Cop Universe

Chapter 95 An idiot with well-developed four limbs?

Chapter 95 An idiot with well-developed limbs?
When He Jiahui saw the pinhole on the neck of the deceased, he concluded that when the murderer killed the deceased, the deceased should be in a coma or deep sleep.

Otherwise, if he got an injection in the neck suddenly, he would definitely wake up, and as a doctor, the deceased had rich medical knowledge, so he would definitely go out for help immediately, and it was impossible to stay where he was and wait to die.

There were no traces of fighting or struggling at the scene, and no wounds were found on the head of the deceased. It can be confirmed that the deceased was not knocked out.

So He Jiahui thought of sleeping pills.

Sleeping pills often contain a certain amount of sedatives, which are physiological hypnosis. In this state, even if the neck is pricked, you will not be awake.

At the reminder of He Jiahui, the forensics gave priority to testing the water cups, beverage bottles and food packaging collected at the scene.

Soon, the forensics also sent the detection information to Huang Qifa.

"We found two Starbucks disposable coffee cups in the trash can in the tea room, and in one of the cups, a reaction of imidazopyridine was found. After further testing, it was zolpidem.

The saliva was collected from the mouth of the coffee cup, and the DNA comparison is underway. However, the fingerprint of the deceased Liu Guoqiang was also found on the coffee cup. It is basically certain that Liu Guoqiang drank this cup of coffee. "Huang Qifa replied.

"Zolpidem? A third-generation sleeping pill! No wonder it couldn't be detected in the blood. The half-life of Zolpidem in the blood is only more than two hours, and the metabolism is very fast, so it couldn't be detected in the blood of the deceased. .”

He Jiahui paused, and then introduced: "After a person dies, the metabolism will not stop immediately, and it will last for a while. The metabolism will not stop completely until after the cold occurs.

Although zolpidem has not been detected in the blood of the deceased, but zolpidem is metabolized by the kidneys, if the deceased's kidneys are tested during the autopsy, it should still be detectable. "


As early as the beginning of the [-]th century, scientists discovered that barbiturates have a sedative effect, and then synthesized some other sedatives one after another. This is also the first generation of sleeping pills.

However, the effect of the first-generation sleeping pills is relatively poor. It needs to be taken in a moderate dose to improve sleep. Moreover, it has a great impact with other drugs, which can easily affect people's breathing and have adverse reactions to the central system. .

The second-generation sleeping pills are mainly benzodiazepine-type sedatives, which are also the most frequently used sleeping pills in clinical practice. The diazepam that ordinary people usually take belongs to this category of drugs.

This type of drug has a high therapeutic index, low visceral toxicity, and is relatively safe.But the disadvantage is that the half-life is relatively long, and it can induce sleep after taking the medicine, but it is prone to insomnia and anxiety after waking up.

You read that right, sleeping pills can cause insomnia side effects, so many people will take sleeping pills, and insomnia will actually worsen.

Moreover, this kind of sleeping pills can only dissolve in water in a very small amount. If the murderer intends to use this kind of medicine to drug people, he will be able to see it in the water at a glance. Only bad people can drink it!
However, this type of medicine can be dissolved in alcohol, so there is no problem in drinking it.Especially foreign wine, which has its own color, it is almost invisible when sleeping pills are mixed in.

But doctors are not allowed to drink alcohol during working hours, so the murderer gave sleeping pills to the deceased, and it was impossible to use the second-generation sleeping pills.

The third-generation sleeping pills were not launched until the 80s. This generation of sleeping pills has a very good oral absorption effect. Half an hour after taking them, they can reach the peak concentration in the blood.

Moreover, the safety of the third-generation sleeping pills is relatively high, and it is not easy to produce tolerance and dependence. As long as there is no allergy, there are basically no side effects.

Take the more common zolpidem as an example, the half-life in the blood is only more than two hours, and it can only be metabolized by the kidneys. detected.

This is not like the second-generation sleeping pills, which are metabolized through body fluids and milk. If a nursing mother takes sleeping pills and then breastfeeds her child, the child will sleep with her.

Although zolpidem has a half-life of just over two hours in the body, it quickly becomes undetectable.However, zolpidem mixed in drinks has no half-life, so forensics can detect the residue of zolpidem in coffee cups.

Huang Qifa also used his brain at this time, and he said: "The deceased came to work the night shift, so he definitely would not take sleeping pills on his own initiative, so the murderer should have put sleeping pills in the coffee of the deceased.

After the effect of the medicine took effect, the deceased felt a little sleepy, so he went to rest in the lounge. The murderer entered the lounge after the deceased fell asleep and injected an overdose of sedatives into the deceased, resulting in the death of the deceased.

We have another clue, as long as we find out who drugged the deceased's coffee cup, that person must be the murderer! "

He Jiahui asked: "Aside from the fingerprints of the deceased, are there other fingerprints on the coffee cup?"

Huang Qifa instantly understood: "You're right. When the murderer took the sleeping pills, his hands would definitely touch the coffee cup, leaving fingerprints! I'll ask the forensic evidence right away."

As Huang Qifa said, he sent a message to Forensic, and after a while, Forensic replied with the result.

"Forensic evidence shows that there are only fingerprints of the deceased on the coffee cup. It seems that when the murderer administered the sleeping pills, he either wore gloves or deliberately wiped off the fingerprints on the coffee cup." Huang Qifa said a little frustrated.

He Jiahui pondered for a moment, then said: "You just said that the forensics found two disposable Starbucks cups in the trash can in the tea room.

Normal people don't drink two cups of coffee in one go, it means that there are two people drinking coffee.If the two cups of coffee were bought at the same time, we might be able to find new clues about the murderer from the other coffee cup. "

"Then how do you confirm that you bought the two cups of coffee together? There are more than 200 Starbucks coffee shops in Xiangjiang, and there are several within a five-kilometer radius of this hospital. It is also very convenient to buy a cup of coffee before the doctor comes to work." It's normal." Huang Qifa said.

"Huang sir, how long has it been since you bought coffee yourself?" He Jiahui smiled slightly and continued, "When you go to buy coffee, there will be a label on the coffee cup, which will show the type of coffee you bought, such as Americano, latte, etc. In addition, there will be a number. If two cups of coffee are ordered together, the numbers will also be linked together.”

"It's so simple, why didn't I think of it!" Huang Qifa nodded suddenly, and continued: "I'll ask the forensic doctor immediately."

Huang Qifa sent a message to the forensic doctor, who immediately sent a reply.

"You guessed it right, the labels on the two coffee cups are indeed consecutive numbers, which means that the two cups of coffee were bought together." Huang Qifa said.

"Are there any fingerprints on the other coffee cup?" He Jiahui asked again.

Huang Qifa sent another message to the forensic doctor and asked the forensic doctor to test it. After a while, the forensic doctor replied to the message.

"After comparison, Deng Qiaomei's fingerprints were found on another coffee cup." Huang Qifa showed joy on his face, and continued:
"The murderer is indeed her! It should be that she bought coffee for the deceased, and then put sleeping pills in the coffee. After the deceased fell asleep in the lounge, she went to kill the deceased!
Deng Qiaomei had a motive for the murder, and now she has found the important evidence of the coffee cup, so we can detain her now. "

He Jiahui frowned, he did not agree, because he felt that there were still many doubts.However, He Jiahui did not stop Huang Qifa. After all, apart from Deng Qiaomei, no other clues could be found at this stage.

Huang Qifa immediately ordered to search Deng Qiaomei's personal belongings. At the same time, he took several other people to arrest Deng Qi's sister.


In a certain lounge, doctor Cai Shude, and two nurses Zhou Yuting and Deng Qiaomei all stayed here.

The three people did not sit together, but sat apart from each other, and they were all separated by a certain distance.At the same time, the three of them looked at each other warily.

The three of them were obviously suspicious of each other, but because of the affection of their colleagues, they barely maintained an average.

They all knew that the murderer who killed Dr. Liu was among the three.

It is natural to be very cautious when staying in the same room with a murderer.

The door opened, and Huang Qifa came in with a group of policemen. He came directly to Deng Qiaomei and said:
"Ms. Deng, now I suspect that you are related to a murder case. I need to take you back to the police station to cooperate with the investigation. You can keep silent, but what you said will become evidence in court."

"Me? Why me? Sir, did you make a mistake! You are arresting people randomly!" Deng Qiaomei was surprised.

Deng Qiaomei showed an extremely uncooperative mood, so Huang Qifa had no choice but to ask: "Ms. Deng, did you buy a cup of Starbucks coffee for Dr. Liu Guoqiang last night?"

"Yeah, isn't it normal to drink a cup of coffee to refresh yourself during the night shift? What's wrong with that!" Deng Qiaomei said.

"Refreshing?" Huang Qifa sneered: "But we found zolpidem in the cup of coffee Dr. Liu Guoqiang drank, which is the main ingredient of sleeping pills. Ms. Deng, how do you explain this?"

"Sleeping pills? Why are there sleeping pills in the coffee?" Deng Qiaomei looked surprised.

"Ms. Deng, the police are asking you now, not you asking the police!" Huang Qifa continued: "Dr. Liu is here to work the night shift, not to sleep, so he can't give himself sleeping pills, right?
And you bought Dr. Liu's coffee, why there are sleeping pills in it, shouldn't this question be answered by you? "

"How do I know!" Deng Qiaomei replied instinctively.

"That's because you wanted to kill Dr. Liu, so you put medicine in his coffee. After he fell asleep, you went to the rest room secretly, injected an excessive amount of tranquilizer into his body, and killed him. Is it?" Huang Qifa asked forcefully.

"No, I didn't kill anyone! How could I kill him! I'm with him..." Deng Qiaomei stopped talking suddenly.

Huang Qifa said, "Ms. Deng, you want to say that you and Dr. Liu have an improper relationship between men and women! Our police have already grasped this!
And we also know that Dr. Liu intends to marry his girlfriend, so he wants to end the relationship with you. I guess this is your motive for killing!
You managed to find such a wealthy son-in-law as Dr. Liu, but in the end, Dr. Liu planned to leave you and marry another woman, so you killed him in a fit of anger, right? "

"It's not like that, I have feelings for him, and I really resent him for marrying another woman, but I didn't kill anyone!" Deng Qiaomei quickly shook her head in denial.

At this time, a subordinate came in and whispered something in Huang Qifa's ear.

Huang Qifa suddenly looked happy, and he said: "Immediately send it to the forensic test!"

Then Huang Qifa turned around and said to Deng Qiaomei: "Ms. Deng, you said you didn't kill Dr. Liu, but we found a used syringe in your locker in the locker room.

This syringe has now been handed over to forensic testing. I guess the ingredients of the tranquilizer should be found in it?You used this syringe to inject an overdose of tranquilizers into the deceased, causing his death! "

"Syringe? What syringe?" Deng Qiaomei looked confused.

"At this point, are you still denying it? It doesn't matter. I can wait. Our forensic evidence is very efficient. It won't take long for the test report to be delivered. At that time, you will be willing to go back to the police station with us. "Huang Qifa said confidently.

The efficiency of the forensic evidence was really fast, and it didn't take long for the test results to be sent to Huang Qifa's mobile phone.

"The forensic evidence is in the syringe. Midazolam, promethazine, and chlorpromazine were detected. This is exactly the same as the overdose of tranquilizers detected in the body of the deceased. In other words, this syringe is the murder weapon!"

Huang Qifa smiled triumphantly, and then said: "The coffee you gave the deceased contained sleeping pills, and the murder weapon was also found from you. The chain of evidence is very complete! Miss Deng, you need to hire a better lawyer Already!"

After finishing speaking, Huang Qifa waved his hand and said, "Take him away!"

His subordinates immediately stepped forward and handcuffed Deng Qiaomei.


In the VIP lounge of the hospital, Song Keren was not idle while waiting for her grandfather's physical examination. She was reading a financial report of a subsidiary company.

The old man who looked like a housekeeper came in, leaned into Song Keren's ear, and said in a low voice: "Miss, I have found out, the reason the police came here was because a murder occurred here, and a doctor in the oncology department was killed.

But the police have already solved the case. The murderer was a nurse who was on night shift with the doctor. She had an improper relationship with the doctor, and the doctor planned to marry someone else, so she killed the doctor in a fit of rage. "

After hearing the butler's narration, Song Keren immediately said: "No, the police must have arrested the wrong person!"

"It is said that the police are still with the nurse and found the murder weapon." The butler added.

"Tell me the details." Song Keren said.

The housekeeper narrated to Song Keren what he found out in detail.

After listening, Song Keren shook his head: "These policemen really don't know how to use their brains, they can't even see such obvious flaws! I heard that He Jiahui also participated in solving the case, right?
Did he not notice anything unusual?According to his information, didn't he have solved several bizarre cases, it seems that it was all luck.I was a little interested in him at first, but I didn't expect that he was just an idiot with well-developed limbs! "

(End of this chapter)

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