boy of science

Chapter 248 "We just need to have a big sister and a big brother."

Chapter 248 "We just need to have a big sister and a big brother."

After all, Misaka Mikoto didn't go on a date with her, but went to the Mizuho Institution Hospital to find the younger sisters, and then went to the apartment to help Jenny and Phoebe check their bodies.

Bai Ye didn't force it, and continued to take Fukiyose Riri on a date.

Although Fukiyose couldn't agree with the date these days at all, because he didn't feel the sweetness of the date at all.

She felt that dating should have a sweet feeling.

Or sweet and sour.

A date with Bai Ye...

It can't be said that it is useless, but it is really not as good as imagined.

Then why not say no?

Because at this time, she has a bit of a "broken jar" mentality.

They've all dated anyway, they've all kissed anyway, there's not much difference between once or twice and five or six times.

Things have come to this, maybe we should try to see if we can associate with this boy.

After separating from Misaka Mikoto, before they had gone far, they met a girl who was familiar with Bai Ye.

"Zori-chan, are you patrolling alone today? It's really rare."

Because of his poor fighting ability, Uiharu Shiori basically would not perform patrol missions alone, either with Shirai Kuroko or Gufa Meiwei.

Not only is it impossible to fight, but the ability is also useless.

How can the constant temperature storage of Level 1 be used for fighting?

It is possible to use hacking techniques to "borrow" some security robots and the like, but it is impossible to carry those with you at all times.

Otherwise the guard would have to come and talk to her first.

Various permissions can be bypassed in emergency situations, but don't do this under normal circumstances.

"Classmate Bai Ye."

Chuchun Shili greeted politely, and then explained: "I'm going to the branch."

After speaking, he took a few glances at the girl who was following Bai Ye, but his eyes didn't seem to fluctuate, and he just asked, "Are you dating?"


Bai Ye nodded in acknowledgment.

He even let go of Fukiyoseri's hand, and approached Uiharu Shiri to caress her little head.

"So, Julie, when are you going on a date with me again?"

"……I do not want it."

"Hey, really don't want to?"

A head covered with floral decorations is not easy to touch, so Bai Ye is going to take off the floral decorations.

Chuchun Shili quickly pushed his hand away, threw him a reproachful look, then walked around him and continued on his way.

"I'm going to work. Goodbye, and goodbye to this classmate."

"Oh, bye."

Fukiyose Riri, who was greeted suddenly, quickly responded.

Bai Ye returned to her side.

"Zuri must be shy."


Fukiyose Riri didn't speak, just glanced sideways at the boy beside him.

Bai Ye didn't want to discuss this issue with her, and held her hand again to carry out the original plan.


The "Book of Laws" is a magic book that even Index, who has memorized [-] magic books, cannot decipher.

Legend has it that as long as one can interpret this book, one can possess extremely powerful power, and can even destroy the magical world dominated by Christianity today.

The Roman Orthodox nun Orsola claimed to have discovered the method of interpretation of the Book of Laws.

Then came disaster: the church decided to erase her.

Desperate, Orsola sets her sights on the island nation: she wants to ask a certain church here for help.

Amakusa-style cross desolate religion.

This is an island country where Christianity, Shintoism, and Buddhism are mixed.

To put it bluntly, it is a suture monster.

Of course, today's religions are basically stitched together, only to varying degrees.

Some are stitched together, there is me in you, and you in me.

Some are directly absorbed and integrated, completely becoming a part of others.

Kanzaki Kaori was once a member of the Amakusa Cross Sect.

Later, because I felt that my luck would bring misfortune to those around me, and for other reasons, I left the Amakusa Cross Church and joined the Church of Necessary Evils of the British Puritan Church.

Now because of the "Book of Law" and Orsola, she decided to come back and observe her original companions.

Just yesterday, September 9, there was a small-scale battle between the Amakusa-style Crusade and the Yanis forces who were chasing and killing Orsola.

The Agnes Troop belongs to the Roman Orthodox Church, headed by Agnes Santis, with a total of 250 members, all of whom are nuns.

After the small-scale contact temporarily calmed down, a new "war" was brewing.


Let's not talk about the magic side.

Misaka Mikoto doesn't have much affection for magicians, mainly because all the magicians she met so far are doing things.

But there are also those who have a high degree of affection, such as Leisa who met in a giant shopping mall.

"I don't know how the girl is doing now."

Suddenly thinking of Reisa, Misaka Mikoto felt a little nostalgic.

But didn't think much of it.

After all, it didn't take long, it just happened two months ago.

Looking at it this way, a lot of things really happened in the past two months, so much so that I thought it had been a long time.

In fact, it has only been more than a month since the "Absolutely Capable Person Evolution Plan" ended.

During this period of time, the younger sisters have been resettled, and their physical condition has stabilized for the time being.

But physical adjustments have to continue.

Put these doctors in charge for now.

In the future, I will definitely use the qi refining knowledge I have learned to help my younger sisters make deeper physical adjustments.

Or just ask Bai Ye to help?

That guy is very lazy, if he really wants to talk to him about this matter, there is a high probability that he will let her do it herself, at most, he will let his beautiful girl subordinates come over to help.

Thinking of those beautiful girls' subordinates, and thinking about Fukiyose just now, Misaka Mikoto's mood became complicated again.

Looking at his younger sisters, he suddenly talked about the topic of love.

"If you are looking for a boyfriend, you must not find that kind of philandering carrot!"


The sisters seemed to find it strange.

Then a certain younger sister said as a representative: "We only need to have a big sister and a big brother, because no one in the world can cherish us more than you."


Misaka Mikoto thought about it carefully, and found that there was nothing wrong with the cognition of the sisters.

But that's why he was even more depressed: Could it be that he had to have tens of thousands more rivals in love? !

After leaving the hospital and coming to the apartment, I first chatted with Dolly, and found that Shokuhou Misaki was also here.

Hatsune Miku was not at home, saying that she was going out to meet a girl named Narugo Alisa and would not be back until evening.

Misaka Mikoto, who felt that she still couldn't get along well with Shokuhou Misaki, quickly ran to the next door to do a physical examination for the android sisters.

Fusu Toshin was also at home, standing nearby in a maid outfit.

Misaka Mikoto glanced at her maid outfit, and suddenly remembered something: Bai Ye seemed to like maids very much.

"Why are you wearing a maid outfit?"


Bu Shu Dixin didn't know why she suddenly asked this, but he quickly replied: "Personal interest."

"...That's it."

Misaka Mikoto felt that she was a little jittery and panicked.

Bu Shudi believed that this girl would not like Bai Ye.

Clean up my mood, start the work of the physical examination, and chat with the two blond girls by the way.

Mainly to ask about the body adjustments that Bai Ye helped them do.

Then I found that the two little girls kept talking about Bai Ye, and asked when they could go play with Bai Ye and so on.

Even though they were just two little girls, Misaka Mikoto couldn't help but wonder: Could it be that they are also her rivals in love? !

(End of this chapter)

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