boy of science

Chapter 255 "Be prepared to face the 'sage' in a hard fight."

Chapter 255 "Be prepared to face the 'sage' in a hard fight."

Saten Ruiko hasn't started practicing Qi training yet, and it's not good to stay up late at night, so Bai Ye doesn't plan to take her to the theater.

After the girl came out of the shower, he continued to chat with her for a long time.

When it was almost time, he got up and said goodbye.

"Hey, leaving?!"

Saten Saten was a little confused.

Then my mood became complicated again.

She was ready, but Bai Ye still didn't do anything...

The remaining inferiority complex made her start to doubt herself again: Could it be that she has no attraction to Bai Ye at all?
This kind of mental state is very difficult to deal with.

After all, "self-confidence" is not something you can just have.

Bai Ye looked at the girl who was in an abnormal mood, thought about it carefully, and finally said, "Otherwise, will you also go to the theater with us?"

"Watching a play?"

Saten Saten didn't quite understand.

But after Bai Ye finished talking and took her with her, she naturally wouldn't continue to hesitate, but nodded resolutely.

"it is good."


With the help of Shirai Kuroko, Misaka Mikoto easily ran outside the dormitory, and then rushed directly to the meeting point.

It's at a certain intersection, and the distance is hard to say.

Came here leisurely, took out his phone and looked, it was only a few minutes before the appointed time.

Put away the phone and wait for a while.

Soon, Bai Ye's figure suddenly appeared.

"too slow!"

Although it was almost the appointed time, Misaka Mikoto said this anyway.

This caused Bai Ye to complain: "Why is it 'too slow', obviously there are still 2 minutes before the appointed time."

"Arrived later than me is slower."

Misaka Mikoto spoke out her reasoning, only to find that Bai Ye was accompanied by a girl.

Taking a closer look, it was Saten Ruiko.

"Senior Misaka."

Saten Ruiko is a good boy, although he is already familiar with him and is still a very good friend, but he still greets him honestly every time we meet.

It's okay with her peers, the key is that Misaka Mikoto is one year older than her.

In this country, the system of seniors and seniors is very strict, regardless of whether it is sincere or false, at least there must be a formality anyway.

Misaka Mikoto didn't care about that.

Bai Ye didn't care much, he even dared to hook up with the teacher and call him brother.

Mainly with Huang Quanchuan Aiho.

Compared with "senior and junior", of course friendship is more important.

So I didn't say much.

Byakuya held Saten Ruiko in one hand and Misaka Mikoto in the other.


After the words fell, the three three turned into a streamer and flew towards the outside of Academy City.


The nun from Agnes's unit is in charge of searching for Amakusa-style traces.

Kamijou Touma, Index, and Steele all rested in the camp of Agnes' troops, and the nuns specially allocated tents for them.

A lot of things happened during the preparation break, but there is no need to say much.

Anyway, it turned out that the hedgehog head was bitten several times by Index.

Originally thought that they would have to sleep in a tent tonight, but in the middle of the night, Agnes's troops had already found traces of the Amakusa style.

Stiyl, who was called up, also received news from his companions: The knights who landed on the island in the evening were wiped out, and it was Kanzaki Kaori who did it.

In fact, it was only temporarily unable to participate in the action, Kanzaki Kaori did not kill him.

"...What a hassle."

Steele felt a headache.

Although he is a very powerful magician.

But that was Kanzaki Kaori, one of the few "sages" in the world.

Even if you don't consider the "saint" thing, Kanzaki Kaori's combat power is strong enough.

Looking at the hedgehog and Index who were joining him, Steele, who was usually very confident, couldn't help but sigh.

"Be prepared for a tough battle against the 'Saint'."


Agnes's unit has 250 nuns.

But the combat arrangement is that these nuns are responsible for the feint attack, attracting Amakusa-style personnel from the front.

Kamijou Touma, Index, and Stiyl are on a real mission: saving Sister Orsola.

This arrangement...

It cannot be said that there is something wrong.

But certainly not quite so right.

Unfortunately, both Kamijou Touma and Steele were only good at fighting alone, and could only provide simple coordination when working as a team, so they were not aware of the perfunctory nature hidden deep in this tactical arrangement.

The three people were used as spearmen. After the feint attack from the front began, they broke into the Amakusa-style battlefield that had been prepared in advance from the rear.


Find a place overlooking the entire battlefield and sit down, take out melon and fruit snacks and drinks, and then watch the farce below.

What a coincidence, Kanzaki Kaori chose the same location.

Misaka Mikoto and Kanzaki Kaori are considered old friends, and when they meet, they get together to talk.

Saten Ruiko doesn't know Kanzaki Kaori.

If it was normal, she would definitely participate in the small talk.

But tonight is different.

Watching the magician battle below, Saten Ruiko's eyes were full of surprise.

After a long time, it was discovered that the "protagonist" was not those magicians, but a hedgehog head.

The supporting role is a bad priest with red hair.

As for the rest...

Maybe it's just a trick?
Of course not.

This time the screenwriter is Roman Orthodox, the director and starring role is Agnes Troop, and the rest are supporting roles.

In other words, the strength of the Amakusa-style cross desolation religion is quite good.

But that's all.

It was obviously a home game arranged with care, but Kamijou Touma and Steele were rushed to pieces, and Ossola was about to be snatched away by the opponent.

In the original work, Kanzaki Kaori eliminated the group of Puritan knights, basically from the beginning to the end.

But now it's different.

Deciding to fight side by side with her former partner, she saw that Amakusa Shiki was about to lose, so she quickly ended the chat with Misaka Mikoto, took a deep breath to adjust her state and went to the scene to join the battle.

Saten Saten saw Kanzaki Kaori who was going to the scene, and turned to Bai Ye and Misaka Mikoto: "That classmate is a friend, do we need to help?"

Which side is her own and which side is the "enemy", Bai Ye has just made it clear to her just now.

In short, the hedgehog head, the bad priest, and the more than 200 nuns are all enemies.


Now it is barely an enemy.

We are outnumbered.

So Saten Saten felt that she should do a favor.

Even if it was her, at least she could use the Fengfu characters to help hold back three or five nuns.

Those nuns don't seem to be very powerful.

"Don't worry, just wait and see."

Bai Ye waved at her.

Misaka Mikoto also acted calmly, not intending to make a move.

So Saten Ruiko stopped talking and continued to observe the development of the following things.


Kanzaki Kaori fell from the sky, and the unsheathed knife slashed down on the head. The hedgehog was so frightened that he rolled around like a lazy donkey and hid beside him, abandoning the nun Orsola who was close at hand.


Seeing her suddenly joining the battle, Stiyl, Index, and the members of the Amakusa were all startled.

They separated from each other to guard each other, and at the same time they all looked at Kanzaki Kaori, not knowing what her attitude was.

Although judging from the current situation, it is obvious that they are here to help Amakusa.

Orsola didn't know Kanzaki Kaori, so he looked at her in a daze.

Kamijou Touma got up quickly and asked face to face unceremoniously: "Kanzaki, are you going to help them kill Orsola?"

Orsola: "???"

Did this hedgehog head do something wrong?
(End of this chapter)

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