boy of science

Chapter 169 "It's really pure."

Chapter 169 "It's really pure."

Kinuhata likes watching movies the most, and she mainly watches B-movies with unknown meanings.

It's still summer vacation, and I have a lot of free time to watch movies.

After all, Bai Ye didn't arrange tasks for their Items, and if the tasks were entrusted, they would only accept them occasionally.

It's a pity that I can't find anyone to accompany me.

Mugino Shirley was busy studying the knowledge of qi refining all day long, Takitsubo Rigo seemed to just want to stay in peace, and Flander lived with Shiraya and took care of her younger sister by the way.

What does Frenda's sister look like?

Although they were companions, they had never seen that little girl before.

Anyway, in Frenda's words, it is "very cute".

After all, she is a little girl who is missed and liked by Bai Ye. "Pretty and cute" is the foundation, and her personality is probably very good.

At least there will be no major problems.

"My master really likes pretty girls and cute lolis."

As long as she is beautiful and cute enough, Bai Ye probably won't care about her personality and three views.

"Speaking of which, there are really too many beautiful girls around the master."

There are these maids, and the third, Saten Ruiko and other girls.

At this moment, three Tokiwadai students appeared again.

On the way to the movie theater, I met Shirayu who was hanging out with three beautiful girls.

Bai Ye is her master.

You can't ignore the owner when you meet him, you have to run over to say hello honestly.

The main thing is that Bai Ye didn't send her a "can't come" signal.



Suddenly a girl named Bai Ye "Master" appeared. After marriage, Guangzi and the others thought it was strange, but they didn't think much about it.

As I said before, the title "Master" is too common and common.

There are many maids and servants who call them "masters" in their homes.

Although the one who calls the most is "Miss".

"Honey, where are you going?"

"See a movie."

"Oh, this is good, let me go too."

After getting the answer, Bai Ye made a decision directly.

After going shopping with Mitsuko and the others after marriage for a long time, it would be nice to sit down and rest in the cinema.

Turning to look at the three girls: "You..."

"Well, if you don't mind, can we go together?"

After marriage, Mitsuko made eye contact with two friends and made the request.

By the way: "We're kind of interested in movie theaters."

Of course they have seen the movie, and they have also been to the cinema.

But the movie theater they go to is completely different from the movie theater that ordinary students go to.

"of course."

Bai Ye did not refuse.

Juanqi's favorite is a bit of a minor opinion, but the master has already spoken, and she, a little maid, can only accept it silently.


Many movies are aimed at all ages, but some movie posters will have R15 or R18 logos on them.

Of course, this is not important.

Bai Ye and Kinuhata's favorites don't care about such small details.

After marriage, Guangzi, Wannei Juanbao, and Paofu Wanbin probably didn't notice these signs.

They just observe everything here curiously.

Follow Bai Ye to buy snacks and drinks, meet Kinuhata's favorite who is in charge of buying tickets, and a group of five people quickly enter the screening hall.

It is not a popular movie, and there are not many audiences in the screening hall.

The three girls still looked at the layout of the screening hall curiously.

Shiriya and Kinuhata's favorites have already sat down.

After the marriage, Guangzi took a look twice, and sat down on Bai Ye's right hand with snacks and drinks.

Kinuhata likes to sit on Bai Ye's left hand side most.

Wannei Juanbao and Paofu Wanbin could only sit in the two seats on the right of Guangzi after marriage.

Let's stop gossip and start watching movies.


The editing is chaotic, the logic is puzzled, and the meaning is unclear.

Some viewers fell asleep watching it, and some viewers couldn't stand this weird movie, so they got up and left, and scolded a few times for "wasting money" and the like.

Only Kinuhata loves to watch it the most, and seems to be able to appreciate this kind of plot with unclear meaning.

After the marriage, Guangzi, Wannei Juanbao, and Paofu Wanbin did not feel drowsy, let alone get up and leave, but looked confused.

This movie was completely different from what they had seen before.

What should I say...

"Because there are too many slots, I don't know where to start to spit it out."

This is probably what they really think.

But in any case, it is still very novel for them to come to such a screening hall to watch such a movie for the first time.

It's just that some violent scenes make them feel awkward.

What really made their emotions fluctuate violently was the bed scene that followed.

After the marriage, Photon opened the folding fan to half cover her already flushed face.

Wannei Juanbao and Paofu Wanbin directly raised their hands to cover their eyes.

But curiously, he kept his fingers between his fingers and watched secretly.

Subconsciously aimed at Bai Ye, but found that it had no expression on its face, and it seemed that there was no fluctuation in its heart.

Sitting next to him, Kinuhata's favorite also behaved calmly.

Because of the lack of light, I don't know if she blushed.


Suddenly, Bai Ye seemed to feel something in his heart, and turned his head to look at them.

The three girls quickly withdrew their gazes, feeling their cheeks and ears were burning hot, and their hearts were "thumping" as if they were about to jump out of their chests.


Bai Ye looked at the three girls, then turned to look at Juanqi's favorite beside him.

The reactions of the two sides were in stark contrast.

"It's really pure."

Bai Ye secretly sighed.

He didn't say much, but continued to watch movies with unclear meaning.


Traitors have always been frowned upon.

As a researcher of the "Absolutely Capable Person Evolution Project", Fusu Toshin chose to help Misaka Mikoto destroy the test plan, which is an obvious traitorous behavior.

So after the experiment was forced to end, no research institution invited her to participate in the experiment.

Of course, it doesn't matter to Bushu Texin whether she can participate in the experiment or not, after all, she is still a student.

He is a high school student who "blooms just in time".

If there is no experiment to do, then study hard and get admitted to a good university in the future to continue your studies.

As long as you have the knowledge and ability, are you afraid you won’t be able to find a good job in the future?

But Hoshikawa Kikyo is different.

Yoshikawa Kikyo is not a student, so she doesn't have the "salary" she can receive every month.

But she assisted Misaka Mikoto to treat the last work, and even tricked Yaxiong Tianjing to lock him up, and finally even dealt with it directly.

Such behavior led to her being labeled a "traitor", so she has never been able to find a new job.

Without work, there is no money, and without money, even basic necessities of life are problems.

So recently I can only borrow and live in the house of a friend (Koizumikawa Aiho).

I came out to look for a job today, but I was still rejected, which made Fangchuan Kikyo a little disheartened.

After leaving the research institution, I wandered aimlessly in the street, and suddenly met a familiar person: Accelerator.

The two of them actually had a pretty good relationship, but they never saw each other after the experiment.

The first person also seemed a little confused, probably unable to find his way in life.

There are not many people that Accelerator can trust, and Fangchuan Kikyo is one of them.

"How do you think you can overcome yourself and become a stronger version of yourself?"

This guy doesn't know much about the world, so he asked directly without saying hello when he first met.

Fortunately, Fangchuan bellflower has long been used to it.

Looking at Accelerator, he raised his head to look at the blue sky.

"Probably you have to face your true self first."

(End of this chapter)

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