Dreaming of the heavens, my ability can be archived

Chapter 34 Conditions that cannot be refused

Chapter 34 Conditions that cannot be refused


"No, penicillin is precious
But no matter how much you take out, it can't compare to my ancestral secret recipe, let alone ancestral medical skills. "

Xu Fei continued to drop the bomb: "I'm talking about penicillin, not the quantity.

It's the secret recipe for making penicillin. "

When the shopkeeper heard this, his eyes widened in shock, and he trembled a little when he spoke:
"You, are you kidding me!"

Although he is a Chinese medicine doctor, he knows a lot about this miracle medicine of foreigners.

The penicillin of foreigners is different from the herbal medicine of Chinese medicine, it is refined by some means.

The annual output is extremely small, and the supply in the market has always been in short supply.

Some small places can't buy it at all, and he can only be seen in drugstores in big cities.

Its price is basically linked to gold.

Xu Fei continued: "My terms of exchange should be enough to overwhelm your secret recipes and ancestral medical skills."

"If you still don't agree, then I can only say that you don't know the goods!"

The shopkeeper replied: "I have a question!"


"I can give you the secret recipe directly, but how can I give you the medical skills?

Even if I give you all the medical books handed down from my ancestors, to you, it is just a pile of books.

If you want to learn medical skills, you have to study the Year of the Monkey. "

"You know, when I was studying medicine, it took five years just to get started and identify herbs.

Not to mention the subsequent pharmacology, prescriptions, etc.! "

Before Xu Fei came, he had already considered this question, so he replied directly: "Just give me the prescription.

As for medical skills, we can make an agreement.

You teach me medicine, and I teach you how to make penicillin.

Both parties are teaching frankly and are not allowed to hide anything.

As long as one party learns in advance, the transaction will be terminated immediately.

What do you think of my method? "

The shopkeeper just thought about it for a while, and immediately agreed.

In his opinion, what is the difference between the other party's offer of such a condition and the method of making penicillin directly to him?
No matter how difficult and time-consuming it is to make a medicine, can it be compared with learning a huge medical skill?
Just memorizing the medical books "Compendium of Materia Medica", "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", "Huangdi Neijing", "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber" and so on, is enough for the other party to learn for decades.

Especially "Compendium of Materia Medica", which has 52 volumes and millions of words.

It is divided into sixteen parts and 62 categories, including 890 and 96 kinds of medicines, 92 prescriptions, and [-] drawings.

The shopkeeper thought to himself: Let him learn this first. When the time comes, he has finished learning how to make penicillin, and he probably hasn't even finished the book.

Still wanting to learn my own ancestral medical skills, what an idiotic dream!
When Xu Fei saw that he agreed, a smile inadvertently appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Cat and mouse, who is the cat and who is the mouse, only the last will know!

"In that case, let's start learning today!"

The shopkeeper went to the back of the store, brought a whole set of books, and put them in front of Xu Fei.

"Look, to study medicine, you must first understand medicine!
After you write down the above nearly [-] drugs, we will learn the following things. "

Looking at Xu Fei with a proud face, he opened his mouth and said, "You also start teaching me how to make penicillin."

Xu Fei picked up a piece of paper on the counter and wrote down some needed things.

The pharmacy owner looked at it: "Rice, yam, moldy bread...

Glass bottles, glasses, spirit lamps, flasks..."

Asked suspiciously: "What kind of mess are you writing?"

"I know these instruments, they are all used by Western doctors.

But rice, yams, moldy steamed buns, etc.

These things can also be used to make penicillin? "

Xu Fei picked up the medical book, and left while replying: "Since I don't understand anything, then just follow my method. Why do you get so many!"

"These are all necessary items. When you have them all ready, we can start making penicillin."

The pharmacy owner didn't say anything more: "Okay, I'll prepare these things right away."

"Within three days, everything must be ready!"

"I also warn you, if you dare to lie to me, then you will never get it in your life. The secret medicine I made, just wait for death!"


Back home
Wang Tieniu watched Xu Fei carrying a lot of books, and hurried forward to help.

Go back inside the house.

Wang Tieniu, who is illiterate, looked through these books curiously:
"What kind of books are these?"

Xu Fei smiled and replied, "These are all medical books!"

"Medical books? Brother Fei, are you planning to study medicine?"

Xu Fei nodded: "Yes, starting today, I will memorize all the contents of the book in the shortest possible time."

"Memorize it all?"

After hearing Xu Fei's words, Wang Tieniu looked at him in shock, flipped through a book full of words, and sighed:

"My gosh, how long will this take to memorize it all?"

Xu Fei also picked up a copy, flipped through it quickly, and sighed: "Yes, I have to memorize it one by one, and I have to recite it until the year of the monkey!"

"So, I want to memorize sentence by sentence, memorize line by line!"

Wang Tieniu's eyes widened, she looked at Xu Fei for no reason, and thought in her heart: Is there any difference between the two?

Xu Fei asked Wang Tieniu to go out. He needed a quiet environment so that he could concentrate and study faster.


A bowl of water
[Release source] is the root of a bowl of water of Compositae.

a bowl of water.The lower part of the plant.Part of the inflorescence.tubular flower
【Origin】Perennial herb, born in mountain valleys
A damp place.Distributed in Shaanxi, Gansu, Sichuan and other places.

[Collection] Excavated in autumn and dried in the sun.

[nature and flavor] pungent slightly sweet, flat.

[Efficacy] Cough and phlegm, dispelling wind.Control pulmonary tuberculosis, wind-cold cough.

[Applicable method] Oral administration: decoction, 2~3 qian...

[Selection] Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis: two liang of water in a bowl, decoct the water into liquid extract, add honey for five qian, take 5 scoops each time, three times a day...


The method of Xu Fei's endorsement is very simple!
Take a look at it first, and read it aloud in your mouth.

Then close your eyes and recite it smoothly.

In this way, the first sentence is remembered!
Remember a medicinal material in 3 minutes, study twelve hours a day
In four days, Xu Fei finished the whole set of "Compendium of Materia Medica".

The fifth day

Xu Fei came to the pharmacy again.

As soon as the pharmacy owner saw him, he reprimanded him severely: "I've been talking to you for three days, but you didn't come until the fifth day. I thought you ran away!"

Without paying attention to him, Xu Fei threw the medical book in his arms on the table, and said:

"I've finished my study, what should I study next?"


(End of this chapter)

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