Dreaming of the heavens, my ability can be archived

Chapter 125 Blue Star's Secret

Chapter 125 Blue Star's Secret


early in the morning

Xu Fei opened the door of the store, took out the recliner chair in the house and placed it at the door, and lay on it to bask in the sun.

The vanity is gone, light as a dream, look down on the common people for a few rounds!

Because Xu Fei refined too many beliefs and spirits, he directly condensed the primordial spirit, and was forced to ascend into the sky.

Yuanshen left his body, he was still wondering where he would ascend to?

Or another world?
Unexpectedly, he just woke up from the dream!
He took out his mobile phone, and swiped up some familiar yet unfamiliar videos.


It's all my fault that the tree attracts the wind~

Hugging the Buddha's feet temporarily, hugging the Buddha's feet temporarily~
Ah~ woo woo woo~ Cancer?


"Have I been away from this world for too long?"

"Why is my level of appreciation suddenly so different from that of modern people?"

Click, not interested!
Subsequently, many videos about UFOs popped up.

"The current big data on the Internet is too scary!"

"I searched for a few keywords before, and now I'm crazy about recommending these related content!"


Since the 40s, hundreds of UFOs have been discovered all over the world...

Deep space exploration, Voyager 230 has flown [-] billion kilometers out of the solar system...

The Pentagon leaked important documents and found a crashed alien spacecraft in the last century...



All kinds of weird things, true and false.

Xu Fei felt that it was not enjoyable to watch, so he got up and came to the computer desk.

Turn on the computer, connect to the Internet, and secretly browse some encrypted documents.

The more you look, the more shocking it is!

Xu Fei even sneaked into some archives and stole some confidential documents from them.

The more you look at it, the more incredible it becomes!
In the end, two pieces of news were summed up, one good news and one bad news.

The bad news is: Alien civilizations do exist!
Because the blue star once sent signals to outer space, some alien civilizations have noticed the existence of the blue star.

And they continue to release detectors to check the situation of the blue star.

Fortunately, the planet's defense deployment is relatively strict. Although some probes entered the interior of the planet by chance, they were accidentally discovered by some people.

But it was also destroyed so quickly that the information was not leaked.

The good news: These alien civilizations are far from Blue Star.

The coordinates of the blue star in the universe are: Laniakea supercluster, Virgo galaxy cluster, local galaxy group, Milky Way, Orion arm, Gould's belt, local bubble, local interstellar cloud, Oort cloud, solar system Three planets!
And the location of the alien civilization is still outside the Laniakea supercluster of galaxies.

"Such a long distance, it should be very safe!"

Xu Fei felt that he was worrying too much!

Why think so much!

Turn off the computer and go home for dinner!
at night
When I was lying on the bed and swiping my phone bored

The circle of friends suddenly exploded.

Xu Fei clicked on a message to check.

In the sky outside, there is a meteor shower!
get up
Open the window and look out.

There is really a meteor shower!
Although only their tails were seen.


Xu Fei suddenly discovered that something jumped out of a meteor and landed near him.

In the dark night, there is no light!
Fortunately, Xu Fei has good eyesight, and most people really can't notice it.

Put on your clothes and run downstairs to where the meteor fragments fell.

It is only a few kilometers away from Xu Fei's residence.

A commercial area, brightly lit and full of people coming and going.

Xu Fei thought it would be hard to find!

Unexpectedly, meteor fragments fell and smashed a window of a store.

"Who is it!"

"Who is so wicked to smash the glass windows of our house with stones?"

Holding a black stone in his hand, the boss ran out of the store angrily, yelling at passers-by.

The commotion immediately attracted Xu Fei's attention.

What he held in his hand should be the fragments of falling meteors!

After yelling and cursing a few times, the boss angrily threw the black stone in his hand on the ground, turned around and returned to the shop.

Xu Fei slowly leaned over, picked it up as if nothing had happened, secretly put it in his pocket and left directly.

Back home
Xu Fei took out the stone in his pocket to check.

After looking at it for a long time, I pinched it vigorously with my hands, and the outer layer that was scorched and blackened by friction with the atmosphere actually fell off.

It reveals the original silver-white appearance inside.

"This, it doesn't seem to be a meteorite!"

"It's more like, a fragment of something!"

Can't figure it out, just put it on the bedside table.

When the moon rises in the sky, the moonlight falls from the window to the bed.

Xu Fei began to absorb Yuehua and practice.

Xu Fei really didn't expect that Baolian's heart lamp was actually a kind of ability, which was brought out by him from the dream.

Originally, he thought that he had to reunite!

Wisps of moonlight were absorbed, hovering above the heart lamp, and finally condensed into a drop of moonlight essence.

Xu Fei took out Yuehua's semen, and just about to absorb it, the fragments on the bedside table trembled slightly.

After realizing it, Xu Fei held it in his hand and let him and Yuehua's semen approach slowly.

The fragments trembled more and more, until they touched the essence of Yuehua, they actually absorbed it directly.

On the surface of the fragment, several mysterious silver lines were revealed.

Xu Fei tried to use his mind to investigate, but actually received a message.

"...missions, exploration, information, teleportation..."

Since the damaged ones are severe, only this content can be received.

This kind of technology cannot exist on the blue star, so it is an alien product.

This fragment fell from the meteor shower.

In this way, what fell in this so-called meteor shower was not a meteorite, but a shattered alien object.

"A detector?"

Think of those confidential documents you saw during the day.

Xu Fei guessed that it should be a probe from an alien civilization, and wanted to come to Blue Star to detect information.

Then it was shattered by the Blue Star's defense system, and the debris fell on the Blue Star, forming a meteor shower.

"Why do I suddenly feel that Blue Star is so dangerous!"

Xu Fei somewhat understands why the authorities have been concealing the truth of the matter.

Some things, if exposed to the public, have no effect, but will cause unnecessary panic.

Put away the leftovers.

Xu Fei continued to absorb Yuehua to practice.

Only when oneself is strong, the fear and anxiety in the heart will disappear.

next day's news
Some experts came out to interpret last night's meteor shower.

"Meteor showers refer to meteoroids with a diameter of more than one meter entering the atmosphere. Due to the friction between the meteoroids and the atmosphere, the meteoroids begin to ablate, and finally cause an air explosion, causing the meteoroids to disintegrate..."

"Meteorite fragments are very helpful for the research of science and technology, so I appeal to everyone, if you pick up meteorite fragments, please hand them in..."

After coming to the store

Xu Fei turned on the computer and closed the store door tightly.

I tried my best to sneak into some secret databases, and I found something even more incredible.


(End of this chapter)

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