boy of science

Chapter 267 “Because the master’s attitude towards beautiful girls has always been very good.”

Chapter 267 “Because the master’s attitude towards beautiful girls has always been very good.”

The "suicide plan" proceeds steadily.

In order to bring Narugo Alisa to the space elevator to sing in a reasonable way, Leitili even held an audition event.

In the end, Narugo Alyssa was chosen as expected.

Narugo Alisa was singing on the street. I don't know whether it was a coincidence or necessity, but she met Index and Kamijou Touma. She was happily chatting with the little nun when she received the news that she was selected.

The girl was very happy and surprised. She felt that Hatsune Miku was more suitable than her.

I wanted to join in the fun, but I didn't expect to be selected.

Send an email to Hatsune Miku to share this joy, and asked quietly by the way, only then did I know that Lady Onion didn't sign up at all.

"Miku doesn't participate in unnecessary activities."

What activities are “necessary”?

nothing now.

At most, I will find a time to hold a concert in the future, and I will not do anything other than that, I will just stay at home and sing at ease, and take care of Dolly, Jenny, and Phoebe by the way.

In addition, she doesn’t interact with fans and fans, and I can’t even take photos of her when I meet her on the street.

Many people think of her as a ghost.

Others thought she was wearing something like a jammer.

But no matter what it is, there is no evidence anyway.

There is a photo of Narugo Alyssa with her, taken a few days ago when we were working together, and by the way, we confirmed that she is indeed human.

At least the feel is not much different from that of normal humans.

This is mainly about the hands.

Anyway, in this day and age, shaking hands is de rigueur when meeting someone.

He didn't say much to Hatsune Miku, but put away his phone and continued chatting with his new friend Index.


A few days after returning to Puritanism, Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl Magnus were sent to Academy City to perform tasks again.

It is necessary to confirm whether the girl named Narugo Alisa is a "saint".

This task is very important, but there is no need to rush it, so Kanzaki Kaori went to the apartment as a guest and asked Itsuwa if he could adapt to life here.

It may be difficult for a magician to adapt to living in this academy city full of technology and ability users.

But Wuhe has no such worries.

"Everyone takes good care of me, especially Miss Miku."

Hatsune Miku is a pretty awesome doll.

Whether it’s a clone like Dolly, an android like Jenny Febrey, or a magician like Wuhe, no matter what kind of personality or thoughts they have, she can have a good relationship with them. Can take good care of each other from all aspects.

Because Bai Ye inputs enough data into her core, she can find a way to deal with any situation, and there is more than one way.

Kanzaki Kaori also felt that this girl was very powerful and seemed to contain super energy.

But Hatsune Miku is half her own, so she didn't think too much, but asked: "Isn't Byakuya here? Where is Misaka?"


Misaka Mikoto is busy saving Academy City.

Bai Ye was playing with the little girl.

The four little girls were chattering and arguing, which made Leitili feel very annoyed.

What's even more helpless is that these little girls treat him as a peer.

In fact, they are not peers.

In the case of Jenny and Feibuli, they are probably four or five years old; the final work is a ten-year-old setting; and Jiacheng is seven years old this year.

Lei Dili looked to be only about ten years old, similar to Yueyong Xiaomeng, but her appearance was not as sweet and her voice was not as sweet.

If anything, Yueyong Xiaomeng prefers cuteness, while Lei Dili prefers beauty.

As pretty as an ordinary doll.

Considering this girl's origin, she is indeed a doll.

"Don't care about age, don't care about whether they are adults or children, don't think about maturity or childishness, put aside unnecessary thoughts and concentrate on playing with them, and you will probably become happy."

This is what Bai Ye warned her.

After quarreling with a few little girls, he continued to stand by and watch them.

Yuriko Suzuke was also standing nearby, and Ayami Kisame was sent to go shopping.

Bu Shu Dixin, who brought Jenny and Feibuli here, left because of other things before they arrived.

Yuriko Suzuko glanced at the boy next to her.

I want to strike up a conversation, but I don’t know how to speak.She's also not very good at dealing with people.

After hesitating for a long time, I finally decided to "defeat myself."


After this period of adjustment, the voice has returned to what a girl should look like, and it still sounds a little cute.

"I am Yuriko Suzuko."


Bai Ye glanced at her and responded, then continued to stare at the little girls, as if he didn't want to say anything more to her.

Yuriko Suzukina opened her mouth, but was unable to continue the conversation.

Her curiosity about the boy mainly comes from "ability".

But this kind of thing is a secret. If you take the initiative to ask, you may be considered to be a conspiracy.

Knowing the detailed information of the ability, it is possible to find a way to target it.


Sighing softly, he shut his mouth and said no more.

Not long after, Prison Cai Haimei came back here with a lot of snacks and drinks.

Seeing this, Bai Ye hurriedly called out to a few girls.

"Come on, everyone, come over and have a rest."



The day passed quickly.

Laidili failed to regain her childlike innocence, mainly because her childhood was different from the childhoods of children today.

It was getting dark after dinner.

After finishing his work, Bu Shu Di Xin came to take Jenny and Phoebe away.

Umi Aya and Yuriko Suzuka took the last work home, and also helped to send Kagasama back to the dormitory.

Yuriko Suzuko, who was walking on the road, couldn't help but say: "That boy seems to be difficult to deal with, and he is also very cold when talking to him."


Prison Cai Haimei looked at her strangely: "Did you do something to make the master unhappy?"

"...No, why do you say that?"

"Because the master's attitude towards beautiful girls has always been very good."

If the attitude is bad, then there is a high probability that there is something wrong with this beautiful girl.

Therefore, Cai Haimei has some doubts about Yuriko Bellaceae.

Could it be that this girl with white hair and red eyes had some conspiracy in approaching them?
But considering that Bai Ye didn't remind or prohibit them from interacting with this girl, they quickly gave up their suspicions.

"...That's it."

Yuriko Suzuko felt very guilty.

If she had done anything unpleasant, it had to do with her sisters.

So Bai Ye knew her true identity?
While he was thinking about it, Umi Aya suddenly asked: "Speaking of which, do you want to have a good relationship with my master?"

Yuriko Suzuko turned to look at her and found that her eyes seemed strange.

After a slight hesitation, he nodded slightly: "That's right, I'm a little curious about him."


Yusai Uimi nodded as if she had some realization.

Then he gave some advice: "Actually, it's easy to have a good relationship with the master, as long as you are willing to sell your appearance."

"...I don't think so."

Yuriko Suzuko refused.

Yusai Uimi didn't say much and ended the topic decisively.

Her master likes beautiful girls, and most of his other hobbies are related to beautiful girls.

So if a beautiful girl takes the initiative to approach, the owner will most likely not refuse.

As for whether there is any other way to approach Baiye...

Probably there is.

(End of this chapter)

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