Cop Universe

Chapter 87 The Mainland Tourist Who Knows Kung Fu

Chapter 87 The Mainland Tourist Who Knows Kung Fu
Several community members looked at the headless male corpse on the sofa, dumbfounded, completely unaware that He Jiahui had appeared behind them.

"Police, don't move!" He Jiahui yelled, which startled several community members.

Everyone looked back one after another and saw that He Jiahui had already pointed a gun at them.

"Where is a policeman coming out!" Several people were all in a daze.

"Hold your head with your hands and squat on the ground, or I will shoot!" He Jiahui yelled again.

"Don't be afraid, he's alone! Let's go together!" The short man also shouted, and then rushed towards He Jiahui.

This sound was to give courage to his own people, and also to take the opportunity to make He Jiahui feel flustered, after all He Jiahui only had one person.

If He Jiahui was a rookie, he might really panic, but He Jiahui is an experienced veteran, he just shot the short man in the leg.

Shoot the first bird!
The short man was shot in the leg, and immediately fell to the ground and wailed, how loudly he yelled just now, and how loudly he wailed now.

When the others saw this scene, they were all honest. Bullets don't have eyes, and they don't want the next bullet to hit themselves.

The community members were all shocked, and He Jiahui continued: "I'll say it again, put your head in your hands and squat on the ground!"

Several people hesitated for a moment, and one of them followed suit first. With the leader, the others also followed He Jiahui's instructions and squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands.

It is difficult to manage 10 people with 100 bullets, but it is very easy to manage 9 people with 99 bullets.

All club members squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands, and He Jiahui also breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, he turned on the walkie-talkie and called for support.

"I'm Sheriff 66622 He Jiahui. I found a headless male corpse in Guandi Temple, as well as several suspected community members. One of them was injured by a gunshot wound. Please send help immediately!"

"Jiahui, the police station has no way to support you now." Guan Gong's voice sounded from the walkie-talkie.

He Jiahui was taken aback for a moment, Guan Ping always sat in his seat and drank Kung Fu tea on a daily basis, so naturally other police officers would do such things as replying to messages.Now that it was Guan Gong who responded to the message in person, it is possible that something happened in the police station.

Guan Gong continued: "Those three robbers who robbed the exchange shop in Tsim Sha Tsui were caught by Xiaohe. Now all the people in the police station are going to support Xiaohe. There is no manpower for you for the time being."

"What did you say? Xiaohe caught those three robbers?" He Jiahui was taken aback, and then continued: "I didn't see Xiaohe when I went to work in the morning! Isn't she on the afternoon shift?"

"Xiaohe didn't go to work, he went to Brother Qiang's food stall to eat wonton noodles, and happened to meet those three robbers." Guan Gong answered openly.

"That means she didn't bring a gun? Then how did she catch the three robbers?" He Jiahui became more and more puzzled.

Those who can rob the exchange shop are definitely not ordinary robbers, they can definitely reach the level of gangsters. Even male police officers with excellent fighting skills dare not say that they can fight three against one.

Du Xiaohe is a female police officer, her strength and physical strength are definitely not as good as those of male police officers. If she can beat three criminals by herself and catch all three of them, He Jiahui doesn't believe it.

If there is a gun, it is still possible to fight one against three, but Du Xiaohe didn't go to work in the morning, that is to say, he didn't have a gun. He Jiahui was a little puzzled that he could still catch three gangsters.

Guan Gong replied: "I don't know the specific situation. Jiahui, after they come back, I will immediately send them to support you."

"Then notify the hospital first and send an ambulance over!" He Jiahui said.

The support from the police station cannot come temporarily, and He Jiahui is not in a panic. He has a gun in his hand and can control the situation.

The handcuffs he wore were not enough, so He Jiahui first found a rope and tied up a few club members, then went to check the short man who was injured by him, and found that no artery was injured, so he simply stopped the bleeding.

He Jiahui then began the interrogation.

He Jiahui looked at the fat man who took the lead, and asked, "What happened here?"

"Sir, we didn't kill the man! We came here on the last boat, and we just arrived here, and when we arrived, we saw that he was dead!" The fat man said.

He Jiahui followed Fatty to Guandi Temple, so of course he knew that Fatty and his group members didn't have time to kill people.As for the four people in the yard, they were firmly tied up, and it was impossible to cut off other people's heads.

So the murderer was not at the scene, and must have fled.

Fatty's group followed He Jiahui into the Guandi Temple, and they probably couldn't get any useful information, so He Jiahui went to the four tied people, and unfastened the gags from their mouths, allowing them to speak.

"Have you seen the incident?" He Jiahui asked.

Three people shook their heads in unison: "The murderer moved too fast, I didn't even see his appearance clearly, so I was knocked out."

Only one person said, "He's carrying a bag."

"What bag? Plastic bag? Paper bag?" He Jiahui asked immediately.

"Looks like a travel bag," the man replied.

"How big is it and what color is it?" He Jiahui continued to ask.

"Can't remember," the man replied.

I didn't see the murderer, only a travel bag, and I don't know what it looks like. There is too little information on this.

Seeing that he couldn't find any useful information, He Jiahui planned to search around.

"Typhoon No. [-] is coming soon. I guess the forensic doctor and Fazheng will not be able to come for the time being. This time I have to rely on myself." He Jiahui walked towards the headless male corpse while thinking.

The headless male corpse was sitting on the sofa, but judging from the blood around it, this sofa was not the scene of the first crime. He should have been moved to the sofa after his head was cut off and placed in a sitting position.

He Jiahui immediately looked around, and sure enough, at the door, he found a big puddle of blood, that's where the headless man's head fell off.

Then He Jiahui looked at the neck of the male corpse. The incision was relatively smooth and there were no traces of multiple sharp injuries.

"He cut off his head with one blow?" He Jiahui gasped.

The human body is actually not as fragile as it is shown in some film and television dramas. At least beheading is not an easy task.

The ancient executioners also often cut the neck of the condemned prisoner with one knife, and had to make up for it a second time.The kind of executioner who can execute with one knife every time belongs to the type of business elite, and they have their share in the evaluation of advanced workers every year.

Even for professional executioners, it is simply impossible for ordinary people to cut off a person's head with a single knife.

He Jiahui also knew this. If he wanted to chop off a person's head with one blow, he needed not only extraordinary strength, but also the right equipment, so he immediately looked around, and soon saw the bloody Daguan knife.

"This is the murder weapon!" He Jiahui stepped forward, first took out his mobile phone, took a photo of the Daguan knife, then put on his gloves, and weighed the weight of the Daguan knife with his hands, confirming that the weight can indeed cut off a person's head with one blow.

Then He Jiahui walked to the corpse again, this time he began to examine the body of the headless male corpse, and he found traces of a fight.

"It's never been beaten, it was slaughtered! Since there was a fight, nine out of ten it was a vendetta, and even the head was cut off, what a vendetta it must be!"

At this moment, a groan sounded from the inner room, and He Jiahui immediately felt vigilant, and walked into the inner room cautiously with a gun.

On the ground, a woman was lying on the ground with scars all over her face and body. She was obviously beaten and was moaning in pain.

He Jiahui quickly picked up the clothes next to him, put them on the woman, and asked, "Miss, are you okay?"

The woman just moaned, she was already speechless.

"To be so cruel to a woman, the guy who hit her is such a scum!" He Jiahui cursed inwardly, then took out the walkie-talkie, and continued, "Guan Gong, I found a second injured person, let the hospital send an extra ambulance!"

Then He Jiahui comforted: "Miss, don't move, the ambulance will come soon."

The woman couldn't speak, and could only make some noises, but her eyes were full of gratitude.

The woman's life should not be in danger for a while, so He Jiahui went outside again and began to interrogate those club members.

He looked at the fat man who took the lead, and asked calmly, "What are you doing in Guandi Temple? Don't tell me you are here for tourism!"

He Jiahui's calm performance made Fatty shudder.The fat man knew that the policeman in front of him looked very young, but he was actually a ruthless character.

Just the fact that he shot at a disagreement was enough to deter Fatty.Change to other police officers, don't hesitate a little before shooting!How could it be like He Jiahui who would shoot as soon as he said he would shoot.

It is difficult to manage 10 people with 100 bullets, because there are always people who think that you dare not shoot, and there are always people who think that even if you shoot, the unlucky person who gets shot will not be yourself.

And 9 bullets can manage 99 people, because those 99 people know that you really know how to shoot, and the unlucky person who gets shot may really be yourself.

What's more, He Jiahui also did another thing, which was to check the situation of the headless man's corpse.

A corpse whose head had been beheaded not long ago was bloody, and it was so horrifying. A normal person would definitely vomit three liters first when seeing this scene, and the timid ones would faint from fright.

Instead of being frightened, He Jiahui stepped forward to observe carelessly, looking quite carefully. This alone made the fat man realize that the young police officer in front of him was a ruthless person.

Facing such a ruthless person, it is better for him to be honest.

So the fat man said, "We came to Guandi Temple to find someone.

"Who are you looking for?" He Jiahui continued to ask.

"Look for him!" The fat man pointed in the direction of the headless male corpse.

"Are you looking for the deceased? Then you must know the deceased. Who is he?" He Jiahui continued to ask.

"He is Lord Ma, and we are all his subordinates." The fat man replied.

"Master Ma?" He Jiahui immediately remembered the arrest warrant he saw not long ago, so he immediately asked, "Master Ma you are talking about, is it Ma Tianshou from the top ten gangsters?"

The fat man nodded: "Yes, that's him."

He Jiahui looked at the headless male corpse again. Although he had seen Ma Tianshou's arrest warrant, he was not sure if it was Ma Tianshou.

Since the deceased had no head, there was no confirmation of the deceased's appearance. The only way to know if the deceased was Ma Tianshou was to wait for the forensic doctor to perform a DNA comparison.

"Let's say he is Ma Tianshou. Ma Ye, one of the top ten thugs, died and had his head chopped off! Then this murder case is not that simple.

Ma Tianshou was wanted by both black and white, and was hunted by Interpol. His life was worth 3000 million. The one who killed Ma Tianshou was probably a professional killer. The murderer took Ma Tianshou's head, probably to receive a reward. "He Jiahui made a preliminary judgment.

The fat man continued, "Since this morning, we have not been able to contact Mr. Ma, nor have we been able to contact the subordinates on the island. The boss was worried that something might happen to Mr. Ma, so he sent us to check it out. When we arrived at Guandi Temple, we saw the four of them tied up in the yard, and Mr. Ma was already dead."

"Who is your boss?" He Jiahui asked again.

"Our boss is Mrs. Ma, and her name is Sasaki Miho." The fat man replied.

"It sounds like the name is a Japanese woman." He Jiahui thought for a while, but there was no information about the Japanese woman in the arrest warrant.

At this moment, the siren of an ambulance sounded outside, and it was the doctor who arrived first.

Shortly after, police support also arrived on the scene.The dwarf who was shot by He Jiahui and the injured woman were sent to the hospital, while other club members were taken back to the police station.

Liangbao said with a troubled face: "The three thugs that Xiaohe captured were locked up in the police station before, but now that so many people have been arrested, the police station may not be able to lock them up."

The Cheung Chau Island Police Station was not big in the first place, and it was a building built a hundred years ago. The design and layout were unreasonable. There were only two detention rooms, and it was impossible to detain so many people.

He Jiahui thought for a while, and then said: "Among these people, only the dwarf who was shot and wounded by me can be regarded as assaulting the police, and the others can be regarded as appearing at the murder scene at best.

We have no reason to prosecute them, at best we can only detain them for 48 hours, go back and register their information, record a few statements, and let them go. "

"What about the dead body?" Liang Bao then asked.

"The weather is so hot, the corpse must be smelly here, and the forensic doctor and forensic evidence won't be here for a while. This is a murder case, and it's inconvenient to send the corpse to the hospital. Let's move the corpse back to the police station first. There is air conditioning in the warehouse, so it's cooler and the corpse won't rot. Be careful not to damage the scene." He Jiahui instructed.

Liangbao nodded in agreement, and He Jiahui continued to ask: "I heard that Xiaohe captured the three gangsters who robbed the exchange shop. How did she do it?"

"Those three gangsters are vicious enough, and there is a two-meter-tall man who can lift Xiaohe up. If Xiaohe fights three against one, he might die. But this time Xiaohe was lucky. He met a tourist from the mainland who knew how to kung fu. He subdued the three gangsters in two or three strokes and saved Xiaohe," Liangbao replied.

"Kung fu? Then I have to go back and see." He Jiahui replied.


As soon as he returned to the police station, before entering the office, he heard Tai Shan's jealous voice:

"Catching thieves is done by our professionally trained people. It's not enough to know a little bit of kung fu. You think you are a cat and have nine lives?"

"Xiaohe, this kind of person is extremely reckless and uses violence indiscriminately. It is very dangerous. Don't get too close to him, you know?"

Hearing this voice, He Jiahui guessed that it was probably the mainland tourist who knew kung fu who saved Du Xiaohe, the hero saved the beauty, and Taishan became jealous again.

He Jiahui walked into the office and saw a middle-aged man about 30 years old with a middle-eastern figure and a shrewd appearance. He had dyed brown hair, an army green canvas jacket on his upper body, and black trousers on his lower body. He was drinking Gongfu tea with Guan Gong.

"This is a kung fu master from the mainland, right?" He Jiahui walked forward with a smile on his face.

Du Xiaohe quickly introduced: "Abu, this is Sheriff He Jiahui, Jiahui, this is Bu Tonglin, he knows kung fu, thanks to him today, we were able to catch those three thugs."

"He sir, just call me Abu." Abu said with a smile.

After greeting each other, Guan asked openly, "Jiahui, I heard that you found a headless male corpse in Guandi Temple. What's going on?"

He Jiahui gave a general introduction of what happened.

"You mean, that headless male corpse is the Ma Ye of the Ten Great Bandits!" Guan Gong's eyes widened in surprise.

For a person like him who is living in an outlying island police station, things like the top ten thugs are too far away.

"The corpse doesn't have a head, so we can't confirm it yet. We'll have to do a DNA test to find out." He Jiahui replied.

"Then I will report to the headquarters immediately and ask them to send a forensic doctor." Guan Gong picked up the phone while speaking.

He Jiahui said: "There is a No. [-] typhoon signal now, and water transportation has been interrupted. Even if the headquarters sends a forensic doctor, it will not be able to come for a while."

Guan Gong replied with a smile: "It doesn't matter if the forensic doctor can come, first report the discovery of Ma Ye's body. The ten thugs died here, no matter who killed them, it's a big deal!"

"By the way, let the higher-ups check, a woman named Sasaki Miho, she is Ma Tianshou's wife, and is probably also a member of Ma Tianshou's criminal group." He Jiahui continued.


The detention room of the police station couldn't hold so many people, and those members of the association were released after taking notes.

As soon as he walked out of the police station, the fat man called Mrs. Ma.

"Boss, it's me, Fei Rong. Bai Bo was injured by the police and is now in the hospital."

"Where is Master Ma? Have you found him?" Mrs. Ma asked on the other end of the phone.

The fat man hesitated for a few seconds, then said, "I found it, but Master Ma's head is gone!"

Hearing that Ma Tianshou was dead, Mrs. Ma suddenly fell silent.

After about a minute, the fat man asked, "Mrs. Ma, are you still there?"

"You must find Master Ma's head and give him a whole body!" Mrs. Ma's voice sounded again.

"Okay, boss, let's look for it right away." The fat man said.

Mrs. Ma went on to say, "I will arrange a boat to bring Master Ma's body back."

"Boss, Ma Ye's body is with the police." The fat man explained,

"What? No, we must not let Mr. Ma's body fall into the hands of the police!" Mrs. Ma roared, and then said: "Hurry up and find a way to get Mr. Ma back!"

 Thank you guys for subscribing.

(End of this chapter)

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