Cop Universe

Chapter 85 The Truth: Delayed Killing

Chapter 85 The Truth: Delayed Killing

The first few pages of the forensic report sent by Gao An were nothing new. For example, the skin tissue of the deceased was found in the rope, and the rope used to hang the deceased was somewhat worn. These can only prove that the deceased had struggled.

There was no other person's DNA information or fingerprints found in the rope, which did not provide more clues and did not help solve the case.

But the forensic report on the bathroom floor drain attracted He Jiahui's attention.

After DNA testing, in addition to the hair of the deceased, three other hairs were found in the floor drain of the bathroom.

But the place where the crime happened is a B & B after all, there will always be different guests staying in, and different guests will be received in the bathroom, and it is normal for several people to have hair.

What He Jiahui noticed was not the DNA information, but another piece of information: a trace amount of sodium chloride was detected in the floor drain of the bathroom.

"Sodium chloride? How did this thing appear in the bathroom floor drain?" He Jiahui frowned and thought for a moment, and a bold idea came to his mind.

The next second, he said, "I may have already guessed the murderer's method."

Du Xiaohe and Taishan all looked at He Jiahui, but He Jiahui didn't explain. He walked to the sink, turned on the faucet, took a handful of water in his hand, and tasted it.

"It's not salty, it's fresh water." He Jiahui said to himself.

The tap water in Xiangjiang can be drunk directly, so the people of Xiangjiang also call the tap water 'drinking water'.

The fresh water of Cheung Chau Island is provided by the Silver Mine Bay Water Treatment Works on Lantau Island. At first, there was only one 500mm water supply pipeline, which transported fresh water from the seabed to Cheung Chau Island, and two more were added later.

Du Xiaohe took out a thermos from his waist, handed it to He Jiahui, and said at the same time, "Jiahui, are you thirsty? I have boiled water here, you don't need to drink water."

"I'm not thirsty, I just want to check whether the water in the pipe is fresh water." He Jiahui replied.

"Of course it's fresh water! This is daily water, so you can't use sea water!" Du Xiaohe replied.

"Yeah, no one knows how to wash with sea water." He Jiahui said, picked up his mobile phone, and dialed the number of Forensic Gao An.

After a while, the call was connected, and Gao An's voice rang from the phone: "He sir, I have sent you the preliminary forensic report, have you received it?"

"I received it, and I have read it, and found new clues." He Jiahui said.

"What new clue?" Gao An asked directly.

"I saw in your report that the sodium chloride was detected in the floor drain." He Jiahui paused, and then said: "Gao sir, the clothes and shoes of the deceased should be with you! I would like to ask you to test whether there is sodium chloride in the soles of the deceased's shoes."

"Sodium chloride? Alright, I'm going to test it now, and I'll give you an answer as soon as possible." Gao An said.

The detection of sodium chloride is very simple, a single solution can be detected by licking the tongue, which is even more pediatrics for professional forensic personnel.

He Jiahui didn't wait too long, and Gao An called back: "He sir, I checked, and the soles of the deceased's shoes were indeed stained with a trace amount of sodium chloride."

"Sure enough!" He Jiahui sighed, and continued; "Gao sir, I have to trouble you to come to Changzhou Island again. The bathroom floor at the scene of the crime also needs you to inspect it."


Gao An came to the scene of the crime again with testing equipment.

"How is it? Has sodium chloride been detected on the bathroom floor?" He Jiahui asked.

Gao An nodded: "A trace amount of sodium chloride was indeed detected."

"It seems that my guess is not wrong." He Jiahui sighed lightly as if relieved, and said to Du Xiaohe beside him: "I have a good news and a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

"What's the good news?" Du Xiaohe asked.

"The good news is that I have mastered the murderer's method." He Jiahui said.

"What about the bad news?" Du Xiaohe continued to ask.

"The bad news is that all our previous ideas for investigating the case will be overthrown. Most of the information we have before is useless. This case needs to be investigated from the beginning." He Jiahui replied.

Everyone present was at a loss, forensic evidence Gao An even said: "He sir, don't tempt me, what are you thinking, tell us quickly!"

He Jiahui said, "Gao sir, don't you think it's strange that sodium chloride was found in the bathroom?"

"Of course it's strange. The bathroom should be fresh water. Even slight sodium chloride shouldn't appear here." Gao An replied.

"I'll take you to a place, and you'll understand." He Jiahui replied.


He Jiahui led the crowd to the fishing port wharf.

Residents on outlying islands have been fishing for a living, so there is naturally a wharf for gathering fishing boats here.Summer is the season with high incidence of typhoons, and fishing at sea is more dangerous, so many fishermen do not choose to go to sea, but rest at home.

He Jiahui took the suspect's photo and inquired from door to door, and finally got a clue from a fisherman's family.

"Uncle Wen, are you sure it's this person?" He Jiahui pointed to the photo and asked.

The fisherman named Uncle Wen looked at the photo carefully again, and then said: "It's him, you can't admit it. The fishing boat pier is fishy and smelly, and ordinary tourists don't come here. Strangers come here and buy things from me. I must keep it in my mind."

"Thank you Uncle Wen!" He Jiahui thanked him, then turned and walked out.

Gao An next to him looked at He Jiahui with adoring eyes.

"He sir, I am really convinced of you. The murderer actually used such a strange method to kill people. If it were someone else, I would never have guessed it." Gao An said.

"I also saw the mention of sodium chloride in your forensic report, so I thought of this possibility. If you hadn't been careful in the forensic, it would have been difficult to solve the case." He Jiahui also gave Gao An a commercial bragging.

At this time, Du Xiaohe and others also stepped forward and asked, "He sir, have you confirmed who it is?"

"Confirmed, the murderer is him!" He Jiahui handed a photo to Du Xiaohe.

Du Xiaohe looked down, and the person in the photo was his assistant Chen Weiting!


"Mr. Chen Weiting, you are suspected of killing Ms. Zheng Jiazhen, and now you are being arrested. You can keep silent, but everything you say will become evidence in court!" He Jiahui said with a serious face.

Seeing that the police wanted to arrest him, Chen Weiting reacted strongly. He yelled loudly: "You have wronged me. I didn't kill anyone. I have an alibi! The night Zheng Jiazhen died, I was not here at all. The immigration office can prove that I went to Macau, so I can't kill anyone!"

He Jiahui said: "Mr. Chen, you were indeed not at the scene when Zheng Jiazhen died, and you have an alibi, but this does not mean that you are not the murderer!

I have to say that you are very smart. You used a method of delaying the killing, successfully misleading the direction of our investigation, and you also took the opportunity to create an alibi to clear yourself of suspicion. "

"What delayed killing, I don't understand what you're talking about!" Chen Weiting argued.

Seeing that Chen Weiting was still stubborn, He Jiahui had no choice but to expose Chen Weiting's murder methods.

"The nature of the crime committed by an acquaintance in this case is beyond doubt, so the murderer must be someone from your crew. This is certain, and our investigation has always been based on this.

The results of the forensic examination showed that the time of death of the deceased was from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] am, so we took it for granted that the murderer committed the crime from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] am.

However, the result of our investigation is that between [-]:[-] am and [-]:[-] am, everyone in your crew has an alibi. At that time, I had doubts about this time.Later, we went back to the scene of the crime and reenacted the case, and we found a lot of doubts. "

He Jiahui paused deliberately, then slowed down his speech, and continued;

"First of all, the deceased was very neatly dressed. It is obviously unreasonable for a person to stay in his own residence at two o'clock in the morning and even put on heavy makeup. Even if this person is a night owl and doesn't plan to go to sleep, he should take off his makeup and put on comfortable pajamas, right?
So I thought, could it be that the deceased had no chance to remove makeup and change clothes, and was subdued by the deceased. In this case, the starting time of the crime may not be from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-] in the morning.

I thought at the time that the murderer subdued the deceased very early, and then waited until between two and four in the morning to kill the deceased.I even suspected that the murderer was forcing the deceased to ask some questions, so he didn't kill her right away.

The second doubt is that the deceased has been tied up by the murderer and has completely lost the ability to resist. Why didn't the murderer directly strangle the deceased, but took the trouble to hang the deceased?Isn't this a more complicated method of killing people?

This is what I couldn't figure out until I saw the report of the forensic department, they found sodium chloride, which is salt, in the floor drain of the bathroom at the scene of the crime.

So I asked for forensic evidence to test again, and found that not only in the floor drain, but also on the soles of the deceased's shoes and the floor of the bathroom, the composition of salt was also detected.

The bathroom is a place to take a shower, and the water must be clean, so why is there salt on the ground?Even if the deceased had gone to play in the sea and had salt water on his body, after washing in the bathroom, the salt should have been washed away.

It was also at this time that I guessed the murderer's modus operandi.The murderer used the ice to create a mechanism to delay killing, and at the same time created an alibi for himself. "

He Jiahui said, staring at Chen Weiting closely, but Chen Weiting still remained calm, as if He Jiahui was not talking about himself.His psychological quality is obviously much better than the rest of the crew.

Chen Weiting didn't cry when he saw the coffin, so He Jiahui could only let him die to understand, so He Jiahui continued to explain:

"We started from the afternoon of the day when the crime happened. After you finished filming, you returned to the homestay. Then you came to the room of the deceased and stunned her with drugs while the deceased was not prepared.

It is also because you committed the crime in the afternoon, not late at night, and it was not time to rest, so the deceased was dressed neatly, and he hadn't even had time to remove his makeup.

Then you tied up the hands and feet of the deceased, and blocked the mouth of the deceased with tape, so that she could not call for help or escape.Then you go to the bathroom and get the rope ready.

You took another big block of ice and put it in the bathroom, and then you hung the deceased on the rope in the bathroom, and let her feet step on the ice.

Of course, you have calculated the length of the rope so that the deceased's feet can just step on the ice without escaping.In this way, if the deceased wants to live, he can only step on the ice. Once her feet leave the ice, she will be hanged.

But the ice will melt slowly. As the ice melts, the deceased's feet will gradually lose their support points. When the ice melts to a certain extent and the deceased's feet can no longer touch the ice, she will be hanged.

This is a slow process, taking several hours.I think during this process, the deceased has already woken up. She has struggled and cried during this period, but to no avail. In the end, she can only watch the glory of the ice under her feet, the god of death descends step by step, and then dies in despair and pain! .
In order to make the ice cubes melt slowly, you also specially adjusted the temperature of the air conditioner in the room to the lowest level, so when we entered the crime scene, we felt that the room was very cold.

You chose the bathroom as the location of the crime because the floor drain in the bathroom can drain water, and the ice cubes will flow away after melting. If you choose the bedroom, the police can easily think of your crime method when they see a puddle of water on the ground.

Using this delay method, you don’t need to be at the scene to kill the deceased. The time of death of the deceased is a few hours after you committed the crime, which will also mislead the direction of our police investigation.

In general homicide cases, the default is that the time of the deceased's death is the time when the murderer committed the crime, and our initial investigation direction is indeed the same, so we have been ignoring you. "

He Jiahui took a deep breath, pointed at Chen Weiting, and continued:

"After you arranged this time-delayed murder mechanism, you bought a boat ticket and left. In order to prove your alibi, you even went to Macau and asked the Immigration Department to record your exit process.

That way, you have a perfect alibi for the time period of the deceased's death!So your alibi is actually invalid and does not exonerate you. "

"Hehehe, sir, your imagination is really rich. It would be a pity not to write mystery novels." Chen Weiting grinned, and continued: "Even if you use ice to kill people, the ice will have melted long ago! So all this is just your guess."

He Jiahui answered: "This is not a guess. As I said just now, we found salt on the floor of the bathroom, and in the process of industrial ice making, a certain amount of salt water needs to be added. The purpose is to make ice flakes easier to form and improve the quality of ice.
Therefore, the large ice cubes produced by industrial ice-making contain a certain amount of salt.When the ice melts, the salt content can be detected on the ground and in the floor drain.The deceased had stepped on ice and had salt on the soles of her shoes.It was also the residue of these salts that led me to your modus operandi. "

"Well, even if your reasoning is correct, my alibi is useless, but the alibi of others is also invalid! They can kill people in the same way! Why do you arrest me!" Chen Weiting snorted coldly.

"Actually, when I guessed the murderer's method, I already targeted you. Because only your alibi is too deliberate and too perfect." He Jiahui replied.

Of course, it is also possible for several other people to intentionally create an alibi, but the price would be too high.

The alibi of the male lead in the ad is dating an older married lover.As an artist, this kind of moral issue will affect the future, and he can't afford to risk his own future.

The director's alibi is stealing money, which is already a criminal offense. Not only will he be prosecuted, but he will also have a criminal record. Using this method to create an alibi is not worth the candle.

As for the cameraman's alibi, which was a tryst with a little girl, it was a crime of five years in prison. If it was made on purpose, the price would be too high.

If these people wanted to create an alibi, they could just buy a boat ticket to return to Hong Kong Island like Chen Weiting did, and there was no need to cause additional trouble.

Therefore, when He Jiahui realized the murderer's method of killing, the first target of suspicion was Chen Weiting.

However, He Jiahui did not disclose the alibi of other people. This involves other cases and should not be told to the suspect.

Chen Weiting, however, had a disdainful expression on his face, and said sarcastically, "Sir, you need to talk about the evidence in handling a case. You say I killed someone, show me the evidence! Are you going to tell the judge that I am the murderer because my alibi is so perfect?"

"Of course I have evidence to accuse you." He Jiahui sneered, and continued: "Our police have gone to the fishing port wharf to investigate. Someone proved that you went to the fishing port to buy a large piece of ice in the afternoon of the incident."

It is impossible for Chen Weiting to bring a large piece of ice to the island, so he can only buy it locally. On the entire Changzhou Island, the easiest way to buy large pieces of ice is naturally those fishermen.

Fishermen need to preserve the fish after they catch them, so ice cubes are used.So He Jiahui took the photos of the crew members and asked the fishermen. Sure enough, some fishermen recognized that Chen Weiting had bought ice cubes on the afternoon of the day when the crime happened.

"So what if I buy ice cubes? Who stipulates that I can't buy ice cubes! I feel hot, so I want to lie on ice cubes to cool off!" Chen Weiting was still arguing, but his expression was a little flustered.

He Jiahui explained; "In addition to the sodium chloride found on the ground at the scene, forensics can also conduct experiments to determine whether the time of the deceased's death coincides with the time you bought the ice through the melting time of the ice cubes. This can also prove that you used the delayed killing method.

And here is an outlying island, no one else bought ice except you, the chain of evidence is complete.Do you think that when you go to court, someone will listen to your sophistry?If you don't believe me, you can consult a lawyer.Let the lawyer tell you whether the existing chain of evidence can convict you! "

The chain of evidence presented by He Jiahui was enough to prove that Chen Weiting was the murderer, and finally defeated Chen Weiting's psychological defense.

I saw Chen Weiting leaned back, slumped on the chair, no longer had the arrogance just now, his eyes were dull, and he said with a dull expression:

"Yes, Zheng Jiazhen was indeed killed by me. The method of killing was the same as your reasoning. I stunned her, tied her up, hung her in the bathroom, let her feet step on ice, and then I left. When the ice melts, she will be hanged."

"Then where did you get the rope you used to bind and hang Zheng Jiazhen?" He Jiahui asked.

Now, there is no need for Chen Weiting to hide it. He said, "That is the rope of cameraman Cai Mulin. I am an assistant to the crew and have access to all the equipment and props, including the rope. So I cut a piece of rope, killed Zheng Jiazhen, and threw the remaining rope into the sea."

There is a high probability that the rope thrown into the sea cannot be found, but with Chen Weiting's words, it can be regarded as completing the final chain of evidence in the case.

"Why did you kill her?" He Jiahui asked, this was not considered a formal interrogation, it was purely out of curiosity.

Hearing this question, Chen Weiting seemed to be lost in memory. The corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and he suddenly smiled, with a fascinated expression on his face:
"I remember the first time I saw Zheng Jiazhen, it was shooting an outdoor advertisement. She was wearing a close-fitting suspender top and a short skirt, standing on the lawn of the park, with the sun shining on her, she was so pure and lovely. From that moment on, I was deeply attracted by her.

So I often look for opportunities to get close to her, and I will find a way to get into the crew where she works. I also recommend her in front of many directors, so that she has the opportunity to receive more commercials.I thought she would appreciate me for helping her like this, but no!
One day, when I was moving props, I overheard Zheng Jiazhen chatting with other models. The model talked about me, said that I took extra care of Zheng Jiazhen, and asked if we knew each other well.

Zheng Jiazhen said that she is not familiar with me. She said that I am just a ten thousand year assistant, not a great director. My assistant is like toilet paper. Use it when you need it, and throw it away when you run out! "

Speaking of hitting here, Chen Weiting clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were full of humiliation, and his expression became distorted. He tried hard to take a few deep breaths, and then continued:

"She has always presented a pure image, and she has never been rumored with other male models. I also thought that she is the kind of good girl who cleans herself up and is a clean stream in the model circle.

It wasn't until that day that our crew had a dinner together before the start of work, and the director was slapped by Zheng Jiazhen, that I didn't know that she was not as pure as she appeared on the surface.

Director Xue Chaohui told me that in order to fight for the top position, she had improper relationships with many people, and recently she even got close to a rich man who was old enough to be her grandfather. That's why she was so arrogant and dared to directly offend the director.

I didn't believe it at first, thinking that the director became angry and deliberately slandered her. It wasn't until that night when the cameraman Cai Mulin took her large-scale photos and went to blackmail her that I didn't know that they were true. "

As Chen Weiting said, some crystals appeared in the corners of his eyes. He tried hard not to cry, but he still couldn't stop the tears from rolling out of his eyes.

He wiped away his tears, and continued: "At that moment, I felt that I was standing at the end of the world, and my life was meaningless, so I ran to the beach and wanted to commit suicide by jumping into the sea.

But when I walked into the sea, I was sober again, the person who made the mistake was not me, why should I die?She should die if she dies!Damn her!She deserves to die! "

Chen Weiting's madness flashed past, he took a few breaths, and then calmed down, and then continued: "On the way back, I passed the fishing port pier and saw someone transporting ice, so I thought of that method of killing people."

After listening to Chen Weiting's narration, He Jiahui let out a long sigh: "It turns out that the white moonlight in my heart has completely collapsed. Not only is my private life chaotic, but it also hurts the self-esteem of the licking dog. The so-called deep love and deep hatred can be regarded as licking the dog to kill because of love."

 Thank you for your subscription.Regarding the murderer’s motive for killing, a large scale was originally prepared to compare prices, but the previous chapter was blocked because of the scale issue. I was worried that I would not be able to interrogate, so I had to modify the motive and replaced it with the current one.The idea of ​​this case is very exciting, but it is a pity that the reasons for the review cannot be 100% revealed.That's life, it's not always perfect.Perhaps after a few years those regrets will also become good memories.

(End of this chapter)

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