boy of science

Chapter 182 "There is no basis, only intuition."

Chapter 182 "There is no basis, only intuition."

Both girls have something to tell Bai Ye.

It is not a secret that Haruka Jinyi is changing dormitories, so I told Saten Saten last night.

What Chuchun Shili wanted to tell Bai Ye was a relatively secret thing, so he didn't tell Saten Renko.

Saten Saten didn't ask any further questions, and she didn't come over to listen tonight either.

Chun Shang Jin Yi asked Bai Ye to sit in the bedroom and wait while she went to prepare dinner by herself.

In the end, she had already returned to the dormitory before she was ready for Chuchun Shili.

"Classmate Bai Ye has arrived?"

"Well, in the bedroom, nah."

"Then I'll go talk to him first."

While talking, he had already returned to the bedroom and appeared in Bai Ye's sight.

Bai Ye was sitting by the bed.

There are upper and lower beds, the upper berth is a bed with early spring decorations, and the lower berth is a bed with spring clothes.

As soon as he saw Bai Ye, Chuchun Shili had the urge to become one with him.


Thinking of this, Uiharu Shiri blushed.

Putting away her bag, she fanned her face with her little hand, and quickly found a reason for herself to blush.

"It's really hot today, it seems that summer won't pass so easily."

"...It's really hot outside, but it's pretty cool inside, right? There's an air conditioner."

"Ah, um, yes."

Blow on the air conditioner, take a few deep breaths, and suppress the inner impulse.

Set up a small table to serve as a dining table, and then sat down beside it, looking at Bai Ye who was sitting by the bed.

Chunshang Jinyi was still cooking in the kitchen, and she was very focused, so she probably couldn't hear their conversation.

It's not to be wary of Chunshang Jinyi, Chuchun Zhuli just feels that this matter cannot be told to others for the time being, even his close friends.

"Student Bai Ye, can you tell me what your ability is?"

No beating around the bush, but asking the question directly.

Without waiting for Bai Ye to answer, Chuchun Zhuli put forward his own guess: "Magic? Onmyoji? Or the Taoist priest next door?"

Bai Ye didn't give an answer, but kept smiling: "What do you think?"

"I think the most likely one is the Taoist priest. After all, you asked Zuo Tian to learn the culture of the next door."

Saying this, the girl suddenly frowned again: "But I don't think you are a Taoist priest. I have investigated it. Taoist priests should also stay away from women, but you always..."

As he spoke, he felt embarrassed, and his cheeks flushed again.

Bai Ye looked at her with some curiosity: "It seems that you have indeed investigated a lot, and you actually made such a guess. Do you believe in the existence of Taoism and magic?"

"I didn't believe it before, but now I think it probably does exist."

"Really? On what basis?"

"No basis, just intuition."


Bai Ye nodded in understanding.

Chuchun Zhuli suddenly seemed to sigh: "The main reason is that Bai Ye, you are too special, no matter how you look at it, you don't look like a normal ability user, so I can only guess from this direction."

"That's true."

Judging from his performance in the past few months, it is indeed easy to think of "magic".

"But you guessed wrong, I am neither a Taoist priest nor an onmyoji."

"Then what are you?"

"I'm not……"


Seeing that he didn't say anything suddenly, Chuchun Shili felt a little puzzled.

Bai Ye looked at her a few times, and then put forward her own thoughts: "I can tell you the answer, but at the same time, you also have to answer a few questions for me, how about it?"


Chuchun Shili agreed after thinking for a while.

So Bai Ye made a "please" gesture.

"One question per person, you ask first."

"My question is very simple, student Bai Ye, what exactly is your ability?"

"My ability is not called ability. To be precise, I am a Qi refiner."

"What is a Qi Refiner?"

"It's time for me to ask."

"... Oh, please tell me."

Chuchun Shili slightly adjusted his sitting posture, expressing that he was sitting upright and listening attentively.

There seems to be some inexplicable meaning in Bai Ye's smile: "I asked you before, did you think I was very kind, and your answer is the same as before, right?"



"Student Bai Ye, it's my turn."

"...Okay, you ask."

"What exactly is a Qi Refiner?"

Uiharu Shiri asked the question again.

Bai Ye was a little embarrassed: "This can't be explained clearly in a few words, why don't you change the question first?"

"...Let's make this clear first."

"Okay, come here."


Chuchun Shili blinked, apparently not quite understanding: "In the past?"

"Well, come to me, and I will directly transfer the relevant knowledge into your brain."


Is this the ability of the Psychic Department?

Chuchun Shili, who was thinking and analyzing in this way, stood up, walked to Bai Ye's side and sat down again.

Bai Ye put his hand on her forehead.

The girl showed doubts: "Does the information transmission of mental abilities require physical contact?"

"I don't need it, I just tricked you over here for some little skin-to-skin kisses."


Chuchun Zhuli is silent.

It's not that she doesn't want to talk, it's just that a lot of new knowledge has appeared in her mind, so she has no time to talk.

Qi refining, five elements, chaos, origin...

There is a lot of information, but it is not messy. It is obviously systematic knowledge.

This doesn't seem like simply explaining to her what a "Qi Refiner" is, but more like teaching her how to become a "Qi Refiner".

Bai Ye really thought so.

This little girl was able to absorb his Hunyuan Qi, maybe she was very talented, it would be a pity if she didn't refine her Qi.

But from Ayami Goku to Shitoshi Mugino, and then from Misaka Mikoto to Saten Renko, etc., every girl has to be taught by him to start from scratch. To be honest, I feel a little bored. After all, he doesn’t like being a teacher very much. .

So this time, I will directly instill the basic knowledge related to qi refining into Chuchun Shili, let her slowly understand and comprehend, and ask any questions at that time.

The huge amount of information made Chuchun Shili a little confused, and it took a long time to shake his head to wake up.

She probably figured out what a "Qi Refiner" was.

Before she could think about it, she heard Bai Ye's question again: "You absorbed my Hunyuan Qi, but you didn't use it completely for your own use, so it will be affected."


"That's right, for example, it's probably equivalent to increasing the 'closeness' or something like that, but your 'closeness' to me doesn't seem to be affected at all."


Chuharu still doesn't quite understand.

"so what?"

"There are two possibilities, first rule out the option 'You are a stronger Qi refiner than me', and the remaining possibility..."

As Bai Ye was speaking, she suddenly leaned into her ear and whispered: "Your 'closeness' to me, or your favorability is very high, which probably means, you like me?"


(End of this chapter)

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