boy of science

Chapter 328 "You don't seem to treat everyone as equally as we imagined."

Chapter 328 "You don't seem to treat everyone as equally as we imagined."

There are many abandoned houses in the outer area, including residential buildings, hotels, apartments, office buildings, etc.

Gastrea generally do not attack such houses.

Bai Ye and the girls will now move into a small two-story apartment.

There are three rooms on the first floor, a total of six rooms, which is enough for them to allocate.

Just like in the hotel before, the four girls from Item occupied two rooms, and Misaka Mikoto and the others occupied two rooms.

Usai Uimi and Bai Ye shared a room, and the remaining room was occupied by three little girls.

The little girl who was shot had strong vitality and quick recovery. Bai Ye was the one who treated her, and she has almost recovered by now.

Aihara Enju, Qianju Natsuo and Tina live in the house next door.

The room was cleaned by Saten Ruiko, and dinner was prepared. The delicious food made people want to eat.

Saten Ruiko has a relatively good relationship with Item, especially Flanda. The two of them chat well.

Misaka Mikoto is relatively close to Umi Aya, after all, the blond girl has been helping her take care of the last work.

Mugino Shenli was unhappy with Misaka Mikoto.

Shirai Kuroko, Uiharu Shiri and the girls from Item are not familiar with each other, and there is no conflict either.

Plus three little girls.

Bai Ye brought Tina back again, and the whole room was so crowded that it was difficult to even walk.

But I still reluctantly sat down and had a lively meal.

The little girl, who felt that she had no problem and was still a little eager for revenge, made a request: "Can I join the resistance to fight them?"

The news that the Initiates were setting up a resistance army had spread throughout the outer areas, and almost all the Children of the Curse knew about it.

She was almost shot to death by the police and bullied in various ways. This little girl also wanted to take revenge on them.

Bai Ye, who was eating dinner, stared at the little girl who was shot: "Speaking of which, what is your name?"


"What about the last name?"


This may be the truth or it may be a lie.

The truth is that she really doesn't know her last name because she was abandoned by her parents before she could remember.

Another possibility is to deliberately forget your last name.

They have been abandoned by their parents anyway, so what’s the point of having a surname inherited from them?
Bai Ye didn't care if it was true or not, he just nodded to show that he had written down the name.


He yelled first, and then replied: "Don't ask me about this, ask Mikoto, she is your mother."

"What do you say?"

Misaka Mikoto complained for a while.

Bai Ye just said it was natural: "Originally, it was you who rescued her, so you are naturally her reborn parent. Don't you want to be a mother instead of a father?"

"...I won't discuss this with you."

Misaka Mikoto snorted softly and turned to discuss with Yu.

Others continued to eat.


After they had had enough wine and food, the girls left the crowded room one after another.

Bai Ye was checking up on the blind little girl.

Her sister sat nearby.

The little girl was confused, unable to understand the situation and the future.

But she doesn't have to think about it that much for the time being.

After completing her daily tasks, Byakuya touched her little head, handed the rest of the work to Saten Ruiko, and took Tina back to the room where Kagura Ayaumi lived.

Umi Aya is the first girl to live with Byakuya, and she has a special status in Byakuya's heart.

There has been no running water here for a long time, and the girl is worried about taking a bath.

She was very tired from running around today and wanted to take a comfortable bath, preferably a hot bath.

It's a pity that there is not even cold water.

Just now, Saten Ruiko used bottled purified water for cooking.


Seeing Bai Ye come in, the girl immediately got in front of the boy.

He didn't say anything, just looked at him expectantly.

Yucai Haimei is not good at acting like a spoiled brat.

Bai Ye knew what she was thinking, so he laughed a few times and raised his hand to touch his lips.The meaning is simple: before the master can satisfy the little maid's request, the maid must first satisfy the master's desire.

Usaicai Uimi looked at Tina who followed her in, then ignored the little girl and threw herself into Bai Ye's arms to give her a sweet kiss.

Tina looked at them, then looked away, and then looked at them kissing again.


Bai Ye went around each room and found that the girls didn't have hot water to take a bath, so he directly provided them with benefits.

By the way, I made a comment: "You are all Qi Practitioners, why don't you come up with some small spells in this area yourself."

Only Kuroko Shirai is not yet.

These girls don't like the magic spells that are used in daily life, because modern life is very convenient, and it doesn't matter whether they have those spells or not.

Whether it's hot or cold water, don't you just need to turn on the faucet?

For lighting, just use electric lights.

There are also various convenient tools such as air conditioners, fans, and mobile phones.

The key is that these daily spells are basically non-lethal and destructive.

They just want to be more powerful than anyone else, and they don’t want to live a better life than anyone else.

Young people.

In fact, many daily spells are the essence of Qi Refiners.

This brings us to the original intention of Qi Refiners: to live longer and enjoy life better.

Life is not all about fighting and killing.

"No Road Race!"

After getting the hot water, Misaka Mikoto immediately drove Byakuya away to prevent this guy from shamelessly insisting on sharing a bath with her.

Mainly Shirai Kuroko is here.

She was embarrassed to walk into the bathroom with Bai Ye in front of her juniors.

Bai Ye didn't pay attention and returned to his room after finishing the work of providing hot water.

Jagasai Uimi is taking a bath.

Tina was sitting in the bedroom waiting for him.

There was nothing else in the bedroom except sheets and quilt covers.

Just these sheets and quilt covers were brought back by Bai Ye and provided to the children of the curse. They can get whatever they want.

It was probably the first time for the girls to live in such a simple room.

Especially Misaka Mikoto, Shirai Kuroko and Mugino Shiri, they are all eldest ladies who are either rich or noble.

But for the children of the curse, having food, clothing, and clean sheets and quilts is the new life they dream of.

The quality of life of starters is much better, although in reality it is only about normal.

And it also depends on whether the "facilitator" of your partner is an easy person to get along with.

Bai Ye is an easy person to get along with.

Tina didn't know much about him, but in her opinion: Bai Ye was a good person who could treat everyone equally.

But this impression doesn't seem right.

I didn't pay attention while eating.

When she came in just now, she clearly heard Umi Umi address Bai Ye as "master".

This shows that they are not in an equal relationship.

So I felt very strange: "Why does Brother Bai Ye help us resist?"

"……Any questions?"

"I just suddenly felt that you didn't treat everyone as equally as we thought."


Bai Ye nodded suddenly.

He does not treat everyone equally.

In fact, he had no intention of helping these little girls resist those who persecuted them.

Things developed into the current situation entirely because of Lan Yuan Yanzhu's "troublemaking".

Although I didn’t want to help, I didn’t mind helping either.

Anyway, Misaka Mikoto will definitely cause trouble when she knows the truth.

Not bothering to explain, he said directly: "Let's start class."


(End of this chapter)

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