boy of science

Chapter 341 This must be caught and trained hard!

Chapter 341 This must be caught and trained hard!

The Cursed Child's physical fitness is very strong, and under normal circumstances there will be no problem no matter what.

Aihara Enju and Qianju Natsuyo themselves wanted to have a lot of trouble.

But it’s too late, and I have to work and study tomorrow, so after I feel comfortable and relaxed, I take the time to go to bed and rest, so as not to be unable to get up tomorrow, or to not feel energetic when I get up.

As a result, I got up a little late. I quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face. I squeezed out some time to take a shower. I got dressed and quickly finished the breakfast I had prepared during the night before running out to get ready for work.

I happened to meet Tina who was yawning and coming back to rest after breakfast.

Seeing the two of them coming out of the room together, and seeing Bai Ye following behind, Tina, who was originally drowsy, immediately opened her eyes wide and cheered up.

Then he tilted his head and looked at them with strange and suspicious eyes.

Didn't these people call themselves "(...)"? !
"Tina, you are back."

"Get some rest early, we're going to work."

The two little girls said hello to her and quickly fled the scene.

Bai Ye touched her little head.

"Sleep at ease."

After saying this, he left.

Tina looked at their figures without saying anything, yawned again and turned around to go back to her room.


Time is too tight and there are too many things to do.

So Byakuya divided part of his work and asked Saten Ruiko to be responsible for the production of the dolls.

Mainly mass-produced dolls.

The materials are available everywhere, the production process is not complicated, and the requirements are not high. As long as you can move and do things, Saten Ruiko is completely qualified for this job.

But she still needs to be trained and taught how to make it first, since she has never been exposed to this technology before.

Recently, her main task is to teach little girls life-related skills.

None of them are very complicated, and the girls don’t have many resources. They have already taught everything they can, so there is no problem in suspending the teaching work in this area.

Just hearing that she wanted to make dolls made Saten Ruiko not very confident.

"Can I? I've only just started, and I've never been exposed to it before."

"Don't worry, there will be no problem. Ordinary dolls don't have many technical requirements. You can learn it easily. I will teach you step by step."

"I understand, then I'll go handle the original work first."

Saten Ruiko also wants to do more important work.

When you are not refining your qi, you can only do small daily things. After refining your qi, you can still only do small daily things. So isn’t your refining your qi in vain?

So it’s better to do something that better reflects your own value.

But she doesn't know any other skills.

She doesn't know anything about fighting, tactical command, bomb making, computer technology, etc. She has nothing to teach her even if she wants to.

It's okay now. Although I still can't teach the little girls more useful skills, making dolls is also a very important job.

Reading and literacy are important, as is military guidance.

Next she will focus on making dolls.

Don’t be afraid of too much quantity, just be afraid of too little quantity. In short, the more the better.


He left the production of basic dolls to Saten Ruiko, while Byakuya concentrated on the production of high-end dolls.

The little girls lacked the core strength of sea, land and air, and Bai Ye wanted to make up for this shortcoming for them.

There are also physical issues.

Simply suppressing the erosion rate is not enough, you must find a way to cure it completely.

Or is it not a cure, but the use of gastrula factors for one's own use?

The gastruzoan virus brings misfortune to them, but also gives them physical fitness and some special abilities that are far beyond ordinary people.

These are common phenomena.

So what Bai Ye has to do is to find out the laws and essence, and find ways to use them, so as to formulate an ability system belonging to the Cursed Child.

Regarding the special features of the Cursed Child, the world actually has simple divisions.

Roughly speaking, it is linked to gasterozoa.

Level one to level four.

Level [-] is an existence outside the standard, so the Cursed Child also has a level called "Domain".Once you reach that level, your combat power is ridiculously high, probably to the point where you can beat a Level [-] gastrea to death on your own.

In fact, one of the first-ranked starters killed a level [-] gastrula.

And this is not an isolated case.

In distant Germany, the second-ranked starter also killed a level [-] gastrula.

The two level fives are Taurus and Virgo.

The information about the first and second ranked starters is unknown. Anyway, everyone guesses that they must have reached the "field" level.

For starters, this is not a good thing, because the erosion rate will increase significantly when reaching the "realm".

The erosion rate of starters is basically above 40.00%.

"Field" level starters have probably reached a critical point, and it's hard to say how long they can survive.

Bai Ye has never been in contact with domain-level starters, does not know this information, and has no way to conduct research.

But he didn't think about that for now.


Two days later, afternoon.

The blind girl has already made preparations for the surgery.

Shirai Kuroko was captured as a young man and served as Bai Ye's assistant.

Using magic to put Xiaohua into a deep sleep and unconscious state, the young girl began to operate on her eyes.

While doing the surgery, I was explaining it to Kuroko Shirai.

Regardless of whether the girl can use this knowledge in the future, there is no harm in learning it anyway.

It was busy from the afternoon until the evening.

The little girl continued to sleep in the room.

Byakuya and Shirai Kuroko returned to Saten Ruiko and Uiharu Shiri's room to rest and have dinner.

Xiaohua's sister Xiaolian kept staring at the two of them.

Sitting down, Bai Ye stretched out his hand to touch her little head: "Don't worry, the operation went smoothly. It only takes a while to recover and you will be able to see the light again."

Xiao Lian didn't know whether she understood or not, but she just nodded and said nothing.

Saten Ruiko brought over the prepared food.

"Thank you for your hard work, let's have dinner first."



Girls are really having a hard time lately.

Especially Mugino Shiri.

To be honest, she really didn't want to do these things and be an instructor for these little girls all day long.

She didn't think there was anything wrong with what these little girls were going through, although it did seem a bit unfair.

But many things are inherently unfair.

What does it have to do with her whether other people's experiences are good or bad?

However, this was Bai Ye's order, so she had to do it.

It's just that I'm very upset.

And she also showed this unhappiness on her face, so that simple little girls could see what she was thinking.

This eldest sister probably doesn't like them very much.

Although they could see it, they didn't care.

Don't like it, don't like it, at least you are not persecuting them, and you are even helping them.

Therefore, they were filled with gratitude and respect for Mugino Shenli, and they were very willing to get close to her.

It's a pity that Mugino Shenli doesn't want to get close to them.

Other girls can get along well with the children, but she seems not so harmonious here.

Bai Ye learned about this from Flanda and Kinuhata's favorite mouth, but she was too busy before and didn't have time to take care of it.

Although it seems there is no need to care.

Because his thoughts are similar to Mugino Shenli: The suffering of others has nothing to do with me?
But it's better to keep it under control.

The master gave the order, but you were unwilling to do so. You must be caught and trained hard!
(End of this chapter)

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