Chapter 183

Hurry back to the woods.

Xu Fei wasn't sure if the mutton puppy was still there, but he still wanted to take a look.

Outside the woods, the pupils emitted a dazzling light, and he could see everything inside.

"found it!"

Unexpectedly, the mixed-haired puppy is still here.

Xu Fei came to its hiding place in an instant.

In a heap of rocks, under one of the largest stones, he had built a nest of hay, and stored some berries in it.

The situation of the mixed-haired puppy looks pretty good, it is lying down in the nest and falling asleep naively.

A smile appeared on the corner of Xu Fei's mouth, and with a light wave of his palm, the stone on the kennel was knocked out.

Picking up the back of its neck, it was raised in front of it.

After a while, the other party slowly opened his eyes.

After seeing Xu Fei, he was stunned for a moment, and then struggled desperately.

"Stop tumbling!"

"I'm not here to eat you, I'm here to save you!"

He has already seen the "Art of Animal Creation" on the human skin scroll.

The dog's skin is already connected to the flesh and blood of the person, so it cannot be torn apart forcibly, otherwise the blood and flesh will be bloody, and the person will be dead before the dog's skin comes off.

Other than the caster himself, there are only two ways for anyone else to unlock it.

The first type: pulling buttocks solution.

No matter what species it is, there are acupoints for defecation.

This is the only gap in the animal-making technique, and it needs to be slowly broken apart, and the fur is torn off bit by bit...

The second method: restraint!
The dog skin is taken from an old dog that digs graves and eats carrion. The skin is full of evil spirits, so it can be attached to the body of a stranger.

As long as the evil spirit can be dispelled, the dog skin will fall off naturally.

It just so happens that Xu Fei has a means of being virtuous and yang, which can overcome all evils and evils in the world.

The real fire of the sun was ignited in his hand, and the temperature was well controlled, covering the mutton puppy.

Seeing that his body was on fire, the miscellaneous-haired puppy struggled desperately.

"Don't move around, it won't burn you to death!"

Although he could understand Xu Fei's words, the rogue dog was still struggling desperately.

Under the scorching heat of the real fire of the sun, wisps of gray-black aura emanated from the body of the shaggy-haired puppy.

As the gray-black aura dissipated, the dog skin on his body fell off to the ground.

In Xu Fei's hand, a little girl with a naked buttocks appeared.

About seven or eight years old, with a pair of shofar braids, a pair of small watery eyes, a small cherry mouth and a small nose, bulging cheeks on both sides, rosy white skin, very cute.

"Yeah~ I'm back~"

Seeing that she had transformed back into a human form, the little girl shouted in excitement and surprise.

Xu Fei took off his robe, wrapped it around her body, and held her in his arms.

"Shu Shu, are you a god?"

The little girl opened her curious eyes wide, looked at Xu Fei carefully, and said innocently.

"I'm not a fairy."

"Also, I'm not an uncle, you have to call me brother!"

"Good brother Shushu!"

When Xu Fei heard her address, he was instantly speechless.

Then he asked: "Little sister, what's your name? Where do you live? How did you become a puppy?"

The little girl thought for a while, and then replied one by one: "My name is Xinxin!"

"I live at No. [-], Kidnap Alley!"

"I don't even know how I became a puppy."

"Xinxin only remembers that a grandma patted me, then I fell asleep, and when I woke up, I became a puppy."

grandmother!Looks like it's still a gang!

Xu Fei continued to ask: "Then how did you get here?"

The little girl Xinxin replied: "Xinxin knew they were bad people, so she bit off the rope and ran out while they were sleeping."

When she said this, Xin Xin still bared her mouth, showing her two sharp little canine teeth.

Xu Fei asked again: "Then do you still remember where you escaped from?"

Xinxin nodded vigorously: "Well, I know, it's a ruined temple!"

"Broken temple!"

Xu Fei's face suddenly became gloomy. It turns out that these people are so close to him!

It caused him to take a big circle around the town.

"Brother Shushu, your expression is so scary, are you a good person?"

When Xu Fei heard this, he immediately smiled kindly again: "Of course, my brother is of course a good person!"

Seeing this, the little girl Xinxin had an expression of disbelief.

Xu Fei hugged her and went back to his yard.

The little fox who was lying on the table under the big willow tree jumped, and when he saw Xu Fei coming back, he immediately transformed into a human to meet him.

"Wow, vixen!"

Xinxin in her arms saw it, and shouted with an exaggerated expression.

Tiao Tiao pointed to the little girl in Xu Fei's arms and asked, "Where did this come from?"

Xu Fei replied: "I just rescued this!"

"You take care of her first!"

Saying that, Xu Fei stuffed Xinxin into Tiaotiao's arms, and then disappeared without a trace.

Tiao Tiao looked at the little girl in his arms, staring at her with big watery eyes, and stared at her curiously.

"Fox spirit, do you know how to eat children?"

Hearing this question, Tiaotiao replied with a smile: "Eat~"

"I do not believe!"

Xinxin was not intimidated by her words, but instead retorted: "If you eat children, brother Shushu won't let you take care of me!"

Jumping back: "Since you don't believe it, why do you still ask?"

"Hee hee hee~"

Xinxin bared her teeth and smiled.


Xu Fei came to the ruined temple not far from the courtyard.

First explore the situation inside.

Just listen to the conversations of a few people in the ruined temple.

"Fifth brother, you said this batch of goods, what will that person exchange for?"

"Anyway, it must be better than last time!"

"You horse rider, those stinky Taoist priests are chasing so closely, we've already lost several brothers."

"Put the goods here first, I'll go and talk to that person, this time I'll give you more good things!"

"Why hasn't Lao Ba come back yet, let him go get something, why is it taking so long!"

Xu Fei made a general analysis and found that these were the accomplices of the tomb robber.

They used "Creating Animals" to abduct young children, and exchanged some useful things with a person.

Find the child's location, behind the ruined temple, and close it with a bamboo cage.

Xu Fei went straight into the ruined temple
In front of a bonfire in the center, surrounded by five ragged people, three men and two women.

They all exuded Yin Qi.

They all looked up at each other, and one of them said to Xu Fei: "Brother, the place is not enough for you, go somewhere else!"

"Not enough space?"

Xu Fei smiled charmingly, and said in a cold tone: "If you are dead, the place will be vacant."

Seeing that the visitor was not kind, the five of them just wanted to stand up when they suddenly felt a great terror coming.

They were so frightened that they couldn't move their bodies.

The faces of the five people were full of fear at the same time.

Xu Fei stepped forward and took a few steps, and the hearts of the five felt a little heavy again.

"Let me ask, you answer!"

"Where is the person you traded with?"

One person replied tremblingly: "Yes, yes, at the inn!"


(End of this chapter)

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