boy of science

Chapter 375 It’s more comfortable to hold the girl in your arms and fall asleep.

Chapter 375 It’s more comfortable to hold the girl in your arms and fall asleep.

"Bear Bears Bravely Enters Another World" is not a good work, it is just an ordinary cute work.

But for many people, as long as the characters are cute enough and the plot is lighthearted and enjoyable, it's fine.

Life is full of hardships, and we have to work hard every day. It is a great blessing to have some time to relax. It is a great blessing to be able to feel happy.

Byakuya has watched this anime and watched all 24 episodes of both seasons.

Whether it's Yuuna, Fina or other characters, he likes them all.

But that's about it.

Fukiyose Seiri didn't know Yuna, but he was also an "Earthling" and even nominally from the same country. They met in this strange and different world, so the two girls quickly became close.

Yuuna came to this world before them, and has been here for a long time.

Relying on the "bear suit" given by a certain "god", she lived a comfortable life in this world.

Not only does he own his own property, but he also has a close-knit little girl named Fina.

Fina is indeed very cute.

While watching the anime, Bai Ye also had the thought "I wish I had Fina".

Then he made a puppet.

Now the real Fina appeared in front of him.

But don't care.

I have said before: What he likes is the character in his imagination, which has little to do with the character that actually appears in front of him.

Misaka Mikoto and the others?

That's because I've been in love for a long time.

This "Bear Bear Restaurant" is Yuna's property. The waiters here are children from the orphanage, and the chef is a mother and daughter kidnapped from the royal capital.

Yuna is already familiar with the surrounding environment. She even went to the Imperial Capital a few days ago for a tour.

Byakuya was not going to take Fukiyose Riri to the capital because it was not necessary.

But he was going to go there himself.

The two girls were so close to each other, so it was just right for Yuna to help take care of Fukiyose and let her play with him for a day.

"I'll go to the royal capital and capture that empress by the way."

"……it is good."

Fukiyose Riri is not worried that Byakuya will abandon her and never come back.

I'm just a little speechless: What's the point of abandoning your girlfriend to find another woman during a date?

Yuna was curious: "That empress?"

"It's okay, don't worry about it. Please help me take care of it."

"Okay, no problem, leave it to me."

Yuna agreed without hesitation, and she didn't find it troublesome anyway.

She had plenty of free time and nothing in particular to do.

Staying in this world is like living in retirement.

There was nothing special to explain after that. After breakfast, Bai Ye left alone.


Bai Ye really likes to study.

Be tolerant to diversity, tolerance is a virtue.

Three people, there must be my teacher Yan.

Live and learn.

Who once said: My life also has a limit, but my knowledge also has no limit, so the limit will follow the limitless, it is almost impossible.

But this sentence doesn't apply to Bai Ye, after all, he has a long lifespan.

A hundred years seemed to him like a blink of an eye.

It’s hard to say to what level the girls will be able to reach by learning Qi refining from him.

Maybe I can stay with him for hundreds of years, maybe I can stay with him for thousands of years or tens of thousands of years.

It would be best to stay with him forever.

But is it really possible?

After thousands of years, who knows whether their thoughts will change.

The only constant is "change" itself.

The world is constantly changing, and so are people.

But no matter what, we are going to a future that we don’t know what it will be like.

Until complete death.

Let’s not talk about the distant future.

When Bai Ye came to the royal capital, he first went to look for various books, mainly books related to magic.

In a medieval-like social state, books were basically in the hands of the nobles.

And the greatest noble is the king.

The royal capital is the most prosperous city, so the collection of books here is the richest.

Of course, there is more than one kingdom in this world, and other countries also have rich collections of books.

But Bai Ye didn't want to thoroughly understand the magic of this world. He just wanted to study the basic theory, so there was no need to read the books in other countries.

Coincidentally: the empress thought so too.

So the two met unexpectedly in the royal library.

"...Why are you here, kid?"

"I also want to ask you why this old monster is here."

"Who do you call a monster?"

"Are you still human?"


The empress could not refute, because she was indeed no longer a human being.

She is the corpse decomposer and the devil.

Apart from having a human appearance, he cannot be considered human in any other aspect.

Looking at each other, the two people did not continue to argue, but went to find books to read.

They are stealing books to read...


How can we say "stealing" about scholars?

This is called plagiarism...

This is called borrowing books to read.

After all, I'm just here to take a look.

What you take away is only knowledge, not books.


A qigong practitioner and a demon god.

Naturally, they would not be discovered by those mortals when they peeked at the books.

And they read very quickly. From morning to afternoon, they read all the books in the entire royal library.

The empress was about to play, but Bai Ye pinched her neck from behind like a kitten.

"Boy, what are you doing..."

Just as he was about to ask, the surrounding environment suddenly changed and he came directly to a restaurant.

Bear restaurant.

Fukiyose Riri, Yuuna and Fina are not here, probably because they went shopping and haven't come back yet.

"Boy, I still have things I want to do. Why did you bring me here?"

"Eat, sleep, and go back tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? So soon?"

The empress thinks this world is quite interesting, and there are still many things she doesn’t understand, so she doesn’t want to leave so soon.

But Bai Ye would not accommodate her: "If you don't want to go back, you can stay here by yourself, I won't mind."

"...You have a pretty good idea, kid."

The empress snorted softly.

Without continuing the topic, he sat down directly in front of Bai Ye and patted the table gently.

"I'm hungry, let's eat quickly."

To be precise, I'm not hungry, but greedy.

As a Corpse Execution Immortal, she would not be hungry.

Bai Ye also liked to enjoy delicious food, so he directly called the little waitress over and ordered a lot of food without even asking for her opinion.

The queen actually has no objection.It wasn't until the food was served that she took a few bites before expressing her displeasure: "The taste is not right, it's too bland, not delicious enough, and different from what I ate before."

"Just be content. This world is already pretty good. If you go to a world that has not yet developed, even oil, salt, and sugar cannot be supplied in sufficient quantities. It will be even more uncomfortable to eat such food."

"Listen to what you said, have you ever been to such a world?"

"of course."

"I have never been there, but I have experienced it. It was like this thousands of years ago. The world is not beautiful at all."

So she didn't have much nostalgia and just disintegrated into an immortal.

I don’t know how many years passed after that, but suddenly I started to miss my old world again.

Regardless of whether it is a human being or a god, you may only feel precious and regretful after losing something.

People never learn to cherish the present moment.


The two of them ate, drank, and chatted, talking about a lot of topics that seemed meaningful and meaningless.

At almost evening, Yuuna and Fina returned here with Fukiyose Riori.

Several people had dinner together, then said goodbye and separated.

Yuna looked very reluctant to give up.

"After this separation, I don't know if I will be able to see the guests from Earth again."


Fukiyose Riri didn't dare to express her opinion casually on this kind of matter, because she didn't have the ability to travel through the world.

She doesn't even have the ability, and she hasn't learned Qi refining from Bai Ye yet.

Bai Ye spoke on her behalf: "It's still possible. Even if there are no people from Earth, you can still find a way to return to Earth on your own. All you need to do is develop the magic in this area."

"It's easy for you to develop magic in this area."

In fact, Yuna doesn't know magic, and all her skills come from the bear suit.

This is an "artifact" given to her by a certain "god".

Bai Ye stretched out his hand, and a thick book was generated out of thin air.

"This is the magical knowledge of this world that I just compiled. You can study it yourself when you have time."


Because she felt that she really needed such a book, Yuna took the book directly without being polite.

Bai Ye waved his hand: "You're welcome, just think of it as a thank you gift for taking care of me."

After chatting for a few words, we said no more and waved our hands to say a final farewell.

Although Bai Ye and the others will leave tomorrow, they may not be able to see each other tomorrow.


Went back to the hotel and asked for another room for my wife.

The result was that she was left alone in the empty room.

Feeling bored staying in the room, I thought about whether I should sneak out to play.

Here we are still in a state of life where we work at sunrise and rest at sundown. Most people stay at home after dark, and the streets outside look very quiet.

Unless there is a celebration or festival to be held at night, few people would go outside at night.

There is no entertainment in the dark.

Some kind of flesh business?

Then needless to say.

The empress who was thinking soon felt a strange sense of pleasure.

It was obvious that the boy and girl next door were once again engaging in some kind of in-depth communication.

The empress became angry for a while.

It happened that the room was next door, so I walked directly to the wall and punched the wall a few times.

Unfortunately, it was of no use, and the strange feeling of pleasure continued to come over me.


Sure enough, that brat should be given a good beating!

The empress was tortured for a long time.

Around midnight, it finally stopped.

The empress, whose thoughts were a little confused, knocked on the wall a few more times.

Bai Ye, who was about to go to bed, coaxed the tired Fukiyose Rili into sleep, and then quietly got up to find the empress next door.

The empress quickly opened the door for him, looking like she was gnashing her teeth: "You brat, can't you just calm down a little? You've been doing it every day these days, and it's seriously affecting my rest!"

"Then remove that mark. Who told you to do this?"

Bai Ye first asked in reply, and then looked at her with curious eyes: "What kind of impact did you receive specifically? By the way, you are a corpse exterminator, right? Can a corpse actually react to it?"

The more the boy talked about his eyes, it was as if he wanted to dissect and study the empress.

Not only thought about it, but also did it.

Without waiting for the Queen to answer, he suddenly squatted down, grabbed the skirt of the Queen's strange cheongsam and prepared to lift it up.

The queen's reaction speed is very fast.

Although she is a zombie and a demon god, she is still a girl. Even after thousands of years, she still has some girlish instincts.

So he raised his leg and kicked Bai Ye away.

Bai Ye's body hit the wall of the corridor and he quickly got up.

"Will you die if you let me study it?"

"...Is that a place where people can study it?"

"Why do you, a cadaver expert, care so much? Besides, I don't have necrophilia, and your corpse-like appearance is not very good-looking. Don't worry that I will take advantage of you."


The empress considered whether to beat the young man to death.

But I thought about relying on this boy to go to another world, so I gave up the idea.

It's just a long night and I have no intention of sleeping.

In addition, I didn't want to discuss my physical problems, so I asked directly: "Boy, is there anything I can play? I'm very bored right now."

"What kind of fun can there be at night in this world? Basically, we just stay at home."


"Anyway, if you're bored, go to bed early, and I'll go back to sleep."

"I don't need to sleep."

"You don't need to eat yet. Didn't you enjoy eating well before?"

"Stop talking nonsense and help me find a way to pass the time."

"...Then let's go up and enjoy the moon."

"Appreciate the moon?"


There is also a moon in this world. Although it looks different, it is still quite round.

The empress sat on the roof with Bai Ye, eating melon and admiring the moon.

By the way, I raised my own question: "Boy, you are quite powerful and have a long lifespan. Why do you still hang out in the human world and live like an ordinary person?"

"...Ordinary people?"

"He who eats and sleeps is an ordinary person in every aspect."


Bai Ye didn't answer immediately.

He took a few mouthfuls of honeydew melon, then raised his head and looked at the moon: "I cultivate qi and cultivate immortality to seek immortality just for enjoyment. All kinds of food, all kinds of entertainment, from the sun, moon and stars, to flowers and trees, this colorful world has too many There are so many things that make people nostalgic, so I am both a Qi practitioner and an ordinary person. For me, there is nothing wrong with being ordinary."

"……I don't know."

"It's so cold at high places. You've just stayed there for too long and thought wildly all day long, so you became a lunatic..."

"Who do you call a lunatic?"


Bai Ye was not afraid at all.

He took another two mouthfuls of honeydew and continued: "Don't think of yourself as a lofty god. Try to think of yourself as a human being again. Eat, sleep and do things like ordinary people. Enjoy life to the fullest like ordinary people. Over time, you may be able to recover." Normal."

"...but I am not an ordinary person after all, and neither are you."

"That's true, but what does it have to do with it? You don't need to completely become an ordinary person. It just makes you like an ordinary person. Don't dwell on the past. Focus on the future. Don't care about this or that. Just follow Let me enjoy life together. To be successful in life, you must have all the joy, and don’t let the golden bottle stand empty against the moon."

After eating the honeydew, Bai Ye patted the empress on the shoulder and wiped her hands with her clothes.

Then he patted his butt and stood up: "Okay, it's time for me to go to bed. You can continue to eat melons and admire the moon."

Long night.

It is more comfortable to hold the girl in her arms as she falls asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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