boy of science

Chapter 202

Chapter 202
Both the security guards and the disciplinary committee members have the task of escorting the academic society.

There are many venues for the Academy.

But Aiho Koizumikawa, a security officer, Miwei Fubo, a member of the Disciplinary Committee, and Haruki Arifumi, who was preparing to do something on the day of the academic meeting, all three of them came to a certain university by coincidence.

Misaka Mikoto and the others also met three girls, Mitsuko, Wannai Kinuho, and Pafu Wanbin after marriage.

Wannei Juanbao and Paofu Wanbin wanted to help the seniors they knew, and Guangzi volunteered to follow after marriage.

Naturally, it is inevitable to talk about Phoebe when we get together.

Misaka Mikoto was very envious and hit by the three girls' easy relationship with Phoebe.

Why can't I do it myself?
After chatting and getting married, Photon and the others said goodbye and left to do their own things.

The three disciplinary committee members will also drop by for a meeting.

Saten Saten saw that Misaka Mikoto wanted to have a good relationship with Feibri, so she also found an excuse to leave, so that Misaka Mikoto could be alone with Feibri.

Misaka Mikoto was a little moved when she saw the back of Saten Ruiko leaving.

"Saten-san is really a good person."


In the eyes of some girls, Bai Ye is also a good person.

For example, every time he met him on the street, he would run over to eat Index.

For example, Ji Shen Qiusha who got his help.

Another example is Fan Feng Junzi, who has often been instructed by him recently.

Because of the type and effect of the ability, Fanfeng Junzi wanted to learn martial arts, but she could only learn by herself from the books she bought. Although it cannot be said that it is not effective, the effect is really not great.

As the saying goes: "True one word is passed on, but false one is passed on to thousands of books."

Some books are useless no matter how many times you read them.

It may even hurt your body.

Such as notebooks, such as little yellow books.

Of course, Fanfeng Runzi hadn't read the pornographic books, so he couldn't understand Bai Ye's occasional dirty jokes.

Until now, I still can't understand those words involving yellow.

Unless Bai Ye said it.

Bai Ye not only taught her martial arts, but also taught her some strange knowledge.

Now I have roughly figured out what a "crazy man" is.

The price of learning is being molested many times by Bai Ye.

As an innocent girl with traditional thinking, she has been molested by Bai Ye a lot, and her mentality has gradually changed.

The main reason is that some of Bai Ye's actions seem too intimate.

And since they are so close, they can only become lovers or even become husband and wife.

That's what Fanfeng Junzi thought.

But she didn't have the nerve to say it, and she didn't express or hint at it.

It should be said that Bai Ye took the initiative.

However, Bai Ye never brought up this topic.

This troubled Fanfeng Runzi: there have been so many intimate actions, isn't Bai Ye going to be responsible for her innocence?
Today is also study time, and I have learned a lot of martial arts skills from Bai Ye.

During the teaching, Bai Ye carefully looked at this girl.

There is nothing abnormal, it seems that he has not encountered that "ghost" Yuri Qianye yet.

Speaking of which, they were already friends when they were in the artificial room.

There are indeed many talents in the talent room.

And it was originally a very powerful research institution, but unfortunately they picked the wrong opponent. They wanted to deal with Shokuho Misaki after the experiment was completed, but in the end they were controlled by that girl.

Nowadays, many resources have been sent into Bai Ye's pocket.

"Okay, let's take a break first."

After the class time ended temporarily, Bai Ye patted the girl on the shoulder to let her calm down and digest what she just learned.

Although he had been exercising for a long time, he was neither blushing nor panting, not even sweating.

Even walking in the sun in this season will sweat profusely, not to mention activities like teaching martial arts.

Fanfeng Runzi also found that it would be cool to stay by Bai Ye's side.

Too bad it couldn't stop her from sweating.

The underwear was already soaked and felt a little uncomfortable.

He also didn't want to leave Bai Ye's side, otherwise it would be even hotter.

Now Bai Ye is beside him to watch the direction of the sea with him, although he can't see the sea at all.

After waiting for so long, Bai Ye didn't take the initiative to bring it up, so she decided to raise this topic by herself.

"That, classmate Bai Ye."



Fanfeng Runzi's face turned red.

Just after exercising, blushing is actually quite normal, just enough to cover her.

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

The provocation of this topic seemed very blunt and abrupt.

Fanfeng Junzi felt her heart beat faster and her face turned redder.

Bai Ye glanced at the girl beside him.

He quickly withdrew his gaze and looked into the distance, did not answer the question, and talked about other things.

"There's something big going on tonight."


Big event?
Fanfeng Runzi looked at Bai Ye, and then followed his gaze to the distance.

What big event can happen tonight?


Kamijou Touma was going to reunite with his parents, and it felt inconvenient to take Index with him, so he didn't plan to let her follow.

The key is that Index is equivalent to a stowaway without identity, how can she accompany him in and out in a fair manner?

But it really can.

It went so smoothly that he felt outrageous, and couldn't help calling "impossible".

Of course none of this matters.

Because he didn't know where his new home was, and his father asked him to wait in the hotel.

So I took Index to the beach to play.

It was summer, and it was a wide beach, but there seemed to be no one else but them.

Of course this is not important.

The point is that Index picked up a strange hat and insisted on putting it on him.

Then he was stung by a jellyfish.


While applying the medicine in the hotel room, the hotel owner also told him something.

"My father called and said that something was delayed, and I can't meet with you until tomorrow."

"...Yes, I see, thank you."

Tomorrow is tomorrow.

To be honest, Kamijou Touma didn't know how to face his father.

A father whom he had never met and who had no memory of him.

What a hassle.


Fu Chunshu came to the venue to check whether certain things had been delivered smoothly.

It's actually powered armor.

They used various methods to send a large amount of driven armor into the meeting place of the Academy, which was one of the weapons they used to launch the "revolution".

Drive armor is their special unmanned model.

But it's not a conventional "drone", but a special weapon controlled by Jenny's ability.

One of its advantages is that it is immune to all kinds of electromagnetic interference.

Each venue has a total of [-] units.

After confirming that all these things were sent in smoothly, You Fu Chunshu was about to leave, but he saw Phoebe wandering alone in the university campus.

Then needless to say, this spare artificial man must be recovered immediately.

Fu Chunshu has set up several security robots and wants to use them to arrest Feibre.

It didn't work out.

Misaka Mikoto knocked those security robots into the air.

The girl didn't realize that anyone was playing tricks.

You Fu Chunshu also quickly hid, and quickly determined the identity of the tea-haired girl.

"The third place, the super electromagnetic gun."

The moment the girl's identity was confirmed, Fu Chunshu had a new idea.

Initiate a proposal directly over the phone: "Last time, I collected the ability data of the fourth place. Since I happened to meet it, why not collect the ability data of the third place, what do you think?"


(End of this chapter)

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