
chatted for a long time
It's already fading away.

Xu Fei could tell from Du Niang's expression that the other party already had the idea of ​​letting him go.

He thought about staying here for one night.

But considering that there are many gossips at the widow's door.

I have stayed at her house for so long, if I don't leave tonight, there will be some gossip and gossip the next day.

Life is not easy for a pair of orphans and widows.

Xu Fei also didn't want to affect their future life because of him.

So I took the initiative to ask to leave.

"It's getting late, I've been bothering you for so long, I should leave too!"

I tried the clothes baked by the stove with my hands, and they were almost dry.

"Well, it's getting late!"

Du Niang carried her daughter Duo Duo back to the back room
Xu Fei changed his clothes back.

"Du Niang, Dodo, thank you for your help, I'm leaving!"

Put the changed clothes on the table, and shouted loudly to the back room.


The inner room responded, but the person did not come out to see him off.

Xu Fei closed the door when he left.

Stand in the middle of the village again.

There was no one in front of him, it was very deserted, and he didn't know where to go for a moment.

Since people are not welcome, then leave as soon as possible!
Thinking of Du Niang's narration just now, Nanshan City is thirty miles north of Xiaowang Village.

Walk faster, you should be there before dark.

Leaving the village and trotting all the way

Just before Xu Fei left Xiaowangzhuang, he bumped into an old woodcutter with white hair.

Although he was carrying two bundles of heavy firewood, he walked like flying, with a relaxed expression on his face.

Just when he was about to pass by Xu Fei.


The opponent actually slipped and staggered to the ground.

Touch porcelain?

This word was the first thing that flashed through Xu Fei's mind.

But then he still stretched out his hands to support the old woodman so that he didn't fall to the ground.

"Thank you, young man!"

Putting down the burden on his shoulders, he thanked Xu Fei with a smile.

"Old man, walk slowly, be careful not to fall!"

After a word of persuasion, Xu Fei turned around and was about to leave.

"Hey, hello~"

Behind him came the old woodcutter's painful wailing.

Really touch porcelain?
Xu Fei looked back and saw the old woodcutter sitting on the ground, rubbing his left ankle with both hands.

Judging from its shape, the opponent's left foot was either broken or dislocated.

Xu Fei stepped forward and leaned over to check, he wanted to try it with his hands

Fortunately, it's not a broken bone, it's just a misaligned ankle.


Taking advantage of the old woodcutter's inattention, he turned it hard and put it back in place.

Then he rubbed and pressed a few acupuncture points vigorously to dredge the meridians.

"All right!"

"Huh? That's great!"

The other party moved a bit and found that his twisted ankle really healed.

The painful expression on his face disappeared, and he smiled again and said to Xu Fei: "My lord, thank you so much, you are really rejuvenated!"

Xu Fei persuaded again: "Old man, don't carry such heavy things anymore, your body will not be able to bear it!"

"Oh, I'm old, my body is useless, I can't stand it after a little bump!"

After complaining, the old woodcutter got up from the ground.

"Master, are you going to Nanshan City?"

Hearing the question, Xu Fei nodded.

"Oh, then you can't go!"


"Recently, a group of horse bandits came from nowhere to intercept and kill people going to Nanshan City!"

"Young Master is alone, it's getting dark again, it's not safe to go to Nanshan City now!"

Xu Fei frowned slightly, thinking what should I do?

The old woodcutter continued: "Young Master, if you want to go to Nanshan City, you can wait until noon tomorrow."

"At this time, the government will send officers and soldiers out of the city to suppress the bandits, and the horse bandits will all hide. It is safest to go to Nanshan City at this time."

Hearing this, Xu Fei showed a bitter expression on his face.

tomorrow?So what should he do tonight?
Sleeping in the wilderness, using the sky as a quilt and the earth as a bed?

The old woodcutter saw Xu Fei's difficulty, and warmly invited him: "If the young master has no place to stay tonight, how about going to the old man and me?"

"Old man, I live in Xiaowangzhuang not far ahead!"

Xu Fei heard that the other party was from Xiaowangzhuang, thought for a while, and then nodded in agreement.

"Let's go then!"

The old woodcutter bowed slightly, and put the burden of heavy firewood on his shoulders.

"Old man, let me help you!"

The other party pushed away Xu Fei's outstretched hand, and said with a smile: "No, I can do this job alone!"

I saw his body sank, let out a low drink, his chest puffed up slightly, and he picked up the firewood load all at once.

Heh, it looks like he's still a trainer!

Xu Fei took a few quick steps before he could barely keep up with the pace of the old woodcutter.

"My old man is called Wan Yi. You can call me Lao Wan, or you can call me Uncle Wan. Everyone in the village calls me that!"

"What's your name, son?"

Hearing such a strange name, Xu Fei's thoughts began to flow.

Not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!

The old man is not some kind of hidden master, is he?

"My name is Xu Fei!"

"Xu Fei, Mr. Xu, your name is really good!"

The old woodcutter nodded.

Xu Fei asked curiously, "Master Wan, why is your name Wanyi?"


The old woodman said with a smile: "The names are all given by parents. There are eight brothers in my family, and the names are arranged according to one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight."

"I'm the eldest in the family, so I'm just in case!"

After hearing the explanation, Xu Fei felt that there was nothing wrong.

This is how many farmers named their children when they had many children.

Just like Zhu Laoba, isn't that what he is?

"My lord, it looks like you just came out of Xiaowangzhuang, right?"


Xu Fei nodded and said: "I originally wanted to find a place to stay in Xiaowangzhuang, but unfortunately the villagers didn't like me very much, so I had no choice but to leave."

Hearing this, the old woodcutter sighed and said, "Well, in fact, everyone was pretty good at first, but after that incident happened, our attitude towards outsiders changed."

Xu Fei replied: "I know, what about Dawangzhuang!"

"My lord knows? Then I won't explain further!"

Not long
The two returned to Xiaowangzhuang.

Following behind the old woodcutter, Uncle Wan, he didn't expect that his home was next to Du Niang's.

Seeing Xu Fei staring at the neighbor, Uncle Wan smiled and said, "That's my daughter-in-law's home!"

"Your daughter-in-law? Du Niang?"

"you recognize?"

Hearing Xu Fei say Du Niang's name, Uncle Wan was also quite surprised.

After explaining in a few words.

Uncle Wan sighed again and said, "Ms. Du is a good girl, it's a pity to marry my Wan family."

"Hey, it's also my fault for my unlucky son's lack of luck. He only wanted to join the army to gain a future, but he died in less than half a year!"


(End of this chapter)

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