Chapter 13


"Master, you are back!"

Lying on the table, Xu Fei, who was woken up, stared at the old man who had just returned.

"I didn't come here yesterday to ask urgently, what are you going to do with those two people?"

The old man replied calmly: "Don't worry, they won't come to trouble you again in the future."

Xu Fei inadvertently noticed the mud on his trouser legs, and woke up instantly, without sleepiness at all.

I thought in my heart: no, there is no future?You never buried them, did you?

Xu Fei wanted to ask, but he didn't dare to ask.

"Where's Cailian?"

Hearing the question, Xu Fei pointed to Cailian who was lying on the bed in the distance and said, "It's over there!"

The little girl was not reserved at all when she slept, she occupied the entire bed sprawled out, with one foot sticking out.

The old man smiled inadvertently when he saw it.

Seeing that the sky was already bright and he didn't feel sleepy anymore, Xu Fei planned to make some breakfast.

I don't know if I can meet pheasants or something like that now.

Xu Fei picked up the sling and wanted to go out and take a look around.

"Why are you going?"

The old man asked Xu Fei who was about to go out.

Xu Fei stretched out the sling to give him a look: "Go out to hunt, see if you can meet any unlucky guy, and give us extra food."

"no need!"

He took out a straw rope from his back, on which were two carp weighing one catty.

Xu Fei looked at him carefully and was slightly puzzled: Why didn't you notice it just now?
Buried people can still catch fish?

Could those two guys be Shen Tang?

"What do you think?"

The old man's words brought back Xu Fei's thoughts.

Hurrying up to take his fish, Xu Fei smiled and said, "I'll make fish soup for you, the fish soup I made is delicious!"

"Snow white and snow white, like milk!"


Heat the oil
After a while, the fresh fragrance of fish soup wafted in the house.

Awakened by the scent, Cailian lazily came to the side of the pot, looked at the white fish soup in the pot, and said pleasantly: "Wow, there is fish soup to drink!"

"Where did the fish come from?"

Xu Fei explained: "Your grandfather got the fish!"

"It's almost ready, let's eat at the table!"

Cailian came to the table bouncing
Xu Fei came over with a pot of fish soup
The three tasted it with relish

"It would be even better if there are pancakes to eat."

After finishing a bowl of fish soup, Cailian said suddenly when she was filling a second bowl.

It was only then that Xu Fei remembered that he still had something to eat.


"You wait for me to bring it to you!"

Take out all the pancakes from the package and stack them on the table.

Cailian looked at it with golden eyes, grabbed one and stuffed it into her mouth: "It's delicious!"

"Drink some soup, don't choke!"

"Big brother, you eat too!"

Seeing that Cailian also handed him a vegetable pancake, Xu Fei politely declined: "I don't like it, so I'll leave it to you!"

From Cailian's point of view, who doesn't like vegetable pancakes?
Thinking that Xu Fei didn't eat on purpose and left it for her, he couldn't help feeling shy.

Seeing her suddenly becoming delicate, Xu Fei didn't realize what was going on for a while.

All this was seen by the old man.

After finishing the fish soup in the bowl in one gulp, he said to Xu Fei, "Boy, come out with me."

Xu Fei was a little puzzled, but followed him out anyway.

Standing in the yard, the old man asked, "What's your name?"

Xu Fei realized that he hadn't introduced himself until now, it was really rude:

"Master, my name is Xu Fei!"

"Xu Fei? Very good!"

"My husband's surname is Ji, the eldest in the family, and his first name is Chang!"

Listening to his introduction, Xu Fei whispered: "Ji, Bo, Chang?"

Sir, your name is better!
The old man continued: "I see that you are quite successful in your martial arts, but it's only because of your lack of strength!"

"I have a family of kung fu, which can polish the muscles and strengthen the strength."

"I want to teach you, are you willing to learn?"

Xu Fei never expected that such a good thing would happen to him.

Hastily nodded and agreed: "Yes, yes!"

Seeing that old man Ji just stood there without any response.

Xu Fei came back to his senses and knelt down on his knees: "Disciple, meet Master!"

He kowtowed twice, but he stopped the three.

"I only teach you basic kung fu, but I don't teach you the true inheritance, so you only need to knive two."

Xu Fei was taken aback for a moment, but immediately expressed his understanding.

True Kungfu is not so easy to get.

The so-called gain my luck, lose my life!

Xu Fei is already very satisfied if he can get a part of it.

"The disciple understands!"

Seeing that Xu Fei didn't argue with him, Ji Bochang nodded slightly.

"I didn't do it on purpose, it's because the ancestors have taught it, and children who don't have the surname of Ji are not allowed to pass it on!"

Xu Fei nodded to express his understanding.

Afterwards, Ji Bochang explained to Xu Fei the kung fu that was taught to him.

"Pictographic Boxing: It is a boxing technique that simulates the specialties and images of various animals.

It mainly combines martial arts movements and imitates its movement characteristics. "

"This is my Huaxia, a kind of boxing that has been passed down since ancient times!"

"Each school has its own learning, and has formed its own unique way."

"The bear boxing I want to teach you is a kind of pictographic boxing."

"It has passed through, the research of the ancestors of my Ji family, and now it is considered unique..."


Xu Fei regarded Ji Bochang's narration as a story, and listened fascinated.

"Okay, you just need to listen to these, and you'll be fine!"

"Next, you have to pay attention!"

"What I want to teach you is the stand-up skill in Xiong Weiquan!"

Xu Fei concentrated his attention, watched carefully and listened carefully.

"The so-called practice of martial arts without practicing kung fu is nothing when you get old.

The gong in it is pile gong! "

"The highest state of Zhuang Gong is the old bear rubbing against the tree!"

"When a bear is standing, his waist is neither stiff nor soft, his arms are completely relaxed, and his whole body can be vigorous...

With a sway of both arms, both have great strength..."

"Xiong's boxing technique is to imitate the posture of a bear, the power is released from the feet, and the dominance is from the waist..."

"The whole body reaches the most relaxed state."

"Standing up with an empty collar, with your chest in your chest and your back pulled out, your buttocks in your hips and your hips..."

Ji Bo often gives explanations and demonstrates with his body.

Xu Fei followed behind to study, and after teaching, Ji Bochang shook his head in disappointment.

"Your aptitude is too poor, with such progress, when will you be able to learn it?

Not to mention, to learn the essence of it. "

Xu Fei smiled in embarrassment, and asked, "Master, is there any shortcut?"


Hearing this, Ji Bochang snorted coldly, and said dissatisfiedly: "Is there any shortcut to practice?"

"If you have this kind of thinking, then don't practice in the future, so as not to waste time."

Seeing that he was angry, Xu Fei hurriedly explained: "I didn't mean that!"

"Master, what I mean is, do you have any means to let me experience the feeling of getting started?"

"In this way, I have a reference in my heart, and I will learn faster!"

Xu Fei just asked this casually, but Ji Bochang really nodded his head:



(End of this chapter)

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