it?" He Jiahui continued to ask.

"It's impossible to say that there is no impact at all. But if it's just the air conditioner, the impact is not big and can be almost ignored, because the liver is located inside the human body and is not easily affected by changes in external temperature. And the death time of the deceased was less than 12 It's more accurate to measure the liver temperature at this time." Wen Jiaxi replied.

"Thank you, Dr. Wen." He Jiahui smiled with satisfaction.

The time of death of the deceased has been determined, and it is time to ask the confession.


Aunt Xian, the owner of the homestay, and three friends of the deceased were all taken to the police station for questioning.

The first person to be questioned was Aunt Xian who found the body.

"Aunt Xian, don't be nervous, I have a few questions to check with you." He Jiahui then asked, "Where were you and what were you doing from last night to this morning?"

At this time, He Jiahui used some means of questioning. Although he already knew that the time of death of the deceased was from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] am, when he asked questions, he still limited the time range from evening to the next morning .

Aunt Xian thought for a while, and answered: "After dinner last night, I stayed at home. It is another homestay I run. I usually live there. Until [-] o'clock this morning Well, I had breakfast and left when I went out to buy groceries."

"Then is there anyone who can prove it?" He Jiahui continued to ask.

"My husband can prove that there are two other guests staying at the B&B. They are a couple. The four of us played mahjong together last night. We didn't go back to bed until after one o'clock." Aunt Xian replied.

"Does that couple still live with you?" He Jiahui asked again.

"It's still there. They haven't checked out yet. Go now and you should be able to find them. By the way, I still have their contact information." Aunt Xian said.

"Aunt Xian, please provide us with their contact information. We will check the situation later." He Jiahui said.

In He Jiahui's eyes, although Aunt Xian was the first to discover the body and also the person who reported the case, her suspicion was the least.As the owner of a homestay, even if there is a motive for killing, it is unlikely to commit murder in his own homestay.

Just imagine if someone died in the homestay you run, how would the guests dare to stay, and you won't have to do business in the future.

Next, He Jiahui called director Xue Chaohui over.

"Mr. Xue, I have a question I want to check with you. How long have you known the deceased Miss Zheng?" He Jiahui asked.

"I've known her for about two years. I'm a director, and she's an actress and model. The circle is so big. Even if people in the circle have never worked with each other, they all know each other." Director Xue Zhaohui answered.

"Then how is the relationship between you two?" He Jiahui continued to ask.

"We are just ordinary colleagues. In our line of work, after receiving the project, we will get together to shoot, and after the shooting is over, we will separate." The director replied.

"Then do you know, did the deceased offend anyone? Or owed debts?" He Jiahui asked again.

"I'm not too sure about this. After all, we don't know each other that well. We just put together to shoot together improvised. After the shooting is over every day, we'll be busy with our own business. We won't pry into other people's privacy." The director continued to answer.

"From last night to this morning, where were you and what were you doing?" He Jiahui continued to ask.

The director immediately replied: "After the filming was finished yesterday, I went back to the hotel to take a shower, changed my clothes, and then wandered around the island until it was dark. I felt a little hungry, so I found a food stall to prepare for dinner. .

The owner of the food stall is named Feng Zhiqiang. I noticed that he said he wanted to run in the election, so I approached him and said that if he plans to enter politics, I can help him shoot campaign advertisements, so we chatted. "

"Feng Zhiqiang, is that the guy who made wonton noodles?" He Jiahui asked Du Xiaohe next to him in a low voice.

Du Xiaohe nodded: "Yes, that's him. He has always wanted to go into politics, but his wife forced his sister-in-law not to let him go, saying that he was messing around, and let him live in peace."

He Jiahui continued to ask: "Mr. Xue, how long have you been talking with Brother Qiang about filming election advertisements?"

"It was around ten o'clock in the evening. At that time, there were no customers in his food stall. I closed the stall for him. Then we had a beer and chatted for a while." The director said.

"Mr. Xue, you are quite helpful, and you even helped Brother Qiang close the stall." He Jiahui asked with some doubts.

The director smiled wryly, and explained: "I'm not the kind of big director who shoots movies. Directors like us who shoot commercials usually need to attract customers to find business by themselves, so I help him close the booth. I I want to get close to him and win the business."

"How long have you been chatting since Brother Qiang closed the stall?" He Jiahui continued to ask.

"We chatted for more than an hour. I proposed several advertising ideas, but Brother Qiang was not satisfied. The scene was too small and he thought it was not grand enough, and the scene was too big and he thought it was expensive.

At about twelve o'clock in the evening, I suddenly felt a pain in my stomach and started to vomit, like food poisoning, so brother Qiang sent me to the hospital.

After arriving at the hospital, Brother Qiang also started to have a stomachache, and he was also recruited, so the two of us waited in the hospital to see a doctor. After seeing the doctor, we took medicine, and it was dawn.

After tossing all night, we were all exhausted, so we simply rested in the hospital. I didn't rush from the hospital to the hotel until I received a call saying that Zheng Jiazhen had an accident. "The director told about his experience last night.

"That is to say, from last night to this morning, you have been with Brother Qiang, the owner of the food stall, and you have been staying in the hospital?" He Jiahui asked.

"Yes, we have been together, that is, we went to the toilet a few times during the period, and we separated for a few minutes, Sir, you know that people have three urgencies, especially when there is food poisoning, it is inevitable to go to the toilet." Director Xue Zhaohui said.

The public medical care in Xiangjiang is free, and there is bound to be a problem with free medical care, that is, the waiting time is really long, such as CT, MRI and other inspection items, it is normal to wait for more than ten months.

Although the emergency treatment will be faster, it is also common to wait for more than ten hours in the emergency room.The population of outlying islands is relatively small, so it is fast enough to go to the emergency room at the hospital in the middle of the night and see a doctor at dawn.

Therefore, it is reasonable for director Xue Chaohui to go to the hospital at twelve o'clock in the evening and wait until morning.

"Mr. Xue, thank you for your cooperation." He Jiahui said.

Then He Jiahui called the cameraman Cai Mulin.

"Mr. Cai, how long have you known the deceased and how is your relationship?" He Jiahui followed the same opening statement.

"I have known her for a long time, about five or six years. I took photos of Zheng Jiazhen when she was still a part-time model. As for the relationship between us, we can be regarded as ordinary friends at most. In this circle , everyone bows their heads and sees them, as long as they have cooperated, they can be regarded as friends." Cai Mulin replied.

"Then from last night to this morning, where are you and what are you doing?" He Jiahui continued to ask.

"I went to take pictures." Cai Mulin then replied: "In addition to being a photographer, I am also a photographer. The scenery here on Changzhou Island is very good, so after work yesterday, I went back to the hotel and took The camera, went out to take pictures of the scenery. I didn’t return to the hotel until I had breakfast on the side of the road in the morning. I saw you there after returning, and I didn’t know that Zheng Jiazhen had an accident.”

"You took pictures of the scenery all night?" He Jiahui asked suspiciously.

"In fact, the night view on the island is also very beautiful. In addition to the night view, you can take pictures of the starry sky at night, and you can also take pictures of the lights on the opposite Hong Kong Island, and you can also take pictures of the sunrise when it is approaching dawn." Cai Mulin replied.

"Then is there anyone who can prove it?" He Jiahui asked again.

"When I was filming, I met some people, but they were all strangers, and I couldn't find them. And in the middle of the night, I was the only one." Cai Mulin replied with a distressed expression.

"That means no one can prove it!" He Jiahui said.

"By the way, sir, my photos can prove it!" Cai Mulin took out the camera from his bag and continued, "Here are the photos I took last night, which can prove that I have been taking photos last night."

Cai Mulin said, found a few photos from the camera, and said: "Sir, look, this one was taken at one o'clock in the morning, this one was taken after two o'clock, and these few photos were taken around four o'clock. They were taken, and these few photos were taken when it was almost dawn.

If you don't believe me, you can connect the camera to the computer, and it will show the time when the picture was created. You can see from the time that I have been shooting from last night to this morning. "

He Jiahui took the camera and said, "Mr. Cai, then this camera needs to be kept with us for a while, and we can return the camera to you after we confirm it."

"No problem, as long as I can prove my innocence." Cai Mulin replied.

Subsequently, Zhang Shaoyu, the leading actor in the commercial, was also brought in to make a statement.

"Mr. Zhang, how long have you known the deceased? How is the relationship?" He Jiahui asked.

"I only entered the industry as a model half a year ago, and I am considered a newcomer in this industry. Before shooting this commercial, I only knew that there was Zheng Jiazhen in the industry, but I had never worked with her. This commercial is the first time between us. cooperation." Zhang Shaoyu replied.

He Jiahui then asked: "From last night to this morning, where are you and what are you doing?"

"My family lives on the island. After filming the advertisement yesterday, I went home. I went out for a walk after dinner. I came home at about eight o'clock, and then I stayed at home and didn't come out. Since I became a model, I went home There are fewer opportunities, so I want to take this opportunity to be with my family." Zhang Shaoyu replied.

"Is there anyone who can prove that you have been staying at home?" He Jiahui continued to ask.

"My father, my mother, and my sister, my family can all prove it." Zhang Shaoyu replied.

"Mr. Zhang, please leave the specific address of your home, we will check it later." He Jiahui said.

At this moment, a young man wearing glasses walked into the police station.

"Sir, what's the matter?" the police officer at the front desk asked.

The other party replied: "Your police called me here. My name is Chen Weiting, and I came to the island to shoot commercials. I heard that something happened to our actress? So I came back quickly."

This Chen Weiting is the assistant of the crew, the one who went to Macau last night.

"Mr. Chen, please wait a moment." The police officer said.

After a while, Chen Weiting was brought in front of He Jiahui.

"Mr. Chen, from last night to this morning, where were you and what were you doing?" He Jiahui still had the same question.

"After the filming ended yesterday afternoon, the director gave us a day off. I thought there was nothing to do on the island, so I planned to go to Macau. I left Cheung Chau Island by the boat at [-]:[-] p.m.

After arriving in Central, I crossed the sea by boat and went to Macau. I played in Macau all night, around four o’clock in the morning. When I was tired, I went to a room and slept until morning. It was only after calling that Zheng Jiazhen had an accident, and then hurried back. "

Assistant Chen Weiting said, took out a few tickets from his pocket, and then said: "Sir, I have yesterday's ticket here, which can prove that I left Changzhou Island and went to Macau, and you can also go to Macau." Immigration checks."

"Okay, Mr. Chen, let's take this ticket and check it first. You have no problem!" He Jiahui said.

"No problem, you just take it." Chen Weiting handed over the ticket to He Jiahui.

Several people related to the deceased have all ended the interrogation. As far as it is concerned, each of them has an alibi.

Guan Gong came over and asked in a low voice: "Jiahui, Zheng Jiazhen's death time was from two to four in the morning, and all these people had alibi during this period, what should we do next?"

He Jiahui had a calm expression; "Since everyone has alibi, the next thing we need to do is to verify these alibis!"

 Thank you for subscribing to parents of food and clothing!Thank you for passing.

(End of this chapter)

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