boy of science

Chapter 144 "They are all my little maids."

Chapter 144 "They are all my little maids."

That night, in the dream world.

Seeing this boy again, Misaka Mikoto's mood that had finally calmed down was rippling again.

Bai Ye is still the same, no different from before.

But what I'm talking about today is not knowledge related to spells, but trying to say something brand new.

Of course, before saying that, you have to ask: "Mikoto, do you want to become stronger?"


Bai Ye seldom calls her by her name, and basically calls her "flat-chested cannon".

To say her name...

What impressed me most was that when Aleister was almost cursed to death, Bai Ye ran up to her at the first moment, calling her name anxiously.

Thinking of what happened at that time and the past, the girl couldn't help biting her lips.

He asked curiously again: "Become stronger? Are you going to teach me new spells?"

"It's not a spell, it's Qi refining."

"Qi refining?"

Misaka Mikoto thought about it carefully, and soon found a similar concept: "Is it the kind of qi refining that the Taoist next door said?"

"Of course not."

Bai Ye shook his head in denial.

He also explained a few sentences casually: "Although there are many theories that are the same, my qi refining and immortal cultivation are two completely different concepts from Taoist qi refining and immortal cultivation. One thing."


To be honest, the girl couldn't understand it, because there were no related concepts in her mind.

It seems that the teenager doesn't need her to understand, all he needs is her to know that they are two completely different systems.

At most, they are superficially similar.

Bai Ye also hesitated for a long time before deciding to teach her, and he had to explain things clearly before that.

"Refinement can make you stronger, but your lifespan will also become very long. You have to watch your parents, relatives and friends grow old and die slowly."

He paused at this point, then suddenly added: "Maybe there are husbands and children."

"...Your words are redundant."

"is it?"

The teenager blinked.

Then he waved his hand to indicate that it was not important: "Anyway, you should think carefully about it first. If you can accept it, I will teach you. If you can't accept it, just pretend that I didn't say these words."

"Actually, there's nothing to think about."

Misaka Mikoto didn't think about it, but asked a rhetorical question: "Don't I need to watch my parents, relatives and friends grow old and die if I don't learn this qi refining?"

"...that's true."

Bai Ye felt a little demented.

But it's okay.

Ignore the occasional stupidity, and continue to explain: "If you want the Spirit Sword to evolve to a complete state and exert its full power, it is necessary to refine Qi, because only in this way can you cultivate Zixiao Shenlei."

"Zixiao Shenlei..."

This was a topic discussed not long ago, and Bai Ye said it was a "supernatural power".

When she asked "what is supernatural power", Bai Ye suddenly asked the question "Can I kiss you?"

Then the discussion is over.

The subject was never brought up again after that.

It seems that Bai Ye was also hesitant and entangled until he got the answer recently, so he asked her tonight if she wanted to refine Qi?

Blinking eyes and Bai Ye looked at each other a few times, did not ask for details, but expressed doubts: "Is it impossible to master Zixiao Shenlei without refining Qi?"

"It is still possible to master the Zixiao Divine Thunder without refining Qi, but it is very difficult, and even if it succeeds, it is estimated that it will not be able to completely control that power, just like those demon gods."

If the demon god can completely control his own power, he doesn't need to hide in the "hidden world".

"Let's not talk about the devil, have you decided to refine Qi?"

Byakuya stared at Misaka Mikoto and asked.

The girl nodded firmly: "Yes."

"Okay then, I'll start teaching you, first of all, 'qi', the qi of the five elements, the five elements are concepts, and 'qi' is also a concept, the whole world is made up of the five elements..."


As a result, this time I didn't talk about magic, but taught a lot of basic knowledge of qi refining.

Teaching Misaka Mikoto is easier than teaching Prison Saimi and Mugino Shirley.

Thanks to Tokiwadai's education, Misaka Mikoto has long learned the language of the neighbors, and also has a lot of understanding of culture.

Because of being close to Bai Ye, he has also learned a lot of new knowledge recently.

With such a foundation, it is naturally easy to understand the basics of Qi training taught by Bai Ye.

Bai Ye felt very satisfied.

"Your progress in refining Qi may be faster than Shen Li and the others."

"...Who is Shen Li?"

Misaka Mikoto is obviously more concerned about the identity of the strange girl.

Bai Ye didn't hide it: "Just like Haimei, she is my little maid, and so is the Flanda you met in the dormitory before."

"...That's it."

Misaka Mikoto had no expression on her face, showing no emotions.

Bai Ye didn't think too much, but waved goodbye to her: "Let's go here tonight, you will be busy with the midsummer festival tomorrow, so sleep well and recharge your spirits."



Misaka Mikoto slept comfortably in the second half of the night, and woke up feeling refreshed the next day.

But thinking about what he was going to do at the Midsummer Festival today, he couldn't help but sigh.

Shirai Kuroko had finished washing, and even her naturally curly hair was done and tied into twin ponytails.

"Sister, good morning."

Kuroko Shirai who opened the curtains to allow more light came over to greet Misaka Mikoto.

Recently, this older sister always goes to bed earlier and wakes up later than her.

Do you like sleeping that much?

"Today is the midsummer festival, sister, you should get up quickly, Heizi, I will make preparations first."

Shirai Kuroko left the dormitory after speaking.

But before closing the door, he said: "By the way, my lord, I am looking forward to your violin solo Heizi."

"... Alas~."

Looking at the closed door, Misaka Mikoto could only sigh.

Why did she have to play it?
To be honest, she doesn't think violin, flower arrangement and so on are suitable for her.

But there is no way.

He lifted the quilt and got out of bed, and was about to wash up when there was a knock on the door.


"Ah, yes, please come in."

The one who opened the door and came in was naturally Miss Dorm Supervisor, holding two sets of clothes in her hand.

One is a white dress, worn when performing the violin solo.

Another set is...

Maid outfit?
Thinking of the little maid Bai Ye talked about in her dream, Misaka Mikoto couldn't help pouting.

"This is the clothes to be worn today, you can change into them later, and wear the dresses until the performance."


Let the ladies wear maid outfits to entertain guests...

Is this trying to make a contrast?

Misaka Mikoto was thinking wildly in her mind, but she didn't ask.

The dorm supervisor put down her clothes and left, and the door closed again.

Misaka Mikoto picked up the maid outfit and was about to wash and change when a boy suddenly appeared beside her.

"Maid's outfit, it looks very good. Oh, there are still white silks, but it's a pity that they are not knee socks."

"...Why are you here?"

"You asked me to come."

"I didn't ask you to come into my bedroom at this time."

"It's almost the same."

The boy waved his hand, expressing that he doesn't need to care about such trivial things.

Then he squatted down and reached out to grab the girl's pajama pants.

"Do you want to change your clothes? I'll help you take it off..."


The girl kicked him in the face.

(End of this chapter)

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