Dreaming of the heavens, my ability can be archived

Chapter 451 Overlord of the Eastern Sea

Chapter 451 Overlord of the Eastern Sea

The ship slowly approaches the harbor
Throwing the rope from the boat, people on the shore wrapped the rope around the stakes.

The anchor sank to the bottom of the sea!

After the ship was stabilized, Xu Fei ordered people to pull up the trawl net.

"Hey hoo~ hi hoo~"

A group of shirtless strong men pulled the heavy trawl net out of the water bit by bit.

Both sides of the shore were lined with people watching.

"It's out of the water, there are fish, so many fish!"

The trawl net has just emerged, and you can see that it contains a huge number of fish.

When the entire trawl net emerged from the water, everyone was truly shocked.

The number of various fish in the net is at least a thousand catties.

Mi Zhu, who saw this scene at this time, also understood that fishing at sea can really get a huge amount of food!

This is just a random net dropped by the ship after it went out for a spin!
If we really went out to sea to fish, we would go out early and come back late, how huge the amount of fish, shrimps, crabs and other food would be obtained?
If we form another such fleet of ships.

I'm afraid just one trip to sea is enough to feed the entire county for a month or two!
In today's world, whoever controls food is equivalent to controlling the world!

Thinking of this, Mi Zhu's pupils glowed with fiery light!

Xu Fei jumped from the boat to the shore.

He personally directed everyone to collect the fish obtained this time.

"Everyone on the boat has ten pounds of fish!"

"Everything else will be sent to the military camp!"


Looking at the fishermen on the boat, each of them got ten kilograms of fish, the eyes of the people watching on the shore showed envy.

This trip went very smoothly, and the amount of food caught was also expected.

Xu Fei immediately ordered the construction of sea ships to continue, and he wanted to form a large fishing team.

Back in the city, a group of people sat down, and then Xu Fei asked Mi Zhu the reason for coming here this time.

"It's nothing serious!"

"The first batch of refined salt has been sold out, and I would like to report the profit to Governor Xu!"

When Xu Fei heard this, he stretched out his hand to stop him and said, "Don't tell me these things, I'm not interested."

"Just tell me, how many things did you bring this time?"

Mi Zhu immediately replied: "This time I brought fifty horses, two hundred pieces of Shu brocade, five hundred carts of grain, three thousand rolls of coarse cloth, fifty armor, one hundred bows, two hundred swords..."

After listening to his report, Xu Fei shook his head slightly.
Seeing this, Mi Zhu immediately said nervously: "But what is there to be dissatisfied about?"

Xu Fei replied: "In the future, I will give you less Shu brocade and replace it with more coarse cloth!"

Mi Zhu secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this answer: "Okay, I'll note it down!"

Nowadays, Qu County is in dire need of development, and the people are still in a situation where they don’t have enough to eat or clothing to keep them warm.
As the governor of Donghai County, Xu Fei always considers the people. Coarse cloth is indeed more important than Shu Brocade!

When it was time for dinner, the kitchen prepared a sumptuous fish feast from the fish caught out in the sea today.

After enjoying together, Xu Fei accompanied Mi Zhu to the salt workshop to have a look.

Since everything got back on track, more than [-] kilograms of refined salt are produced every day.

Looking at the piles of white salt, Mi Zhu felt distressed for the first time that there was too much salt.

Xu Fei saw his appearance and guessed what he was thinking.

Then he said softly: "If sales are too slow, then lower the price."

“If the volume can be increased, the profit will be very high.”

When Mi Zhu heard this, he thought for a moment and then nodded slightly.

Ordinary people rarely eat salt at home, and they only eat it once every three to five. It's not that they don't want to eat it, but because it's too expensive.

If the price of salt drops, people who have money to buy salt will be reluctant to eat it, and the demand for salt will also increase.

From a sales point of view, although the price has been reduced, profits will increase as a result.

Mi Zhu said goodbye to Xu Fei and hurried back to Mi's house to arrange the matter.

Rest for the night.

Early the next morning.

Xu Fei then led the ship out to sea for fishing.

After only half a day, tens of thousands of kilograms of fish were piled up in the cabin.

At the end of the day, I roughly estimate that I caught at least [-] kilograms in this trip!
Come home full!

There were people on the shore of the harbor waiting for the return of the ship.

Twenty thousand kilograms of fish looks much more shocking than the thousand kilograms yesterday.

Baskets of big fish were transported to the city by porters, which instantly caused a huge sensation.

Everyone knows that sea boats catch a lot of fish, but they are still amazed when they actually see it.

At the gate of the county government office, Magistrate Zhao ordered all the fish to be distributed to the people in the county according to Xu Fei's order.The government officials took to the streets beating gongs and drums to shout the news.

When the people saw basket after basket of fish entering the city, they were just watching the fun.

Unexpectedly, the government actually informed them that they would share the fish with them for free. My first reaction was that I didn’t believe it!
But when the first family received the fish

The others' blood immediately boiled with excitement, and they excitedly went to the gate of the government office to receive free fish.

That night, every household in the city cooked fish soup and drank it, and even the air was filled with the delicious smell.

While eating the delicious food, I admired the benevolence of Xu Fei, the county governor.

Ever since the county guard came to their small town, earth-shaking changes have taken place here.

Strong and warm houses have been built one after another, there is endless supply of delicious refined salt, and now fish is distributed door to door!

If life can continue like this, they will be willing to do whatever the county guard asks them to do from now on.

The next day

Xu Fei once again sailed out to sea to fish.

As technology and experience become more and more mature, more and more fish are caught.

When we returned to port in the evening, there were at least [-] kilograms of fish on the boat!
On the shore, people who were looking forward to drinking fish soup again were waiting here early.

Xu Fei did not disappoint them. Each of them took a fish back, which saved them from having to pick it up in the county and then distribute it.

From then on, ships went out to sea to fish every day!
Every time they return home with a full load, the people of Qu County are living better and better lives.

It was not until half a year later that two more huge ships were built and launched.

A fleet of three ships set out to sea together.

Even the people of Qu County couldn't eat all the fish they caught when they came back.

Xu Fei pickled the extra fish with sea salt and let the Mi family caravan take it to other places for sale.

At the same time, news is also released to the outside world!

As long as people are willing to come to Qu County, Donghai County, each person will be given a free house, and the government will provide a meal of fresh fish every day!
As soon as the news spread, countless people poured into Donghai County.

In less than a year, the population of Qu County exceeded one million!

Since there was no room for living in the city, the city walls were demolished, and orderly houses were located on this land.

The wide street in the middle is busy with traffic every day.

Countless caravans from all over the country come here to buy refined salt and seafood.

There are also some noble families who want to build ships here to go fishing.

Xu Fei naturally did not stop them, but he charged them management fees.

And every time he returned from a voyage, he had to collect [-]% tax on the goods on the ship.

If you don't agree, the goods and people will be detained directly.

If they don’t accept it, Xu Fei will let them accept it!

With the support of countless money and food, Donghai County has a hundred thousand elite soldiers.


Because there is endless fish to eat and endless medicinal materials to consume every day.

Xu Fei's strength also experienced explosive growth.

Three souls, seven souls, seven chakras!

They have all practiced to the point where there is no further progress.

If you want to improve further, you must break through your current level.

But Xu Fei doesn’t have any way to practice in the future at this time.

Then, all we can do is 'deduce'.

Cultivate your body to understand your fate, and understand your mind and nature!
Sex is the source of the heart.

Fate is the root of the body.

The cultivation of three souls and seven souls is your own life!

The three souls cultivate the heart, that is, sex!
Qipou's body is also his life!
Life and life are intertwined, and body and mind are cultivated.


The way of practice has been deduced, and the next step is to deduce the method of practice based on it!

The soul of heaven is yang, the soul of earth is yin, and they combine to form the soul of life.

The Heavenly Soul is the Yang, and the Earthly Soul is the shadow formed by the radiance of the Heavenly Soul shining on the human soul.

Without light, there is no shadow; without shadow, there is no form.

Shadowless, formless, colorless and formless!
Xu Fei calls this state: the formless state!

After cultivating to this level, your own cultivation level can be infinitely improved!

Therefore, his realm cultivation level improved again.


(End of this chapter)

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