boy of science

Chapter 150 "Probably a small pet."

Chapter 150 "Probably a small pet."

The three-party joint meeting of the Disciplinary Committee, the Security Officer, and MAR was held in the headquarters of the Seventh School District of the Security Officer.

The representative of the security guards is Aiho Koizumikawa.

Anyway, it was a formal occasion, so the clothes should not be so casual, so she no longer wore sportswear, but formal clothes.

"The cause of the recent frequent earthquakes has been identified, and the conclusion is that this is not an earthquake."

Huang Quanchuan Aiho, who has a straightforward personality, didn't talk so much nonsense, and directly stated the results of the investigation.

RSPK syndrome, messy open.

The interpretation of these two terms is left to Teristina of MAR.

The security officers and MAR are really responsible for handling these matters, and the disciplinary committee is responsible for public opinion management.


The joint meeting ended sooner than expected.

Leaving the meeting room and walking outside the main building of the security guard's seventh school district, Uiharu Shiri immediately took out his mobile phone to call Saten Saten and asked them where they are now.

Gufa Meiwei frowned.

"Not right."


Shirai Heizi who was standing next to him looked at the busty JK suspiciously: "Senior Gufa, did you find any problem?"

"I have never heard of RSPK syndrome occurring in multiple places at the same time; and the way of coping this time always feels very wrong."

The experienced discipline committee members basically have a certain idea of ​​how to deal with certain incidents, so it is easy to find that something is wrong with this situation.

But it was just a suspicion, with neither clues nor evidence, so no one questioned it easily.

"It's time to investigate."

Gufa Meiwei made up his mind.

Look at Shirai Kuroko and Uiharu Shiri, and haven't said much to them yet.

Let's wait until we find clues.


Chunshang Jinyi and Bai Ye are very close, not like normal friends, but they are not siblings, nor are they lovers.

So what kind of relationship is it?
While eating crepes in a certain plaza, Misaka Mikoto pretended to casually bring up this topic.

"what relationship?"

Bai Ye, who gave her crepe to Chunshang Jinyi, thought about it carefully.

Then give the answer: "Probably the little pets you feed."


Misaka Mikoto was silent.

Saten Reniko glanced at Shirao, thinking about the "maid", her mood was probably a little bit complicated.

Chunshang Jinyi didn't comment, because he was busy eating crepes.

The way he eats with all his heart is so cute.

It was so cute that even Misaka Mikoto couldn't help handing her her crepe after she finished eating.

Saten Ruiko probably didn't want the atmosphere to become strange, so she began to tell them the latest urban legend.

Which happens to include "messy open".

Unlike the various explanations at the joint meeting, Saten Ruiko said all kinds of speculations on the Internet.

"It is said that there will be a super-large 'chaotic opening' soon, and Academy City will suffer disaster."

"It's supernatural."


Saten Renko talked very enthusiastically, but unfortunately, neither Bai Ye nor Misaka Mikoto had much interest in it.

Chunshang Jinyi is still devoting herself to eating crepes.

Of course, it doesn't matter, what Saten Ruiko wants is to divert their attention so that the atmosphere doesn't become strange.

It would be no fun if it turned into a Shura field.


After receiving Uiharu Shiri's call, the two parties made an appointment to meet at a place: a game hall called "GAU".

This was Misaka Mikoto's suggestion.

This is the game hall she often comes to, and the environment is still very good, not as smoky as some game halls.

There are many students here, friends and classmates in groups of three or four, and couples who are in pairs.

Then Bai Ye drew a wave of hatred, because there were several beautiful and lovely girls by his side.

People always like to impose what they want on others.

Some people think they are just friends and don't think much of it.

Some people maliciously speculate about their relationship.

As far as the current situation is concerned, they have indeed wronged Bai Ye.

Chuchun Zhuli seems to be very willing to get close to Chunshang Jinyi, and has been staying by her side and taking her to play various games.

It was the first time for Chunshang Jinyi to come to this kind of place, and everything here was very novel to her.

Misaka Mikoto, Saten Reiko, and Shirai Kuroko were all secretly observing this new classmate, trying to find out what kind of character she was.

Simple, kind, natural...

Anyway, she's a cute little girl.

Bai Ye didn't stay with them, but ran to play games by himself, thinking about his long-gone childhood.


Several girls were running around.

When Bai Ye went to find them, they all stayed in the lounge.

Uiharu Shiri and Harukami Jinyi sat on the sofa and pressed their phones, while Misaka Mikoto and the others drank drinks in front of the vending machine.

By the way, let's discuss the matter of wearing a spring jacket.

He doesn't look like a bad guy, but he's just too natural and dumb.

"Yo, it's all here."

Byakuya waved at Harukami with a smile, walked up to Misaka Mikoto and the others, and stuffed money into the vending machine to buy drinks.

Sometimes he will be unruly, but sometimes he will be very polite.

Depends on how you can make yourself happy.

Just as he picked up the drink he bought and was about to open it, he suddenly found that the three girls were all looking at the sofa.

Turning his head to look over, he found that Chunshang Jinyi was standing up and walking forward.

"Wait, classmate Chunshang..."

Chuchun Shili wanted to remind her, but it was too late.

Chunshang Jinyi hit the glass with a "bang" and fell to the ground.

"Chunshang classmate!"

Chuchun Shili hurried over.

Sitting on the ground, Chunshang Jinyi covered his head, but still stubbornly raised his finger and pointed to the poster pasted on the opposite side.



Chuchun Shili looked in the direction she was pointing, and found that it was a promotional poster for the fireworks festival.

Misaka Mikoto over here also saw that poster.

"Fireworks show, speaking of it, the time seems to be tonight."

Saten Ruiko said and started to drink again.

After hearing this, Misaka Mikoto thought about it carefully, and then made a suggestion: "Let's go watch it together."

Shirai Heizi immediately said: "It's really good, let's go in a bathrobe."

Saten Ruiko did not object.

Even Chuchun Zhuli and Chunshang Jinyi would not object.

Only Bai Ye remained silent, standing there gulping his drink.

The girls all turned to look at him.


Bai Ye swallowed the drink in his mouth, and looked at them strangely: "Why are you looking at me, do you still need my consent for what you want to do?"

"...just want to know if you will go or not."

Misaka Mikoto said something.

Bai Ye curled her lips: "I don't like fireworks. Although they are very colorful, they are too short-lived."

"...So, are you going or not?"

Misaka Mikoto did not discuss the topic of "short-term" or "long-term" with him, but directly asked him about his plans for tonight.

Bai Ye nodded affirmatively: "Go, of course I'm going, it's rare for you to wear bathrobes, you have to go there anyway, don't you?"


Misaka Mikoto snorted softly, and was too lazy to make any follow-up complaints, and instead discussed with Shirai Kuroko how to hide from Miss Dorm Supervisor.

After all, their dormitory has access control, and the dormitory lady will make ward rounds.

(End of this chapter)

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