boy of science

Chapter 380 "Anyway, I'll let their bodies stop growing first."

Chapter 380 "Anyway, I'll let their bodies stop growing first."

I've been busy lately, and it's rare for Byakuya and Misaka Mikoto to be intimate, so they naturally spent a lot of time tonight.

After having a good time, the boys and girls began to discuss various issues.

Some are problems that need to be solved urgently, some are problems that can be postponed, and some are problems that will arise later.

Some of them need to be dealt with, and some of them just need to be allowed to take their own course.

The Qi Master actually doesn't care that much.

But because Misaka Mikoto is not yet a qualified Qi practitioner and likes to meddle in other people's business, they will participate in the war between the Cursed Son and certain people.

A new round of fighting has begun, but it has not yet started with real swords and guns.

The Holy Emperor and the others are taking advantage of their own tactics and asking you to put them in a urn.

Misaka Mikoto doesn't care about things over there.

If she really had to, she could kill those ungrateful guys all by herself.

It was just because Bai Ye said something like "it's better to teach a man how to fish than to teach him how to fish", so she tried her best not to take action.

And the most important thing now is to make arrangements for the sisters.

The development of things is always unexpected. She never expected that she would take her sisters to another world.

After all, he was targeted by the devil, so it was a helpless move.

Fortunately, he ran fast and escaped the devil's persecution.

Although he didn't escape completely, because the empress ran after him.

Fortunately: the empress is at least a demon who is willing to solve problems through communication.

As for why you are willing to communicate...

There are many reasons, so I won't go into details one by one.

The sisters have already made arrangements, and their main tasks are to teach military knowledge and help build living areas.

After all, they will live here for a long time.

Just wait until Bai Ye breaks through to the Concentration Realm.

How long does this take?
Or hundreds of years?
Bai Ye is searching for a world where time flows faster than this world. If there is a world that is hundreds of times, thousands of times or even tens of thousands of times faster, then they can go home quickly.

But this is difficult.

The world that can be ten times faster is already one in ten thousand, and the world that is a hundred times and a thousand times faster is probably only one in billions.

Misaka Mikoto asked and realized that she had not found a better world, so she stopped continuing the topic.

Then he asked: "What should I do with my classmates after marriage, my classmates in Wanuchi, my classmates in Paofu, and my classmates in Kuchuanko?"

These are girls who know Bai Ye but are not very close yet.

Except for Shokuhou Misaki and Hokaze Junko, the other members of the Shokuhou faction actually don't know Byakuya.

Of course, we must already know each other now.

For decades or hundreds of years, those of them who are refining their qi can probably wait.

The sisters couldn't wait.

But even if they die here, they won't complain.

They are different if they are early birds.

They will definitely not be able to wait for hundreds of years, and they will be old in a few decades.

In fact, a few years is enough for ordinary people to change a lot.

Misaka Mikoto was a little worried.

Bai Ye thought about it carefully, and then said with a smile: "Just kill them now, and then resurrect them after I gather my soul. I can go home as soon as I close my eyes and open them. Naturally, I don't have to worry about any problems."

"What are you talking about? You can't kill your friends no matter what."

Misaka Mikoto complained for a while.

Bai Ye actually just said it and didn't really want to do it.

After thinking about it, I came up with another idea: "Then ask the empress for some elixir of life for them to take?"

"...It's not good either. I'm afraid they will follow Retili's old path."

After living for hundreds of years, Retili began to attempt suicide, and she still failed to commit suicide until she was over 800 years old.

In the end, he gave up committing suicide because he found Bai Ye, his "companion" and because he could go to another world.

For ordinary people, immortality is not necessarily a good thing.

For the Qi Practitioners...

What Qi Masters pursue is immortality, and they also have many fun spells, which are very different from ordinary people.Even if you really get tired of living, you can commit suicide, so it's not a big problem.

Byakuya reached out to touch Misaka Mikoto's...

He continued: "Anyway, I'll let their bodies stop growing first."

"...Stop growing?"

"Well, even if they maintain their current state, as long as the spell is not lifted, their bodies will not grow or age. In a sense, they can be considered immortal."

"Is there no problem? Any side effects or something like that?"

"They don't, I do, but it's not a big problem, so don't worry about it."

"...Is it really all right?"

"Really, when did I ever lie to you?"

"You have lied to me a lot."

"Nonsense, I didn't lie to you. At most, I just selectively concealed it and didn't tell the whole story."


Misaka Mikoto seemed a little unhappy.

But he didn't dwell on this, and asked some other questions, and then slapped Bai Ye's mischievous hand away.

"Stop making trouble, go to sleep, I don't have that much energy to do it with you."

"……All right."

Bai Ye also became more honest and fell asleep with the girl in his arms.


The problem of tanks and armored vehicles needs to be solved.

Putting aside unscientific methods, the most direct way is to modify it.

It doesn't matter if it doesn't fit, just change it to something suitable.

Another way is to redesign and manufacture suitable tanks and armored vehicles.

However, Cursed Child lacks resources and does not have a relevant manufacturing plant, so "design and build" goes without saying.

"Renovation" is not the best solution either.

Bai Ye's final choice was to use the energy of chaos to create a batch of suitable tanks, armored vehicles, etc.

The energy of chaos is a good thing.If Bai Ye wanted to, he could even use it to evolve a world.

But if he really wanted to do this, he would have to die like the legendary Pangu.

After all, a world (universe) is really too big.

If only a batch of tanks and armored vehicles were produced, the impact on Baiye would be minimal.

Although Chaos Energy is rarely used to make needed things, it was very necessary now, so the next morning Bai Ye went to make the tanks and armored vehicles needed by the resistance, and there were also many matching parts for repairs. replace.

Of course, ammunition supplies are indispensable.

At the same time, relevant design drawings are produced, including materials, factories, ammunition production, etc.

Give these drawings directly to Aihara Enju and Qianju Natsuyo.

"You can keep these for now and start manufacturing them later when conditions permit."


The blueprints were handed over to them, and the tanks and armored vehicles were handed over to the students led by Nishizumi Miho and others.

Starting today, theoretical study and practical operation are carried out at the same time.

But it will take some time to truly develop combat effectiveness.

Study hard and wait patiently. Anyway, nothing big happened recently.

The only military action was to establish new bases in unexplored areas.

As for the action of cooperating with the Holy Emperor to take advantage of the enemy's plan and invite him to the urn, this is mainly the responsibility of the law enforcement team.

Suppressing those people does not require sending troops into the city.

Anyway, as long as the Self-Defense Forces don't move, the rebels won't move either.

As for whether the Self-Defense Forces will participate in the coup...

This is really bad.

(End of this chapter)

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