Chapter 193 The Mermaid Princess

After the king finished speaking, he assembled the top and top powerhouses in the city.

Go outside the castle.

along the way.

He saw that all the doors and windows were closed.

Presumably, these shops along the way have heard the news.

Spontaneously closed the door of the store to avoid troublesome visits.

But they're also doing the right thing.

After all, as soon as the wicked milk came in, all the soldiers guarding the city were seriously injured.

Not kind.

move on.

On the entire street, there was not a single shop that was open.

I don't know how far I walked.

They saw a tavern that was still open and lit.

Feeling puzzled, a soldier beside the king whispered:
"Your Majesty, those people may be in this tavern."

"After all, there is a straight line from the castle to the city gate. We didn't bump into them. There is a high probability that they went to the tavern to rob!"

I heard the word 'robbery' mentioned by the soldiers.

The king's face was not very good-looking.

He looked back at the eight sub-gods and three strong sub-gods who were following him.

In mind.


"I want to see who has the guts to rob the tavern after injuring my soldiers!"

His voice is not small.

Su Yang, who was drinking in the tavern, listened to every word.

If this is in a normal tavern, it is absolutely impossible for his outside voice to reach Su Yang's ears clearly.

But now in the huge tavern.

There was only the sound of Su Yang drinking alone, and the rest of the drinkers were still hiding under the table.

Not even breathing.

That oppressive feeling enveloped them all the time, making it impossible for them to get out from under the table!

Outside, the king's footsteps sounded from far to near.

Came to the door of the tavern.

Stand still!

His right leg, which he wanted to step forward, abruptly retracted!

'Gudong! '

The king swallowed nervously.

Just now, at the moment when he raised his leg.

Feel the threat of death!
From the tavern!
Seeing that His Majesty the King stopped advancing, the soldiers behind asked in a low voice:
"His Majesty?"

Hearing the voice of the soldiers, the king recovered from the boundless fear.

Cough softly:

"Why did this thief let me in to meet him!"

"Please, everyone, capture him and see me!"


The king regained his power once again.

The strong men gathered looked at each other.

A sub-god-level white-haired old man stepped forward.

With a cold snort:
"At this time, there is no hesitation."

"It's just some intruders, I'll catch them out, see Your Majesty!"

They didn't feel the deadly threat like the king did.

Estimated according to the description of the previous soldiers.

At most, they are just sub-gods of the same level.

What's so scary about this?

Go to the side of the tavern.

Without stopping, he kicked open the door of the tavern.

Step in immediately!

Full of momentum!

Available in the next moment!
What greeted him was a silver-white shield.

'boom! ' sound.

Great power came from the shield.

Brutely smashed him into the ground.

The body is rotten!
The surroundings fell into silence for an instant.

Not even the sound of breathing!

You know, he is a sub-god-level powerhouse!
In this ghostly whale city.

Strength is second!

Even the most powerful Aquarium shark arm man, the second strongest man who can't be hurt without opening the oracle!
Now, he was smashed into a meat paste by someone else's shield!

so horrible!

Really scary!

Cold sweat instantly drenched their clothes.

The most powerful shark-armed people of the aquarium were so frightened that they backed away subconsciously when they looked at the foolish barbarian.

Too strong.

This power, if you were to smash it, it would definitely be a piece of mud!

When it looked past the foolish savage, it looked into the tavern.

under the lights.

Two beautiful dark elves are serving a man to drink.

Other than that, there were no other drinkers.

But the first time its eyes stopped on those two dark elf beauties.

Two cold eyes with killing intent looked at it.

The terrifying momentum instantly pressed against it.

Asian God!

It is an imposing sub-god-level powerhouse.

At this moment, the mentality is about to collapse!
God-level, at least a god-level powerhouse!
Thousands of years ago, there was only one person at this level in the entire Kingdom of Water!

In the past thousand years, no one has ever heard of a god-level powerhouse being born.

But now, these legendary powerhouses are right in front of him.

Moreover, three god-level powerhouses appeared together!
The pressure of the situation and the fear in his heart made his knees go limp.


Kneel down!

This kneeling is not good!
You know, as the strongest in the entire Ghost Whale City, it's not just the two dark elves in the tavern who are oppressing it at this moment.

Along with the king, those secondary sub-gods and another sub-god.

Eyes are looking at it too!

It kneels.

Just let the rest of the people kneel down and bow down!

'Puff! '

'Puff! '

Listening to the sound of kneeling and worshiping.

The king's mind is down!

Tremblingly said:

"What are you doing!"

"You have never bowed down before seeing me."

"Today. What are you doing!"

"Get up. Get up!"

Hearing the king's powerless shout, Su Yang only felt a little noisy.

Said coldly:

"Why don't you kneel when you see me?"

He heard a cold question from inside the tavern.

The king didn't even turn his head.

He slumped down on the ground.


"I am the ghostly whale city, the hereditary king."

"Parents don't kneel, grandparents don't kneel."

"I want to kneel to you today?" the king said, with the last hint of rebellion in his tone.

"Don't you kneel?" Su Yang picked up the wine glass and looked at the liquid inside.

asked the king gracefully.

He has had too much to drink now.

He was not as aggressive as he was before.

Hearing Su Yang's rhetorical question, the king seemed to be running out of patience.

With a jerk, he got up from the ground.

I wanted to kneel in my heart, but my body didn't listen to me.

I can't bend my knees.

In the end, he could only press his hands on his knees, and his body sank down hard.

Take advantage of falling.


Kneel down.

Su Yang looked at the kneeling king and was dropped on the table.

There was a sound of '啪~'.

Those people all lowered their heads in fright.

None dared to lift.



After drinking a lot of alcohol, Su Yang, who can drink normally, fell asleep directly.

The dark elf goddess Irina watched as her god fell asleep.

Facing the king kneeling at the door, he said:
"How are the living conditions in your castle?"

Facing the question from the female voice.

There was a trace of reluctance in the king's heart to respond.

But his damned soldier guard was the first to answer for him!

"the best!"

"The bedroom of His Majesty the King is the most comfortable and luxurious in the entire Ghost Whale City!"

Hearing the soldiers and guards answering first, Irina gave him a surprised look.

Heart Road: This is to sell the king?
The bones of a city.

Unlike us, we are eternally loyal to the gods.

"Take us there, Lord God needs to rest." Irina said to the king and his party in an orderly tone.

The king heard that his palace was about to be requisitioned.

Kneeling there stupidly.

Didn't respond at all.

It was the sub-god-level shark-armed Aquaman who was the first to react, looking at Katerin in the tavern with an inquiring look and asking:
"Can we get up now?"

"Huh?" Irina frowned when she heard the shark-arm man's inquiry.

It was her who spoke just now.

The man looked at Katerin and asked her?

"Kneel on your knees. Tomorrow, after my lord god wakes up, come to the castle and wait." Irina didn't give the shark-armed man a good look.

Hearing that he was asked to kneel, how could the shark-arm man not understand.

I just asked the wrong person.

It's just that I didn't expect that I could offend others in such a matter.

He really wanted to slap himself twice.

Why come out!

Wait for someone to ask or get up soon?
It really looks like you!
While hating himself, he bowed his head and respectfully agreed:


Irina looked at the other people who were still kneeling on the ground, and asked coldly:

"You also want to accompany him to kneel until tomorrow?"

Facing Irina's questioning.

They quickly got up from the ground.

The soldier guard immediately volunteered to walk in front, guiding Irina and the others:
"Go this way!"

Look at his back.

The king has mixed feelings:

The traitor.

It's a pity that I trusted him so much before!

Thinking, he also followed behind Irina and the others who were carrying Su Yang on their backs.

The foolish barbarian is very precise in his position!

Block all possible angles that could hurt Su Yang.

All the way to the castle.

After Su Yang lay on the big soft bed, a faint smile appeared on his face.

too long!
He has forgotten how long he has not slept in such a soft bed!

Although, the length of rest every day is still good.

But the feeling of the chair is not as good as the bed after all.

Irina saw the smile on Su Yang's face, and laughed too.

Xindao: My lord, I am very satisfied with this bed!
The first floor of the castle.

The king looked at his own soldiers and guards with a cold face.

Seriously shouted:

"You traitor!"

The soldiers and guards heard their king scolding him as a traitor.

It was a grievance in my heart.

At the same time, an expression of grievance was put on his face.


"Your Majesty the King!"

"I did all this for your own good!"

"You can't misunderstand me!"

Hearing the wailing of the soldiers and guards, the king's face became more and more ugly.

"Being a traitor, or for my own good?"


"You tell me, I'd like to listen, why is this for me?"

Facing the king's questioning.

The soldier explained bitterly:

"Your Majesty, I know your temper best."

"Kneeling has caused you to bear great humiliation."

"If you are asked to take the initiative to contribute to the bedroom, you will definitely hesitate, right?"

Having said this, the soldier paused.

Observing the face of his own king.

After finding him nodding, he continued:
"When you hesitate, if those people become malicious, you will be punished."

He didn't say the following words.

Instead, he made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Seeing his soldiers like this, the king was shocked!
Yes, if the soldiers and guards explain it that way, then it is true.
Thinking of this, the king looked suspiciously at his soldiers guarding him.

He found that he was giving himself a look.

Follow your eyes.

He suddenly saw the dark elf!
"My lord, do you have any orders?" Seeing that his king was frozen in place, the soldier hurriedly asked.

I'm afraid that I'll neglect this person and punish them.

"Why is there a unique aura in this castle?" Catherine looked past the flattering soldiers and guards, and looked at the king.

The king of Ghost Whale City felt the gaze from Katerine.

I was shocked.

The brain is running fast.

Unique breath?
Could it be his daughter?

But, for mermaids, there are too many of them in the Ghost Whale City!
Shouldn't it be your daughter?

But besides his own daughter, what unique breath could there be?

Thinking, the soldier guard glanced at his king.

Showed sympathy.

Heart said: They have taken a fancy to your daughter!

I want someone to sleep with me!

The words are not so clear, it seems that the stupid king at home will not understand!
Thinking of this, he spoke positively again:
"That breath may have come from our Princess Her Royal Highness!"

"She's in the basement of the castle!"

The king watched his soldiers and guards sell his daughter as soon as they opened their mouths.

Suddenly his eyes widened.

He stared at the soldier.

That means asking:
And said you are not a traitor! ?

Sell ​​my daughter?
Facing the king's gaze, the soldier guard directly chose to ignore it.

He took the initiative to take Katerin to the underground compartment where Her Royal Highness the princess was.

Katerin frowned when she saw that the soldiers and guards gave her answer that she was their king's daughter:
Whose father left his daughter in the underground compartment?

But that special breath did come from underground.

This point is right.

Thinking about it, she had already followed the guards of the soldiers, walked to a unique small staircase, and went down.

bent over.

Came to the underground tunnel with a height of only about 1.6 meters.

Along the way, her waist never straightened up!

But this king.

Walk at the end and follow the two, standing straight!
The hair on the head can just touch the smallpox!
This tunnel seemed to be tailor-made according to his height.

This made Katerin's impression of the king plummet.

How could any normal father raise his daughter in such a place!

Although it is said that there is no sunshine in the entire country of water.

It took about tens of seconds.

The soldier guard led Katerin to the side door of a room, and knocked lightly on the door.

Push lightly.

The door is opened!
Inside, pink night pearls illuminate the room.

In the room, lay a handsome mermaid!
Slender hair, skin as white as jade, and a strange fishtail.

It will definitely drive the mainland nobles crazy!

come closer.

Katerin looked at her height, probably only a little over 1.2 meters?

But from the breath, it should have grown up?

The soldier guard on the side looked around Katerin and asked cautiously:
"Are you not satisfied?"

Facing the questioning of the soldier guards, Katerin asked coldly:
"Her breath. How can I be satisfied?"

 Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommendation ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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