boy of science

Chapter 197 Do you want to arrest that hapless angel for autopsy?

Chapter 197 Do you want to arrest that hapless angel for autopsy?
On the same day, in the afternoon, a certain high school.

As the head teacher, Tsukiyong Xiaomoe called Kamijou Touma, a student in her class, to the office.

Because there is something to inform this student.

"……move place?"

The hedgehog-headed boy was surprised, surprised, and a little dazed.

Yueyong Xiaomeng, who took the time to eat the bento, shook the chopsticks in her hand.

"That's right, move. Your father called to apply in person, saying that he wanted you to visit the new home, so that you wouldn't even know where your own home is."

Pause here, and then continue: "In general, the application for going out has been approved. You can discuss the specific situation with your father."

The entry and exit management of Academy City is very strict, and it is not easy for ordinary students to get out.

The hedgehog head looks ordinary, but behind it stands Aleister.

Although that dead pervert will not directly express his position, and even make troubles to exercise his prickly hair, he will still open the door for some small things.

"I understand."

Hedgehog Head doesn't know much about his background.

Because of the amnesia, he actually didn't want to meet his parents, for fear of revealing some flaws.

But after a little hesitation, I still decided to go out and meet.

Anyway, we will see each other sooner or later, we can't hide for a lifetime, right?

Yueyong Xiaomeng didn't know about Hedgehog's amnesia, so she didn't think much about it, but told him what to do and what not to do after going out.

Bai Ye came here at this time.

"Xiaomeng, I'm eating."

"Student Bai Ye, why are you here?"

"Let's see if you have time to go on a date with me."

The boy carrying the convenience bag walked up to Yueyong Xiaomeng, took out two eggs from the convenience bag and put them in front of Teacher Loli.

"Here, I'll give you another meal, eggs and milk."

As he spoke, he took out two more boxes of milk, one for Yueyong Xiaomeng and one for himself.

Bite the straw and look at the hedgehog's head: "Did this poor boy make you angry? Do you want me to beat him up for you?"

"It's nothing, Kamijou-chan is a good boy."

"Oh, a good boy who fights all day and picks up other girls' clothes?"


Yueyong Xiaomeng raised her eyebrows.

Then he turned his head and looked at Kamijou Touma with some doubts.

Hedgehog head quickly denied: "No, I didn't pick up girls' clothes."

"Is that a fight?"


The hedgehog didn't deny it, because he did often fight.

Fight bad boys, even magicians.

"Shangjou sauce..."

Yueyong Xiaomeng was preparing to give a lecture, but Bai Ye continued to state the facts: "He must have picked up girls' clothes, Index is one of the victims."


Yueyong Xiaomeng has a bad look.

The hedgehog head remained silent, because it had indeed done similar things.

At the same time, I also felt strange: there were only him and Index in the room at the time, so how did this boy know?
"Shangjo sauce!"

Teacher Loli is probably angry.

Seeing that the situation was not looking good, the hedgehog-headed boy quickly turned around and ran away.

"I'm going back to prepare for tomorrow, goodbye teacher!"


Looking at the students running away, Yueyong Xiaomeng could only helplessly shake her head.

Bai Ye threw the finished milk carton into the trash can, then took out a skewer of grilled squid from the convenience bag and ate it slowly.

Continue to talk to Yueyong Xiaomeng about the hedgehog head, and find out that the other party will leave Academy City tomorrow to meet her parents.

"move place?"

Recall in Bai Ye, if you realize something.

Looks like it's time for an "Angel Has Fallen" event.

In the original work, because Hedgehog defeated the first one and destroyed the "Absolutely Capable Person Evolution Plan", it caused an uproar, so he was arranged to go out to avoid the limelight and meet his parents to see his new home.

Now there is no need for shelter.

But because his parents moved, he got permission to leave Academy City...

Those Level 5 probably don't have this treatment.

"It's always like this when I was young. At the beginning, I said something ordinary, but in the end, my identity and background became bigger and bigger, and there seemed to be a lineage theory that could never be avoided."

Bai Ye couldn't help complaining.

Of course, it's all about complaining, and he doesn't bother to think about such crap.

Just thinking about whether to arrest that hapless angel for autopsy.

Speaking of which, that unlucky angel seems to be Gabriel?

Speaking of this, Bai Ye thought of a certain loli-shaped, blond, lazy angel.

And some white-haired black-bellied angel.

There are also demons born in the wrong place.

Then there's Nia, the idiot, the devil, the idiot.

Yueyong Xiaomeng didn't care about his complaints, because he didn't understand well, and didn't know what was going on in his mind.

While eating the bento, he asked, "Why did you come here to find me today?"

"Because I have nothing to do, those girls didn't take me to the party, so I came to find you on a date."

"...How does it sound like I'm just a backup?"

"How is it possible, I always put you first."

"So, classmate Bai Ye, how many are you number one in your heart?"

"Because each has its own merits and it is difficult to distinguish between superior and inferior, so they are all number one. You are the number one in terms of legal loli, Laizi is the number one in terms of good wives and loving mothers, and Jin Yi is the number one in terms of cuteness. Mikoto is..."

Bai Ye babbled, trying every means to determine the "first" of the girls in his heart.

Yueyong Xiaomeng sighed helplessly.

"Okay, classmate Bai Ye, needless to say, I don't have time to go on a date with you, and school will start in a few days. I have a lot of work to do here."

"What job? Let me help you, get it done early and go out to play earlier."

"……You can do it?"

"I'm just too lazy to do a lot of things, it's not that I don't know how to do them."


Yueyong Xiaomeng thought about it carefully, and decided to accept Bai Ye's help.

"Okay then, let's talk about it after I finish eating my bento."



With Bai Ye's help, Yueyong Xiaomeng quickly finished today's work.

Seeing that it wasn't too late, he went out to play with Bai Ye as promised.

Bai Ye said it was a date, but she didn't admit it.

"How can a teacher date a student? It's impossible. Don't talk nonsense."

"You're not my teacher, and I'm not your student, so why can't you date?"

"Teacher is teacher, student is student..."

"Stop talking about teachers and students, it's pointless to discuss it."


Anyway, Bai Ye decided it was a date.

The bad part: it looks like they're actually dating to outsiders.

This "other person" refers to Huang Quanchuan Aiho.

Seeing Bai Ye and Yueyong Xiaomeng walking hand in hand on the street during the patrol, Huang Quanchuan Aiho immediately looked down.

His gaze swept over them a few times, and then stared at the hands that were holding each other.

Then he looked at Yueyong Xiaomeng: "Xiaomeng, don't do things that will make me arrest you."

Yueyong Xiaomeng: "???"

Why arrest her...


After all, it is a teacher and a student.

If something really happened, she should indeed be arrested and brought to justice.

But it always feels very unreasonable, doesn't it? !

(End of this chapter)

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