Dreaming of the heavens, my ability can be archived

Chapter 438 The Core of Cultivation

Chapter 438 The Core of Cultivation

Inside Tian's City Mansion

All core members of the Tian family are gathered here.

There was a panic expression on all faces!
There was only a white-haired old man in the middle, sitting upright on the main seat.

"Old lady, you better say something!"

"Now that the bandits have entered the city, what do you think we should do?"

"Huh, are you worried now?"

As soon as the old man spoke, everyone turned to look at him.

"When you took other people's things, didn't you think about the consequences now?"

"Oh, what's the use of saying this now, old lady?"

"Hurry up and think of a way!"


"How about we return the things to them?"

Watching your own people talking nonsense
The old man sighed: "If we return it to him now, will he let us go?"

"Oh, I'd better sell this old face and give it a try!"

With that said, the old man came to the door of the mansion on crutches, followed closely by the others.

At this time, Xu Fei also led the cavalry to stop at the door.

The soldiers guarding them all looked as if they were facing a powerful enemy, and were too frightened to step forward.

Seeing the old man appear, he seemed to have found his backbone, and opened a passage to let him face Xu Fei directly.

"Tian Hua, the head of the Laotian clan, has met General Xu!"

He bowed respectfully.

Xu Fei just lowered his head and gave him a cold look.

The scene was eerily quiet for a time

The power exuded from the cavalry behind Xu Fei severely suppressed the hearts of everyone.

"General Xu, it is indeed my fault, Mrs. Tian, ​​for this matter. I apologize to you on behalf of Mrs. Tian!"

"As long as it belongs to my Tian family, the general can take it away. All he wants is to let my Tian family live!"

Xu Fei remained silent and looked at him coldly.

This made the Tian clan leader not know what to say.

Secretly looking at Xu Fei, I thought that Tian was really in trouble this time.

Originally, they could do whatever they wanted on Tian's territory.

I have never encountered an unreasonable opponent like Xu Fei.
He was so powerful that he rushed directly in front of him, forcing him to have no ability to fight back, leaving Tian to be manipulated by the opponent.

Listening to the noisy sounds in my ears slowly ended.

Xu Fei had almost everything he wanted to snatch.

He reached out and handed the tip of the gun to the old man's forehead. A trace of cold sweat broke out on the frightened man's forehead.

"I saw that the weather was good today, so I came here for a walk!"

"I didn't expect you, Mrs. Tian, ​​to be so hospitable and insist on giving me some gifts!"

"Seeing that it's getting late, it's time for me to leave."

"Head of the Tian clan, do you think what I said is right?"


The old man immediately responded with a smile and a nod.

"Then I'm leaving without sending you off!"

Xu Fei turned the horse's head directly and led the army back with a full load.

The people of the Tian family who were still frightened before saw Xu Fei leaving, showed arrogance again.

"Old lady, we will go to the state capital to sue him as soon as dawn, so that..."

The old man slapped him in the face.

Then he said angrily: "Aren't you satisfied that you can escape with your life?"

"The reason why the other party let us go is because of Lord Tao, the governor of the state!"

"If he really gets desperate, kills our Tian family and then defectes from Xuzhou, who do you think can stop him?"


After hearing the old lady's scolding, everyone fell silent for a moment.There is anger in my heart, but I can't vent it!

on the way back

Ma Wu also curiously asked Xu Fei: "General, why don't we destroy the Tian family?"

"Destroyed? Then let me ask you what happens after it is destroyed?"

Xu Fei replied calmly: "I came here just to grab money and food.

And I want everyone in Xuzhou to see how awesome I am! "

"The Tian family is a noble clan. If I destroy them, the other noble clans in Xuzhou will be afraid of me!"

"I always think in my heart, if you can kill the Tian family today, can you kill them tomorrow too?"

“We can’t stay in Xuzhou by then!”

Ma Wu replied: "Then the nobles will not be afraid of us?"

Xu Fei smiled and replied: "First, I am famous this time, and it was his Tian family who provoked me first."

"The second thing is that I didn't harm any of their Tian family members!"

"This will make the Xuzhou nobles think that although I act recklessly, I am still restrained."

"So they will only be afraid of me and not want to kill me because of fear!"

Ma Wu nodded in understanding.

After returning to the village

With the wealth plundered from the Tian family, everyone's life has become better again!

Over there at the state capital
It was just as Xu Fei imagined.

Mr. Tian didn’t have the guts to complain!
The other nobles regarded it as a joke.

Since no one wanted to mention it, Tao Qian just pretended not to know.

Let Xu Fei and the Xuzhou nobles make trouble!

The greater the noise, the more stable he, Xuzhou Mu, can be.

After Mi Zhu of the Mi family heard that Xu Fei rushed to the Tian family and killed everyone to plunder the money and then left calmly, she believed her previous judgment about him even more.

This Xu Fei was indeed no ordinary person. He dared to force the Tian family directly, but he did not kill them. He had a perfect grasp of the civil and military ways!


winter to spring
The spring season will soon arrive.

Xu Fei's village has developed into a very large town and named it: Xuzhuang!

Since he has been implementing a work-for-relief approach, allowing people to keep building houses, he has attracted many homeless people, and now there are 50 homeless people in total.

The only strange thing is that there are no city walls, and all the houses are built on both sides of the road, extending in all directions.

The center is naturally the mansion where Xu Fei lives, which is the house that Master Tian had people build for him.

Auspicious snow heralds a good harvest. After winter, the snow melts, and it is the busy time of spring.

Xu Fei organized everyone to go out to open up wasteland

It’s still the same policy of “more work, more gain”!

Any land that is reclaimed belongs to whoever reclaims it.

All tools are provided by Xu Fei!

During this period, Mi Zhu and Mi Fang often came to look for Xu Fei to build a relationship between them.

Mi Fang often asked Xu Fei to give him some guidance on the grounds of competition, and even wanted to become his teacher, but he politely refused.

From the wealthy Mi family, he obtained various agricultural tools and materials developed in Xuzhuang!

At the same time, Xu Fei also obtained a variety of different cultivation methods from the Mi family.

Three souls and seven souls!

It is the core of all schools of spiritual practice.

The difference lies in their methods of practicing the Three Souls and Seven Souls and their different focuses.

Some schools focus on the cultivation of Jing and Qi, some schools focus on the cultivation of Jing and Shen, and some schools focus on the cultivation of Qi and Shen!

But in the eyes of most people, the physical body is the root of all power.

Only by having a strong body can we use it as a foundation to exert many powerful powers.


(End of this chapter)

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