boy of science

Chapter 164 "Jia ketchup, human society is very complicated."

Chapter 164 "Jia ketchup, human society is very complicated."

Sunset Xishan Hongxiafei.

Considering the existence of "access control", although she still wanted to continue her studies, Fanfeng Junzi still said goodbye to Bai Ye wisely, after all, she didn't want to face the terrifying Miss Dorm Supervisor.

Misaka Mikoto, who stayed by to watch them fight for a long time, also followed back to the dormitory.

She still couldn't figure out how to arrange for her younger sisters. The main reason was: no money.

It is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.


In midsummer, the sun is scorching and the temperature is unbearably high.

Therefore, many students hide in the dormitory during the day and blow on the air conditioner, and they will not come out of their homes until the sun goes down.

However, it was still hot in the evening.

The flowing air can't blow away the scorching heat of midsummer.

The children didn't care that much, they dared to run around outside no matter how strong the sun was.

That's the case with jiao jiajiao.

Occasionally, I will meet Bai Ye and get food from the other party, including ice cream, drinks, crepes, etc.

She is very willing to stay with Bai Ye.

But it's not because of the snacks, but because it's very comfortable to stay by Bai Ye's side.

Very refreshing and healing.

Seeing that the sun was about to set in the west, Jiaojia Jiajia was about to return to the dormitory, but finally met that big brother again.

The seventh school district is not small, but it doesn't seem to be big, so you can always meet acquaintances.

"It's you, little girl, if you don't go back to the dormitory at this time, be careful that Lolita will come out and arrest you."

"...I will be very careful."

"If you are careful, there won't be so many tragedies. Come on, brother will take you back."


So Jiaojia Jiajia walked hand in hand with Bai Ye on the way back to the dormitory.

The young man snorted a few times: "Look, you really weren't careful enough, and you left with a stranger so easily."

"...Oni-chan is not a stranger."

Ji Jiajia pouted, saying that Bai Ye's words were unreasonable.

Bai Ye smiled at her, didn't say anything, but led her into the alley.

Looking at the darkened alley, Qiao Jiajiao subconsciously clenched Bai Ye's hand, probably a little nervous.

"Oni-chan, it's easy to meet bad guys in this kind of place, right?"

"Don't worry, I'm here."


Ji Jiajia raised his head to look at Bai Ye's face, and then continued to look ahead.

"Oni-chan is just like my parents."


"My parents told me before, 'Don't worry, I'm here'."

"Well, then you can call me 'Daddy' from now on."




It is indeed easy to meet bad guys in the alley.

Although these "bad guys" are basically bad guys who can only deceive the weak and fear the hard, and blackmail and blackmail.

But occasionally you meet some very cruel people.

Some time ago, the bad group was cleaned up by the security guards, so it seems relatively calm recently.

However, "bad" may not all disappear.

Wannai Kinuho, who wanted to rush back to the garden of the school house as soon as possible to take a shortcut, met a few delinquent boys.

Facing the unhealthy containment, the girl has two states of "fear" and "not afraid" coexisting in her heart.

"Afraid" is because of my own male phobia.

"Not afraid" is because as a Level 3 ability user, and possesses the ability of "water flow operation", it is quite easy to protect himself from a few bad siege.

He unhurriedly took out the thermos cup from his bag, ready to use his ability to create a chance for himself to get out of trouble.

As a result, Bai Ye suddenly came out of the alley next to him with Jiaojiajiajiao.

"Oni-chan, there are bad guys."

"I saw."

"What should I do?"

"Well, just beat it to death."


Bai Ye's answer left the little girl speechless.

Those bad people are easily drawn to hatred.

"What did you say boy?"

"Fuck him."

"Don't talk in the future..."

"Bang bang bang~!"


Needless to say, although they were not beaten to death, those bad guys were all knocked out, and then thrown into the alley to feed the mosquitoes.

Wannei Juanbao put away his thermos cup and bowed to Bai Ye: "Thank you for helping me out, classmate Bai Ye."

"You're welcome, we're friends."

Bai Ye's smile was very kind.

But the content of this sentence, Wannai Jubao disagreed.

Because she could see that the boy was just talking about it, and didn't really regard her as a friend at all.

Probably just "acquaintances"?
"Why are you alone today? Didn't Guangzi and Wan Bin come out together?"

It's okay for Guangzi to talk about after marriage, but Bao Nei Bao and Pao Fu Wan Bin are inseparable all day long, so it's quite interesting to be alone like today.

"Student Paofu and post-marriage classmates have other things to do, so they don't have time to come out with me."

Wannei Juanbao explained the reason to Bai Ye.

Because he was in a hurry to return to the garden of the school house, he didn't chat with Bai Ye, and thanked him again before leaving.

Bai Ye waved at her back: "Don't come out by yourself next time, it's safer to be with Guangzi and Wan Bin."

Wannai Kinuho, who strictly abides by etiquette, stopped and turned around to bow to him when he heard his words, before continuing to walk back towards the school garden.

Ji Jiajia looked at the girl's back, then raised her head to look at Bai Ye beside her.

"Oni-chan knows a lot of sisters, and all of them are beautiful sisters."

"A lot?"

"I feel a lot."

"That's just what you think, I don't think much anyway."

She withdrew her gaze from Kinuho in Wannai, and continued walking towards her dormitory with Kakashi Kaga.

The little girl was still rambling: "Sister Meiqin is very beautiful, sister Chuchun is very cute, and sister Satenko and the others, which sister does Oni-chan want to be your girlfriend?"

"If you're asking that, the answer, of course, is 'all of it'."

"...But there can only be one girlfriend."

"Who told you there can only be one?"

"Can there be more?"

"...Who knows."

Bai Ye let out a soft snort, and there was some inexplicable meaning in his smile.

"Jia ketchup, human society is very complicated."


"You don't understand, but I don't understand either. Anyway, we just need to be ourselves."


The little girl nodded, half understanding.

Bai Ye didn't care if she understood or not, but changed the subject: "Speaking of which, I've said that question before."

"...which question?"

"Girlfriend, I remember what I said at the time... Oh, yes, I asked you to be my girlfriend."


Qiao Jiajia blinked and did not speak, but recalled carefully, and found that such a conversation had indeed taken place.

So he said directly: "If Oni-chan can wait for me to grow up, I think there will be no problem."

Bai Ye glanced at the little girl next to her who was not sure if she was pretending to be shy or really shy.

He retracted his gaze and raised his head to look at the sky burned red by the setting sun.

"Grow up."

"Probably as big as Oni-chan."

"...I think it's better not to grow up, but unfortunately, no one can stop the passage of time."

Consummation of qi refining is only longevity, not eternal life.

So keep working hard, refining qi, and never stop!

(End of this chapter)

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