Cop Universe

Chapter 98 You Showed Evidence!

Chapter 98 You Showed Evidence!
He Jiahui suddenly realized something, and stopped abruptly.

"Jiahui, what's the matter? Is it a wound?" Ah Li hurriedly asked.

"I'd better find a wheelchair!" Qiu Junxuan said, and was about to find a wheelchair.

However, He Jiahui waved his hand: "It's not about the wound, it's because I suddenly realized a problem. In this case, our investigation may be in the wrong direction."

"You mean, Nurse Zhou is not the murderer?" Qiu Junxuan asked.

"It's hard to say, let's go, follow me to confirm a few things." He Jiahui said, and brought the two of them to the nurse's station.

Before arriving at the nurse's station, the family member in room 3 hadn't left, and was still talking to the nurse about the ineffectiveness of the sedative.

He Jiahui asked: "Sir, you said that the hospital gave your family a tranquilizer, did it happen last night?"

The family members did not answer, and looked up and down at the three of He Jiahui, one patient gown and two casual clothes, it seemed that they were patients and visiting family members.

"Patients and family members, what are you asking for? I have to be wary of strangers." The man thought to himself.

Qiu Junxuan quickly took out his ID and said, "Sir, the three of us are police officers!"

"It turned out to be the police! By the way, I heard that there was a murder case here? A doctor died and a nurse was arrested. Could it be that the nurse was the murderer?" The man instead inquired about the case with the police.

"Sir, we can't tell you about the case. But don't worry, our police will definitely protect the safety of the citizens. Now that the suspect has been captured by us, you can also treat him with peace of mind."

He Jiahui comforted him first, and then asked: "I heard from you that your family members were injected with tranquilizers, but they didn't work. What's going on?"

The man introduced: "It's like this, my father suffers from a tumor, and he was treated here. Recently, he underwent chemotherapy. The effect is still very good, and the tumor has shrunk a lot, but the sequelae after chemotherapy are a bit serious.

Nausea, vomiting, weakness, in short, I feel uncomfortable all over, and I can't sleep at night when I feel uncomfortable.Then the doctor said that a little sedative can be injected to relieve the physical pain, and I can fall asleep at night.

So yesterday the doctor gave my father a sedative. I thought he could sleep peacefully, but when I came to visit him this morning, he told me that he still stayed up all night last night, and the original symptoms did not disappear. .

That is to say, the sedative prescribed by the doctor has no effect at all, and the medicine given by the hospital has no effect. Naturally, I have to ask the nurse for clarification. "

He Jiahui nodded slightly, and then asked the nurse: "Nurse, I know that it does take some time for many medicines to take effect. But things like tranquilizers should take effect soon after use, right? "

The nurse replied: "Theoretically, the sedative works quickly, but it is also restricted by many considerable factors. For example, people who often use sedatives will develop drug resistance; Class sedatives, insensitivity, these may reduce the effect of sedatives."

"Then what category does this patient belong to?" He Jiahui asked.

"Medical medicine is a very complicated issue. This requires a doctor to come to make a judgment." The nurse's answer was watertight.

He Jiahui said again: "Then can I take a look at the doctor's order of this patient?" He Jiahui asked again.

The nurse immediately shook her head: "I'm very sorry, the doctor's order is a medical document, which is protected by law. Without the permission of the superior, we can't disclose the medical document, otherwise it will be leaking the patient's privacy. Sir, if you want to see the doctor's order, please Show a search warrant."

Of course, He Jiahui didn't have the time to apply for a search warrant, so he said, "The family members of the patient want to see it, so it's not a leak of privacy, right?"

Then He Jiahui winked at the family member.

"Yes, now I want to see the doctor's order!" The family member said immediately.

Mutual distrust between doctors and patients is not a unique phenomenon in mainland China, it is actually similar all over the world.

After the doctor has finished speaking, the patient casually searches the Internet to verify whether what the doctor said is correct, and it is not uncommon in foreign countries.

This was the case with the patient's family. The sedative had no effect, which made him question the hospital. In addition, He Jiahui mentioned a doctor's order, which was tantamount to reminding him that the family member immediately said that he needed to see the doctor's order.

He Jiahui went on to say: "Nurse, now the family members of the patient want to see the doctor's order, so there should be no need for a search warrant, right? He has the power."

The nurse nodded helplessly, then handed the tablet to the family members, and said:
"This is yesterday's doctor's order in Ward 3, and the execution of the doctor's order. It includes the doctor who gave the doctor's order, the time when the doctor's order was issued, the nurse who executed the doctor's order, and the time when the doctor's order was executed. Each item is confirmed."

The family members took the tablet and looked down, and He Jiahui also leaned over to look at it.

"50 mg of midazolam injection, plus 50 ml of sodium chloride injection, pumped continuously at 2 ml per hour. The doctor's order was issued at [-] o'clock yesterday afternoon, and the execution time was [-] o'clock yesterday evening."

In the next second, He Jiahui suddenly realized the problem.

"Midazolam injection? I remember that midazolam was also detected in that needle!"

Thinking of this, He Jiahui asked, "Nurse, did any patients use the two tranquilizers promethazine and chlorpromazine yesterday?"

"I'm sorry, Sir, this involves the patient's privacy. Unless you have a search warrant, I can't disclose it." The nurse said with a straight face.

"I don't need to know which patient took the sedative, I just want to know, did you give the patient promethazine and chlorpromazine yesterday! This is not a leak of the patient's privacy!" He Jiahui said.

"The medication information needs to be recorded in the medical record, as long as it is recorded in the medical record, it is considered the patient's privacy!" The nurse still had a cold attitude.

Although Xiangjiang's management of medical record privacy is very strict.However, the nurse's attitude clearly made it difficult for He Jiahui on purpose, probably because the nurse felt that He Jiahui connected with the patient's family and made trouble for them.

"It has to be business-like, right? If that's the case, don't blame me for turning your face." He Jiahui was a little annoyed immediately, he snorted coldly, and said:
"The police found promethazine and chlorpromazine in the needle that killed Dr. Liu. Now I suspect that these two tranquilizers came from your hospital, which means that your hospital provided the murderer with the killing drugs.

If I apply for a search warrant, I will also use this reason. Do you think this is good or bad for your hospital?Not only did a murderer appear in the hospital, but they also provided assistance to the murderer, and provided the medicine used for the murder. If this spread, what would those gossip magazines write about?
I heard that Dean Lu is very concerned about image!At that time, it is uncertain whether the relevant personnel will be held accountable, or whether a person directly responsible will be sacrificed! "

After hearing these words, the nurse's expression froze immediately.

Seeing that the intimidation was effective, He Jiahui continued, "Of course, the sirs are not unkind. As long as the citizens are willing to cooperate with the investigation, the sirs will not waste police power and go through the procedures to apply for a search warrant.

In addition, I want to emphasize again that I am not interested in the personal information of the patients. I just want to know whether any patients used the two tranquilizers of promethazine and chlorpromazine yesterday. "

He Jiahui was also a master interrogator back then, and many criminals with good psychological quality couldn't pass He Jiahui's test. How could a nurse be He Jiahui's opponent?

"Promethazine and chlorpromazine are commonly used tranquilizers in our oncology department. They should have been used yesterday!" The nurse reluctantly chose to compromise.

"What I want is not 'should', but exact information." He Jiahui continued to press.

The nurse took the tablet computer, checked it, and then said, "A patient did use promethazine and chlorpromazine yesterday."

"How much?" He Jiahui continued to ask.

"They are all routine dosages, 25 mg of promethazine solution, plus 25 mg of chlorpromazine solution, intramuscular injection. There were two such orders yesterday afternoon." The nurse replied.

"It adds up to 50 mg of promethazine and 50 mg of chlorpromazine." He Jiahui nodded, and then asked, "Who is the doctor who ordered it?"

"Well..." The nurse hesitated again.

I talked about the dosage of sedatives before, because it is a routine dosage, so nurses can say it.

This is like the "two tablets three times a day" marked on the drug instructions. Anyone who is sick has to take medicine according to this standard. Even if it is said, it is not a leak of medical record information.

But if you talk about the doctor's order, it involves the issue of confidentiality of medical records, and nurses dare not disclose it at will.

He Jiahui saw the nurse's embarrassment, and he said, "Let me ask another way, is it Dr. Cai Shude who gave the doctor's order? If not, you can immediately deny it."

He Jiahui's subtext is, if it is not, you can deny it, but if it is, you don't have to admit it.In this case, you didn't say anything, I guessed it myself, and you don't count as leaking medical record information.

The nurse did not deny it, but responded with silence.

"As expected!" He Jiahui sighed lightly, and said to Ah Li and Qiu Junxuan beside him, "We caught the wrong person, the murderer was not Zhou Yuting."

"Abducted the wrong person again? The murderer is not Zhou Yuting, who is that?" A Li asked a silly question.

"There are only three suspects in total, not Deng Qiaomei, not Zhou Yuting, who else!" He Jiahui said, took out his mobile phone, and dialed Huang Qifa's phone number.

"Sir Huang, I'm He Jiahui, and I've found another important clue. The murderer is not Zhou Yuting, we caught the wrong person. Hurry up and bring someone back, don't forget to bring the forensic evidence!"


Huang Qifa went back to the hospital in a panic.

"You said on the phone that you found an important clue, what is it?" Huang Qifa asked straight to the point.

"I need forensic evidence to verify my guess. Is the forensic witness here?" He Jiahui said, looking behind Huang Qifa.

"Here we are, right behind." Huang Qifa said.

"Please ask the forensic officer to test whether there is midazolam in the infusion pump in Ward 3." He Jiahui said.

"Midazolam? It sounds familiar!" Huang Qifa thought for a while and said, "Remember, this substance was detected in the syringe that killed Liu Guoqiang. Could it be that those midazolam From Ward 3? The patient in Ward 3 is an accomplice?"

Huang Qifa's imagination is still very rich, and he still hasn't used it in the right place.

He Jiahui shook his head helplessly: "I'll tell you the details after a while, let's let the forensic test first!"

The forensic evidence immediately started to take action. After the inspection, we came back to report: "We tested the infusion pump in Ward 3, and there was only normal saline in it, but no midazolam was found."

"Sure enough, if this is the case, there will be evidence." He Jiahui let out a long breath, and continued; "Huang sir, prepare to arrest someone!"

"Catch who?" Huang Qifa asked subconsciously.

"There are only three suspects in total, and you have already arrested the remaining two. If you arrest another person, who else can you arrest!" He Jiahui asked back, and then said;

"By the way, there was a doctor here before, named Sun Jiacheng, who has already gone to England, help me find his contact information, I need to confirm something."

"Sun Jiacheng? Is that the doctor Deng Qiaomei mentioned, who had a conflict with the deceased? I remember that he immigrated to the UK more than half a year ago. He is not here, so he should have nothing to do with the case. What do you ask him for?" Huang Qifa asked road.

He Jiahui replied: "Our Xiangjiang recognizes British doctors, but the recognition of Xiangjiang doctors in the UK is not very high. So I have been thinking that Dr. Sun Jiacheng must have some skills to immigrate to the UK.

Since it can be recognized by the UK, Dr. Sun Jiacheng should be able to flourish if he stays in Xiangjiang, right?And after he had a conflict with the deceased, he immigrated to the UK soon, which I think is more like an escape.So just wanted to investigate. "


"Mr. Cai Shude, you are suspected of murdering Dr. Liu Guoqiang, and now you are being arrested. You can keep silent, but everything you say will become evidence in court!"

Facing the arrival of the police, Cai Shude looked surprised.

"Sir, did you make a mistake? Isn't Zhou Yuting the murderer who killed Dr. Liu? She still wants to blame me, and you have already caught her!" Cai Shude said innocently.

He Jiahui took a step forward: "Zhou Yuting is just a poor scapegoat, we have found evidence to prove that the real culprit who killed Dr. Liu Guoqiang was you!
In order to kill Liu Guoqiang, you should have made adequate preparations, and you originally planned to blame Deng Qiaomei, so you prepared the key to Deng Qiaomei's cabinet in advance, and you prepared sleeping pills in advance. "

"Sir, I don't know what you're talking about." Cai Shude shook his head.

He Jiahui continued: "Last night, Deng Qiaomei bought coffee for the deceased Liu Guoqiang, and you thought it was a good time to start, so you stayed on the grounds of writing medical records.

When the deceased was not paying attention, you put sleeping pills in the coffee of the deceased. After the deceased drank the coffee, the effect of the medicine took effect, and he went to the rest room to rest. After the deceased fell asleep, he went to the rest room and took an excessive amount of tranquilizers. killed the dead.

Then you went to the locker room and put the syringe in Deng Qiaomei's cabinet to blame Deng Qiaomei.Later, when you were questioned by the police, you also deliberately mentioned that Deng Qiaomei had an improper relationship with the deceased, so as to divert the police's attention to Deng Qiaomei.

According to your plan, as long as the police investigate Deng Qiaomei, they will find her cabinet, and then they can find the syringe, and the cup of coffee containing sleeping pills, which was bought by Deng Qiaomei for the deceased, then the police will think that, The murderer was Deng Qiaomei.

But what you didn't expect was that Deng Qiaomei forgot to bring the key of the cabinet. She never opened her cabinet at all. Your plan to blame her failed.So you had an idea and decided to shift the target of blame.

You stuffed that key into Zhou Yuting's pocket secretly. In this way, when the police search again, they will find the key with Zhou Yuting, and they will think that Zhou Yuting is the real murderer.

And you can also take advantage of the situation and tell the police that Zhou Yuting and Deng Qiaomei are competing for the position of head nurse assistant, which will give Zhou Yuting a motive for committing the crime.

However, Zhou Yuting found the key in her pocket before the police searched. At the same time, she also made a wrong decision. Instead of telling the police immediately, she stuffed the key into your pocket.

Zhou Yuting blamed you for this behavior, I guess you should know about it?So you decide to go with the flow, pretend not to know, and put on a good show.

When the police found the keys from your pocket, you first pretended to be surprised, then started to defend yourself, and then asked the police to check the fingerprints on the keys.

Because you know very well that the key does not have your fingerprints on it, and when Zhou Yuting put the key in your pocket, her fingerprints were stained on it.As long as the fingerprints are tested, Zhou Yuting's identity as the murderer can be confirmed!

Things went exactly as you planned, we found Zhou Yuting's fingerprints on the key, and you pretended to be wronged, and told the police that Zhou Yuting and Deng Qiaomei were competing for the head nurse's assistant, confirming Zhou Yuting's motives , you will be exonerated! "

"Hehe, police officer, your story is very exciting, but a story is a story after all. I am innocent. I have never done what you said." Cai Shude said calmly.

Seeing that Cai Shude was so confident, He Jiahui asked, "Mr. Cai, do you think that the police can't find any evidence for what you did so seamlessly?"

"Sir, you don't need to talk to me. I just said that I am innocent, so there is no evidence." Cai Shude said confidently.

He Jiahui chuckled: "Do you think we would dare to come and arrest people if we didn't find any evidence?"

Cai Shude pouted his lips in disdain, and said arrogantly: "Then you have to show evidence!"

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(End of this chapter)

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