boy of science

Chapter 323: Power and money can really make people crazy!

Chapter 323: Power and money can really make people crazy!

Knowledge is important.

It goes without saying that the Cursed Children in the outer areas are basically uneducated.

There are starters, but they are all education related to combat. After all, adults only need them to fight with gastrea animals, and they can die at any time, so they feel that there is no point in learning other knowledge.

Only a very small number of starters have access to more educational content.

Tina Spratt is one.

Chiju Natsuyo is also one.

And both of them got learning opportunities in order to better perform their tasks.

Ikuma Shogun, the promoter of Qianju Natsuyo, is a man with well-developed limbs and a simple mind. He does not want or have the ability to do work such as "formulating combat plans". He only knows how to rush forward with weapons and kill.

So they are a rare combination where the facilitator fights in the front and the initiator supports in the back.

Now this combination has fallen apart with the fall of Ixiong General.

The private security company to which General Ixiong belongs has many members, and sometimes it is necessary to carry out cooperative operations as a team.

Although it was not Chiju Natsuki's turn to formulate the battle plan at this time, he thought that she needed to learn anyway and learned quickly, so he let her get access to this knowledge.

Qianju Natsuyo carries the dolphin-type factor, and its main effect is that her IQ is greatly improved, and her learning ability is naturally very strong.

So she learned everything she could.

After recognizing the reality and deciding to resist, Chiju Natsuo contributed the knowledge he had learned and soon became the "commander" of the temporary team.

Lan Yuan Yanzhu called on them to return to the outer area to preserve their strength, because the war broke out too suddenly and they had no preparation in advance. If they continued to fight, they would only be wiped out because they would run out of ammunition and reinforcements.

Unless they can implement beheading tactics and kill all the top executives in the Tokyo area, they can gain more time and opportunities.

But it is a pity that the two battlefields are far away from the top, and they have lost their suddenness, so the decapitation tactic cannot be successful.

Therefore, Aihara Yanzhu's proposal is the best approach at present.

Qianju Natsuyo understood this truth and agreed with this choice. After she explained it clearly to her companions, she determined the purpose of the next battle: to rescue all the initiates who chose to resist and return to the outer area.

Facilitators are accustomed to working alone, and their cooperation is basically with their fellow starters.

To others, it would be nothing if three or five people gathered together.

More won’t work and will look confusing.

On the Initiator's side, the "Qianju Squad" was born. Although they were very unfamiliar at the beginning, they gradually became proficient after experiencing several battles on this battlefield.

They picked up and rescued many initiates.

Instead of rashly increasing the number of the team, the starters were asked to retreat to the outer area.

Everything is going smooth.

Until the Self-Defense Forces realized something was wrong and immediately started a team fight with them.

Compared with loose promoters, the Self-Defense Forces' cooperation is much more tacit. After all, they are highly organized and train frequently.

And there are helicopters in the sky to cooperate.

In a large-scale confrontation, the starter's side will not have the advantage.

Fortunately, the Initiator has various abilities and seizes the opportunity to shoot down several Self-Defense Force helicopters.

And the forest is their home field.

The problem is that there are still many starters who choose to follow orders and fight against them.

Some are due to unknown circumstances, while others choose the latter between "resistance" and "obedience".

To those who didn't know the truth, Chiju Natsuyo and the others chose to tell them the truth and persuade them to resist.

There is currently no way to persuade starters who choose to obey.

Let’s finish tonight’s things first.


The younger children were sent to bed.

The older children such as Xiaohui couldn't sleep at all. They were paying attention to the development of the incident and broadcasting it live on the radio that Baiye brought them.

Tonight, Bai Ye did not go back to the hotel. She just stayed here after finding out that Abara Yanju had "messed up" things again.

Make the medicine there while following the events.

He asked Xiao Hui and the others to boil water for cooking, and then sent people to greet the withdrawn starters.

"The underground shelter can't accommodate many people. Take them to a nearby building and let them eat something to replenish their energy. They should have a good rest tonight. We will deal with other issues after this emergency is over."

"I see."

Xiaohui nodded to express her understanding.

Just as she was about to personally take people to meet those initiates who chose to resist, Bai Ye handed her a large bag of freshly made pills.

"Let each of the starters who just fought against the gastrea eat one. This can suppress the increase in the erosion rate."

When fighting gasterozoans, you may be killed on the spot, or you may be injected with gasterozoa virus.

If the erosion rate exceeds 50.00%, you will still die.

Xiaohui knew this, so she solemnly took the package of inhibitory drugs.

"I understand, Brother Bai Ye, let's leave first."

"Well, let's go."

Bai Ye waved at her.

The little girls immediately set off to pick up the retreating starters.


Zhizi Yingyin made a lot of preparations, mainly traps, hoping that the police team chasing him would fight with gastrea animals.

The result was that he was indeed fighting the gastrea, but not because of his trap, but because the starter began to resist.

His daughter is also an initiate.

Through artificial insemination, he gave birth to several daughters with help, and then let several daughters fight each other. The strongest daughter who survived in the end became his right-hand assistant.

Hiroko Kohina has been receiving education from Hiroko Kageyin since she was a child, almost without interruption for so many years, but she will not choose to resist just because she heard the content of Aihara Enju's speech.

The father and daughter were fishing in troubled waters, waiting for Level [-] to appear.

No one paid attention to them, no one stopped them, because at this moment they could only keep fighting.

The main enemy has become gasterozoa, and there are too many gasterozoans that have been alarmed.

Although they are basically the first three levels of gasterozoans, facing the siege of dozens and hundreds of gasterozoans, almost all promoters and self-defense forces have no intention of fighting anymore.

Not to mention whether you can beat it.

Even if you survive the fight, you will most likely die in the end because you will be infected with the gastrula virus during the battle.

Initiates are relatively resistant to gastrula viruses.

But that didn't help either.

Because infection will accelerate the increase in erosion rate, if you really have to face dozens or hundreds of gastrula, the outcome will be death.

After fighting from the first half of the night to the second half of the night, the promoters and self-defense forces were exhausted, and the weapons and ammunition they carried were exhausted, and they could not support them to continue fighting.

In order to prevent a large number of elite "civilian police" from being consumed here, the top management still issued an order to retreat.

Even if they want to fight, they can't fight here, as the endless gastrea animals make their scalp numb.

It's different in the outer areas, where the best scenes are.

The starter who happened to be resisting also chose to retreat to the outer area.

Go back to rest, adjust and replenish ammunition, and wait until tomorrow to continue suppressing those starters who dare to resist.

They chose to retreat, and the starter did not continue to fight them.

Do your best to find all the companions who are alone, injured and unable to move, and take them to evacuate to the outer area.

the other side.

Satomi Rentaro finally found Hiroko Kageyin and Hiroko Kohina.

Unfortunately it's too late.

"You're not dead?!"

Hiroko Kageyin was surprised to see Satomi Rentaro appearing in front of him intact.But for the time being, I have no intention of delving into the inside story.

"It's a pity that you're late. Their show is coming to an end, and my show is about to begin!"


What a good show?
Naturally, it’s “Level [-] gastrula attacking the Tokyo area.”

Zhizi Yingyin, who got the seven-star relic, summoned it in the forest in an unexplored area.

Very smooth and successful.

The approximately 400-meter-tall Level [-] Gastrea "Scorpio" emerges from the sea, and its huge and ugly body is approaching the Tokyo area.

Once it successfully lands, even if it is just crawling around the city, it can cause great damage.

There are also huge stone monuments in the direction of the sea.

However, the magnetic field formed by the metal has no effect on the level five gastrula, and is completely unable to prevent this monster from landing.


A huge and unpleasant roar came from the sea.

No order is needed. Upon seeing the Level [-] Gastrea, the Maritime Self-Defense Force fleet immediately launched an attack.

But the result is obvious: even if the opponent's "skin" is exploded, it can be restored to its original state in an instant without actually being harmed.

Even the bombs made of Tao metal had no effect.

The only products that can cause real harm to Level [-] gastrula are "Super Bowl" products.

That's a new alloy.

It is based on Tao metal, mixed with rare metals and more than a dozen common metals, and must be made in a gravity-free state.

The troops are not equipped with super-metal products, and there are even very few bullets and artillery shells made of palladium metal.

It is mainly the police who use Tao metal as a weapon.

If the metal is ultra-thin, it will be out of reach of ordinary troops and police.

Therefore, the fleet's attack had no effect and could not even slow down the advance of "Scorpio".

Fortunately, there is also a killer "Ladder to Heaven" here.

Its official name is: Linear Super Electromagnetic Projection Device.

It can launch metal projectiles with a diameter of less than [-] millimeters at sub-light speed.

This thing was originally planned to be placed on the moon, and cannonballs would be fired from the moon to kill gastrea animals on the earth.

However, before humans could be used, they were defeated in the war between the gasterozoans and were compressed in various areas to survive. The "ladder to heaven" was also abandoned in the areas where the gasterozoa were active.

So actually speaking, this is not really a killer feature because it is not very easy to use.

"But at this point, we just have to give it a try."

Tendogi Sarada, who returned to the headquarters, made this suggestion.

She was seeking the consent of the Holy Emperor.

The Holy Emperor looked at the others.

The few people who really hold the power are thinking, perhaps weighing the pros and cons.

Tendo Kisara took a quick glance and roughly understood the current situation.

His eyes swept over Tendo Kikunojo without stopping.

His grandfather and his brothers and sisters murdered his father...

Although there is no evidence yet, Tendogi feels that it is most likely true.

Because she had long guessed that the enemy was among her own people, but she just didn't know who it was.

Murdering his son and murdering his father for profit...

Interest, power.

These things can really drive people crazy.



An extremely unpleasant sound came from the direction of the sea.

The Self-Defense Forces personnel, police officers and others who had already made an attack plan and were preparing to launch an attack all looked towards the sea.

With a body hundreds of meters high and eyes that glow in the dark through body tissues, it is easy to spot its existence.

Everyone's faces became ugly.

"This body type..."

"Level [-]?!"

"It seems to be 'Scorpio'."

"This is bad!"


The Self-Defense Forces personnel and the police were talking a lot, and the military morale suddenly became unstable.

They have not forgotten the fact that they were beaten violently by the human side by Level [-] in the Gastrea War.

At that time, humanity was about to be completely destroyed.

Can they withstand the "Scorpio" attack now?
The Tokyo area is probably going to be destroyed.

The morale of the military is unstable and morale is low.

The on-scene commander was immediately aware of the dire state of affairs.

I wanted to boost morale, but I wasn't very confident in my heart, so I couldn't say anything.

"Commander, do you want to attack the TV station again?"

"...I'll ask for permission first."

It stands to reason that this is the time to give up the attack and turn to deal with the more threatening "Scorpio".

But the reply was: "Do your job well, and others will take care of Scorpio."



Misaka Mikoto stood by the window and looked in the direction of the sea.

It looks like a mountain is constantly approaching the city, and it feels like it can easily crush many things into pieces.

"This is a level five gastrula."

Misaka Mikoto was really happy to see the enemy, and wanted to go over and have a fight with him.

Mugino snorted loudly: "It looks disgusting."

In comparison, Lan Yuan Yanzhu's mood was not so relaxed.

"Level [-], Scorpio, ordinary attack methods have no effect on them at all. It is said that they have the ability to regenerate at the molecular level. Even if they are thrown into an extremely low temperature environment, a vacuum, or magma at thousands of degrees, , they can regenerate after adapting to the environment, and even ordinary phoenium metal has almost no effect on them."

Yanzhu Aihara has learned this knowledge. After all, the main task of the "initiator" is to deal with gasterozoans, so no matter whether it can be used, as long as it is related to gasterozoa, it must be learned, at least it must be Have some understanding.

When Misaka Mikoto and Mugino Shenli heard what she said, they immediately lost interest.

Molecular level regeneration?
It's useless in front of them. It just takes some time. After all, it's such a big mess.

Withdrawing his gaze and looking downstairs, he found that the Self-Defense Forces had already taken action at the urging of the commander.

It was not that they gave up their original mission to prepare to fight against "Scorpio", but that they continued to encircle and suppress Aihara Yanju on the TV station.

After seeing their actions, Lan Yuan Yanzhu was also stunned for a moment.

But he quickly came to his senses and was not entangled or surprised.

With the help of Misaka Mikoto and the others, they had already deduced the actions they might take and made corresponding plans.

Since they still want to continue fighting, let's continue fighting.

Beat him upside down.

Kill him bloody!
(End of this chapter)

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