boy of science

Chapter 260 Shokuhou Misaki also cheated Shokuhou Misaki by the way

Chapter 260 Shokuhou Misaki also cheated Shokuhou Misaki by the way

Dinner is eaten together.

Yingying and Yanyan sat all over the dining table, and the scene was very lively.

Just a little yin and yang.

Counting Hatsune Miku, that's seven girls, and the only boy is Byakuya. If this isn't the rise of yin and the decline of yang, what is it?

Except for the newcomer Wuhe, no one cared about this problem.

Having dinner with a strange girl in a strange place, the magician Wuhe seemed very reserved.

Looking around, they are all girls, only Bai Ye is a boy.

Until this time she was a little curious about Bai Ye's existence.

But that was it, I still didn’t think much about it.

After dinner, it was already dark, and thousands of lights outside formed another starry sky.

After leaving the apartment, Misaka Mikoto wanted to return to the dormitory, but Byakuya held her hand and wouldn't let go.

Misaka Mikoto suddenly felt a little nervous after identifying the direction she was going.

"You, you want to take me back to the dormitory?"


Bai Ye confirmed.

As a result, the girl's heart beat faster immediately, her cheeks felt slightly hot, she couldn't help lowering her head, and swallowed her saliva.

I have to take her back to the dormitory late at night...

And there is no one named Akisa Himegami to disrupt the situation tonight...

What, what should I do?
Do you really want to go?
Not yet mentally prepared.

"That, that."

"Huh? What's wrong?"


The girl shut her mouth and stopped talking, and followed the boy back to the dormitory obediently.

I wasn't ready just now.

But now, it is probably already mentally prepared.


There is no Jigami Akisa to spoil the situation tonight...

But there is Shokuhou Misaki.

As soon as he walked into the bedroom, he saw this familiar blonde girl, she was even sitting on Bai Ye's bed.

There is a chair in front of the desk, she doesn't want to sit, she has to sit on the bed...

Can you sit anywhere you like?

When did the relationship between her and Bai Ye become so close?

Any nervousness, any shyness, and any psychological preparations were all thrown aside, Misaka Mikoto just looked expressionless, looking at Shokuhou Misaki and then at Shiraya.

"How is she here?"


Just as Bai Ye was about to explain, Shokuhou Misaki, who was sitting by the bed, laughed "hummingly" a few times and rushed to answer: "Of course classmate Bai Ye invited me over."

As he spoke, he took out his mobile phone and quickly opened the email he had received before: "Look, this is the evidence."

Misaka Mikoto took a closer look: Go to my dormitory, wash up, lie on the bed and wait.

"... Tsk~."

After reading this brief email, Misaka Mikoto was very annoyed, and immediately kicked Bai Ye with a "boom~".

"What do you mean? Ah? What do you mean? Just want three...cough cough cough~, tsk, bastard!"

I'm not ashamed to say that kind of strange behavior, after all, she is still an innocent girl.

Pure love is pure love, you should understand or understand.

Seeing her performance like this, Shokuhou Misaki couldn't help feeling suspicious: So what are the boys and girls really going to do tonight?Did Bai Ye call her here just literally?
This boy really wants to have sex with these two Level 5s tonight...

Do something weird?

"You can't do this, Mikoto-chan. If you just take action without even listening to the explanation, you won't be a good mother in the future."

"Sister Meiqin, I move my feet, and you said that you don't want children, right?"

When Misaka Mikoto said these words, Shokuhou Misaki's expression immediately changed from confusion to surprise: These two have actually discussed the child? !
Bai Ye scratched his head: "Really? Did I say such a thing?"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Misaka Mikoto to respond, she said directly to Shokuhou Misaki: "You girl, don't sow discord here, Mikoto-chan is angry, can you help me?"

Hearing this, Shokuhou Misaki no longer thought about the child's affairs, but showed an aggrieved expression: "I didn't try to provoke discord, I was just telling some facts."

"That's a fart fact. Stop your acting skills. I don't believe you can't decipher the true meaning of this sentence."

In fact, there is no need to interpret it, because it is very straightforward: Come to the dormitory and have something to say.

Shokuhou Misaki knew very well.

But she fell into her old habit and wanted to trick Byakuya and tease (provoke) Misaka Mikoto.So I continued to act stupid: "I know, isn't it the literal meaning?"

"...Since you know, why don't you just wait for me in vain?"


How has the reaction changed?

The plot didn't develop as expected.

Misaka Mikoto didn't speak either, she seemed to be thinking.

Shokuhou Misaki took a quick glance, and then continued to direct and act: "Because you came back just as I was about to take a shower."

"I see."

Bai Ye nodded to show that he understood.

Just when Shokuhou Misaki was about to continue acting according to the adjusted "script", Bai Ye suddenly sat down beside her.

"Since you haven't had time to wash it, don't wash it. Let's get started directly."



Both Misaka Mikoto and Shokuhou Misaki realized something was wrong, but it was too late.

Bai Ye suddenly leaned his head over and kissed the blond girl beside him.


Shokuhou Misaki was shocked at first, but soon woke up.

But before Shokuhou Misaki could do anything, Misaka Mikoto, who also came back to her senses, already clenched her fists.

Just now she was wondering if Shokuhou Misaki was acting again.

But this question is no longer important.

Because Bai Ye's behavior is obviously saying: I will stop acting, showdown, and I will do some strange things tonight.

Thinking of this, Misaka Mikoto felt like her lungs were going to explode.

"Bastard! Damn pervert! Go to hell for me!"


"Bang~! Bang~! Bang~!"


There was a flash of electricity.

And punching and kicking.

There was a sudden chaos in the room.


Shokuhou Misaki went to Bai Ye, and he was held down by Misaka Mikoto and beat hard.

Shokuhou Misaki also teased (provoked) Misaka Mikoto, making the girl jealous, angry and annoyed.

In addition, Shokuhou Misaki also cheated Shokuhou Misaki by the way, and was taken advantage of by Bai Ye, so she was also ashamed and annoyed.

After a long time, the room became quiet again.

Bai Ye, who got up from the ground, adjusted his clothes and hairstyle, and sat down beside him with a chair.


He coughed dryly and waved his hands towards the two girls who were still angry.

"Stop making trouble, sit down, let's talk business."

"... business?"

Misaka Mikoto didn't seem to believe it.

Bai Ye expressed his affirmation: "It's really serious, it has something to do with both of you, it also has something to do with Dolly, and it has something to do with that old fellow Kihara Gensei."


Hearing what he said, the two girls felt that something was indeed serious.

Look at each other.

They tacitly agreed not to dwell on what had just happened, but sat down on the edge of the bed, just a little far away from each other.

But the bed is so long, no matter how far it is, it can't go far.

Bai Ye was too lazy to care about such small things, but told them about Kihara Huansheng's upcoming conspiracy.

Kihara Gensei's attempt to seize the "Exterior Brain" is related to Shokuhou Misaki.

Kihara Gensei tried to create Level 6, which was related to Misaka Mikoto.

Kihara Gensei will use police tactics to make troubles, which has something to do with Dolly.

In short, Bai Ye was indeed talking about serious matters related to them.

(End of this chapter)

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