boy of science

Chapter 148 "Is this how Miku spent his hard-earned money?"

Chapter 148 "Is this how Miku spent his hard-earned money?"

There are many dormitories in Zhachuan Middle School, some are single dormitories and some are double dormitories.

Bai Ye and Saten Saten lived in single dormitories.

Chuchun Ri lives in a double dormitory, but she doesn't have a roommate yet, because the other students already have places to live.

In fact, there are still vacant dormitories.

But after careful consideration, Mr. Dayu decided to let Chunshang Jinyi and Chuchun Zhuli live together.

"I'm really sorry for the sudden arrangement, but I hope that you, as the discipline committee member of our school, can take good care of her."

After hearing this, Uiharu Shiri looked at the armband on his right arm.

Then make a promise: "Yes, leave it to me."

Teacher Dayu nodded.

Chun Shangjinyi, who looked a little nervous, looked at this classmate with a head full of flowers, felt the enthusiasm and tenderness of the other party, and smiled unconsciously on his face.

"My name is Chunshang Jinyi, please give me your advice, nah."


RSPK syndrome.

This refers to the temporary disorder of self-control of the ability user, which unconsciously causes the situation of losing control of one's own ability.

In the case of simultaneous occurrence of this symptom, the disorganized abilities will merge with each other, and then cause the phenomenon of "disorderly opening".

The so-called "messy and open", the specific manifestations are: earthquakes, objects floating and flying randomly, or other various changes.

At the end of July and the beginning of August, the phenomenon of "messy opening" mainly occurred in the No.19 school district.

But now a similar phenomenon is starting to emerge in District [-].

Last night, the phenomenon of "disorderly openness" happened to Level 4's powerful users.

This is a very rare situation, so that person with great ability was hospitalized in the research institute of MAR headquarters for observation.

The current "messy open" thing is handled by the MAR (Advanced Conditions Rescue Team).

Its captain is named: Teristina Kihara Liverain.

Because the phenomenon of "messy and open" tends to transfer from No.19 school district to No.[-] school district, MAR has contacted the security guards and discipline committee here to discuss this matter together.


Chunshang Jinyi will move to District [-] tomorrow.

Chuchun Zhuli made an appointment with her, then sent her to the station, watched her get on the tram back to No.19 school district, and then went to the 177th branch to start today's work.

By the way, he told Gufa Meiwei and Shirai Heizi about the transfer students, saying that he might be late tomorrow to start work.

I thought there was nothing wrong with this, but Gufa Meiwei shook his head.

"I just received the notice that there will be a joint meeting with the security guards tomorrow, and the two of you will also attend."

"Joint meeting?"

"Related to the recent 'earthquake'."

"……I see."

Shirai Heizi nodded to express his understanding.

Chuchun Zhuli was very embarrassed: "What should I do? I have already made an appointment with Chunshang."


Gufa Meiwei thought about it carefully, and then gave a solution: "How about this, you don't have to come over tomorrow, just meet me at the venue, and you can arrange the time before that."

"Really? That would be great."

The meeting didn't start that early, so we should be able to arrange the spring clothes.


Bai Ye's messy work at the Midsummer Festival was soon known by Shokuhou Misaki.

Today I happened to meet at Hatsune Miku again, and while chatting, I brought up this topic that shocked many young ladies.

"This has been spread in the garden of the school house. Many students want to see and bid 100 million yuan to buy the original..."

Shokuhou Misaki was too embarrassed to say this, so I omitted it directly.

"I want to see who you are."

Although she didn't finish speaking, Hatsune Miku could fully understand.

So the puppet girl glanced at Bai Ye: "The master is really generous. You can buy a pair of original fat times for 100 million. Are you spending all the hard-earned money of Miku on this kind of place?"

"How is it possible, I have never bought a girl's original flavor."

Although there are indeed girls selling such things, and there are indeed perverts who buy them back for collection.

But Bai Ye would not buy it.

"Miku, you know that if I really want this thing, I can just go to Frenda and the others and ask for it. There is no need to spend money to buy it."

Hatsune Miku and Bai Ye looked at each other for a few moments, then stretched their hands into the skirt as if taking off their panties.

"If Master really wants, Miku can be taken off right now and stuffed into your mouth."

"...Don't come to join in the fun. Your body is all made by me, so it doesn't attract me much."

As Bai Ye spoke, he looked at Shokuhou Misaki, showing a pure and innocent smile.

"Fucking sauce is about the same."


Shokuhou Misaki pretended not to hear.

Hatsune Miku gave a soft "hum" to express his dissatisfaction with the master.

Dolly was in a daze, as if she understood, but also as if she didn't understand.

She simply can't keep up with the content of this kind of conversation.

But she was still able to extract some key information: "Does Bai Ye want to fuck Qi-chan's panties?"


Byakuya turned to stare at Shokuhou Misaki's skirt.

The girl subconsciously clamped her legs, her face was red, she was ashamed and annoyed.

Surely this shouldn't be mentioned.

Fortunately, Bai Ye quickly looked away.

"Fat times are the most valuable when worn on girls, so I don't want them, let them play their value well."


Dolly still half understood.

But she didn't pay much attention to this, and soon talked about other things with Bai Ye.


No.19 school district.

Back in the dormitory, Chunshang Jinyi continued to pack his luggage, packing more than a dozen boxes, large and small.

I can't finish the move by myself, so I called the moving company directly and agreed to come over tomorrow morning to help carry the luggage.

After finishing the call, put away the phone, and turned to look outside the balcony.

Starting tomorrow, I will be living in District [-].

But when will we meet Shiraiya, and when will we find Edase Tanri?

Speaking of which, I forgot to ask that early spring classmate today.

Since she is a classmate, she should know Bai Ye's address.

"Let's ask when we meet tomorrow."


Time soon came to the next day.

Misaka Mikoto, Shirai Kuroko and Saten Reiko walked together, heading towards Uiharu Shiri's dormitory.

Because I heard that she has a roommate, I want to go and see it.

"Chuchun's roommate is my alternate best friend."

Ruiko Saten, who seemed happy, even made such a declaration.

As soon as the three girls walked near the dormitory where Chuchun Shili was, they saw Chuchun Shili waving at them from a distance.

Standing next to Uiharu Shiri was a girl in a pink dress.

"This is student Chunshang Jinyi."

When they came to the side, Chuchun Shiri immediately began to introduce each other.

"Then here are Shirai Kuroko from Tokiwadai Middle School, Misaka Mikoto-senpai, and Saten Renko who is in our class."


Speaking of this, Chunshang Jinyi remembered: I haven't asked about Bai Ye yet.

Although it's not a good time to ask this question, in order to prevent myself from forgetting again, Chun Shang Jin Yi still reached out and tugged at the corner of Chu Chun Shili's clothes.

"Well, Chuchun, do we still have a classmate named 'Bai Ye', hey?"


The four girls were either surprised or stunned.

This girl who just transferred from another school actually knew Bai Ye?What is their relationship?
(End of this chapter)

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