Chapter 518 I am who I am

This is actually a world where everyone is the creator!

Originally, the level of this small world was not high, and there was not even any extraordinary ability.

But by chance, after the first transcendent person appeared, this small world underwent earth-shaking changes.

This transcendent man was originally a special soldier who accidentally entered a different world during a secret mission.

After struggling in another world for tens of thousands of years and becoming a powerful man, he finally found his way home.

After returning, I discovered that only a few decades had passed in the original world.

After that, he started to develop his 'hometown'!
Not only preaching to the whole world, but also allowing everyone to start practicing.

It also continues to transport some outstanding talents to other worlds.

At this point, this original small world has become more and more powerful and its level has become higher and higher.

At the same time, it also triggered a serious consequence, that is, it is difficult for a transcendent person to appear in this small world.

The reason is that there are too many detached people!

The world is as if it is shrouded in a skynet.

A practitioner's practice is like a crawler on this celestial web.

You can either comprehend this sky net, or you can sneak out through the gaps in this sky net.

However, when every powerful person who goes to another world returns, he will imprint what he has mastered on this world.

It's like a sky net is constantly covering the world here, layer after layer, so dense that no living being can escape.

And this is the situation in this world.

There are too many rules and the sky net is too dense, and it has reached a point where no transcendent person can appear.

But everything has advantages and disadvantages!

Because this world is so perfect, the creatures it breeds are of very high levels.

Although in this world, they are just like mortals.

But if they go to other low-level worlds, then they are supreme beings.

Therefore, a special way of practice was derived: the creator.

When everyone reaches adulthood, they can create their own world.

The level of this world is entirely determined by one's own thinking.

Universe, multiverse, infinite universe...

It’s true that as big as the heart is, the world is as big as it is!

In this world, the self-world created by everyone starts from an infinite universe.

Their starting point is the lifelong goal of all practitioners in other worlds.

The founder's goal of practice is to break his own inherent thinking.

Break your thinking!

Without any restraint, you can escape from this ultimate world.

Because the creator has been at the top since birth

They are omniscient and omniscient, and their level of thinking has already surpassed everything.

You can imagine how difficult it is for creators to break their thinking!

The time traveler Golden Finger that Xu Fei saw in the perfect world was casually created by the creator in front of him.

His idea is the same as Xu Fei's idea of ​​traveling around the world and thus seeing a lot.

Enrich your knowledge, see different things, and break your thinking.

It was also the other party who absorbed the Tao Fruit of the Perfect World.

Xu Fei knew this Dao Fruit very well, so he was able to use the other's Dao to fight back and read the other person's memory despite being extremely suppressed.

Weak people, because they have less knowledge and limited thinking, are more likely to break their own thinking.

But the weak cannot access this higher level at all, nor can they break their own thinking.

A powerful person is omniscient and omnipotent, and it is extremely difficult to break the thinking!

In this world, among the countless powerful people who were born and reached their peak, there were only four thought-breaking beings.

These beings can ignore any rules, create something out of nothing, and redefine everything...

In comparison, Xu Fei found that he seemed to be able to achieve these abilities.It's just that the methods between the two are different.

The creator is direct.

And Xu Fei is escaping!

Every time you encounter a problem, before the answer comes out, the result is a superposition state.

One is the cognitive result of the external Tao.

One is the result of Xu Fei’s cognition.

When two cognitive outcomes are the same, there will be only one outcome to the problem.

When the two cognitive outcomes are different, the problem will have two outcomes.

Both of these results will exist. It is as if Xu Fei only lives in his own cognitive world and cannot make changes to the outside world.

But the creator is different. He can let other cognitions follow his cognition and make changes. There is only one result.

This is horrible!

It's like a standard.

When everything touches the creator, one's own understanding will be aligned with him.

Xu Fei felt that it was better to leave this world as soon as possible.

But before he could react, four figures appeared in front of him.

From the memory of the obese middle-aged man, do you know who the four people in front of you are?
Among the countless powerful people in this ultimate world, the four founders who broke through their thinking stood out: Cheng Dong, Tang Sha, Xi Hongshi, and Tu Dou.

"Unexpectedly, we have always been traveling through different worlds, and today there are actually beings who can come to our world."

"Friend, what's your name?"

Hearing the other party's inquiry, Xu Fei actually felt like he recognized them, and he was eager to answer their questions.

"My name is Xu Fei!"

"Xu Fei? I haven't heard of it, but you are very good. Do you want to join us?"

Xu Fei tried his best to control himself, because he could feel that his cognition was about to be assimilated by it.

"No thanks!"

He took a few steps back and felt the barrier he touched when he came.

Under the gaze of these four people, Xu Fei slowly slipped through the barrier and left this world.

"Oh, what a pity. I finally met a different being, but the other person was scared away."

"Hahaha, don't worry, I can feel that he will come back!"


After returning to the perfect world

Found that a long time has passed
After witnessing Shi Hao and others breaking through the plateau and breaking through to the sacrificial path,

Xu Fei took Luo Feng back to his original world without staying too long.

Luo Feng has not broken through to the realm of sacrifice, or even to the realm of sacrifice. It may be because he is an outsider and has long been concerned in his heart, so he is a bit out of place.

However, even so, after he returned to Devouring World, he was able to reach the top in the shortest time.

After Xu Fei left, he experienced many worlds.

In the end, he finally realized how to protect his own understanding from the influence of the creator.

That is to know yourself more clearly.

Xu Fei goes to every world he has ever experienced

He saw another self, experiencing a cognitive life that he had never experienced before.

Smiling proudly in the world, he lived a wonderful life with Jinlian of the Miao ethnic group...

In the Wu Dynasty, he watched Xu Ji build Wu into the most powerful country...

After fighting, he and the little fairy doctor went to the world...

In Hongmeng Space, he, Xu Xiaolong and other three thousand children created and nurtured a new universe...


I am who I am!

(End of this chapter)

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