boy of science

Chapter 117 "Oni-chan, I need to go to the bathroom, meow."

Chapter 117 "Oni-chan, I need to go to the toilet meow~."

Shy, angry, flustered...

Shy because of "kissing"; annoyed because of saying such words suddenly; and flustered because of "kissing".

Bai Ye wants to kiss her?

it's here?Now?

Is it just kissing?
Many thoughts popped up in Misaka Mikoto's mind.

This is her dream world, which will be affected by her consciousness, and the pure white background is gradually changing.

Ambiguous pink...

Or turn into the yellow of R18?
You can also work hard to hide your thoughts in the real world.

But in a spiritual world like a dream, it is difficult to hide one's own thoughts and emotions. After all, Misaka Mikoto is not a Qi refiner, or even a person with spiritual abilities.

So Bai Ye could clearly perceive her thoughts and emotions through the changes of the dream scene.

There is no need for the girl to admit it herself, because the answer is already very obvious.


As a result, they didn't say much in the dream, let alone do anything, and the boys and girls quickly woke up from the dream.

Tokiwadai student dormitory building.

After waking up, Misaka Mikoto opened her eyes, her heart beat a little fast, her cheeks and ears were also hot.

Thinking about what Bai Ye said in the dream, shyness and a little reproach appeared in his eyes.

He muttered a few times, looked at Heizi Shirai next door, and found that she was sleeping soundly.

The incident of Fantasia Yushou is over, this perverted junior doesn't need to get up early and run to "work".

Look at the sky through the window, and pick up the phone to check the time.

Putting down the phone and pulling his huge puppet bear into his arms, he remembered the things in the dream again, and couldn't help but snort again.


Close your eyes after speaking.

It's not dawn yet, let's go back to sleep.


Bai Ye here also opened his eyes.

Thinking about Saten Renko, and then thinking about Misaka Mikoto, I felt a little bit in the back of my mind, I just shook my head after thinking for a long time.

"It's really strange."

As he was talking, he suddenly found that Fremea had woken up, lifted the quilt and sat on the bed, yawning and rubbing his eyes.

He squinted his eyes again to check the situation in the room, and turned his attention to Bai Ye.

"Oni-chan, is Hatsune-sister already here?"

"Not yet."


Fremea responded lightly.

Looking at her sister who was still sound asleep, she carefully got off the bed and threw herself into the arms of Bai Ye who stood up from the ground.

"When will Hatsune-san come over meow~?"

"Wait until after breakfast."


The little girl who just woke up was a little confused, not sure when she usually finished her breakfast.

He simply stopped thinking about it and acted like a baby while hugging Bai Ye.

"Oni-chan, I need to go to the toilet meow~."

"Then you go."

"But I don't want to move now, I probably don't have the strength meow~, it's better for Oni-chan to carry me."

When I first woke up, I really didn't want to move.

Bai Ye touched her little head, and then directly hugged her.

"Okay, let's go to the bathroom."



When Frenda got up, Fremea was already fully awake, and was sitting there letting Bai Ye help comb her hair.

The younger sister is getting closer and closer to the master, and Frenda thinks this is very good.

They really do look like siblings.

The girl didn't think much, got up and got out of bed and went to the bathroom.


Dory thinks that "summer vacation" is very good, because she can often see Shokuhou Misaki.

It's a pity that there is still no news from the police.

Although Bai Ye said that they would definitely meet again, he didn't say when, so Dolly was a little anxious.

She wanted to ask Bai Ye for an inquiry, but she didn't have time recently because Shokuhou Misaki had her schedule full.

Today is also going to go out to play with Shokuhou Misaki.

Knowing that Hatsune Miku is going to find Bai Ye, she still feels very envious.

"I haven't seen Bai Ye for a long time."

As a doll without a soul, Hatsune Miku couldn't understand this kind of emotion, so I didn't discuss this topic with her.

Just go into "canny sister" mode and whip up Dolly's breakfast.

"The master sent me a message, hoping that I can go back soon, can you wait for Shokuhou-san at home?"

"Well, yes."

Saying this, Dolly raised her hand and patted her chest.

"Don't worry, I'm much better now and can take care of myself."

"Then I'll go first."



Hatsune Miku who left the residence did not take a detour to other places, but walked back directly to Bai Ye's dormitory.

It really means "going back", because that is her home.

Although she still doesn't understand the meaning of "home".

Today's task is to take care of a little girl named "Fremea".

Quickly returned to Bai Ye's dormitory, just as he opened the door and walked into the entrance, he heard footsteps.

Soon a little blond girl ran up to her.

He stopped and blinked, his beautiful eyes full of curiosity.

Then get pleasantly surprised.

"It's Hatsune Miku, it's really Hatsune Miku, it's amazing meow~!"

The little girl jumped up and down happily, and she was not afraid of strangers at all, she ran two steps again and threw herself into Hatsune Miku's arms.

Hatsune Miku entered the "gentle sister next door" mode, controlling her face to show a gentle smile.

"Yes, I am Hatsune Miku, please give me your advice."


At home, I saw not only Fremea, but also her older sister, Frenda.

But there was not much communication, and soon under Bai Ye's order, he took Fremea out of the dormitory.

Bai Ye's arrangement for today is to stay in the dormitory and teach Fulanda how to practice.

He didn't mention the possibility he "saw" so as not to affect Frenda's state of mind.

Frenda didn't think much of it either.

Obediently following Bai Ye's instructions, sat down cross-legged on the bed, and started today's qi refining task.


The mission of Mushan Chunsheng and Mingtu Zhuhun is to rescue the comatose students.

They already have a treatment plan, and the feasibility is very high, but whether it will be successful or not is another matter.

After preparation in advance, try to wake up those students today.


No.19 school district.

Chun Shangjinyi, who didn't know what to do after the summer vacation, was wandering in the street.

Suddenly there seemed to be a familiar voice, the voice of a long lost best friend.

"Where? Kizuna, where are you?"

Chun Shang Jinyi looked around in a daze, but he couldn't see his friend at all.

Before she could think about it, there was a sudden tremor, but it passed quickly.

Pedestrians coming and going also became dazed.

"what's the situation?"


"It seems so."


Earthquakes are not uncommon in this country. Anyway, there will be earthquakes from time to time, either here or there, so everyone is used to it.

As long as it is not a large earthquake with super destructive power, then don't worry about it.

So after discussing a few words, I ended this topic and continued to do my own thing. The occasional shock did not cause any waves.

Chun Shangjinyi, who was standing there, remembered the past.

If I remember correctly, it seems that Edamari went to the seventh school district?

Thinking about it this way, Chun Shang Jinyi quickly made a decision: "Transfer to the seventh school district to find Kizuna Ri-chan."

Then I thought of another person.

"Bai Ye seems to be in the seventh school district too."

 I haven't had a good rest these days

  The mental pressure is also quite high

  So the update is just...

  Anyway please don't worry

  Will work hard to update the codeword
(End of this chapter)

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