boy of science

Chapter 390 "I might as well climb on top of her tonight"

Chapter 390 "I might as well climb on her tonight..."

There are many worlds where "magic" exists.

Some worlds are in constant war, and some worlds are in a rare state of peace.

Because it is similar to "travel", Bai Ye did not choose those chaotic worlds, but chose a temporarily peaceful world.

The empress doesn't care about these, she only cares about the "different world".

When he came to another world again, he ran away alone without saying a word.

No matter how he left, Bai Ye actually didn't want to see her that much, and he had even been thinking about whether there was a way to get rid of her completely.

This zombie corpse sticks to his body like brown candy.

"Don't worry about the body, let's find a place to stay first."

Bai Ye told the girls and then led them towards the nearest town.


The towns in these magical worlds all look similar. The styles cannot be said to be similar, they can only be said to be exactly the same.

For Byakuya, this is nothing new.

For Saten Ruiko, Uiharu Shiri, Komutsu, Mako, and Akemi, this is a very new thing.

Especially the existence of "magic".

For Itsuwa, "magic" is nothing new, because she is a magician.

Magic in many worlds looks the same, but is actually very different.

For Empress, the key is those differences.

Bai Ye also cares about those differences, so he is also ready to do a little research on the magic of this world.

This world is relatively peaceful, and towns seem relatively prosperous, but of course they are incomparable to modern cities.

It happens to be morning here, so it's still early.

After collecting relevant information, Bai Ye instilled basic information on the language, writing, and common sense of life in this world to the girls.

"I see that you are very curious about the different world, so go and have a look around by yourself first. I will take care of the accommodation. I happen to have some other things to do, and I will meet you later."

After that, give them some money from this world.

Uiharu Shiori and Saten Ruiko are already entry-level qi practitioners, and with the magician Itsuwa here, even if they encounter problems, they can solve them by themselves.

If they really can't solve it, Bai Ye can teleport to them, so there's no need to worry about anything happening.

Xiao Mu, who was used to bickering with Bai Ye, couldn't help complaining: "You just threw us aside when we arrived in another world. I really don't know what to say about you."

"I'll go shopping with you tomorrow. Anyway, let's separate today."

Bai Ye waved to them and turned around to leave instead of continuing their chat.

Uiharu Shiri, who had been trying for a long time, put away the computer.

I can't search the Internet at all. It seems to be a purely magical world.

In this case, let's enjoy the "primitive life".

Saten Ruiko suggested: "Then let's go shopping by ourselves. First of all, go to the clothing store?"

"Clothes, Leizi, you really like this."

"It's good. You can try on clothes from this world. They look pretty good."


The girls had no objection.

Itsuwa had a little problem with Bai Ye. He clearly said that he wanted her to experience the magic of another world, but he ended up leaving her here.

How does this allow her to access the magic of this world?
But Byakuya had already run away, and she had no choice but to follow Saten Ruiko and the others.

Since no one objected, the matter was decided.

The girls started wandering along the street talking and laughing.

They didn't know the city's streets or where they led.

But don't worry.

Because Bai Ye can still find them even if she gets "lost".

So enjoy it first.


The accommodation is of course still a hotel.

They are just passing through and have no need to buy a house in this world.

There was no need to save money, so I asked for six rooms.

he himself?
Of course, sleeping with Saten Ruiko.

Or with Uiharu Shiri.

This little girl flirted with him and ran away, saying that "first love is over." "We might as well crawl into her bed and 'renew our relationship' with her tonight."

Bai Ye muttered this.

After settling the issue of accommodation, he didn't stay in the hotel for long, but went to learn about the magic of this world.


The magic in this world appears to be relatively ordinary overall, not ridiculously powerful.

The mainstream profession in this world is "alchemist". Because he can make various potions and magic props, he has a high social status and it is easy to make money.

The number of alchemists is relatively small, and some towns may only have two or three.

Only those big cities that are prosperous enough will have more alchemists.

For example, the royal capital.

White night is the capital of the kingdom.

I browsed through the collection of books in a certain library, used magic to make a copy, and then threw it into a corner to gather dust.

One day in the future, if I remember it, I might find it and look through it.

Learn the new by reviewing the past.

The fact is that reading it once is enough, because it is very basic knowledge for him.

Although the specific performances are different, the theories are basically the same. It is not easy for him to find something new.

After searching, I met the empress again.

"why is it you again?"

White night means bad luck.

The empress kicked him aside and continued reading, not bothering to care about him.

Grandpa Bai didn't say much and continued to read the books.

From morning till evening.

With their memory skills, they have read and memorized all the books in this library.

The empress is going to go to other libraries to look for books she has not read.

Bai Ye ignored her.

Seeing that it was getting late, I ran back to find some girls.


The six girls spent most of the day shopping.

Saten Ruiko is very good at making friends with people. Itsuwa, who was not familiar with her at first, has become much closer to her during this period of time.

Seeing that it was already getting late, they simply stopped leaving and went straight to a restaurant to sit down for dinner and wait for Bai Ye.

When they were eating, drinking and chatting happily, Bai Ye came to meet them as agreed.

Six girls lined up on both sides, which seemed a bit crowded.

Xiaomu, Zhenzi, and Mingmei sat together.

Three girls were left together.

Bai Ye glanced twice and didn't push to sit down, but waved to Wuhe.

"Itsuwa, come and sit with me here. I just want to talk to you about magic."


Itsuwa was obviously surprised, but he didn't object. He stood up and followed him to sit next to him.

Neither Saten Ruiko nor Uiharu Shiri paid attention.

Xiaomu, Zhenzi, and Mingmei couldn't help but look at it a few more times.

They also want to have abilities, but they have always been Level 0 incompetent.

I had never thought about magic before because I didn't know it existed.

But now I know.

So they also want to learn magic.

Even if you can't become an esper, being a magician seems pretty good.

Unfortunately there is no way to learn.

Judging from the current situation, maybe Bai Ye can teach them?

But Bai Ye didn't seem to want to discuss this with them.

We still have to find a chance to have a good talk with Bai Ye.

(End of this chapter)

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