boy of science

Chapter 179 Girls at Level 5 seem somewhat arrogant

Chapter 179 Girls at Level 5 seem somewhat arrogant
Accelerator disappeared.

Anyway, since a certain day, there has been no more news about the number one.

Longer on the computer school.

The classmate who was only a name was no longer a name because he chose to drop out of school, probably because he was transferred to another school.

Bu Shu Dixin thought about the white-haired and red-eyed girl he met that day, and then thought about the cruel first person. Although he had doubts in his heart, he was not sure.

By the way, think carefully: Maybe I should really transfer to another school?

After all, it is very unpopular here.

"Big-eyed girl."

At noon, in the school cafeteria, Bu Shu Dixin, who was thinking while eating, suddenly heard a familiar voice.

Looking up, a girl with brown hair in Tokiwadai school uniform had already walked up to her and sat down.

"Long time no see, girl with big eyes, how are you doing recently?"

"...I am a high school student, and you are a junior high school student, so you have to call me 'Senior'."

"Understood, girl with big eyes."


These Level 5 are really typical cases of excess self-awareness.

Bu Shu Dixin felt his feet were itchy, and wanted to give the tea-haired girl a roundabout kick, to teach her how to respect her seniors.

Misaka Mikoto, who came to look for her when she had nothing to do, sighed lightly: "A few days ago, I met that girl Fangchuan Kikyo. She seems to be having a hard time. She hasn't found a new job, so how are you here?"

As he spoke, he scanned the people who were having dinner in the cafeteria with sharp eyes.

"If I remember correctly, many of the researchers involved in the experiment are from this school."

Fellows are tools, without them there would be others.

So although Misaka Mikoto was full of resentment, she didn't take it out on them.

Currently there are only two people who want to kill, one is Kihara Gensei who initiated the experiment, and the other is Aleister who manipulates everything behind the scenes.

Kihara Gensei didn't know where to hide.

As far as Aleister was concerned, she still couldn't beat her, so she didn't make a move.

And letting Aleister weaken those demon gods is also good for her and Bai Ye.

Let's not talk about things that are too far away.

I came to Bushu Toxin today just to see the situation.

Fangchuan Platycodon grandiflorum is having a hard time, and Bushu Toshin probably has a similar situation.

Misaka Mikoto felt that this had something to do with her, so she came over to express her concern and see if there was anything she could help.

Fusu Toshin did not feel that Misaka Mikoto was responsible, because "betrayal" of the experimental group was her own choice, and the consequences were naturally borne by herself.

Although it is indeed very difficult, I have to face those sarcastic remarks every day.

Human beings really like to hurt each other.

"No problem, if it doesn't work, I'll just transfer to another school."

After listening to Misaka Mikoto's explanation of her intentions, Nusutsu Toshin said that there is no need to worry too much.

After repeatedly confirming that no help is needed for the time being, Misaka Mikoto stopped talking, chatted casually for a long time, and prepared to leave.

But Bu Shu Texin said subconsciously: "By the way, that..."


"...It's nothing, I just want to remind you, remember to call me senior next time."

"Understood, girl with big eyes."


Young people these days are really rude.

It's just that she didn't catch up and give the opponent a roundabout kick, but frowned in thought, and finally sighed softly.

Originally, I wanted to talk about the girl with white hair and red eyes.

But think about it.

Maybe it was a mistake.

After all, there is such a big difference between Accelerator and the girl with white hair and red eyes.

"Let's think about transferring schools."


Capable people will always be targeted.

Of course, the "ability" here does not refer to superpowers, but to knowledge and technology.

"A person who can make a learning device?"


A young man wearing glasses named Youfu Chunshu pushed the frame on the bridge of his nose, the reflection of the lens made it difficult to see his eyes clearly.

"I heard that you have made learning devices. I am very interested in this, so I want to discuss it with you."

"That's it."

The person who was stopped for questioning nodded, not sure if he believed this statement.

But this is not important.

The point is that it can cause trouble for a girl.

So he betrayed the other party without hesitation: "Yes, there is indeed such a person, she is called Bushu Dixin, and she is a student here."

"So, where can I find her?"



So Bushu Dixin, who had just had a full meal and was about to leave, was stopped at the entrance of the cafeteria.

"Bushu Toshin-san, right?"

Youfu Chunshu stretched out his hand towards the girl in front of him with a kind and friendly smile.

"My name is Yufu Haruki, and I want to talk to you about the learning device."

"...I just want to study hard now, and I don't want to participate in the experiment anymore, so I'm sorry."

Bu Shu Dixin did not shake hands with the other party, nor did he talk to the other party too much. After expressing his apology, he bypassed the other party and left directly.

The smile on You Fu Chunshu's face remained unchanged, but he raised his hand and pushed the frame again.

Turning around, he looked at the back of Bushu Texin who was gradually going away.

Want to study hard?

Don't want to participate in the experiment anymore?

There are many things in the world that cannot be avoided by "thinking" or "not wanting".


When patrolling today, or after leaving the dormitory, Chuchun Shili felt something different from usual, but he couldn't tell the specifics.

Anyway, I feel that there are some invisible and intangible things, and they are everywhere.

"Chuchun, what's wrong with you, you always look around absent-mindedly?"

"...No, it's fine."

Facing Shirai Kuroko's question, Hatsuharu just shook his head and didn't say anything.

Just turned to think of Bai Ye.

When meeting Bai Ye in the morning, he actually had the urge to throw himself into his arms.

It's obviously normal.

Speaking of which, there seemed to be quite a few abnormalities in the past two days.

When I was on patrol yesterday, I seemed to absorb something into my body. Today I patrolled and felt that there was something everywhere. Last night, I had a dream of the universe from birth to death.

Coupled with the abnormality when encountering Bai Ye...

Is there a connection between this?
In early spring, Li Ning brows thinking about it, and thinks that maybe she needs to have a good talk with Bai Ye.


Bai Ye was talking to Mugino Shirley and the others, giving them lessons after a long absence.

The location is in the private pool.

I just enjoyed two Level5 swimsuits yesterday, and even saw Shokuhou Misaki (beep~), and today I can appreciate Level5 wearing a swimsuit again.

I have to say that Mai Ye Shenli's figure is really great.

"Your private swimming pool is actually open to me. It's really unexpected."

Previously, Bai Ye only knew about the hotel base, not about the other bases or their dormitories.

It doesn't matter mainly, so I am too lazy to investigate and ask.

Mugino Shenli snorted softly when he heard this, looking very arrogant.

These Level 5 girls seem to be more or less arrogant.

Of course, you don't need to worry about such small things.

A teenager and three girls soon started teaching here in the swimming pool.

(End of this chapter)

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