Cop Universe

Chapter 91 Abu's Story

Chapter 91 Abu's Story

Abu's movements were so fast that He Jiahui didn't even have time to react. When he rushed to stop, the samurai sword had already pierced Sasaki Miho's chest.

Immediately afterwards, Abu drew out the samurai sword, which was tantamount to sending Sasaki Miho directly to the west. If he hadn't drawn the sword, he could have been rescued, but if he had drawn the sword, he would have died.

"She has already surrendered! Why do you still want to kill her!" He Jiahui roared angrily.

"Whether she surrenders or not has nothing to do with me? I'm not a policeman!" Abu replied calmly, "I killed her because she was a horseman, so she deserves to die!"

As Abu said, he swung his knife and cut off the rope that was hanging Du Xiaohe, saving her.

Maybe it was because of being hung for too long and the blood circulation was not smooth. After landing, Du Xiaohe couldn't stand still and fell directly to the ground. Fortunately, Abu stepped forward to help her, and then put her on the ground.

Then Abramovich stood up and began to tell his story.

"Xiangjiang is a very good place. It is safe, rich, and everything here is in order. But in this world, there are still many places where wars still exist. Those places are full of poverty, warlords are everywhere, and crime is rampant. , The so-called order is the weapon in your hand.

I used to be in that kind of place.I am a mercenary, and the mercenary organization I belong to does not serve a fixed boss. We will work for whoever gives us money.Our employers include warlords, drug lords, and sometimes intelligence organizations in other countries, and they will also hire us.

I am not a good person either, I have killed many people, some of them are always innocent.But at that time, I didn't care, I just took money to do things, whether the employers or the people I killed, whether they were good or bad people, had nothing to do with me, all I had to do was to complete the task.

The days go on like this day by day. Mercenaries like us live a life without tomorrow. I am like a walking dead. I can't see where the future is, and I don't know if I have a chance to see the sun tomorrow. Until that day..."

Abu looked into the distance, and then recalled: "That day, we were betrayed by our employer and attacked by another mercenary organization. We fought hard and were almost wiped out. Although I escaped by luck, I was also seriously injured. Then Waiting to die in the wilderness.

Just when I thought I was going to die there, I met her, her name was Audrey, she was a nun from Xiangjiang, she was also a nurse without borders, she brought me to their camp when I was dying, and took me Saved from death, she gave me a second chance to live.

I still remember that in their camp, not everyone welcomed me, and even most of them wanted to drive me away because I was a mercenary and a dangerous existence.

In the eyes of those international relief organizations, people like us are evil and chaos makers. Without us, there would not be so much violence and war.Some of them even worried that after I was cured, I would kill them!
It was Audrey who insisted on treating me. She told others that no matter who I am or what I have done, it is a life and should not be given up.

In the camp of the international rescue organization, there are also many refugees who lost their relatives due to the war. Their relatives probably died at the hands of people like us, so they hate mercenaries and me.

One night, a child came to my tent with a sharpened wooden spike. His parents were killed by mercenaries. He probably wanted to kill me to avenge his parents.

At that time, I hadn't recovered my ability to move. Even a ten-year-old child could easily pierce my body with a wooden thorn.So I was thinking at the time, it was a debt repayment!

In the end, it was Audrey who found out in time, she stopped the child, and saved me again.In this way, I owe him two lives!

My body gradually began to recover, I could get out of bed and walk around, and I had more contact with Audrey.She is so kind, like an angel, she radiates sunshine all the time, which can dispel the chill on people and make people feel slightly warm.

After I recovered from my injury, I planned to repay her for saving her life, but I found that I couldn't do anything. What they usually do is save people, but I can only kill people!
It was useless for me to stay in the camp of the international rescue organization. Instead, I would encounter a lot of hostility because of my status as a mercenary, so I chose to leave.

I returned to the original mercenary organization. We killed the employer who betrayed us and avenged our dead comrades.And I also decided to leave the mercenary organization and no longer live the life of licking blood with knives.

Before I left, I went back to the camp of the International Rescue Organization, planning to say goodbye to Audrey, but got a sad news that she died!Was killed! "

Abu took a deep breath, calmed down his emotions, and continued: "That kind of place is originally a place where the weak prey on the strong, and there are private armed forces everywhere. In order to compete for resources, there are gun battles every day, and dead people are also normal.

However, it was a group of drug dealers who killed her.This group of drug dealers often uses children to transport drugs, and after successfully transporting drugs, they can easily sell the children, so this group of drug dealers needs a lot of children!

But drug dealers dare not go to local armed forces to rob children.The local armed forces can reach the paramilitary level, and many of them employ professional mercenaries. In contrast, drug dealers are just bandits armed with weapons, and they cannot defeat the local armed forces.

So the drug traffickers aimed at the international rescue organization, where there is no strong armed force, it is a soft persimmon in the local area, and many refugee children are taken in by the international rescue organization.

In fact, local private armed forces generally do not attack these international rescue organizations, because local medical conditions are limited, and sometimes private armed forces also need those Doctors Without Borders.So for the most part, the camps of international aid organizations are safe.

But the drug traffickers don't care about this. They have no base in the local area, and they don't need those Doctors Without Borders. They can attack the camps of international rescue organizations in order to snatch the children.Audrey was killed by drug dealers in order to protect the refugee children! "

He Jiahui sighed suddenly: "The drug dealers who killed Audrey are Ma Ye's criminal group, right?"

"Yes." Abu nodded, "I owe her two lives. I don't know how to repay her, so I can only kill Ma Ye and send his head to Audrey's tombstone. Use this method to repay her life-saving grace!"

"You want to repay Audrey's life-saving grace, I can understand, but you are not a law enforcement officer, and you should not abuse and kill him privately. Those who commit crimes should be judged by the law." He Jiahui said .

"Yes, you are a policeman, you are a law enforcement officer, you can talk about the law. But when drug dealers rob children, where is the law in your mouth? When Audrey died, where was the law in your mouth? "Abu said a little excitedly.
"I admit that it is impossible for the law to stop all crimes. Because of this, people like Ma Ye who have committed such crimes should be judged by the law. Only in this way can the law deter more criminals!"

He Jiahui paused, and then said: "The reason why the law can prevent crimes is not only because the law has the ability to punish crimes, but also because the sanctions of the law can act as a deterrent and restrain people's behavior. Make people afraid to commit crimes.

So when criminals are tried, when criminals are punished by the law, the role of the law is not only to sanction the person who broke the law, but to make more people vigilant and tell them not to break the law! "

Abu sneered: "Then, have people like Ma Ye been deterred by the law? No! He still committed heinous crimes! He is still escaping the punishment of your so-called law! He even thought of using sex reassignment surgery Conceal the world, deceive everyone, and then continue to get away with it!

But Audrey is already dead. She is such a kind person. She has never done anything bad. She abides by the law you said, but the law cannot bring her justice!Your laws failed to catch Ma Ye.That being the case, then it's up to me to seek justice for her! "

"You are wrong. We just haven't caught Ma Ye for the time being. The police in Xiangjiang are looking for him, and the Interpol is also looking for him. Sooner or later, we will catch him and let him stand trial. The law will give Audrey justice! As long as If you break the law, you may escape for a while, but you will be punished by the law!" He Jiahui said solemnly.

"After all? How long will it take? One year? Two years? Or ten years? Twenty years? Wait until you and I are old? I can't wait that long!" Abu stared at He Jiahui, still disdainfully said:
"Let the bad guy go unpunished for most of his life, catch him when he is very old, and then say it as it should be, justice may be late, but it will never be absent?
Ridiculous!Yes, justice delayed is justice after all, and judgment delayed is judged after all.So it doesn't matter if justice is late, but crime is never late!
During this period of time when justice is late, those who have been hurt, as well as the relatives of the victims, are facing pain and suffering.But all most of them can do is to wait silently, waiting for the so-called late justice!

Don't they want to seek justice?No!They think that everyone who has been hurt wants justice!But they just don't have that ability, and they can only hope for delayed justice.

I am different, I have this ability, I don't need to wait for that late justice, I can seek justice by myself.That being the case, I should do it! "

"Since you have strong abilities, you should use your abilities to uphold the dignity of the law so that more people can be protected by the law instead of trampling on the law." He Jiahui said.

"I said, I can't wait that long." Abu continued; "I have never denied that the trial of the law is fair, and the law can bring justice to people. But the process has been long. Compared with it, my method is more serious. Efficient.

A person like Ma Ye is a heinous person. He deserves to die. If such a person is allowed to live, more people will suffer.I killed him to eliminate harm for the people, and also to protect more people. "

"But that's not the reason for you to break the law! No matter how heinous he is, he should be judged by the law and punished by the law instead of being lynched by you!"

He Jiahui took a deep breath, and then said: "Abu, no matter your motive is good or bad, but your behavior has violated the law. As a policeman, I must arrest you. This is my duty, and it is also my duty to protect justice!"

"I still have a lot of things to do, so I can't be caught by you!" Abu smiled slightly, and then said: "It seems that we have to fight!"

As soon as Abu's words fell, He Jiahui who was opposite had already made a move.

At the same time, Abu also punched, and it turned out to be the first to come first.

He moves really fast!


The battles between top experts are often not very stalemate, because both sides have enough fierce shots, and often a small omission can determine the outcome of the battle.

In just tens of seconds, the two sides decided the winner.

He Jiahui squatted on the ground, panting heavily, he could feel that one of his ribs was probably broken.

Abu on the opposite side was still standing on the ground, one of his arms was hanging down, and he was obviously injured.

But Abu still had one hand to move, and he could still fight, but He Jiahui didn't dare to move rashly, for fear of hurting his internal organs again.

This battle, He Jiahui lost.

In terms of boxing skills, Abramovich is indeed a ceiling-level existence in combat power.

Looking at He Jiahui who was gasping for breath, Abu said, "You could have killed me just now. If that happened, I might be hurt even more."

"I'm a policeman, not a killer!" He Jiahui smiled miserably, and continued; "And I want to catch you and let you be tried by the law. I want to tell you with practical actions that justice depends on law!"

Abu pondered for a few seconds, then said, "We are just using different methods to protect the justice in our hearts."

At this moment, the siren of a police car sounded in the distance, and police support finally arrived.

"I should go. Maybe from now on, we will never meet again." Abu said, turned and left.

He Jiahui watched Abu's figure disappear into the darkness, but was unable to catch up.

"He sir, you are a good policeman!" Abu's final farewell sound came from the darkness.


Today is not the time for worship, and the church hall is empty.Only a young woman in her early 20s sat in the front seat, praying to the cross directly in front of her.

The woman was dressed in white, with light makeup, fair skin, simple lipstick, and eyebrows, but still showed a beautiful face.

However, the most outstanding thing about her is not her appearance, but her temperament!

It was a very elegant temperament, with the aloofness of a queen and the affinity of a big sister.Nobility, elegance and amiability are all reflected in her, but there is no conflict.

Footsteps sounded from behind, and Abu walked into the church and sat down directly behind the woman.

"Master Ma has been killed by me, but the police are also looking for me, and I need to leave as soon as possible." Abu said.

"The boat is ready, you can go now." The woman said.

But Abu then asked: "Is your source of information, Ma Ye's wife, that Sasaki Miho?"

The woman hesitated a little, and then answered, "Yes."

"As expected, he really guessed it right." Abu heaved a long sigh.

"Who are you talking about?" the woman asked subconsciously.

"His name is He Jiahui, he is a good policeman!" Abu stood up and continued, "It's a pity that he is a policeman. Otherwise, we might become friends."

At this time, the woman also noticed the abnormality in Abu's arm, and she asked, "Are you injured?"

"I was also injured by him. But he was injured more seriously than me." Abu replied.

"It can actually hurt you?" The woman's calm expression finally produced some changes.

"Thank you for allowing me to seek justice for Audrey!" Abu bowed slightly to the woman, then turned and left the church.

After Abu left, a man in a suit with gray hair and the appearance of a housekeeper came to the side of the young woman.

"Miss, the car is ready, shall we go now?" the housekeeper asked.

The woman nodded, and then said: "There is a policeman named He Jiahui. I am very curious about him. Go and find out his background!"

 Thank you all for subscribing.The plot of the outlying islands is finished. I will take a day off tomorrow and start a new case.

(End of this chapter)

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