boy of science

Chapter 338 "Really? Then I'll just believe you."

Chapter 338 "Really? Then I'll just believe you."

Everyone has their own job.

Bai Ye's job is mainly to do research, make dolls, and train little girls.

Drugs to save children need research.

The improved potion has been prepared.

A small team of more than a dozen starters headed to the outer area, with the main task being to investigate the situation there.

Children cannot be trapped in the outer area, and if they are unable to capture the Tokyo area for the time being, they can only expand the depth by developing unexplored areas.

In the modern military system, "strategic depth" is very important.

What is "strategic depth"?
To put it simply, it means that your control area is broad enough and your resources are rich enough.

The outer area is huge.

Judging from the surface situation, it can even be regarded as surrounding the main urban area of ​​​​the Tokyo area.

But it's no use.

Putting aside the Cursed Sons who have not received any training, there are currently only more than 500 starters gathered, and it is impossible to complete the strategic siege of the main city of Tokyo.

On the contrary, the armed forces from the Tokyo area are now surrounding them.

Another issue is resources.

Living supplies are all supplied at night, weapons and ammunition are all looted, and there is an extreme shortage of various heavy weapons and sophisticated weapons.

So the most important thing right now is to collect resources.

You can't go forward (the main city), you can only go back (the unexplored area).

The task of this team is to conduct basic intelligence investigations.

To put it simply, it is terrain mapping, and by the way, we also investigate the distribution of gastrula.

During this period, battles with gasterozoans are inevitable.

As long as there is contact, there is a probability that the gastroenterate virus will be injected, which will accelerate the erosion rate.

Therefore, it is necessary to carry drugs that inhibit the erosion rate.

The team leader came to the underground shelter to look for Bai Ye.

The boy handed her the prepared potion and pills.

"You have taken the pills before, and the medicine is an improved version. After you take it, you should carefully feel the changes in your body, and tell me in detail when you come back."



Let’s not talk about Bai Ye’s research for now.

After arranging an advance team to explore the unexplored area, Aihara Enju and Qianju Natsuyo began to discuss the next step.

The goal is clear: rescue all the imprisoned Initiators.

Those initiates who did not choose to resist were monitored or even imprisoned by the Tokyo government after that night.

According to existing intelligence, there are more than 700 starters imprisoned in the three locations. If they can all be brought over, it will greatly strengthen the strength of the resistance.

Even if you can only pull half of it over, that's fine.

There are many starters around the world, and they are measured in "ten thousand", but they are scattered in so many areas, so they seem a bit few.

And not all Cursed Children are suitable to be "initiators".

In fact, more than 600 starters chose to resist that night, but some failed to resist and were killed, and some were killed in various recent confrontations, so there were only more than 500 left.

Of course this refers to the "initiator".

In fact, a group of people have been selected from the Cursed Children to join the resistance, but they are still in the training stage, so they are not included in the total number for the time being.

"No matter what, we must rescue them. Even if they are unwilling to follow us to resist, at least we can get them out of a dangerous situation."

Now those imprisoned initiates are indeed facing danger because they don't know what the Tokyo government will do with them.


They also needed to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys, lest the starters in other regions would also resist, so they acquiesced to the Tokyo government's actions.

Qianju Natsuyo also had the same opinion.

But this time there are three target locations, and they are all in the main city. The three locations are still quite far apart.

Attack one by one...

Obviously it is impossible.

If the Tokyo government personnel realize that they are rescuing those little girls, then there will be two possibilities: either transfer the starters in the remaining two detention locations to other places, or directly transfer all of them Kill.Therefore, if we want to take action, we must take action in three locations at the same time.

We need to consider how to enter, how to retreat, how to act, what to do if our movements are blocked, what to do if we are surrounded during retreat...

All in all, this action plan is much more complicated than the last one.

Because there are more factors to consider.

Qianju Natsuyo used her brain to think crazily.

Aihara Yanzhu is also thinking.

At the same time, they were still communicating, expressing their thoughts bit by bit.

In short, let’s have a rough idea first and then gradually improve it.

No, not right.

Can't be slow.

The most lacking thing now is time, so we have to hurry up.


The physical appearance of the Cursed Child is too obvious.

Especially those red eyes, people can know their identity at a glance.

The Initiates' eye color can remain normal, but their body shape cannot be changed. After all, they have no superpowers, so they are still not suitable for intelligence work.

The other girls stayed in the outer area to teach the children, while Umi Aya had to work hard to run in both directions.

The intelligence work was entrusted to her.

He has the ability to "psychologically regulate" and has learned many spells, so he can come and go freely anywhere.

You can even go directly to their headquarters to collect intelligence.

Because she is friends with Sheng Tianzi.

Although Sheng Tianzi also felt that it was strange for a friend to suddenly appear, but under the influence of "psychological rules", she did not doubt anything.

Today, Izaya Uimi came in under the pretext of visiting a friend.

Use "psychological rules" to bring each other's spiritual distance closer.

Closer than before, closer than "friends".

If you want to say it, it's probably "more than friends, but not enough lovers"?
Anyway, you have to be close enough to find out more and more important information.

Although Izaya Uimi felt that Miss Shengtianzi didn't have much important information.

It's just a puppet after all.

But no matter how you say it, he is the "supreme ruler of the Tokyo area", which is still very valuable.

However, before she could take advantage of Sheng Tianzi, Sheng Tianzi, whose spiritual distance was brought close enough, regarded her as his only relative and began to confide in her the worries of the past few days.

He even expressed his thoughts: taking advantage of the conflicts at the top to choose sides, leading and inciting them to fight with each other, and then taking the opportunity to install his cronies to slowly take back power.

However, there was a very fatal problem: She, the Holy Emperor, simply had few confidants who could entrust her with important tasks.

After hearing this, Umi Aya was stunned for a moment, and her mood was a little complicated.

"you've changed."

"...Huh? What?"

"Become like them and start fighting for power."

"how come……"

The Holy Emperor immediately denied it.

After thinking for a while, I quickly found an excuse: "Only by regaining power can I stop the current fight and avoid unnecessary casualties. This is why I want to gain power."

"Really? Then I'll just believe you."

In fact, Izaya Uimi doesn't care at all.

They were not real friends, so she didn't need to care what happened to the Holy Emperor.

I just felt that the Holy Emperor had fallen into the whirlpool of lust for power, so I just sighed a little.

"I hope you can really never forget your original intention."

Don't forget your heart, you have to always.

It's simple to say, but very difficult to do.

(End of this chapter)

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