boy of science

Chapter 262 "I was thinking, should I come with you tonight 3"

Chapter 262 "I was thinking, should I come with you three times tonight..."

Retiree Tangelod.

Like Yueyong Xiaomeng, she is also a superficial loli.

Even the height is about the same.

But the age difference is far away, Yueyong Xiaomeng's age is less than a fraction of Laidili's age.

Radiri is almost a thousand years old.

She was born in 1182.

During the Crusades, she rescued a wounded Crusader soldier when she was young.

The soldiers gave her some fairy fruits, but she ate them after repeated refusals, and she became immortal ever since.

Magic power is transformed from life force.

The immortal Laidili's vitality circulates in her body forever, and there is no way to convert it into magic power, so she cannot use magic.

But she can analyze the distance of various magics to create various props.

Props for suicide.

Why commit suicide?

Because as many people say: Immortality is not necessarily a good thing. Watching familiar people keep getting old and dying, so the immortal self suffers, and it feels very painful.

So I wanted to commit suicide.

It is very simple for others to commit suicide. They run to a high place and jump down, find a knife to stab themselves, take poison, jump into the sea, set fire, etc.

But Rattieri can't.

She is immune to all diseases, and will quickly recover from injuries, even fatal injuries to ordinary people.

Retili has tried to commit suicide many times, but she is still alive and well until now.

She did not give up and was still looking for a way to commit suicide.

The most recent suicide was three years ago.

Today, three years later, she made another suicide arrangement: building a space elevator "Endymion" that combines science and magic, and arranged suicide spells on it.

In fact, it is a spell that can exterminate all living things in the northern hemisphere.

In order to commit suicide and meet death, she no longer cares about the impact on others.

Three years ago, she sneaked into the "Orion" space plane and tried to commit suicide in a space that was not affected by the power of the world, and almost dragged all the passengers on it to be buried with her.

Of course, it is hard to say whether she will be buried with her, because she may not die smoothly.

A miracle happened to the space plane three years ago. Except for the captain who died in the line of duty, all the passengers were safe and sound.

Shateora Sekvinzia.

Holding her bracelet with the Orion star map, she made a wish to heaven that "even if she sacrifices everything, she hopes for a miracle to happen."

That wish resonated with the survival instinct of the passengers on the plane, which led to a change in the technique that Laidili used to commit suicide, thus giving birth to a miracle.

In the mysterious light and shadow, part of the personification separated from Sateola turned into a young girl, and the broken bracelets of that girl sang the melody of "OVER".

Including crew members and passengers, there were 88 people in total.

The captain died in the line of duty, and there are 88 remaining.

Sateora can't remember what happened at the time, so she feels resentment towards this "miracle".

Because the captain who died in the line of duty was her father.

The girl who was separated from her had her own name after being taken in by a certain facility: Minghu Alisa.

Laidili was very aware of this, so she focused her attention on Minghu Alisa, and wanted to use Minghu Alisa to create another miracle: kill her as the immortal.

Now everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.

"It's almost here, the moment of my death, this time I'm sure we will be able to usher in the miracle of 'death'."


Bai Ye thought of the "wreckage" incident, and also thought of Lei Tili's matter.

An immortal who attempted suicide because he was tired of dying...


Qi refiners are all pursuing longevity, they will only think that their life is not long enough, and they will not despise themselves for living too long.

The world is changing every day, and various things are happening every day, no matter it is a thousand years or ten thousand years, you will not feel bored.

If it doesn't work, you can do things yourself.

If this is not enough...

Then go to another world.

"The girl probably wanted to commit suicide because her daily life might be boring."

Bai Ye picked up the teacup and smelled the tea.

Retiree Tangelod.This girl really doesn't know how to enjoy life.

There are so many things to do, even flirting with girls is quite interesting.

Well, Retili is a girl, so it should be teasing...

Isn't it more fun for girls to tease girls?

Speaking of which, maybe wanting to commit suicide is not just because of boredom, but also because of loneliness?

The only immortal, it is indeed quite lonely.

In fact, it is not the only one, because there are so many demon gods, and those are also immortal beings.

The problem is that Laidili cannot touch and integrate into the circle of those demon gods.

She doesn't have that much power.

In addition, it is said to be immortal...

This kind of thing is very mysterious, and it is even a legend on the magic side, and Laitili probably can't touch it.

"So lonely."

Byakuya sipped hot tea and looked at Misaka Mikoto and Shokuhou Misaki who were discussing things.

With these girls playing around with him, he didn't feel lonely.

Lettiri's words...

She probably lost her childlike innocence.

If you want to live well, you have to maintain a young mentality, even if it makes people feel naive.

Just like him.


Perhaps sensing his gaze, the two girls who were discussing turned their heads to look at him.

Misaka Mikoto asked directly: "What are you doing looking at us?"

"Huh? Oh, I was thinking, should I come with you three batches tonight..."


The pillow hit the boy directly in the face.


The situation this time was different from the last time, so the two girls did not stay overnight, and they got up and left after discussing almost.

Bai Ye did not send them back.

They are all Level 5, and nothing will happen under normal circumstances.

I just sent them outside the door and shouted "Be careful all the way", and then hid in the bedroom to do my own thing.

Because I thought of Laidili and Arisa Naruto just now, I searched for their information on the Internet.

There is nothing special to pay attention to.

It's just that Minghu Alisa and Hatsune Miku have collaborated on a single, and the number of plays and discussions is constantly increasing.

Found the image of Laidili again.

Obviously, it's a loli with blond hair and twin ponytails.

"Blonde hair, twin ponytails, legal loli..."


They're all cute.

Bai Ye suddenly wanted to hook up with this legitimate loli.

And she's a rich woman.

If this hooks up, the monthly pocket money should not be small, right?
Although he is not short of money.

Hatsune Miku is very profitable.

With the rise of popularity and the spread of influence, the copyright income of the song alone is enough to make many people envious.

Although basically only copyright income.

Because Hatsune Miku is not like other singers, who release records, hold concerts, even participate in variety shows, attend commercial activities, and occasionally make movies and TV series.

Hatsune Miku doesn't do anything other than sing, and can only mix in some copyright fees to support his master who doesn't do anything serious all day long.

"Radi Li..."

He stared at the video playing on his phone for a long time.

In the end, I didn't seem to think much, just switched to the song sung by Hatsune Miku.

"Take a shower and sleep."

(End of this chapter)

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